1、初中英语单词速记法初中英语单词速记法记得小时候,语文老师课堂上说:同学们“休”息的“休”字,这个字应该分成 “人”和“木”,所谓的休息就是一个人靠在一块木头上”。同学们便在课间耳语“语文老师真伟大,每个汉字都讲的如此生动。到了中学开始学习英语,背单词是最头疼的事情,一个字母一个字母的死记单词,就像靠一笔一画记汉字一样,吃尽了苦头。弄到后来一见到长单词就害怕,心里总是想,要是英语也有偏旁部首,该有多好啊! 后来到了大学,才发现英语其实也有偏旁部首,只不过它换了名叫词根词缀。认识到词根词缀的重要性,学习起来就容易多了!学会词根才是真正学懂单词举例:porter 搬运工人这个单词中port是词根,含
2、义是“搬拿”,而er是后缀,含义是“人” . 搬运工人就是搬东西的人。从词根port(搬拿),看看我们初中学过那些和它有关的单词:(19个单词)im(向里)+port(搬拿)import进口import进口+able(可.的) importable可进口的import(进口)+er(人)importer进口者re(再,回)+ import(进口)reimport再进口ex(向外)+port(搬拿)export出口export(出口)+able(可.的) exportable可输出的export(出口)+er(人)exporter出口者re(再,回)+ export(出口)reexport再出口
3、re(再,回)port(搬拿)report报道report(报道)+er(人)reporter记者report(报道)+able(可.的)reportable可报告的sup(下)+port(搬拿) support支持support(支持)er(人) supporter支持者support(支持)+able(可.的) supportable可支持的trans(跨越)+port(搬拿) transport运输transport(运输)er(人) transporter运输者transport运输+able(可.的)transportable可运输的air(天空)+port(搬拿) airport飞
4、机场pass(通过)+port(搬运)passport护照,通行证举例:revise 复习这个单词中vise是词根,含义是“看”,而re前面已经讲过,含义是“再,回” .复习就是把学习过的东西再看一遍。从词根vis(搬拿),看看我们初中学过那些和它有关的单词:(20个单词)revise(复习)+ion(名词) revision复习 revise(复习)+er(人) reviser复习者pre(先,前)+vise(看) previse预知 previse预知)+ion(名词) prevision预知vis(看)+it(走) visit参观; 游览 re(再,回) +visit参观 revisit
5、,再参观visit参观+or(人) visitor 参观者 vis(看)+ible(可.的) visible可看见的in(不)+vis(看)+ible(可.的) invisible看不见的 vis(看)+ion(名词) vision(视觉,景象)vis(看)+age(名词)visage外表 super(在上面)+vise (看)supervise监督supervise(监督)+or(人)supervisor监督者 tele(远)+vis(看)+ion(名词) television电视tele(远)+phone(声音)telephone电话 micro(小)+phone(声音)microphon
6、e扩音器,麦克风tele(远)+gram(写)telegram电报 gram(写)+ar(物体)grammar语法pro(先)+ gram(写) program程序 gram(写)+o+phone(声音) gramophone留声机举例3:car 汽车car其实就是个词根,它的含义是:“装,运”,car的本意就是装运东西的一个物体。从car这个词根中,看看初中我们学过拿些和它有关的单词:(7个单词)Car(装,运)+go(走)cargo货物 Car(装,运)+ry(动词)+Carry 运送Car(装,运)+d(无意义)+card卡片(装信息的) ID(确认)+Card(卡片)ID Card 身
7、份证Post(邮局)+card(卡片)postcard明信片 Car(装,运)+e(动词)care关心(装着你,就是关心你)Car(装,运)+t(无意义)Cart(马车)举例4 dictionary 字典dictionary 字典,这个你熟悉的单词中,有你不熟悉的词根dict“说言”。从dict这个词根中,看看初中我们学过拿些和它有关的单词:(7个单词)dict(说)+ ate(动词)dictate 听写,命令dictate(命令)+or(人)dictator 独裁者dict(说)+ion(名词)diction措辞;didiction措辞+ary(物)dctionary字典pre(先,前)+d
8、ict说predict 预言contra(反着)+dict(说)-contradict反驳,顶嘴bene(好)+dict(说)+ion(名词)benediction祝福举例:5 in含义是“向里”,out是含义是“向外”从in和out这个两个词根中,看看初中我们学过拿些和它有关的单词:(10个单词)out(向外)+look(看)outlook景色in(向里)+look(看)inlook 内心省察,向内看out(向外)+go(走)+ing(的)outgoing 对人友好的in(向里)+go(走)+ing(的)ingoing进入的out(向外)+side(面)outside adv.在外面, 向外
9、面in(向里) +side(面)inside n.里面, 内部out(向外)+door(门)outdoor adj.户外的, 露天的in(向里) +door(门)indoor adj. 室内的, 户内的out(向外)+come(来)outcome 结果in(向里) + come(来)income n.收入, 所得, 收益举例:6 根据提示猜猜下面单词的含义;1:cycle(圆圈)+one(一个 )cyclone打一种像圆圈一样的风:2:bi(两个)+cycle(圆圈)bicycle打一由两个圆圈组成的常用交通工具。3:Tri(三个)+cycle(圆圈)tricycle打一由三个圆圈组成的常用交
10、通工具。4:Re(再次)+cycle(圆圈) recycle一再绕圆圈使用东西的过程叫什么?5:cycle圆圈+ist人 cyclist 打一类人,他们是经常在圆圈上的人。6:One(一个)+color(颜色)one color 一个颜色又叫什么颜色 :7:bi两个 +color颜色bicolor两个颜色又叫什么颜色:8:tri三个color颜色tricolor 三个颜色又叫什么颜色:9:re再次+color颜色recolor 给一个东西再一次上颜色叫: 10:color颜色+ist人colorist 经常用颜色的人: 其实我们大部分的同学在记忆英文单词的时,和外国人犯了同样的错误,我们总是习
11、惯将构成单词的那些英文字母看成是相互之间毫不相干的随机组合。于是就将单词里的字母一个一个地边念边写,不断的重复机械记忆,就像记忆电话号码一样,直至完全记住为止。以这种方式记忆单词,就如同在用最基本的笔画“点、横、竖、撇、捺”记汉字;这好比放着阳关大道不走,专走崎岖小路,纯粹是自己和自己过不去。说白了英语字母就等于汉字的“点、横、竖、撇、捺”,英文字母之间的组合就等于汉字偏旁部首。也就是说:“只有掌握了英语当中的偏旁部首,才是你记忆单词的最佳选择。”Aa (an) art *ability n able a about prep & adabove prep abroad a & ad *abs
12、ent a *accent n accept vaccident n *ache n *achieve vacross prep act n & v action n active a activity n *add v address n advantage n advertisement n advice n *advise vafford vafraid a after ad , prep & conj afternoon n again ad against prep age n ago ad agree v*agreement n air n *airline*airplane n
13、*airport n alive a all a & pronallow valmost ad alone a along ad & prep aloud ad already ad also ad although conjalways ad America n American a & n among prep *ancient a and conjangry a animal n another a & pronanswer n & v *ant n any pron & a anybody pron anyone pron anything pron *anyway ad *anywh
14、ere ad appear vapple n April n areaarm n *army n around prep & adarrive v art n *article n as ad, conj & prep Asia n *Asian a & n ask v asleep a at prep *Atlantic n & a attention n August n aunt n Australia n Australian a & n autumn n *available a *avoid n *awake vaway ad Bbaby n back ad & n *backgr
15、ound n bad ( worse, worst) a bag n ball n balloon n bamboo n banana n bank n *baseball n *basic a basket n basketball n *bathroom n be (is, am, are, was, were, being, been) aux vbeach n bear n beat v & n beautiful a because conj become (became, become) v bed n bedroom n bee n beef n before prep, ad
16、& conjbegin (began, begun) v *behaviour n behind prep believe vbell n below prep beside prep besides prep & ad between prep *beyond prep big a bike =bicycle nbill n bird n *birth n birthday n *biscuit n bit n *bitter a black a & n blackboard n blind a *blood n blow (blew, blown) vblue n & a board n
17、boat n body n book n boring a born a borrow v*boss n both pron & a bottle n bottom n bowl n box n boy n *brain n brave a bread n break (broke, broken) v & nbreakfast n *breath n breathe vbridge n bright a bring (brought, brought) v brother n brown n & a brush v & n build (built, built) vbuilding n b
18、urn (-ed, ed/burnt, burnt) vbus n business n busy a but conjbutter n *butterfly n buy (bought, bought) vby prep bye interjC*cabbage n cake n call v & n camel n camera n *camp n & v can modal vCanada n *cancel vcandle n cancer n candy n cap n capital n *captain n car n card n care v & n careful a car
19、eless a carry v cat n catch (caught, caught) v cause n & vCD n *CD-ROM n.*ceiling n celebrate vcent n centre n century n certain a chair n *chairman/woman n chalk n chance n change v*chant n & v cheap a *cheat vcheck n & v*cheer n & v cheese n chemistry n chess n *chest n chicken n child (pl. childr
20、en) n China n Chinese a & n chocolate n *choice n choose (chose, chosen) v*chopsticks n Christmas n *church n cinema n circle n & vcity n *clap v & n class n classmate n classroom n clean a & vclear a clever a climb vclock n *clone vclose v & a clothes n cloud n cloudy a club n *coach n coal n *coas
21、t n coat n coffee n coin n coke n cold a & n collect vcollege n colour (Am color) n & vcome (came, come) vcomfortable a *common a *communicate v*communication n company n *compare v*competition n *complete a & v *composition n computer n concert n *condition n *conference n connect v*consider v*cont
22、inue v*control vconversation n cook v & n *cooker n cool a copy n & v corner n correct v & a cost v & ncotton n & a cough n & vcould modal v count vcountry ncountryside n *couple n *courage n *course n cousin n cover n & vcow n *crayon n *crazy a *create vcross v & n *cruel a cry n & v culture n cup
23、 n cut (cut, cut) v & n Ddad (daddy) n *daily a, ad & n dance v & n danger n dangerous a dare v & aux vdark a & n date n daughter n day n dead a *deaf a deal vdear a death n December n decide vdecision n deep a & ad *degree n delicious a *dentist n *depend v describe v desk n develop v*development n
24、 dialogue (Am dialog) n diary n dictionary n die v difference n different a difficult a difficulty n dig (dug, dug) vdinner n *direct a & v*direction n director n dirty a discover v*discovery n discuss v discussion n disease n dish n *dismiss v*disturb vdivide vdo (did, done) vdoctor n dog n doll n
25、dollar n door n double a & n *doubt n & vdown ad & prep downstairs ad *dozen n draw (drew, drawn) v*drawer n dream (-ed, -ed/dreamt, dreamt) v & n dress n & vdrink (drank, drunk) v & n drive (drove, driven) v driver n drop n & v*drug n *drum n dry v & a duck n dumpling n during prep duty n *DVD nEea
26、ch a & pronear n early a & ad earth n east n, a & adeasy a eat (ate, eaten) v*edge n education n *effort n egg n eight num eighteen num eighth numeighty num either a , conj & ad *elder a*electric a elephant n eleven numelse ae-mail n & vempty a encourage vend n & v *enemy n *energy n engineer n Engl
27、and n English n & a enjoy venough a & ad enter v*environment n eraser n especially ad Europe n European a & neven ad evening n ever ad every a everybody pron *everyday a everyone pron everything proneverywhere ad exam =examination n *examine vexample n excellent a except prep excite vexcuse n & v ex
28、ercise v & n expect vexpensive a experience n experiment n explain v express veye n Fface n & v fact n factory n fail v*fair afall (fell, fallen) vfamily n famous a fan n *fantastic a far(farther, farthest/further, furthest) a & ad farm n farmer n fast a & ad fat a father n favourite (Am favorite) a
29、 & n fear n February n feed (fed, fed) vfeel (felt, felt) vfeeling n festival n fetch vfever n few pron & afield n fifteen numfifth num fifty num fight (fought, fought ) v & n fill vfilm n final a find (found, found) vfine a finger n finish v fire n first num, a & ad fish n *fisherman n fit a & vfiv
30、e num fix vflag n *flat n floor n flower n *flu n fly1 (flew, flown) vfly2 n follow vfood n foot (pl. feet) n football n for prep *force vforeign a foreigner n forest n forget (forgot, forgot) v*fork n form n forty num *forward ad four num fourteen num fourth num fox n free a freeze (froze, frozen)
31、vfresh a Friday n fridge (=refrigerator) n friend n friendly a friendship n *frog n from prep front a & n fruit n full a fun n funny a *furniture n future n Ggame n garden n gate n general a gentleman n geography n *gesture n get (got, got) v gift n *giraffe n girl n give (gave, given) v glad a glas
32、s n glove n go (went, gone) vgoat n *god n gold n & a *golden a good ( better, best) a goodbye (bye-bye) interjgoose (pl. geese) n government n grade n *grammar n *grandchild ngranddaughter n grandma = grandmother n grandpa = grandfather n grandparent n grandson n *granny n grape n grass n great a g
33、reen a & n*greeting n ground n group n grow (grew, grown) v *guard n guess v guest n guitar n *gun n *gym = gymnasium n Hhabit n hair n half a & n hall n *ham n hamburger n hand n *handbag n *handsome a *handwriting n hang (hung, hung) vhappen v happy a hard ad & a hardly ad hat n hate v & n have (
34、has, had, had) v he pronhead n headache n health n healthy a hear (heard, heard) vheart n heat n heaven n heavy a height n hello (hi) interjhelp v & n helpful a hen n her pronhere ad hero n hers pronherself pron hide (hid, hidden) vhigh a hill n him pron himself pron his pronhistory n hit (hit, hit
35、) vhobby n hold (held, held) vhole n holiday n home n & ad hometown n homework n honest a *honour (Am honor) n & vhope n & v horse n hospital n hot a *hotdog n hotel n hour n house n housework n how ad however ad & conjhuge a human a & n *humorous a hundred num hungry a hurry n & vhurt (hurt, hurt)
36、vhusband n II pron ice n ice-cream n idea n if conj ill a illness n imagine v*immediately ad important a impossible a improve vin prep *inch n include vincrease v & n India n Indian a & n*industry n *influence n information n ink n inside prep *insist vinstead ad instruction n *intention n interest
37、n interesting a *international n Internet n *interview n & vinto prep introduce v *introduction n invent vinvention n invite v *iron n & visland n it pronits pron itself pron Jjacket n January n Japan n Japanese n & a *jeans n job n join v joke n & v *joy n juice n July n jump vJune n just a & ad Kk
38、eep (kept, kept) v key n keyboard n kick v & n kid n kill vkilo = kilogram n kilometre (Am kilometer) n kind1 akind2 nking n kiss n & v kitchen n kite n knee n knife (pl. knives) n knock v & n know (knew, known) vknowledge n Llab = laboratory n *labour (Am labor) n lady n lake n *lamb n lamp n land
39、n & vlanguage n large a last a & vlate a & ad laugh n & v law n lay (laid, laid) vlazy a *lead (led, led) vleader n leaf (pl. leaves) n learn (learnt, learnt) vleast n leave (left, left) v left a & n leg n *lemonade n lend (lent, lent) v lesson n let (let, let) v letter n *level n library n license
40、n lie1 (lay, lain) vlie2 v & n life n lift vlight n, v & alike v & prepline n lion n list n & vlisten v litter v & nlittle (less, least) alive vlively a lock n & vLondon n lonely a long a look v & n lose (lost, lost) vlot n loud a love v & n lovely a low a & ad luck n lucky a lunch n Mmachine n *mad
41、 a madam = madame n magazine n *magic a mail n main a make (made, made) vman (pl. men) n *manage vmanager n many ( more, most) pron & a map n March n mark n & vmarket n *marriage n marry v*master v & n match v & n math(s) = mathematics n may modal v May n maybe ad me pronmeal n mean (meant, meant) v
42、meaning n meat n *medical a medicine n meet (met, met) vmeeting n member n memory n mend v*mention n & vmessage n menu n metal n & a *method n metre (Am meter) n middle n *might modal v mile n milk n mind n & v minepronminute n *mirror n miss1 n miss2 vmistake (mistook, mistaken) v & n model n moder
43、n a mom (Am mum) n moment n Monday n money n monitor n monkey n month n moon n more a , ad & n morning n most a & ad mother n *motorcycle n mountain n mouse (pl. mice) n mouth n move vmovie n Mr. (mister) n Mrs. (mistress) n Ms. n much a *murder vmuseum n music n must modal v my pronmyself pronNname
44、 n national a natural a nature n near a nearly ad necessary a neck n need modal v, v & n neighbour (Am neighbor) n neither a nervous a never ad new a news n newspaper n next a & adnice a night n nine num nineteen num ninety num ninth num no ad & a nobody n & pron*nod vnoise n none pronnoodle n noon
45、n nor conjnormal a north a & n northern a nose n not ad note n & v*notebook n nothing pronnotice n & vNovember n now ad number n nurse n OOK ad object n ocean n October n of prepoff prep & ad offer v & n office n *officer n often ad oil n old a on prep once n , ad & conj one num & pron*oneself pron only ad open a & v *operation n or conj orange a & n order v & n other pron & a our pron ours pronourselves pron out ad outside n , ad & prep over prep & ad *overcoat n own a & v own
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