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1、九年级英语上学期期中考试卷大田奇韬中学 章仁铃一、 听力A)听句子,选择正确的图片。每个句子读两遍。(共5分) ABC DE1、( ) 2、( ) 3、( ) 4、( ) 5、( )B) 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(共5分,每小题1分)6、What has Kate done in the past five years?A. She s read many reports. B. She s written many reportsc. She written a few books.7、What does Jenny do to help protect the environ

2、ment?A. She reuses plastic bottles.B. She reuses papercups.C. She reuses plastic bags. 8、 The flight number of the plane leaving for Nanchang is CA_ A. 308 B. 038 C. 380 9、 Why does the woman think English is a little hard for her?A. Because she cant understand spoken English .B. Because she cant sp

3、ell some English words.C. Because she cant pronounce some of the words. 10、Where did the man go for his holiday last week? A.To Hunan B. To Hainan C. To YunanC) 听短文,选择正确答案。(共5分,每小题1分)( )11. The woman worries that there are a lot of bad programmes _. A. in filmsB. on the InternetC. on TV( )12. Accord

4、ing to the listening, many students wear glasses because they _. A. study too hardB. read many booksC. watch too much TV( )13. Which of the following is true _. A. The writers children have the same idea with their mother B. Reading books can make children think more C. There are a lot of good progr

5、ammes for children on TV( )14. At last, the woman decided to _. A. sell the television set B. write more books C. buy a pair of glasses( )15. This passage is _. A. an interesting story B. a news report on TV C. about a mothers mind or ideaD) 听短文,完成下面的表格(1619小题回答不得超过3个单词)。(共5分,每小题1分)笔试部分二、 单项选择( ) 21

6、、-Where are Maria and Kangkang? -They _England. A. have been to B. are away C. have gone to D. had been to ( ) 22. The family was _poor _they couldnt buy a TV set.A. so; that B. not; until C. not; but D. so; but( ) 23. -_the population of the U.S.A in 2005 -It _about 296 million. A. What is ; is B.

7、What was; was C. How many is ; was D. How many was ;is( ) 24. _-of the teacher are women in our school . A. Two third B. Two threes C. Two thirds D. Secdon three ( ) 25 .The little girl has _finished reading the book you lent her .A. already B. yet C. still D. once ( ) 26. China has the _population

8、in the world .A. smallest B. most C. largest D. large( )27. She has _ this car for nearly ten years. A. buy B. bought C. have D. had ( ) 28. This washing machine is very easy to use . _can learn to use it in a very short time.A. Somebody B. Anybody C. Nobody D. Few people( ) 29. Student ought _the t

9、ruth.A. To tell B. tell C. telling D. told( ) 30 Trees can stop the sand _towords the rich farmland in the south. A. moving B. to move C. from moving D. moves 三完形填空。(10分)More than 3,000 languages are spoken on the earth today. Many of these languaes are spoken _31_ small groups of people . On the _3

10、2_ hand, over 200 languages are spoken by one millon or more people. Chinese is the language spoken by the _33_ number of people in the world . But English is the most _34_ spoken in the world.English is spoken by more than 400 million people _35_ their first language. It is _36_ by the most people

11、in the U.S.A ., Great Britain, Canda , Australia and New Zealand . And it is _37_ used very widely in many other countries of the world.Look at the back of your watch . You may see the English words” Made _38_ China . or Japan , ever Germany .”English is the first languages in _39_ of these . Why ar

12、e English words _40_ on it That is because in the modern world English is widely used for business between different countries. ( )31. A. as B. by C. with( )32.A. other B. others C. another( )33.A. biggest B. larger C. largest( )34.A. wide B. wider C. widely( )35.A.in B. by C. as( )36. A. spoke B. s

13、poken C. speak( )37.A. as well B. also C. too( )38.A. of B. with C. in( )39. A. no one B. none C. nothing( )40.A. written B. wrote C. write四阅读理解。(30分) ( A )Most people in Britain live in small family groups. More than a quarter of home in Britain have only one person in them. Some of these are old p

14、eople but some are people of twenty or thirty who choose to live alone. 35% of homes have two people in them , and another 17% have three people . 15% have four people in them , and the other homes have five or more.The families in Britain are small . It is unusual for parents to have more than two

15、children . When children are about eighteen or nineteen , they leave their parents home, and they often go to different cities. Sometimes they only visit their parents two or three times a year. 根据短文内容, 判断正()误(F)。 ( )41. The passage is a report. ( ) 42. 35% of homes in Britain have 3 people living i

16、n them. ( ) 43. The families in Britain are large. ( ) 44. Some are people of twenty or thirty who choose to live alone. ( ) 45. The passage mainly tells us the population in American. (B) The earth is about 4,600 million years old . Modern man has lived on the earth for only 35,000 years , but duri

17、ng that time , we have changed our planet in many ways. Many of the things that we have done are good, but mor are not good for the earth. Water pullution A lot of people , birds and fish die each day because of water pollution. Factories have polluted the land and the water. As a result , many rive

18、r and lakes are now dead. Air pollution In big cities, factories, as well as cars, trucks and buses are the biggest cause of air pollution. Many people in cities now have bad health problems. For example , Mexico city used to be a beautiful sunny capital , but today it is almost covered by thick bro

19、wn clouds.Soil pollutionIn order to have a good harvest , most of the farmers use chemicals too much on their fields. Thats bad for the soil. But this kind of pollution is difficult to stop.Hope for the future These problems are very serious for our future, so all of us should do something to improv

20、e our environment . If we can stop pollution , our planet will become more and more beautiful and our health will be better. Lets be greener people.( ) 46. _ have made the earth change a lot. A. Human beings B . Animals C. Plants( ) 47. There are _ kinds of pollution in this passage. A. three B. fou

21、r C. five( ) 48. Pollution isnt a big problem now, is it A.Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. No, there isnt.( ) 49. Which sentence is NOT right according to the passage A. If a river is polluted , you can still drink the water in it. B. We must stop the factories from pouring waste water into the river

22、s and lakes.C. Water pollution is very serious nowadays.( ) 50. Which sentence is RIGHT A. Though Mexico city is almost covered by thick brown clouds, its still a beautiful sunny capital. B. Air pollution can make people sick.C. Now fewer farmers use chemicals on the field. C阅读下面这张飞机航班表,回答问题。Timetab

23、le Air Beijing(International)   CAAC   Beijing Bahrain Doha Abu Dhabi Dubai Muscat  Flight No Leaving Arriving Arriving Arriving Arriving Arriving Mon F002 1000 1920  2225 0705   F112 2045  0615  0900 1030 Tues F004 1000  1930   2225 Wed F0

24、08 1000 1920  2225  0010  F018 2045    0325 0925 Thurs F012 1000  1930 2225    F018 2045    0325 0925 Fri F016 1000 1920    2225  F126 2045     0825 Sat F006 1000  1930   0010 

25、0;F128 2045 0605   0855 1035 Sun F014 1000  1930  2230   F022 2045 0605    0945 51.  What does 2045 mean   It  means _          Atwenty forty-five in the evening.     Beight f

26、orty-five in the morning.          Ca quarter past eight in the evening.  Da quarter to nine in the evening. 52.  What is the flight number from Beijing to Abu Dhabi AF002, F004 and F012          

27、0;       BF002, F008 and F012 CF002, F008, and F018                 DF012, F016 and F022 53.  How long does it take to fly from Beijing to Doha        

28、;  ATen hours.                                   BNine hours and a half.          CSe

29、ven and a half hours .                DSix hours and a quarter. 54.  On what days can one fly from Beijing to Dubai leaving and arriving in the morning AMonday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. BMonday, Thursday and Wed

30、nesday. CWednesday.                         DFriday. 55.  When is it possible for one to fly from Beijing to Abu Dhabi and then to Bahrain on the same day AMonday, Wednesday,&

31、#160;and Thursday.     BMonday. CWednesday.               DIts not possible. 五、词汇 15分A) 将下列单词按所属类别归类。归类后,若能写出更多该类单词,请写出。(10分)rapid Japanese usually force deaf cook succeed produce always German translate Spanis

32、h often French never speaker writer excellent similar 56. 行为动作 _ _ _ _ _57职业名称 _ _ _ _ _58学 科 _ _ _ _ _ 59语 言 _ _ _ _ _60特征状态 _ _ _ _ _B) 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。(每个词或词组只用一次,每小题1分,共5分)die out, take up as a result, without, take a quick shower61. _ pollution, our planet will be green62. Because of the polluti

33、on,our friends ,animals are _.63. People cut down more and more trees, _, earth is washed away by water.64. He had a lot of things to do,so he _ and went on working.65. The box is too big ,it _ a lot of space.六口语运用,从所给句子中选出正确的选项填空,有两句是多余的。(每小题1分,共5分)A. Glad to see you again.B. You will find it easy

34、:to learn English well.C. Hows it going?D. The best time to remember words is in the morning.E. you should talk to English-speaking friendsF. I didnt do well in the listening test.G. Would you please giveme some good suggestions?A: Hello! This is Jane. Is that Bill?( ) B: Oh, hello, Jane! _66_.A: No

35、t bad I heard youve got A in the English test. B: Yes, How about you?( ) A: I didnt pass it._67_. B: Im sorry to hear that.( ) A: _68_( ) B: Sure. First of all, you need to have much listening practice. For example, listen to recording for half an hour every day. Secondly, you should try to follow t

36、he recording and read aloud. Then _69_ as often as possible.A: Is that helpful?( ) B: Yes. But the most important is to keep practicing like that. _70_.A: Thanks a lot.B: Youre welcome.七书面表达根据下面表格的提示,写一篇80词左右的短文。(10分)人类的不明智之举1、乱伐树林2、乱扔垃圾3、不加处理排放废物导致的问题1、土地沙化2、河水变脏3、空气质量差4、全球气温升高建议合理化建议至少两条_【试题答案】附听力

37、材料:一听句子,选择正确的图片。每个句子读两遍。1、Cutting down too many trees is harmful to human beings, animals and plants.2、Dont buy bottles or boxes which people can use only once.3、Turn off the lights when you arent using them4、Many factories pour waste water into rivers, lakes and so on.5、Dont smoke in public! Its im

38、polite.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。6. M: How long have you been a member of Greener China, Kate? W: For about 5 years. M: What have you done these years W: I ve written many reports on the environment.7. M: Jenny, What do you do to help protect the environment? W: I reuses plastic bags.8. M. What is the flig

39、ht number of the plane leaving for Nanchang W. Flight No.CA3089.M: Do you think its easy to learn English?W: No, I cant pronounce some of the words. So its a little hard for me?10.M: We didnt seeyou last week . Where were you? W: I went to Yunan for my holiday. M; Really Did you have a good time W:

40、Yes, I did .三. 听短文,选择正确答案。 Hi, Im a mom of two children. Like many other parents, I worry that my children watch too much television. Why First, there are a lot of bad programs on TV. They may copy what they see on them. Second, sitting in front of the TV set all day is bad for their eyes. Many stud

41、ents wear glasses because they watch TV for long hours. Also, watching TV too much makes children think little. I think it is very important for children to read some books. Books will make children think more. When I say this to my children, they just do not answer. They are too busy watching TV to

42、 answer me. So I have decided to sell the television set. Dont you think it is a good idea 四. 听短文,完成下面的表格。 When you go to a dinner party, its a good idea to bring a small present. Flowers are always nice and welcome, or you may bring some drinks. For example, beer, brandy and something like that. You should arrive on time or not more than five minutes late. Dont get there early. If you are going to be more than fifteen minutes late


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