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1、人教课标人教课标 高二高二 选修选修 8Unit 1George is on holiday in the United States and he is touring around California. He is telephoning his friend Christie. Before listening, look at the pictures and go over the exercises below. Guess what might be included in their conversation. A tour round California A visit

2、to Joshua Tree National Park Georges feelings and reactions to what he is seeing Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.1. Where did Georges tour start and in which direction has he been travelling?He started in northern California, and he has been travelling south.2. What surprised G

3、eorge about California?The facts that not everybody is rich, not everybody lives on the coast, and the desert in California is not like the rest of the climate of California, surprised him.3. Why did George have the wrong idea about California before he went there?He had watched too many American mo

4、vies.4. Why are there so many different kinds of music, food and art in California?Many people from different countries moved to California. They brought their own customs, culture and food. They kept them up and so produced the large variety of food, music, customs, art and cultural activities. Lis

5、ten again and complete the postcard George wrote.Dear Christie, Im here in Joshua Tree National Park, in _. Have been traveling around the state of California for three weeks now. Very different from what I have seensoutheastern Californiain _. Not everyone is _ and not everyone lives near the _. Fi

6、rst travelled southeast through rich farmland then to the central part. They grow everything here including _ and fruit. Cattle too. Then traveled further _ into mountains and _. American moviesbeach/ coastrichcotton, vegetables, nuts southeastdesert Californians are very friendly, and they are from

7、 many different _ and cultures. Every culture has its own _, _, food and art. Most interesting. Wish you were here. Give my love to Paula. Yours, GeorgeracesmusicfestivalListen to the conversation carefully, pay attention to the two types of feedback information that people give and try to write dow

8、n the questions and expressions that Christie uses. We need feedback in a conversation when speaking on the telephone because verbal clues are necessary when you cannot see the persons face. What questions does Christie ask George?Where are you? Wheres that? What are you doing down there? Really? So

9、 hows the trip been? And what about ?Whats it really like? What are the people like?So youre in the desert at the moment? What other scenery is here?Such as? Hispanic? What expressions does Christie give George to encourage him to continue the conversation?Cool. Yes, thats right. Lucky you! Mmm, sou

10、nds interesting.Wow. Sounds fantastic! Oh I see. Sounds great! Gosh, George! Just as I thought. Talk about traveling to some places. Try to use the expressions you have learned from the listening text. Partner A: Talk about where the place is, what the climate is like, what you thought about the peo

11、ple, and any other interesting things you saw or did.Partner B: Encourage your partner to talk by asking questions and making comments.Sample dialogue B: Where have you visited recently? A: Singapore, a thriving independent city-state located just off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula. Thats m

12、arvelous. B: Wow. What is the climate like?A: Hot, muggy and uncomfortable.B: What did you think about the people?A: Polite, well-educated, and warm-hearted.B: What other interesting things did you see?A: I visited Chinese and Japanese landscape. Their designs are embodied in these neighbouring gard

13、ens. The Imperial Sung Dynasty style is clipped to perfection within the 13-hectare (33-acre) Chinese Garden. It boasts the worlds largest Suzhou-style Bonsai garden outside of China, containing over 1, 000 plants. The symmetry and simplicity of Zen aesthetics is the motif of the Japanese Gardens wi

14、th its peaceful rock gardens and summerhouses.B: Thats interesting. What else did you do?A: I went to Chinatown, which is set against the backdrop of Singaporesmodern infrastructure and the prosperous financial district. The area is a receptacle of traditional Chinese customs. Yixing Xuans Teahouse

15、provides a fascinating insight into the ancient, ritualistic art of tea-making while a visit to the Thian Hock Keng Temple leaves one in awe of Chinese traditions of worship and symbolism. B: Fantastic job!Alcatraz island has served as a harbor fortification, military detention facility and maximum-

16、security federal penitentiary. The West Coasts first and oldest operating lighthouse is also located on Alcatraz. Today Alcatraz is one of San Franciscos top tour attractions that often sells out.cable carcable car and AlcatrazKnown for its historic waterfront, delicious seafood, spectacular sights

17、and unique shopping, Fishermans Wharf offers a wide array of things to do for everyone. Our fabulous location in the City by the Bay, puts you within minutes of the Maritime Museum, Alcatraz, Coit Tower and everyones favorite, the world famous San Francisco Cable Car lines. Fishermans Wharf offers s

18、ome of the most incredible views of the San Francisco Bay, the Golden Gate Bridge and the cityscape. The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge spanning over 1,280 meters to connect San Francisco to the surrounding northern Californian counties. The bridge was the longest suspension bridge in the

19、 world at the time of its completion in 1937 up until 1964. The bridge stands 67 meters above the water, with its towers reaching 227 meters above the water.Georges diary 12th 14th JuneRead the text quickly and write the day he saw these things under the photos on page 7.Wednesday (Angel Island)Mond

20、ay (Fishermans Wharf)Tuesday (Chinatown)Tuesday (blue and white road signs)Wednesday (Golden Gate Bridge) Monday (cable car)1. Read the text carefully and complete the form.Monday * Went straight to hotel and _ my luggage, then went _. * Rode on _.* Visited Fishermans Wharf.droppedexploringa cable c

21、arTuesday _ a couple from my hotel and _ a car.Spent all day _.In evening, went to _.Teamed up withhireddriving around the cityChinatownWednesday Took ferry to Angel Island and had a good view of _.Visited a famous immigration station on the island.Golden Gate Bridge2. Please read the text carefully

22、 and answer the questions.1) Why did Andrew Hallidie invent the cable car system? He invented the cable car system because the horse-drawn trams used before were unsafe.2) Where did George eat lunch on his first day in San Francisco? He ate at Fishermans Wharf.3) Why did George hire a car? Why do yo

23、u think he joined up with Terri and Peter? It was convenient for him to tour around the city. It was cheaper to hire a car with other people because they could share the cost. Also he probably enjoyed being in the company of other tourists.4) What three things can visitors do in Chinatown. Eat in Ch

24、inese restaurants, go to markets, visit temples and museums.5) What is Angel Island famous for? It was famous as a place for immigrants to be checked before they could enter California. Rewrite the diary entry for Tuesday inserting all the missing words.I teamed up with a couple from my hotel (Peter

25、 and Terri) and hired a car. We spent all day driving around the city. Theres a fascinating drive marked out for tourists. It has blue and white signs with seagulls on them to show way to go. Its a 79km round-trip that takes in all the famous tourist spots. We stopped many times to admire the view o

26、f the city from different angles and take photographs. Now I have really good idea of what the citys like. In the evening, I went to Chinatown with Peter and Terri. Many /A lot of/ Some Chineseimmigrants settled in this area in the 1850s. The fronts of the buildings are decorated to look like old bu

27、ildings in southern China. We saw some interesting temples here, a number of markets and a great many restaurants. There are also art galleries and a museum containing documents, photographs and all sorts of objects about the history of Chinese immigration, but its closed in the evening. I will go b

28、ack during the day. We had a delicious meal and then walked down the hill to our hotel. 1. George is on holiday 乔治在休假乔治在休假 休休假假 have /go on/ take a holiday spend ones holiday(s) 度假度假make holiday (无冠词无冠词)go to for ones holiday(s) 去去度假度假in/during the/ones summer/winter holiday (s) 在暑假寒假期间在暑假寒假期间in thi

29、s holiday 今年暑假今年暑假2. From top of the hill got a spectacular view of San Francisco Bay and the city.从山顶上看到旧金山湾和城市的壮丽风光。从山顶上看到旧金山湾和城市的壮丽风光。辨析:辨析:view, scenery, scene, sightview 指从远处、高处看到的景象指从远处、高处看到的景象scenery 指某地总的自然景观指某地总的自然景观scene 指展现在眼前的景象指展现在眼前的景象(是是scenery的一的一部分部分)sight 指值得看的东西,某地特有的名胜指值得看的东西,某地特

30、有的名胜e.g. the beautiful scenery of the Three Gorges The scene after the earthquake was horrible. the historical sights of London The mountain hotel offered magnificent views.3. Built in 1873, the cable car system was invented by Andrew Hallidie, who wanted to find a better form of transport than hors

31、e-drawn trams. 缆车系统建于缆车系统建于1873年,是由安德鲁年,是由安德鲁海海利迪发明的,他试图找到一种比马拉利迪发明的,他试图找到一种比马拉轨道车更好的交通方式。轨道车更好的交通方式。horse-drawn为名词为名词 + 过去分词过去分词 形容词形容词 man-made 人造的人造的 snow-covered 被雪覆盖的被雪覆盖的 state-owned 国营的国营的 heartfelt 由衷的由衷的4. the tram slipped down the hill dragging the horses with it.轨道车拖着马匹滑下山坡。轨道车拖着马匹滑下山坡。(1

32、) slip 滑,滑倒,失足滑,滑倒,失足e.g. A book slipped of / from her hand. 书本从她的手中滑落。书本从她的手中滑落。(2) n. C 小错误小错误e.g. Its normal for a young man to make a slip. 年轻人犯错误很正常。年轻人犯错误很正常。 与与slip相关的短语:相关的短语: slip off迅速脱去(衣服)迅速脱去(衣服) slip on 迅速穿上(衣服)迅速穿上(衣服) slip out 被无意说出被无意说出 slip out of 迅速脱下(衣服)迅速脱下(衣服) slip up 犯错误,疏忽犯错误

33、,疏忽skate表示表示“(在冰面上在冰面上)滑行滑行”、“溜溜(冰冰)”一般指滑冰运动;一般指滑冰运动;skid表示表示“(人、车等人、车等行进时因路面滑而向一侧行进时因路面滑而向一侧)打滑,滑倒打滑,滑倒”;slide表示表示“(在冰、滑梯、跑道等上在冰、滑梯、跑道等上)滑行,滑行,滑动;滑落滑动;滑落”;slip表示表示“失脚,滑跤失脚,滑跤”,常指由于不小心、路滑等而滑倒。根据常指由于不小心、路滑等而滑倒。根据句意,此处指句意,此处指“车轮的打滑车轮的打滑”。skate, skid, slide & slip In winter drivers have trouble stoppin

34、g their cars from _ on icy roads. A. skating B. skidding C. sliding D. slipping 在冬天在冬天, 司机很难避免汽车在结了冰的司机很难避免汽车在结了冰的路面上打滑。路面上打滑。5. Its also the place to catch the ferry to Angel Island and other places in the Bay. 这也是乘渡船去天使岛和海湾其他地这也是乘渡船去天使岛和海湾其他地方的渡口。方的渡口。分析分析to catch the ferry to in the Bay 为不定式作定语为不

35、定式作定语, 修饰修饰the place。不定式。不定式做定语时做定语时, 与所修饰的词之间有三种关系与所修饰的词之间有三种关系: 即动宾关系即动宾关系, 主谓关系和同位关系。主谓关系和同位关系。6. Teamed up with a couple from my hotel and hired a car. 与我旅店里的一对夫妇结队而行并与我旅店里的一对夫妇结队而行并且合伙租了一辆车。且合伙租了一辆车。temp up (with) 与与合作或一起合作或一起工作工作, 与与结成一队结成一队e.g. Lets team up! 我们联起手来吧!我们联起手来吧!7. Theres a fascin

36、ating drive marked out for tourists. 有一条用线为游客画出界线的大道。有一条用线为游客画出界线的大道。drive n. 路路, 大道大道e.g. They live at 141 Park Drive. 他们住在公园路他们住在公园路141号。号。mark out 画线,标出画线,标出界线界线e.g. They marked out a tennis court on the lawn. 他们在草坪上画了个网球场。他们在草坪上画了个网球场。 take in (1) 吸收,收留,收容,收养,接待吸收,收留,收容,收养,接待e.g. Our party branc

37、h took in a new member yesterday. 我们党支部昨天吸收了一名新党员。我们党支部昨天吸收了一名新党员。8. Its a 79 km round-trip that takes in all the famous tourist spots. 正是这正是这79公里的往返旅程包括了所有公里的往返旅程包括了所有的著名的旅游景点。的著名的旅游景点。(2) 包括包括e.g. This price takes in the cost of all the accommodation and food. 这个价格包括了食宿等一切费用。这个价格包括了食宿等一切费用。(3) 理会理

38、会, 理解理解, 记住记住e.g. I wonder if hes really taking it in. 我想知道他是否真正明白了。我想知道他是否真正明白了。(4) 欺骗,使上当欺骗,使上当e.g. She took me in completely with her story.她的一番花言巧语完全把我蒙骗住了。她的一番花言巧语完全把我蒙骗住了。与与take相关的短语:相关的短语: take after 长得像长得像 take apart 拆开,拆卸拆开,拆卸 take away 拿开,拿走拿开,拿走take back 收回,使回忆起收回,使回忆起take off 拿走,取下,去掉;脱去

39、;拿走,取下,去掉;脱去;(使)离开;起跳(飞),(飞)机起飞(使)离开;起跳(飞),(飞)机起飞take on 承担,呈现,雇用承担,呈现,雇用take over 接管,接替接管,接替take to 喜欢,习惯喜欢,习惯take up with 和和交往,和交往,和要好要好考例考例 Dont be _ by products promising to make you lose weight quickly. (辽宁辽宁2007)A. taken off B. taken out C. taken away D. taken in点拨点拨 take in欺骗。欺骗。take off起飞起飞,

40、 脱下脱下; take out 拿出拿出; take away 带走。此句意带走。此句意为为“不要让那些承诺很快能使你减肥的不要让那些承诺很快能使你减肥的产品骗了你。产品骗了你。”1) The price _ (包括包括) the cost of all the accommodation and food.2) The old lady was homeless, so I _ (带回家带回家).takes in took her in 9. Saw some interesting temples here, a number of markets and a great many restaurants. 看到一些有趣的寺庙、一些集市


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