1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Chapter 1 Ship Design(船舶设计)Lesson 2 Ships Categorized(船舶分类)2.1 Introduction(介绍)The forms a ship can take are innumerable. 一艘船能采用的外形是不可胜数的A vessel might appear to be a sleek seagoing hotel carrying passengers along to some exotic destination; a floating fortress bristling with missile la
2、unchers; 。or an elongated box transporting tanks of crude oil and topped with complex pipe connections. 一艘船可以看做是将乘客一直运送到外国目的地的优美的远航宾馆。竖立有导弹发射架的水面堡垒及甲板上铺盖有复杂管系的加长罐装原油运输轮None of these descriptions of external appearance, however, does justice to the ship system as a whole and integrated unit所有这些外部特点的描
3、述都不能说明船舶系统是一个总的集合体self-sufficient,seaworthy, and adequately stable in its function as a secure habitat for crew and cargo. 船员和货物的安全性功能:自给自足,适航,足够稳定。This is the concept that the naval architect keeps in mind when designing the ship and that provides the basis for subsequent discussions, not only in t
4、his chapter but throughout the entire book.这是一个造船工程师设计船舶使必须记住的、能为以后讨论提供根据的观念,不仅涉及本章也贯穿全书。In order to discuss naval architecture,it is helpful to place ships in certain categories. For purposes of this text, ships are classified according to their means of physical support and their designed purposes
5、.将船舶分成一些特定的种类来讨论造船工程是有好处的。本文的目的就是根据船舶物理支撑方式和设计目的来将它们分类。2.2 Ships Typed According to Means of Physical Support(根据物理支撑方式来分类)The mode of physical support by which vessels can be categorized assumes that the vessel is operating under designed conditions- Ships are designed to operate above, on, or below
6、 the surface of the sea, so the air-sea interface will be used as the reference datum. 船舶按物理支撑的分类方式假设,船舶是在设计工况的条件下航行。船舶预定在海面上,海面中或海面以下航行,因此使用空气与水的接触面作为基准面。Because the nature of the physical environment is quite different for the three regions just mentioned, the physical characteristics of ships des
7、igned to operate in those regions can be diverse.由于上面提到的三个区域中物理环境的本质相差很大,所以那些区域中的船的物 理特性也不同。Aerostatic Support(空气静力支撑)There are two categories of vessels that are supported above the surface of the sea on a self-induced cushion of air. These relatively lightweight vehicles are capable of high speeds
8、,since air resistance is considerably less than water resistance, and the absence of contact with small waves combined with flexible seals reduces the effects of wave impact at high speed. 有两种靠自身诱导的气垫浮于海面上的船。这些重量相对轻的船能够高速航行,这是因为空气阻力比水阻力小得多,而且船舶高速航行时,弹性密封圈没有与小波浪接触,因而降低了了波浪冲击的影响。Such vessels depend on
9、 lift fans to create a cushion of low-pressure air in an underbody chamber. 这种船依靠升力风扇在船体水下部分产生了低压气垫。This cushion of air must be sufficient to support the weight of the vehicle above the water surface.这种空气气垫必须足够支撑水面上方船的重量。The first type of vessel ha.s flexible “skirts” that entirely surround the air
10、cushion and enable the ship to rise completely above the sea surface. 第一种船有完全围绕在气垫周围并且能够使船完全漂浮在水面以上的弹性围裙。This is called an air cushion vehicle (ACV) ,and in a limited sense it is amphibious.它被称为气垫船(ACV),某种有限的程度上适用于两栖。 The other type of air-cushion craft has rigid side walls or thin hulls that extend
11、 below the surface of the water to reduce the amount of air flow required to maintain the cushion pressure. 另一种气垫船带有刚性侧壁,且有延伸到水下能够减小空气流量的瘦船体,该气流用来维持气垫压力。This type is called a captured-air-bubble vehicle (CAB).这种类型船称为束缚气泡减阻船It requires less lift-fan power than an ACV, is more directionally stable and
12、 can be propelled by water jets or supercavitating propellers. 相对于 ACV 来说,它需要较低的升力风扇动力,航向稳定性更好,并且能使用喷水推进器和超空泡螺旋桨。It is not amphibious, however, and has not yet achieved the popularity of the ACVs, which include passenger ferries, cross-channel automobile ferries, polar-exploration craft, landing cra
13、ft, and riverine warfare vessels.但是,它不是两栖用途的,也还没有 ACVs 那么广的适用范围, 适用范围包括游客渡轮,横越海峡车客渡轮,极地考察船,登陆舰及内河舰艇。Hydrodynam ic Support(水动力支撑)There are also two types of vessels that depend on dynamic support generated by relatively rapid forward motion of specially designed hydrodynamic shapes either on or benea
14、th the surface of the water. 也有两种类型船,它们依赖通过船的相对高速前进运动来产生动力支持,这 种船型的水上和水下部分的形状都经过特殊设计。A principle of physics states that any moving object that can produce an unsymmetrical flow pattern generates a lift force perpendicular to the direction of motion. 一个物理定理这样陈述:任何运动的物体都能造成不均匀的流态,产生一个垂直于运动方向的升力。Just a
15、s an airplane with (airfoil) produces lift when moving through the air, a hydrofoil located beneath the surface and attached by means of a surface piercing strut, can dynamically support a vessels hull above the water.正如装有空气翼的飞机在空气中移动时气翼上能产生一个升力一样,位于水面以下且其上固定有穿透水面的柱体的水翼,能够动态支撑水面以上的船体。Planing hulls a
16、re hull forms characterised by relatively flat bottoms and shallow V-sections (especially forward of amidships) that produce partial to nearly full dynamic support for light displacement vessels and small craft at higher speeds. 滑行船体的特征是底部相对较平,横剖面呈浅V 形(尤其是船的前半部分)。 这种形状特点能够使船产生偏近满动力支持,适用于使小排水量船和高速小艇。
17、Planing craft are generally restricted in size and displacement because of the required power-to-weight ratio and the structural stresses associated with traveling at high speed in waves. 一般说来,滑行船体的尺寸和排水量有限制。这是因为需要满足动力和重量的比率要求,以及在波浪中高速航行时的结构应力要求。Most planing craft are also restricted to operations i
18、n reasonably calm water, although some “deep V” hull forms are capable of operation in rough water. 虽然有一些深V型剖面船能够在恶劣的海况中航行,但大多数滑行船体也都限制在相当平静的水面上航行。Lesson 3 Principal Dimensions(主尺度)3.1 Principal Dimensions(主尺度)Before studying in detail the various technical branches of naval architecture it is impor
19、tant to define various terms which will be made use of in later chapters. The purpose of this chapter is to explain these terms and to familiarise the reader with them. 在系统的学习船舶工程不同的技术分支之前,应该定义一些术语以便于后面章节使用,这很重要。本章旨在于解释这些术语,并且让读者熟悉它们。In the first place the dimensions by which the size of a ship is m
20、easured will be considered; they are referred to as principal dimensions. The ship, like any solid body, requires three dimensions to define its size, and these are a length, a breadth and a depth. 首先,考虑用来测量船舶尺寸的尺度;它们即是“主尺度”像任何其他固体一样,船舶需要三个尺度来定义其尺寸,它们是长度,宽度和高度。Each of these will be considered in tur
21、n.我们将依次来讨论它们。Length(船长)There are various ways of defining the length of a ship, but first the length between perpendiculars will be considered. 有多种定义船舶长度的方法,但是首先应该考虑艏艉两柱间长。The length between perpendiculars is the distance measured parallel to the base at the level of the summer load waterline from t
22、he after perpendicular to the forward perpendicular. 柱间长指的是平行于基底夏季载重水线,从艉柱到艏柱间的距离。The after perpendicular is taken as the after side of the rudder post where there is such a post, and the forward perpendicular is the vertical line drawn through the intersection of the stem with the summer load water
23、line In ships where there is no rudder post the after perpendicular is taken as the line passing through the centre line of the rudder pintles. 艉柱指的就是船舶舵柱 的后侧,而艏柱是通过船艏与夏季载重水线的交点的竖直线。如果船上没有舵柱,那么艉柱就取通过舵销中心线的直线。The length between perpendiculars (L.B.P.) is used for calculation purposes as will be seen
24、later,but it will be obvious from Figure 3.1 that this does not represent the greatest length of the ship.两柱间长(L.B.P.)是用于后面的计算之用的,然而从图 3.1 中可以看出两柱间长不是船舶的最大长度。 For many purposes, such as the docking of a ship, it is necessary to know what the greatest length of the ship is.明白船舶的最大长度是必要的,很多地方都能用到最大船长,
25、比如船舶入坞。 This length is known as the length overall and is defined simply as the distance from the extreme point at the after end to a similar point at the forward end. 这个长度称为“总长”,是以从船艉端点到船艏端点间的距离来定义的。This can be clearly seen by referring again to Figure 3.1. In most ships the length overall wilt exc
26、eed by a considerable amount the length between perpendiculars. 大多数船的总长都比两柱间长超出很多。The excess will include the overhang of the stem and also that of the stem where the stem is raked forward. 超出的长度包括船艉悬挂物和前倾型船艏悬挂物。In modem ships having large bulbous bows the length overall (L. O. A. ) may have to be m
27、easured to the extreme point of the bulb.现代大型球鼻艏船舶的总长(L.O.A.)应该以球鼻为端点测量。A third length which is often used t particularly when dealing with ship resistance, is the length on the waterline(L.W.L.).第三种长度是水线长(L.W.L)常用于计算船舶阻力。 This is the distance measured on the waterline at which the ship is floating
28、from the intersection of the stern with the waterline to the intersection of the stem with the waterline. 水线长指的就是在船舶所漂浮的水线上从船艏与水线的交点到船艉与水线的交点间的距离This length is not a fixed quantity for a particular ship, as it will depend upon the waterline at which the ship is floating and upon the trim of the ship
29、. 一艘特定的船上的水线长不是一个固定值,它是取决于船舶所漂浮的水线的位置及船舶的纵倾程度Breadth(型宽)The mid point of the length between perpendiculars is called amidships and the ship is usually broadest at this point. 两柱间长的中点称为“船舯”且船舶在该处的宽度是最大的。The breadth is measured at this position and the breadth most commonly used is called the breadth
30、moulded. 我们所说的宽度就是在船舯位置测得的,该宽度一半称为“型宽”。It may be defined simply as the distance from the inside of plating on one side to a similar point on the other side measured at the broadest part of the ship.我们谨定义它为船舶最宽处一侧船壳板的内侧到另一侧船壳板内侧的距离。As is the case in the length between perpendiculars, the breadth moul
31、ded does not represent the greatest breadth of the ship, so that to define this greatest breadth the breadth extreme is required.就像两柱间长那种情况一样,型宽不是船舶最大宽度,以至于有必要定义船舶的最大宽度为计算宽度。 In many ships the breadth extreme is the breadth moulded plus the thickness of the shell plating on each side of the ship. 对于
32、很多船,计算宽度等于型宽交上船舶两侧船体外板的厚度。In the days of riveted ships, where the strakes of shell plating were overlapped the breadth extreme was equal to the breadth moulded plus four thicknesses of shell plating, but in the case of modem welded ships the extra breadth consists of two thicknesses of shell plating
33、 only.在铆接船的年代中,由于船舶外板列板相重叠,所以计算宽度就等于型宽加上四倍的船壳板厚度,然而现代焊接船仅加上两倍船壳板厚度。The breadth extreme may be much greater than this in some ships, since it is the distance from the extreme overhang on one side of the ship to a similar point on the other side.有些船的计算宽度可能比上述所说的还大,这是因为它指的就是船舶一舷侧 突出物极限点至相对称的另一舷侧突出物极限点间
34、的距离。 This distance would include the overhang of decks,a feature which is sometimes found in passenger ships in order to provide additional deck area. 这种距离可能包括甲板突出物宽度,我们能从客船中发现这种特性,这是为了扩大甲板面积。It would be measured over fenders, which are sometimes fitted to ships such as cross channel vessels which h
35、ave to operate in and out of port under their own power and have fenders provided to protect the sides of the ships when coming alongside quays.我们将这些突出物称为护舷材,护舷材只用在某些船上,例如海峡渡轮,它们依靠自身的动力来进出港口,并且停靠港口时护舷能够保护船体舷侧免受损害。Depth(型深)The third principal dimensions is depth, which varies along the length of the
36、ship but is usually measured at amidships.第三个主尺度是深度,它沿船长方向会发生变化但通常以船舯处的值为标准。 This depth is known as the depth moulded and is measured from the underside of the plating of the deck at side amidships to the base line.这种深度称为“型深”。指的就是船舯舷侧甲板板下部至基线间的距离。It Is sometimes quoted as a depth moulded to upper de
37、ck or depth moulded to second deck,etc.有时引用为“顶部甲板型深”或“次甲板型深”等等。 Where no deck is specified it can be taken the depth is measured to the uppermost continuous deck. 如果没有指出是哪处的甲板,那么深度就以连续甲板的最高处为基准。In some modem ships there is a rounded gunwale.一些现代船舶有修圆的舷边。In such cases the depth moulded is measured fr
38、om the intersection of the deck line continued with the breadth moulded line.这种情况下,型深就取自甲板线与型宽线的交点。3.2 Other Features(其他特征参数)The three principal dimensions give a general idea of the size of a ship but there are several ether features which have to be considered and which could be different in two s
39、hips having the same length,breadth and depth. 这三个主尺度能够总体的描述船舶的尺寸,然而,也得考虑其他的几个特征参数且同样长、宽、高的两艘船的这些特征参数可能是不同的。The more important of these will now be defined.现在来定义这些重要的特征参数。Sheer(舷弧)Sheer is the height of the deck at side above a line drawn parallel to the base and tangent to the deck line at amidship
40、s. 舷弧是甲板边板离平行于基线且相切于船舯甲板线的直线的突出高度The sheer can vary along the length of the ship and is usually greatest at the ends.舷弧沿船长方向会发生变化,而且首尾端最明显 In modern ships the deck line at side often has a variety of shapes: it may be flat with zero sheer over some distance on either side of amidships and then rise
41、as a straight line towards the ends; an the other hand there may be no sheer at all on the deck, which will then be parallel to the base over the entire length.现代船舶甲板边线的形状多种多样:一方面,船舯两侧的某些长度方向可能是平的,没有舷弧,但接着以向上的斜直线的形式向首尾两端延伸;另一方面,甲板上面可能完全没有舷弧,整个船长方向上甲板都平行于基底。 In older ships the deck at side line was p
42、arabolic in profile and the sheer was quoted as its value on the forward and alter perpendiculars as shown in Figure 3.1. So called standard sheer was given by the formulae:老式船舶纵剖面上的甲板边线呈抛物线状,舷弧取自首尾两柱方向上的值,如图 3.1 所示。所谓的舷弧“标准值”用公式给出:首舷弧(in)=0.2Lft+20 尾舷弧(in)=0.1Lft+10 这些公式用英制单位表示为: 首舷弧(cm)=1.666Lm+50
43、.8 尾舷弧(cm)=0.833Lm+25.4It will be seen that the sheer forward is twice as much as the sheer aft in these standard formulae. 通过上面的标准公式可以看出,首舷弧值是尾舷弧值的两倍。It was often the case,however, that considerable variation was made from these standard values.然而,这些标准值也会发生相当大的变化,这种情况时常发生。 Sometimes the sheer forwa
44、rd was increased while the sheer after was reduced. 有时首舷弧会变大而尾舷弧会减小。Occasionally the lowest point of the upper deck was some distance aft of amidships and sometimes departures were made from the parabolic sheer profile. 顶部甲板的最低点离船舯尾部偶尔有一段距离,有时抛物线状的纵剖线会发生分离。舷弧值。The value of sheer and particularly the
45、 sheer forward was to increase the height of the deck above water(the height of platform as it was called) 尤其是首舷弧增加了甲板离水面的高度(称为“平台高度”)and this helped to prevent water being shipped when the vessel was moving through rough sea. The reason for the abolition of sheer in some modem ships is that their d
46、epths are so great that additional height of the deck above water at the fore end is unnecessary from a sea keeping point of view.这有助于防止船舶在汹涌的海况中航行时甲板上浪。某些现代船舶废除舷弧的原因是它们的型深如此之大,以至于首部额外的甲板高度就耐波性观点而言是不必要的。Deletion of sheer also tends to make the ship easier to construct, but on the other hand it could
47、 be said that the appearance of the ship suffers in consequence.舷弧的取消也使得船舶的建造容易得多,但是就另一方面而言结果是船的外 表变得难看了。Draught and Trim(吃水和纵倾)The draught at which a ship floats is simply the distance from the bottom of the ship to the waterline. 船舶漂浮时的吃水指的就是船底离吃水线的距离。If the waterline is parallel to the keel the s
48、hip is said to be floating on an even keel, but if the waterline is not parallel then the ship is said to be trimmed. 如果水线平行于龙骨,那么就说船舶平浮;但是若不平行,那么就说船舶发生了纵倾。If the draught at the after end is greater than that at the fore end the ship is trimmed by the stem and if the converse is the case it is trimm
49、ed by the bow or by the head. 如果船尾吃水比船艏大,那么就发生了艉倾;若船艏吃水比船尾大,那么就发生了艏倾。The draught can be measured in two ways, either as a moulded draught which is the distance from the base line to the waterline, or as an extreme draught which is the distance from the bottom of the ship to the waterline. 吃水可以分为两种:型
50、吃水,即基线离水线的距离;计算吃水,即船底与水线间的距离。In the modem welded merchant ship these two draughts differ only by one thickness of plating,but in certain types of ships where, say, a bar keel is fitted the extreme draught would be measured to the underside of the keel and may exceed the moulded draught by 1523cm (69
51、in). 对于现代焊接形式的商船,这两种吃水仅是相差一块壳板厚度的区别,但是对于 有些装有棒龙骨的船,计算吃水的测量至龙骨下表面,因此计算吃水可能比型吃水大15-23cm(6-9in)。It is important to know the draught of a ship, or how much water the ship is drawing, and so that the draught may be readily obtained,draught marks are cut in the stem and the stem.了解船舶的吃水或者说船舶“吃”水量,这很重要,因此一
52、艘船的吃水能够直接获取,船艏和船艉都刻有吃水标志。These are figures giving the distance from the bottom of the ship. 吃水标志也就是一些离船底有一定距离的一些数字。In imperial units the figures are 6in high with a space of 6in between the top of one figure and the bottom of the next one.这是数字用英制单位表示,6in 高,而且上下相邻的两个数字的间距也是 6in。 When the water level
53、is up to the bottom of a particular figure the draught in feet has the value of that figure.当水位到达船底的某一个数字时,吃水就是那个数字的英尺值了。If metric units are used then the figures would probably be 10cm high with a 10cm spacing.若用十进制单位表示,那么这些数字就可能是10cm 高,间隔10cm。In many large vessels the structure bends in the longit
54、udinal vertical plane even in still water t with the result that the base line or the keel does not remain a straight line. 就许多大型船舶而言,即使是在平静的海况下,它们的纵向垂直面都发生了弯曲,结果是基线或龙骨都不能保持为一条直线。The mean draught at which the vessel is floating is not then simply obtained by taking half the sum of the forward and af
55、ter draughts. 这就意味着船舶漂浮时吃水不能仅仅用艏艉吃水和的一半来表示。To ascertain how much the vessel is hogging or sagging a set of draught marks is placed amidships so that if da,dx and df are the draughts at the after end,amidships and the forward end respectively then为了确定船舶中拱或中垂程度,在船舯做了一套吃水标志,因此如果船尾、船舯和船艏吃水分别为da、dx和df那么中
56、拱或中垂=-dx+(da+df)/2When use is made of amidship draughts, it is necessary to measure the draught on both sides of the ship and take the mean of the two readings in case the ship should be heeled to one side or the other.使用船舯吃水时,测量船舶两侧吃水,使用两个数据是必要的,以防船舶向一侧或另一侧倾斜。The difference between the forward and
57、after draughts of a ship is called the trim, so that trim T = da - df, and as previously stated the ship will be said to be trimming by the stern or the bow according as the draught aft or the draught forward is in excess. 船舶首尾吃水的不同称为“纵倾”因而纵倾T= da-df,正如前面所说的那样,船舶艉吃水或艏吃水过多时,将发生艏倾或艉倾。For a given total
58、 load on the ship the draught will have its least value when the ship is on an even keel. 对于稳定航行的船,在已知的总载荷作用下,船舶吃水将有一个最小值。This is an important point when a ship is navigating in restricted depth of water or when entering a dry dock. 这一点对于在限制水深的区域航 行的船或船舶进入干船坞时很重要Usually a ship should be designed to float on an even keel in the fully loaded condition, and if this is not attainable a small trim by the stem is aimed at. 船舶的设计通常应满足在满载荷作用下船能够平浮的要求,如果船达不到这种状况,那么就设计成小角度艉倾。Trim by the bow is not considered desirable and should be avoided as it reduces the height of platform for
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