1、一与人有关的“群表示人群的英语对应词很多,差异也分得很细。现将常见的英译法归纳如下: crowdcrowd是表示“群的根本词语,通常指“无组织和无秩序的人群without organization or order。从数量上看,crowd表示的“群一般大于group表示的“群,但又小于 host表示的“群;从密度上看,crowd通常指“拥挤着的人群。如:He pushed his way through the crowd他从人群中挤过去。常见搭配有: 一群人a crowd of people一群观众a crowd of spectators一群男孩子a crowd of boys一群运发动a
2、 crowd of playersgroupgroup通常指有一定组织形式的“群,在含义上无“拥挤意味。group既能指“人群,也能在某些搭配中指“物群。常见搭配有:一群制定法律的人a group of persons who make laws一群木雕像a group of wood carvings一群飞机a group of aeroplaneshosthost的主要意思是“大量,许多,如:a host of difficulties许多困难,a host of thoughts思绪万千。host作“群字解时,特指大群great num ber。常见搭配有:一大群孩子a host of
3、children一大群对手a host of rivals一大群体操运发动a host of gym nastsgalaxygalaxy本为天文学术语,意为“星系、“天河。作“群字解时,有明显的修辞色彩,为褒义词语,常用于比喻“出色或著名人物的群brilliant company of persons。常见搭配有:一群才子a galaxy of talents一群美女a galaxy of beautiestrooptroop通常指“正常行进中的人或其他动物的群。常见搭配有:一群羚羊a troop of antelopes一群欢迎者a troop of welcomers一群游行者a troo
4、p of demonstrantsswarmswarm通常指令人反感的“蜂拥而进的人群。常见搭配有:密密麻麻的一群人a swarm of people一群保镖a swarm of bodyguardsmultitudemultitude也是一个表示“群的常用词,它同crowd的区别在于:multitude通常指“散开的群,人与人或物与物之间必有一定的空处sufficient spare;而crowd那么完全相反,表示“密集在一起的群,人与人相碰甚至拥挤。multitude既可以指人又能指物。常见搭配有:一大群人a great multitude of people一群动物a multitude
5、 of anim als一群海岛a multitude of islandsthrongthrong通常指“为数众多的挤在一处或挤向前去的群press together or forward。常见搭配有:一群人a throng of people一群影迷a throng of film fansband或gang这两个词都有明显的轻蔑色彩,多同反面词语搭配。band通常指“强盗,匪徒等的群帮、伙,而gang通常指“奴隶、犯人或干坏事的人结成的帮伙。常见搭配有:一群匪徒a band of gangsters一群贼a gang of thieves一群强盗a band of robbers一群犯人
6、a gang of convictsmobm ob是贬义词,通常指“闹事或无组织的人群。在资本家及其御用文人的笔下,mob一词是对劳苦群众的轻蔑用语,意为“庶民、乌合之众。一群暴徒a mob of rioters群恶棍a mob of blackguards一群愤怒的妇女a mob of angry womenbodybody通常指“视作整体的一群,一批,共同从事某一件事或某一种相同的情况或处境联系在一起的人群。常见搭配有:一群失业者a body of unemployed men“失业是相同的处境一群选举人a body of electors“投票选举是大家共同做的事二与动物和水生物有关的“
7、群 flockflock主要指“飞鸟家禽、牲畜的群,尤指羊群。covey指小羊small flock。常见搭配有:一群羊a flock of sheep一群鹅a flock of geese一群鸭a flock of ducks一群麻雀a flock of sparrowsherdherd通常指“大动物的群,如牛群和放牧的群等。一群牛a herd of cattle一群水牛a herd of buffaloes一群象a herd of elephants一群鹿a herd of deerdrove指“围成一团被驱赶或向前走动的畜群如牛、羊、猪等。常见的搭配有:一群骆驼a drove of ca
8、m els一群牛a drove of oxen一群马a drove of horsespackpack主要指“野兽、猎犬等的群,有时也指飞禽。常见的搭配有:一群豺狼a pack of wolves一群猎犬a pack of hounds一群松鸡a pack of grousecluster ,swarm这两个词常指“昆虫类的群。swarm又特指“蜂群或处于移动中的群,有时也指鸟群large number of insects,birds, etcmoving about together。常见搭配有:一群蚂蚁 a swarm of ants一群蝴蝶 a cluster of butterfli
9、es一群蝗虫 a swarm of locusts一群苍蝇 a swarm of flies一群蜜蜂a swarm of bees指随蜂王倾巢出动的大群或a cluster of bees指一般的蜂群三指物的“群按汉语的习惯,计算某些物体时,也用量词“群。与此相对应的英语词是:clump, cluster ,group。常见搭配有:一群建筑物 a clump of buildings一群木雕 a group of wood carvings一群海岛 a clump of islands一群飞机 a group of aeroplanes一群闪闪发光的星星 a cluster of bright
10、 stars 在现代汉语里,量词的表示法特别多不同的名词必须用不同的量词来修饰,以表示人或事物的单位。英语中的量词用法也是大学英语教学中常常遇到的难题之一。对于学习外国语的中国学生来说如何处理英语中的量词的用法是较难掌握的。本文拟就汉语量词“一群为例作一初步探讨。在汉语中量词“一群是最常用的词之一。其含意为“聚在一起的人或物或动物。是处于动态中的“一群还是处于静态中的“一群或是情态变化上的“一群,其用法都有差异且有褒贬之区别。(一)与人有关的“一群A表示中性或褒意的“一群的量词有:(作名词用时意为:一群聚集起来的、没有组织的、拥挤着的人群。)1crowd,此词是英语中表示
11、“一群最根本的词,例如:一群男学生 a crowd of school boys一群申请人 a crowd of app¨cants一群观众 a crowd of audience一群妇女 a crowd of women一大群男孩和女孩到操场看篮球比赛。A big crowd of boys and girls went to the playground to watch the basketball match2)group,是个多功能的词,几乎可以表示所有的群众概念。但在修饰人时,那么通常指一群因共同利益、目的或任务而结合在一起的人。从数量上讲,一般小于crowd所表示的“一
12、群,而且无“拥挤之意。例如:一群少先队员 a group of young pioneers一群演员 a group of actors一群女孩子 a group of girls一群教师 a group of the teachers那位年轻的工程师正在和一群工人交谈:The young engineer is talking to a group of workers3)troop通常指聚在一起活动的、生气勃勃的一群人。例如:一群示威者 a troop of demonstrators一群购物者 a troop of shoppers一群参观者 a troop of visitors一群童
13、子军 a troop of boyscouts一群人站在街道两边欢迎新市长:A troop of welcomers are standing on both sides of the street to welcome the new mayor4)bevy特指女性的“一群,有时指鸟类,尤指鹌鹑或云雀。例如:一群女演员? a bevy of actresses一群年轻女子 a bevy of young women一群女店员 a bevy of shop girls一群鹌鹑 a bevy of quails一群女演员在舞台上唱歌跳舞:On the stage,there's a be
14、vy of actresses singing and dancingB表示贬意的“一群的量词有:1)mob通常指一群企图采取暴力行动的无组织的人群。例如:一群愤怒的人 a mob of angry people一群暴徒 a mob of rioters一群奴隶 a mob of slaves一群骗子 a mob of liars一群恶棍冲进老人的商店抢走了所有的东西:A mob of blackguards burst into the old man's shop and robbed all the things away2)horde原意为游牧部落,指人群时通常含有轻蔑色彩。例
15、如:一群懒汉 a horde of lazy-bones一群诈骗犯 a horde of swindlers一群蝗虫 a horde of locusts一群流氓 a horde of hooligans一群懒汉聚在一起无所事事:A horde of lazy-bones huddled together doing nothing3)band通常指在某人指挥下为共同的目标而一起做某事的“一群人。例如:一群强盗 a band of robbers一群匪徒 a band of gangsters一群小偷 a band of thieves一群武装歹徒 a band of outlaws警察正在追
16、捕一群小偷:The policemen are trying to catch a band of thieves4)gang通常指一起工作的人群,尤指奴隶、犯人或为干坏事而结成团伙的一群人。例如:一群罪犯 a gang of criminals一群奴隶 a gang of slaves一群囚徒 a gang of prisoners法官判处一群罪犯死刑:The judge sentenced a gang of criminals to death(二)与动物有关的“一群1)flock一词通常指动物的自然类群(如:飞鸟、家禽、牲畜、山羊、绵羊等)。例如:一群大雁 a flock of wil
17、d geese一群母鸡 a flock of hens一群山羊 a flock of goats一群燕子 a flock of swallows一群鸟 a flock of birds一群母鸡在田野里吃食:A flock of hens are pecking in the field2)herd通常指一起吃食或行走的大动物的群体,尤指牛群。例如:一群牛 a herd of cattle一群象 a herd of elephants一群马 a herd of horses一群天鹅 a herd of swans一群天鹅在湖水里欢快地游着:A herd of swans are swimming
18、 freely in the lake。3)pack一词通常指一群一起追猎的食肉动物,有时也指飞禽。例如:一群豺狼 a pack of wolves一群松鸡 a pack of grouse一群猎犬 a pack of hounds一群贪婪的狼试图寻找一些食物吃:A pack of greedy wolves tried to find some food to eat-4)swarm、cluster通常指昆虫类的群,而swarm尤指蜂群。cluster除有“一群之意外,还有“一串“一束等意。例如:一群蜜蜂 a swarm of bees一群蚊子 a swarm of mosquitoes一群
19、蝴蝶 a cluster of butterflies一串葡萄 a cluster of grapes一串浆果a cluster of berrie一群漂亮的蝴蝶在空中飞舞:A cluster of beautiful butterflies are dancing in the air "群"含有"多"的意思,在英语中常用"a group of."来表示"一群".实际上,因为文体不同、搭配不同及感情色彩的不同,"群"也有多种不同的表达.下面就介绍一些较为常用的含有&quo
20、t;群"意思的词.1. group: n. a number of people or things placed together(常用词)群;组.例如:A group of little girls are playing in the park. 一群小女孩正在公园里玩. There are a group of beautiful islands along the sea. 沿着海边有一群美丽的岛屿.2. band: n. a group of people formed for some common purpose and often with a leader; a
21、group of animals 一伙人,一帮人;一群(动物).例如:We were set upon by a band of robbers. 一群强盗袭击了我们.A band of ducks is swimming in the lake. 一群鸭子游在湖面上.3. batch: n. (infml) a group (非正式)一批;一组.例如:Our company has got a batch of orders. 我们公司拿到了一批定单.Tom has received several batches of letters. 汤姆收到了好几堆信.4. bunch: n. (in
22、fml , often humor or derog) a group (非正式,常用于幽默或贬义中)一群,一帮,一伙.例如:John has a bunch of friends and often gets their help. 约翰有一帮子朋友并且经常得到他们的帮助.A bunch of children surrounded the ice-cream man. 一群孩子围住了那个卖冰淇淋的人.5. cloud: n. a large number of small things moving through the air as a mass (尤指飞行中的大批小动物,如昆虫等)一
23、大群,一团.例如:Birds are flying in dense clouds. 鸟密密麻麻地飞着.A cloud of locusts is approaching the forests. 一大群蝗虫正飞近森林.6. clump: n. a group of trees, bushes, plants, etc. growing together 树丛,灌木丛,草丛等.例如:There is a big clump of grasses on the hill. 山上有一大片草丛.7. cluster: n. a number of things of the same kind gr
24、owing or being close together in a group (人或动物的)群集,(东西的)聚集.例如:A cluster of bees is flying among the flowers. 一群蜜蜂在花丛中飞舞.a cluster of houses/ spectators/ islands/ diamonds/ stars etc. 密密匝匝的房子/观众/岛屿/钻石/星星等8. collection: n. a group of objects collected as hobby, for study, etc.; group of people (一批)收集物
25、;人群.例如:Janet has a very good collection of foreign coins. 珍妮收集了不少外国硬币.An odd collection of people attended the party. 一群稀奇古怪的人参加了舞会.9. crew: n. a group of people working together 一起工作的一群人.例如:They form a train track repair crew. 他们组成一组铁轨维修人员.We were such a happy crew on our day in London. 我们一群人在伦敦的那天
26、都很快活.10. crowd: n. a large number of people gathered together 人群;群众.例如:There were crowds of people at the theatre. 剧院里满是人.He pushed his way through the crowd. 他在人群里挤来挤去.11. flock: n. a group of sheep, goats, or birds; (infml) a crowd, large number of people 羊群,鸟群;(非正式)人群.例如:A flock of people poured
27、into the hall. 一群人涌进了大厅.A flock of sheep were straying all over the road and causing confusion among the traffic. 路上到处是跑散的绵羊,造成交通混乱.12. gang: n. a group of people working together, such as prisoners or building workers; (often derog) a group of friends who are against other groups 人群;(贬义)一帮人,一伙人.例如:
28、Let's ask the rest of the gang instead of going alone. 让我们问问其他伙伴,不要单个儿去.A gang of criminals raided the bank. 一群犯罪分子抢劫了银行.13. herd: n. (derog) people generally thought of as acting alike with no person having his own thoughts or opinions; a group of animals of one kind which live and feed togethe
29、r (贬义)人群,群众(无主见者);兽群.例如:The common herd suffered a lot in those days. 当时一般群众的生活都很苦.A herd of cows was grazing in the field. 一群牛在地里吃草.14. host: n. a large number 大群,大数目.例如:A host of people spread out on the hillside in all directions. 一大群人在山坡上四处分散开来.He has a host of friends. 他有很多朋友.15. knot: n. a sma
30、ll group of people close together 一小群聚在一起的人.例如:I can hear a knot of people whisper in the next room. 我能听见一小群人在隔壁低声细语.A knot of people waited on the platform for the train. 一小群人在站台上等火车.16. lot: n. a group of people or things of the same type; amount of a substance or material 一批(人或物),一群(人或物).例如:Anoth
31、er lot of students is arriving soon. 另一群(或批)学生马上就到.This wine is no good but I hope the next lot will be better. 这批酒不好,但我希望下一批会好些.17. mass: n. (often pl. with sing. meaning, infml) a large number (of people) (非正式,常用复数形式表示单数意思)许多人,人群.例如:There are masses of people here. 这里有许多人.A mass of people jammed i
32、nto the arena. 人群涌进了赛场.18. pack: n. group of wild animals that hunt together or group of dogs kept for hunting, esp. with horses; (derog) number of people or things (野兽的)一群,(猎狗的)一群;(贬义)(人或动物的)一帮,一伙.例如:A pack of angry shoppers demanded their money back. 一群顾客愤怒地要求退款.A pack of dogs were chasing the fox. 一群猎狗正在追捕那只狐狸.19. party: n. a group of people doing something together 一群人,一伙人,团体.例如:A party of schoolchildren is going to France. 一个小学生团体要到法国去.Forest rangers sent out a rescue party to bring back the injured hiker. 森林守护员派出了一支救援队去救回那位受伤的远足者.20. schoo
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