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1、涟源七中涟源七中肖肖 旭旭No.7 Middle School of LianyuanHappy reading!Teaching Focus: How to do reading comprehension for test!1. Making a survey.2. How to solve it.3. Analysis of reading materials in HSEE(中考中考).4. Types of questions.5. Reading procedures.6. Reading methods.7. Paying attention to the time.阅读能力是中

2、考英语的测试重点,阅读理解题是中考英语试题中卷面分值最高的一种题型,在娄底市中考试卷中占40分。因此 问问 题题A人数B人数1.1.你喜欢做阅读理你喜欢做阅读理解吗?解吗?A喜欢 35B B不喜欢不喜欢655 5你觉得阅读理解你觉得阅读理解容易吗?容易吗?A容易 21B B难难793.3.你觉得怎样才能你觉得怎样才能理解句子或文章?理解句子或文章?A.A.逐字逐字逐句逐句78B.可以用眼睛 扫读222.2.你觉得阅读是什你觉得阅读是什么?么?A.A.出声出声阅读阅读54B.默读464 4你认为影响阅读你认为影响阅读的主要原因是什的主要原因是什么?么?A.A.生词生词60B.语法和句子结构406

3、 6在阅读时你是否在阅读时你是否会判断文章体裁?会判断文章体裁?A会20B B不会不会80Misunderstandings:误区一:重字词轻误区一:重字词轻语篇语篇误区二:重兴趣轻误区二:重兴趣轻学习学习 误区三:重听说轻误区三:重听说轻读写读写误区四:重朗读轻误区四:重朗读轻默读默读 psychological tactics (心理战术心理战术):You can do it!Be confident!Reason: The answers are in the passages. The only thing you should do is find.Methods: How to f

4、ind!1. Be happy!2. Be careful!3. Be quick!4. Use the correct ways!A good beginning is the half of success!Pre-teaching:Analysis of the teaching materials:考点分析考点分析中考选择型阅读理解的材料及出题模式分析:中考选择型阅读理解的材料及出题模式分析: 近几年我市中考的选择型阅读理解材料一般近几年我市中考的选择型阅读理解材料一般可分为故事类,科普类,图表类等文章。试题涉及掌握可分为故事类,科普类,图表类等文章。试题涉及掌握事实细节、语篇主旨、推

5、理判断等多方面的阅读能力事实细节、语篇主旨、推理判断等多方面的阅读能力的考查。下表是近几年来中考选择型阅读理解的一些的考查。下表是近几年来中考选择型阅读理解的一些详细数据:详细数据:阅读材料阅读材料试题考查试题考查出题方式出题方式单项选择单项选择判断题判断题(是否与原文内容符合是否与原文内容符合)知己知彼,知己知彼,百战百胜!百战百胜!1. Main idea 2. New words 3. Details 4. Inferring一一.阅读理解题目的设置方式:阅读理解题目的设置方式:1 1、快速浏览。、快速浏览。2 2、带着问题,找答案。、带着问题,找答案。 (找出处、划线)(找出处、划线)

6、3 3、仔细斟酌不确定的答案。、仔细斟酌不确定的答案。4 4、核对。(总体把握)、核对。(总体把握) 阅读理解答题阅读理解答题步骤步骤 如何才能巧答阅读理解题呢?可以采取以下如何才能巧答阅读理解题呢?可以采取以下几种应试技巧和解题步骤:几种应试技巧和解题步骤:注意:注意:阅读基本技能阅读基本技能 1 1 略读略读skimming(适用于判断短文(适用于判断短文 主旨大意及中心思想)主旨大意及中心思想) 2 2 扫读扫读scanning ( (适用于细节搜索、适用于细节搜索、 捕捉、提取及理解捕捉、提取及理解) ) 3 3 细读细读 (适用于推理判断、(适用于推理判断、 揣摩、理解作者意图)揣摩

7、、理解作者意图) 信息提示法:信息提示法: 迎考前,迎考前, 以大量练习为证,以大量练习为证,让学生深信出题人总会给出让学生深信出题人总会给出足够的信息提示足够的信息提示。所以要求学生又所以要求学生又快快又又准准地找出答案。地找出答案。Be happy! Be quick!Be careful! Use the correct way!一一.阅读理解题目的设置方式:阅读理解题目的设置方式:1. 归纳主旨句归纳主旨句(main idea)How to find the main idea:1.Its usually at the beginning or the end of the artic

8、le.2. Sometimes, you may find out the key sentences of each paragraph, then sumthem up.3.Maybe you have to infer the main idea according to the writers ideas. Methods: skimming(略读)(略读)My Spring Festival is special. My uncle and my aunt came back from Shanghai. And it was the most exciting festival o

9、f all the festivals. On New Years Eve, my father and my uncle talked about We all thought the dumplings were delicious. On the first day of the New Year, we visited our relatives. It was more alive than any other time of a year. On the second and the third days, we spent a wonderful weekend We all e

10、njoyed ourselves.略读略读 Apple trees were grown and prized for their fruit by the people of ancient Rome. It is believed that the Romans took apples with them to England Apple trees were planted all over England and many other parts of Europe. Both the seeds of apples and the apple trees were brought t

11、o America from England, As time passed, American apple growers made and improved many new kinds of apples. Today the US is one of the biggest apple-growing countries in the world. Its about_ (从每段的中心句得知)(从每段的中心句得知)D. the history of apples in the U.S.略读略读 How to guess the new wordsNext, we can guess i

12、t according to the key words in the context.First, we must make sure the right part of speech(词性词性) .Secondly, we can guess it according to wordbuilding.prefixsuffixAffix: prefix ( un-, dis-,in- im-,non- ,re-, tele-,inter-,mini-,mal-,en- ) suffix ( -er,-ist,-ment,-tion -ness, -ism, -en, -ful, -less,

13、-able, )2. 2. 根据根据“合成词合成词”(Synthesize)猜测。猜测。 如如 class + room classroom tooth + brush toothbrush3. 词性的改变(词性的改变( Change): n. - v.( name ,water) v. - n.( call,meet)We can guess it according to the key words in the context. 1. Relations:and, or, like, because, so that, sothat, so, for, since,now that 2.

14、 Comparing: but, yet, however, while ,unlike, instead of, on the other hand 3. Explaining: that is (to say), for example, in other words, called, meaning, namely B.根据上下文猜测根据上下文猜测Its really cold outside, and my hands are both numb.4. According to living knowledge and common sense(麻木的麻木的)5. According

15、to the context And they often make a special kind of food-“dumplings”. It means “come together”29. Whats the meaning of the food “dumplings” forChinese people in the Spring Festival? (09年娄底市中考真题年娄底市中考真题B篇篇)A.Look up. B. Help yourself. C. Come together.4. The boy had a happy family before. However, a

16、fter the war, he became homeless. 1.Wealthy means having lots of money. 5. You must stop dreaming and face reality.(富裕的,有钱的)富裕的,有钱的)( (现实现实) )3. My mother-in-law, my husbands mother, was a teacher.( (婆婆婆婆) )( (无家可归的)无家可归的) 2. Now some girls in China are having plastic surgery to change the way they

17、look. (美容美容手术手术) How should we understand the details ? How to understand details 1.We must read the questions carefully, catch the key words and see if there are these words: not, never, except, instead, false, but, because, when, where, all of the above, by2. We may find the details in the article

18、 easily and quickly.3. We have to find out the similar or opposite words, but we must admire the article itself. 扫读扫读scanning2. In the past, there were forests all around Lake Ponkapog, so rainwater was clean. Q: In the past, Lake Ponkapog was surrounded(环绕环绕)by_.A.fish B. rain C. birds D. forestsDs

19、canningLets take an example for details:2009年湖南省娄底市中考试题中年湖南省娄底市中考试题中 的阅读的阅读B篇篇 细节题(细节题(scanning)Every year there is a Spring Festival in China. Usually it is in January or February. It is the most important festival in China. So before it comes, everyone has toprepare things. They buy pork, beef, ch

20、icken, fruits and many other things. And they often make a special kindof food“dumplings”. It means “come together”. On theday before the festival, parents buy new clothes for their children. Children also buy presents for their parents. Onthe Spring Festival Eve(除夕), all the family memberscome back

21、 to their hometown. This is a happy moment. Some sing and dance, some play cards and others get the dinner ready. When they enjoy the meal, they give each other the best wishes for the coming year. They all have a good time.26. Which is the most important festival in China? A.The Mid Autumn Festival

22、.B. The Spring Festival. C .Childrens Day.27. When is the Chinese Spring Festival usually celebrated?A.In March or April.B. In May or June. C. In January or February.28._is the special kind of food for the Spring Festivalin China. A. Chicken B. Dumpling C. Fish29. Whats the meaning of the food “dump

23、lings” for Chinesepeople in the Spring Festival? A. Look up. B. Help yourself. C. Come together.30. The family when they are having dinner together on the Spring Festival Eve.A.give each other the best wishes B. buy each other presentsC. sing,dance and play cards总结总结: :细节题是阅读理解中细节题是阅读理解中占分值占分值最多最多,

24、,并且并且最容易最容易的一个环节的一个环节. .只要我们用只要我们用快快、准准的方法的方法答案就立马能得到!答案就立马能得到! How to judge and infer1. We must try to understand the whole passage first.2. We may infer something according to the facts, back ground and common sense.3. We have to notice the other meanings of the words.4. Our inferring must go back

25、 to the article .细读细读It was a cold night. The taxi driver didnt take “To the Red Hotel,” give him only three dollars “You should pay me fifteen dollars,” “Do you think Im a fool?” I took a taxi I only gave the driver thirteen dollars. (根据上下文和常识推断)(根据上下文和常识推断)判断正误题:判断正误题:23. The young man was cheated

26、(骗).(A 符合)24. The two taxi drivers were both honest. (B 不符合)25. Maybe the taxi driver got thirteen dollars at last.(A) 20092009年娄底市中考真题阅读理解年娄底市中考真题阅读理解A A篇篇细读细读2007年娄底市中考真题年娄底市中考真题A篇篇Yesterday my friend Kyra invited me to his birthday party. I got dressedUnluckily, while I , my cat walked over my cl

27、ean skirt, As I was , snowing. I missed my trainI was so tired I fell asleep and missed my station.At this time I was lost, When Ifinally arrived at Kyras house, it was nearly midnight What a terrible evening!(根据细节和单词根据细节和单词)45. The writer must feel _that evening.A. excited B. very lucky C. very sad

28、细读细读 If everyone sets their air conditioning 空空调调at 26,Beijing will save 400 million kilowatt-hours千瓦时千瓦时 of electricity in one summer. Thats one-third of all the usage of the city in the season ,”said a TV advertisement.(根据计算判断)(根据计算判断) Beijing will use_ million kilowatt-hours electricity in one summer. A. 1200 B. 800 C. 400A细读细读(2010年长沙中考题年长沙中考题)Taobao, Chinas largest onlin


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