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1、Unit11. 猛然敲门2. 向国王陛下欢呼3. 凝视那雕像4. 设计/发明一种新方法5. 获得一种名声6. 鼓舞人民7. 低下头8. 象征/代表国家9. 暖和双手10. 毁了某人的健康11. 起十分重要的作用12. 解决这个问题1. 永恒的真理2. 档案柜3. 无稽之谈4. 有违法倾向的行为5. 常客6. 新鲜空气7. 格调很高的独白8. 一个固定的观点9. 语言障碍10. 可怕的风11. 使人兴奋的爱国热情12. 无情的入侵者13. 首相14. 思维过程15. 国际联盟16. 一篇有条理的文章17. 一位口译好手18. 一个不可避免的趋势19. 腐烂的苹果20. 点头之交1. bang t

2、he door2. cheer his Majesty3. contemplate the statue4. devise a new method5. gain a reputation6. inspire the people7. sink ones head8. symbolize the nation9. warm ones hands10. ruin ones health11. play an important role12. settle the issue1. the eternal truth2. a filing cabinet3. utter nonsense4. de

3、linquent behavior5. a frequent visitor6. fresh air7. high-minded monologue8. a settled view9. a speech impediment10. a hideous wind11. heady patriotism12. the remorseless invaders13. the Prime Minister14. a mental process15. the League of Nations16. a coherent article17. a proficient interpreter18.

4、an irresistible trend19. rotten apples20. a nodding acquaintanceUnit21. 表现自己男子汉大丈夫的气概2. 在头脑中掠过3. 丈量土地4. 设法弄到食物5. 驱散黑暗6. 揉揉他的眼睛7. 大声咀嚼她的面包和黄油8. 抑制住了恐惧的感觉9. (声音)传得很远10. 弯下他们的腰1. 燃烧着的煤2. 他那张长着雀斑的脸3. 淡淡的八字胡4. 事情的紧迫性5. 一位精明的妇女6. 一家之主7. 一颗怦怦直跳的心8. 一群山间小屋9. 一块狭长地带10. 一副凶猛严厉的表情1. assert ones manhood2. cross

5、 ones mind3. measure the ground4. secure ones food5. scatter the darkness6. rub his eyes7. munch her bread and butter8. overpower that feeling of dread9. carry a long way10. bend their backs1. live coals2. his freckled face3. a fair moustache4. the imminence of the event5. a shrewd woman6. the head

6、of the family7. a throbbing heart8. a cluster of cabins9. a strip of ground10. a fierce and hard lookUnit31. 将这些动物归类2. 持不同看法3. 引申该词的意思4. 建立一种新理论5. 放弃他的信念6. 把这个过程颠倒过来7. 珍惜他们的尊敬8. 质疑它的真理性9. 轻视他们的意见10. 接受/采取一种新的思路11. 把考虑在内12. 证明结果完全相反13. 怀有/心存种种乌托邦思想14. 鹦鹉学舌/重复他人1. 非理性因素2. 社会地位3. 过去的好日子4. 思维方式5. 怀疑的余地6

7、. 老掉牙的趣闻轶事7. 一个教条的观点8. 一个鲜明的对照9. 长期的斗争10. 矛盾冲突的想法11. 一场恶吵12. 根深蒂固的观念13. 毫无根据的意见14. 仅仅是断言;完全是强词夺理1. classify these animals2. hold a different view3. extend the meaning of this word/term4. establish a new theory5. abandon his conviction6. reverse the process7. value their respect8. question/doubt/chal

8、lenge its truth9. belittle their views10. adopt a new thought pattern/way of thinking11. make allowance for sth12. demonstrate the opposite13. entertain all kinds of utopian ideas14. parrot other people1. non-rational factors2. social position3. the good old days4. thought patterns5. room for doubt6

9、. stock anecdotes7. a dogmatic view8. a striking contrast9. age-long struggle10. conflicting ideas11. a bitter quarrel12. deeply-rooted convictions13. groundless opinions14. bare assertionUnit41.回避某物2.蜿蜒而上直达山顶3从窗户窥视4.对大学生发表讲话5.抓住某人的胳膊6.朝某地出发7.避免目光接触8.加快脚步9.抢钱包10.练习瑜伽11.始终低着头12.划船13.逃避惩罚14.迷失方向15.打开睡

10、袋16.急速转弯17.拽出肠子18.露营1.一件花格子衬衫2.矿泉水3.角质镜架的眼镜4.公园创建时期的主管5.享有特权的人的土地6.老年公民7.拦路强盗8.娱乐中心9.一帮男孩10.一条供人跑步的小路11.密不透风的树叶12.帝国大厦13.方向感14.在伸手可及的地方15.野蛮、缺乏教养的人16.一次美的体验17.横冲直撞18.从不间断写日记的人19.供游人骑马的小道1. stay away from sth2. wind its way up to the top of the mountain3. peek through the windows4.address university

11、students5.grab sbs arm6. set out for a place7. avoid eye contact8. pick up ones path9. snatch a purse10. do yoga11. keep ones head down12 row a boat13.escape punishment14.lose ones bearings15unroll the sleeping bag16 whip round17 rip out the intsestines18 camp out1. a plaid shirt 2. mineral water 3.

12、 horn-rimmed glasses 4 .founding commissioners5. the domain of the privileged6. a senior citizen7. a high way robber 8. a recreation center9. a gang of kids 10. a running track 11. impenetrable foliage12 the Empire State Building13.a sense of direction14. within arms reach15. rough elements 16. an a

13、esthetic experience17. on a rampage 18. the indefatigable diarist19. a bridle pathUnit61. 使墙体开裂2. 拯救灵魂3. 玩捉迷藏4. 减慢流速成涓涓细流5. 抓住某人的头发6. 谩骂某人7. 撕破她的衬衫8. 泄露秘密9. 拒绝进步10. 进入视野11. 捡柴火12. 说服某人放弃做某事13. 慢慢挤出人群14. 跑腿/出去办事15. 救某人于水火16. 确保供应稳定17. 减轻某人的压力18. 让他不至于添乱1. 梯田2. 多岩石的群山3. 百日咳4. 周围的村庄5. 林中的一块空地6. 粉尘7. 羊粪

14、8. 黏糊糊的双手9. 精瘦强健的妇女10. 旌旗如林11. 第一手资料12. 漆黑的头发13. 一位虔诚的天主教徒14. 家务事15. 一种让人感到在家般自在的声音16. 手卷香烟17. 有利可图/十分挣钱的生意18. 一家肉铺19. 它原来模样的空架子20. 一所教会学校1. crack the walls2. save souls3. play hide-and-seek4. show to a trickle5. grab sb. by the hair6. call sb. names7. rip her shirt8. reveal the secret9. resist prog

15、ress10. come into view11. gather firewood12. talk sb. out of doing sth.13. wriggle ones way out of crowd14. run errands15. deliver sb. from suffering16. assure a steady supply17. take the pressure off sb.18. keep him out of ones hair1. terraced fields2. rocky mountains3. whooping cough4. surrounding

16、 villages5. a clearing in the wood6. fine dust7. goat dropping8. sticky hands9. sinewy women10. a forest of flags11. firsthand information12. jet-black hair13. a devout Catholic14. household chores15. a reassuring homey sound16. hand-rolled cigarettes17. lucrative business18. a butcher-shop19. a ske

17、leton of its former self20. a missionary schoolUnit8(1)1. 进一步加深分析2. 阻碍批判性思维3. 增加GDP4. 反复给我们灌输5. 推动政府政策6. 消耗/用尽大量资源7. 吸收废物8. 为全球经济提供动力9. 腾出一点空地10. 粗制滥造出产品11. 消耗储存的资源12. 经济倒退1. 自由市场吹鼓者2. 核心思想/中心观点3. 最近出乎意料的变化4. 房地产价格5. 税收减免6. 贫富分化7. 诱人的幻象8. 永久的经济增长9. 水循环10. 全球渔业11. 自然界废物处理12. 碳排放13. 技术/能源效率14. 生命科学15.

18、 人均GDP16. 生态系统评估1. hone ones analysis2. stymie critical thought3. ramp up GDP4. drum into us5. drive government policy6. chew through massive quantities of resources7. absorb waste8. power the global economy9. clear some place10. churn out goods11. liquidate resource stocks12. ratchet back economy1.

19、 free market cheerleaders2. core idea3. recent turn of events4. property values5. tax breaks6. poor-rich divide7. alluring myth8. perpetual economic growth9. the water cycle10. global fisheries11. natural waste treatment12. carbon emissions13. technological/energy efficiency14. life sciences15. per

20、capita GDP16. ecosystem assessmentUnit8(2)1. 促进投资2. 污染地球3. 击中要害(一针见血)4. 扭转局势5. 耗尽资源6. 注资(以促进生产)7. 设定刚性边界8. 稳定碳排放量9. 驶入波涛汹涌的水域(进入艰难的阶段)10. 在黑暗中吹口哨给自己壮胆(故作镇静)11. 继续努力12. 将社会正义置于繁荣之上13. 靠利息生活14. 跟上不断增长的需求15. 转换成平均数16. 施沉重压力于17. 强调我们对经济增长的依赖18. 靠吃面包屑过活1. 开创性的作品2. 正统的观点3. 激烈的公开辩论4. 现代生命科学的基石5. 原教旨主义者6. “

21、智能设计论”的倡导者7. 一种长期存在的幻象8. 社会弊病9. 生物圈里的物质资源10. 可靠的数据11. 危险的速度12. 一项共同完成的工作13. 气候调节14. 最大的一份15. 生态难民16. 盲目的消费主义17. 人类的聪明才智18. 凯恩斯经济学的复兴19. 财政刺激手段20. 全球(金融)崩溃21. 温室气体排放22. 矿物燃料1. boost investment2. foul the planet3. hit the nail on the head4. tip the balance5. deplete resources6. prime the pump7. set ri

22、gid boundaries8. stabilize carbon emissions9. sail into choppy waters10. whistle in the dark11. sustain human endeavor12. place social justice above prosperity13. live off the interest14. keep up with our demands15. translate into an average16. put a heavy strain on17. underline our reliance on grow

23、th18. get by on the crumbs1. groundbreaking work2. orthodox view3. intense public debate4. the bedrock of modern life science5. religious fundamentalists6. intelligent design proponents7. a sustaining myth8. social pathologies9. the physical resources of the biosphere10. the hard statistics11. a bre

24、akneck speed12. a collaborative work13. climate regulation14. the lions share15. environmental refugees16. mindless consumerism17. human ingenuity18. resurgence of Keynesian economics19. fiscal stimulus20. global meltdown21. greenhouse gas emissions22. fossil fuelsUnit 91.宣布放弃忠于某人 2.使某事物接受实验 3.牵涉到好几

25、个月的工作 4.扔到那里任其腐烂 5.满足其胃口 6.从某人那里骗走某物 7.将侮辱牢记在心8. 对所受伤害耿耿于怀9.报仇 10.家里妻妾成群 11.有做某事的时机或场合 12把它当一顿美餐吃了 13.蓄某人为奴 14铺平道路 1.合法的所有者 2 四海之内皆兄弟/人类的博爱 3.道德败坏 4.肮脏的思想 5.蛮力/暴力 6.唯一可取的一点7.极度渴望的8 宗教狂 9动物园 10科学方法 11食品的大量储存 12零碎物品 13战争暴行 14值得怀疑的口味选择 15性格特点和气质16艰苦的努力1.renounce allegiance on sb.2. subject sth to the t

26、est 3. cover many months work 4. leave sth to rot 5. appease ones appetite 6. cheat sb out of sth 7. harbor insults8. brood over injury9. Take revenge10. keep harems 11. have an occasion to do sth12 make a meal of it 13 hold sb in bondage/to enslave sb 14. smooth the path 1. the rightful owner 2. th

27、e universal brotherhood of man 3 loose morals 4 a soiled mind 5 brute force 6 a saving grace 7 rabid hunger 8.a religious zealot 9.zoological garden 10. the scientific method 11 vast stores of food 12 odds and ends 13 war atrocities 14 questionable taste 15 traits and dispositions 16 painstaking wor

28、kUnit101. 改变人类历史发展的进程2. 消除鸿沟3. 缩短距离4. 逃脱谴责5. 横跨(江河)水域6. 显现出来7. 探索到大洋深处8. 坦率地描述我们现在的困境9. 延长人的寿命10. 雨点般地落到头上11. 攀越大山12. 签下同意书13. 重建道德目标14. 彻底改造社会15. 倒拨时钟16. 亲眼见证一场全球性的革命1. 海啸;潮汐波;浪潮2. 基本的人生观和世界观3. 惊人的速度4. 被剥夺权利的广大群众5. 压迫人的地牢6. 导弹7. 十分明显的对照8. 历史上容易出现的困难9. 历史的转折点10. 被误导的人们11. 心态的平静12. 大洋深处13. 泰然自若;宁静安详1

29、4. 摩天大楼15. 超音速喷气发动机16. 强烈的抱怨声17. 福地;极乐世界18. 现状19. 灵丹妙药1. alter the course of human history2. bridge the gulf3. dwarf distance4. escape the indictment5. span the water6. manifest itself7. penetrate oceanic depths8. portray our dilemma in candid terms9. prolong the lives of men10. rain down death11. s

30、cale the mountain12. sign the warrant13. reestablish the moral ends14. transform the society15. turn back the clock16. witness a worldwide revolution1. a tidal wave2. a basic outlook3. bewildering speed4. disinherited masses5. dungeons of oppression6. guided missiles7. a glaring contrast8. liabiliti

31、es of history9. a turning point in history10. misguided men11. peace of mind12. oceanic depths13. serenity of spirit14. skyscraping buildings15. supersonic jets16. the deep rumbling of discontent17. the promised land18. the status quo19. wonder drugsUnit111. 脸朝下趴着2. 使用最后一招3. 埋葬死者4. 消失不见5. 隐约记得6. 与敌人

32、交战7. 使某人退伍8. 接受休克疗法9. 管理各种机构10. 忍受被限制在同一个地方11. 留心某事/某物12. 澄清对某人的怀疑13. 建议某人做某事14. 想象做某事15. 近距离射击1. 无动于衷2. 以相当快的(行军)速度3. 弹药箱4. 人类永远会有的问题5. 空降师6. 人间地狱7. 遍地尸体8. 一家进出口公司9. 忙于玩音乐10. 敌人的阵营11. 铁路路堤12. 无法修复的伤害13. (子弹型的)小圆头14. 食指(扣扳机的手指)15. 就我而言16. 战斗疲劳症17. 创伤后应激障碍18. 高年级的学生19. 橡皮船20. 平行线1. lie face down2. sc

33、rape the bottom of the barrel3. bury the dead4. vanish from sight5. have a vague recollection6. engage the enemy7. discharge sb. from the army8. receive shock treatment9. administer all the institutions10. stand being confined11. keep an eye peeled for sth.12. clear sb.13. recommend sb. doing/that s

34、b. do14. imagine doing sth.15. shoot at close range1. deaf to the music2. at a good pace3. ammunition boxes4. a permanent human condition5. an airborne division6. hell on earth7. strewn with dead bodies8. an important-export firm9. taken up with music10. the enemy position11. a railroad embankment12

35、. irremediable harm13. a bullet head14. the trigger finger15. speaking only for myself16. combat fatigue17. post-traumatic stress disorder18. upper division students19. rubber boats20. parallel linesUnit121. 控制心中猿猴的本性2. 在自己的理想上妥协3. 克制自己不去抗议4. 满足要求;不负众望5. 象征道德进步6. 保证言论自由7. 过着有价值的生活8. 符合标准9. 衡量幸福10. 悼

36、念死者11. 缩小范围12. 重铸信念13. 扭转局势14. 穿越历史15. 停滞不前16. 带来数不尽的好处1. 全神贯注于2. 不敢苟同3. 大体上,基本上4. 与人类进步同步5. 驾驭市场6. 对精英统治具有强烈的信心7. 认为某人负有责任8. 对实行制裁9. 以上帝的名义10. 在追求进步过程中11. 使穷人脱贫翻身12. 履行诺言13. 将腐败官吏从政府中清理出去14. 上升到新高度15. 从一开始延续至今16. 满脑子的主意1. cage the ape within2. compromise ones ideals3. contain ones protests4. delive

37、r the goods5. embody moral progress6. guarantee free speech7. lead worthy lives8. match the standards9. measure welfare10. mourn the dead11. narrow the scope12. restore ones faith13. tip the balance14. traverse history15. tread water16. yield untold benefits1. be preoccupied with2. beg to differ3. b

38、y and large4. correspond to human progress5. harness the market6. have strong faith in rule by the elite7. hold sb. to account8. impose sanctions on9. in the name of God10. in the pursuit of progress11. lift the poor out of their misery12. live up to the promise13. purge the government of corrupt of

39、ficials14. rise to new heights15. stretch back to the very beginning16. teeming with ideasUnit131. 投射出静谧的光2. 表达厌倦之情3. 必须有辆车4. 补救/赔偿5. 没有够着烟灰缸6. 嘟囔着道了个歉7. 演练和解的话8. 就像一场真正的战斗9. 在仪表盘上做手脚10. 违反条例/规定11. 断绝关系12. 再次确认邀请13. 整理房间14. 说出自己的要求15. 表达希望16. 滴酒不沾1. 蜡像馆2. 伦敦塔3. 白金汉宫4. 海关人员5. 机场候机室6. 打包用的粗线或绳子7. 经济舱机

40、票8. 体面的妆容9. 正反两用的雨衣10. 航班号11. 慢慢穿针过去12. 品味那几秒的温情13. 出发去访问14. 和不三不四的人来往1. cast a restful light2. convey weariness3. entail having a car4. make amends5. miss the ashtray6. mutter an apology7. rehearse the conciliatory remarks8. resemble a true combat9. rig meters10. violate rules11. sever relationship

41、12. substantiate the invitation13. tidy the room14. voice ones needs15. state ones wishes16. never touch a drop1. waxworks museum2. the Tower of London3. Buckingham Palace4. customs men5. an airport lounge6. binding twine7. an economy ticket8. complexion of decency9. a reversible raincoat10. a flight number11. ease the needle through12. savor those seconds


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