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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2016中考英语:重点单词短语用法大总结1.cost/take/spend/pay花费花费时间做某事:It takes sb sometime to do sth.=sb spend sometime(in)doing sth.=sb spend some time on sth.某人花钱买某物: sb spend some money on sth . = sb pay some money for sth . = sth cost sb . some money . spend 和 pay 主语都是人, cost 主语是物。 spent 还可以指“度过” How

2、did you spend your weekend ?The sweater _ me 90 yuan . =I_ 90 yuan for the sweater .=I _ 90 yuan on the sweater .He spent lots of money _ the mobile phone .It _ her 20 minutes to go home everyday . = He _ 20 minutes _ home every day .2 . thanks for为而感谢 _inviting me to your birthday party .thanks to

3、多亏/由于_ your help.I got good grades .3 . 感叹句:多么 what + 名词how + 形容词 / 副词. _ bad weather !. _ hard he works !. _ fresh vegetables ! . _ cute a monkey it is !4 . 因为、由于: because( 连词 ) +从句: ( 表示原因 )because of(介词短语) + 名词(短语 )= thanks to I didnt go to school _ I had a headache .He was late for class _ the b

4、ad weather.He cant come _ he is ill .Many people have a cold _ the cold weather .because和 so不能同时连用 .5 . 来自: be from = come from Where are you from ? = Where _ you _ _ ? He is from Tibet . = He _ _ Tibet .6 . How often 对频率提问( 多久一次) 回答用表示频率的副词或短语How long 对一段时间提问 (多久 ) 回答用表示一段时间的状语How soon 对将来时间提问 ( 多久

5、 ) 回答用 in+时间段How far 询问多长距离(多长)- _ have you been collecting the kites ? -For ten years .- _ do you go shopping ? -Sometimes. - _will your father come back ? - In two years .- _ do you exercise ? - Once a week .- _ is it from your home to school ? - About ten miles .- _ are you staying there ? - Two

6、weeks .7 . 乘交通工具: take a / the +交通工具在句中作谓语by+交通工具=on a 交通工具在句中作方式状语交通工具有:train/bus/car/taxi/boat/subway/plane He takes a bus to bank .= He goes to bank by bus . = He goes to bank on a bus . I walk to school . = I go to school _ .骑自行车、马或驴用ride : ride ones bike / ride a horse / ride a donkey in ones c

7、ar8 . 对不起: Excuse me (劳驾,客套话)Sorry ( 表示道歉 ) _.Where is Tianfu Square in Chengdu ?Would you mind cleaning your room ? - _ . Ill do it right away .- Dont eat in class . - _ . Ms Clark . _ , is this the way to the station ?9 . 声音: sound ( 自然界各种声音 )noise(噪音)voice(悦耳的声音:嗓子)Lucy has a sweet_ . That _ like

8、 agood idea .Dont make _ . The baby is sleeping .10 . look like (外貌看起来像 )be like ( 性格像 )Lily _ _Lucy . Oh , they are twins . Tony_ _ a monkey because he is cute and playful .11 . take to 带去bringto 带来fetch 没有方向性(强调来回) Tony ._ the ball here .Please . My father often _ me _ concerts on Sundays . _your

9、homework _ school tomorrow .12. 一些: some 用于肯定句any 用于否定句和疑问句 Id like _ milk .Would you like_ yogurt ?_ Thanks . I dont want_ .在一般疑问句中,认为对方的答案会是肯定的,或期望得到对方肯定回答时,也用some .13. 多少: How many修饰可数名词复数How much 修饰不可数名词 _juice do you want ? _apples do you want ?- _is the T-shirt ? Its 30 yuan . How much可对价钱提问:H

10、ow much are the potatoes ?14.看 :see 强调看的结果look ( at ) 不及物动词,强调看的动作watch 观看:比赛、电视、表演、电影read 读,朗读:看书、看报、看信、看杂志Dont_ in bed . We will_ a basketball game this evening . Please _the blackboard . Everyone . I _ a bird in the tree yesterday .On Saturday night . I saw an interesting talk show .On Saturday e

11、vening . several kids watched a movie . watch a movie =go to a movie15. stop doing sth 停止做某事 Please stop talking.stop to do sth 停下来去做别的事 The girl soon stopped _ (cry ) . He wastired and stopped _ (have ) a rest .16. forget /remember后接不定式表示未发生的动作:forget /remember to do sth(忘记/记得去做某事) He forgot to tur

12、n off the light .(没有做关灯的动作) Remember to go to the post office after school .forget / remember 后接ving表示已发生的动作:forget /remember doing sth(忘记/记得做过某事) He forgot turning off the light .(已做过关灯的动作) Dont you remember seeing the man before ?17. 到达 reach + 地点get to + 地点 reach = get toarrive + in + 大地点arrive +

13、 at + 小地点 He reached London yesterday . = He _ to London yesterday . =He _ in London yesterday . Shearrived _ the bus station just now . You should_ ( get ) home on time .当get to和 arrive at /in后接地点副词时,都不加介词。如:get home get there 省略 to18. 擅长,在方面做得好: be good at = do well in . She is good at chemistry .

14、 = She _ _ _ chemistry . Niuniu is good at _ the violin . = Niuniu _ well in_ the violin . Lucy and Lily are twin girls .Lucy is better _ dancing than Lily .but Lily _ in singing than Lucy .19. win (赢得 )接a game、 war 、a match、 a prizebeat( 打败、战胜 )接运动员、球队、对手等。 Which team_ the football match ? Wang Hao

15、_ Ma Lin and _ the champion of the Mens Singles .20. 借 borrow sth . from sb = borrow sb .sth 向某人借某物borrow借入lend sth . to sb = lend sb . sth把某物借给某人 lend 借出keep延续性动词 ,与一段时间连用。 Can you lend me your bike ? = Can you _ your bike _ me ? You can borrow some money _ your brother . = You can borrow your brot

16、her _ _. - How long can I _ the book ?- You can _ it for two weeks .类似用法的还有:buy have put on wear become beleave be away from open be open begin be ondie be dead return be back become He has _ a doctor .He has _ a doctor for 10 years . begin The film has _ .The film has _ for ten minutes .21. 能,会。be

17、able tocan情态动词后面都接动词原形。 We should_ able to finish the work tomorrow . I can_ (play) the guitar . He _able toplay chess .22. too many 太多 修饰可数名词复数 I have too many rules in my house .too much 太多 修饰不可数名词Maybe you have too much yin .much too太 后跟形容词或副词原级 This coat is much too expensive . Eating_ _ is bad

18、for your health . Its _ _cold today . Youd better not go out.There are_ students in the hallways . Its dangerous.23. have / has been to 去过某地 He has been to Beijing . (现在不在北京)have / has gone to 去了某地 He has gone to Beijing . (现在可能在北京,或在去北京的途中)have/has been in / at在某地I have ever_ _ America twice . He h

19、as_ _ Beijing for ten years . Where is your brother ?- He_ _ to Hainan . _ you ever _ _ Disneyland ?24. used to do sth .过去常做某事 This river used to be very clean .be(get)used to doing sth .习惯于做某事 Im not used to getting up early .be used to do sth = be used for doing sth .被用于做某事 Pens are used for writi

20、ng . XiaoGang_ _ _ afraid of the dark . The broom is _ _ clean the room . = The broom is _ cleaning the room. He _ _ living countryside .There is fresh air and sweet well . Wood _ _ making paper .25. belong to + 名词 / 人称代词宾格 (属于)be + 名词所有格 / 名词性物主代词 (是)It must _Nings .= It must _ Ning . The pencil mu

21、st be _ (my) . = The pencil must belong to _(my) . This ball_ to me .= This ball is _ .26. cant 不可能 0表示推测、判断 could/might 也许、可能 50 80must 肯定、一定 100 The CD_ belong to Tony . because he likes listening to music . The notebook _ be mine .It has my name on it . The toy_ be my grandpa . After all .He is a

22、n old man .27. be made from (由制成)看不出原材料be made of (由制成)看得出原材料 The table_ _ _ wood . Paper_ _ _ wood .28. prefer to do sth 宁愿做某事prefer sth . to sth . 喜欢而不喜欢prefer doing sth . to doing sth . 喜欢做而不喜欢做 I prefer_ (swim) to _ (play) balls . He_fish to beef . I prefer to _ (walk) to work .29. 一些表示人的情感或情绪的形

23、容词: ed 修饰人 ing 修饰物 I want to go somewhere _ (relaxing/relaxed) . She is_ in this _ history story .(interesting/interested ) interesting(有趣的) interested(感兴趣的) tiring(累人的) tired(累的,疲倦的)boring (令人无聊的) bored(无聊的)exciting(令人兴奋的)excited(激动的)surprising(令人惊讶的) surprised(惊讶的)relaxing(令人放松的) relaxed(放松的)embar

24、rassing (令人尴尬的;令人为难的) embarrassed(尴尬的;为难的)30. So + 助/系/情态 + 主语表示肯定意义(也是如此)Neither + 助/系/情态 + 主语 表示否定意义(也不)它们都属于倒装句。 My mother didnt go to school ._ _ my father. James comes from the USA ._ _ Tom . My pen pal can speak Japanese . _ _ I . = Me _ . My sister isnt out going . _ _ I .= Me_ .31. both 两者都a

25、ll三者或三者以上都 The twins_ are good students . There are lots of colorful flowers on _ sides of the streets . There are five people in my family . We _ like playing sports. My parents _love us . We are very happy .32. alone 单独,独自一人He is alone at home .lonely 孤独的,寂寞的。有一定的感情色彩 He lives alonely life in the

26、country . Sometime she feels quite _ because he has no friends . She lives_ in that large house .33 in the tree 外来的I saw a cat in the tree .on the tree 长在树上的There are many apples on the tree . How many monkeys can you see _ the tree ? There area lot of bananas_ the tree .34. in the wall 指在墙体内on the

27、wall 指在墙体表面 There is a map _ the wall . There is a door _ the wall .35. on the bed 指物品在床上My bag is on the bed .in bed 指人躺在床上Lily is ill in bed . There is a jacket _ . I have to be _ by ten oclock .36. 引导结果状语从句:so和such(如此以至于)so是副词,后接adj和adv .句型:so+adj/adv+that从句He worked so hard that he got the first

28、prize .so+adj+a(n)+n.+that从句 = such+a(n)+adj+n.+that从句That was so interesting a story that Iread it twice .= That was such an interesting story that I read it twice .such是形容词,后接n.句型:such+a(n)+adj+n.+that从句He is such a hard-working student that all the teachers love him .such+pl./不可数n+that从句It is suc

29、h good weather that we can go swimming . He runs_fast _ we cancatch him. Lili is_a kind girl _we all love her . Tom is _a clever boy that he can answer the question .= Tom is_ clever a boy that he can answer the question . The box is_ heavy _ I cant carry it .在名词前有many / much /few / little这些词修饰时,要用s

30、othat 。sothat句型的否定形式可用简单句tooto或notenough to代替。如:He is so young that he cant go to school .= He is too young to go to school .= He is not old enough to go to school .37. 引导时间状语从句:when + 延续性/短暂性动词When I was watching TV , he came in . = When he came in , I was watching TV .while+延续性动词(多用进行时)While I was

31、 in Shanghai ,I visited him . _ he was sleeping . Someone knocked at the door .= He was sleeping _ someone knocked at the door . _ the boy heard his mothers voice , he stopped crying . My mother was cooking _ I was doing my homework .38. at the age of 和 when 引导的时间状语可以互换。I began to play football when

32、 I was five years old . = I began to play football _ _ _ five .39.instead 放句首、句末instead of + n/pron/ving = rather than . I will go to see her _ you . He doesnt like beer. give him coke _ . We often sing English song _ reading aloud .40. 看起来像是似乎/好像 (sb/sth)seems to do sthIt seems that +从句 It_ _ he fe

33、els very sad . = He _ _ _ very sad. She seems to want to have a drink .= _ _ that she _ to have a drink .41. “疑问词 + 动词不定式”与“宾语从句”的互换。 I will show you where you should go .= I will show you _ _ . I dont know what to do . =I dont know what _ .A should I do B I should do Could you tell me how I can get

34、 to Summer Palace ?= Could you tell me how _ _ _Summer Palace ?宾语从句应该用陈述语序。如:Could you please tell me _ _ _ _ (天气如何)in Chongqi?42. 问题/难题 question由于疑惑不解而提出的问题,多和ask / answer搭配使用。problem指有待解决的较难的问题或物理/数学方面的题等,多与solve /work out 搭配。 Please answer my_ in English . I cant work out this maths _. This is a

35、difficult_ to answer .43.family家/家庭(强调家庭成员,与居住的房子无关)My family are kind people .home 家(指人出生或居住的地方,带有一定感情色彩)Welcome to my home .house 房子/住宅(居住的建筑物)They moved to their new house last year . How many people are there in your _? I want to save money and buy a big _. I love Chengdu , I looked Chengdu as m

36、y _ .44.in front of (在前面) 在某一范围以外的前面There is a tall tree in front of our classroom .in the front of (在前部) 在某一范围内的前面Two persons are sitting in the front of the car . The policeman stands_ the car . The driver sits _ the car .45. 在晚上,在夜里 at nighton + a +adj + night You shouldnt go out _ night. He met

37、a thief_ a cold night .46. 在之间 between (两者之间)多与and连用。among(三者或三者以上的人或物之间) She is sitting_ Lucy and Lily . He built a house _ the trees .47.sometimes不时;有时(是一般现在时的标志词)Sometimes I go to school by bus .sometimes 几次(此时time是可数名词,意为“次数”)He has been to Shanghai some times .sometime 某个时间(表示在过去或将来的某个时候) I saw

38、 him sometime last year .some time一段时间(此时time是不可数名词) He will stay here for some time . We are going to have a party _ next week . _ the boy is late for school . He spent _in cutting hair .So he missed the early bus . LiJun has been to Birds Nest_ .48.wear +衣服/鞋帽/眼镜等(强调状态)Our teacher often wears a pa

39、ir of glasses .put on +衣服/鞋帽/眼镜等(强调动作)Kate puts on her hat and goes out .be in + 颜色/服饰(强调状态)The girl in red is my sister .dress + 人/反身代词 (给某人穿) She dresses her daughter every morning . Youd better _ your coat . She was_ a flower in her hair . The boy _ white is my friend . He is too young to_ himsel

40、f . Miss Li often _the white sports shoes . dress当表示状态时常用be dressed in + 衣物(穿着颜色的衣服)He is dressed in a black coat .他常穿着黑色的外套。 49.play+ 球类、棋类名词(不加the )play badminton/ play chess / play computer gamesplay the+乐器名词。(必须加the) play the violin -Do you like to play _ football after class , Li Lei ?- Yes ,I

41、do . A .a B .the C . / Sam cant play _(piano), but he can play _ (chess) .50.There be 强调“某处有” have 强调“某人有” _two computers in the room . My uncle _ a car .当表示整体与局部的关系时,there be与have可互换使用。如:There are twelve months in a year .= A year has twelve months . 一年有十二个月。51.speak 指说话的能力,也可表示“演讲、发言”。其后可以接语言类词汇。s

42、ay强调说的内容。say sth.to sb.Please say hello tohim .talk指相互之间的谈话。talk to /with sb表示与某人交谈,talk about sb / sth 表示“谈论某人 / 某事”。 She is talking with her boss .tell侧重指“告诉”,后接双宾语或复合宾语:tell sb.sth. Please tell me the time .tell sb(not) . to do sth . She told me to wait for her . tell可以和lie ,story搭配。如: tell alie

43、/ tell a story / tell a joke / tell a truth . From his face we could see that he was _ a lie . She is_ at the meeting . Fangfang_ she is at home . They are_about the weather . He cant _ it in French, but he can _ English .52. if引导条件状语从句真实条件状语从句 主句是将来时,从句用现在时代替将来。虚拟条件状语从句 虚拟语气 If I _ (be) a bird , I would _ (fly) in the sky . If it _ (not)rain ,We will climb the hill . If I _ (win) a million dollars , I would _ (travel) around the worl


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