已阅读5页,还剩23页未读 继续免费阅读




1、style andrambli ng,pre sumptuous"unqualified"party memberdres "joining partyofthought" problem. "Partybuihistori calexperi ence accumulated.Tw ois our partyunderthe ne whistoricalconditions,strengthen the party'sconstr uction ofa ne w"rectification movement."Gr

2、ass-roots party organizationsshoul d alwayscatcht hehar dwork, re sults -orie nted.Twoeducati onaloutcomes are l ong-termorie nted andbe comea n importantimpetusforthework."Two" should hav ethree kinds ofconsciousness"two" studyand education,ba-lear n-do-do" thevirtuouscycle

3、,andultimatelyachievethe fundamentalobjective ofeducation.This requiresthatthe OrganizationLearn GeneralSe cretaryon"two to learna" strengtheni ng "fourConsciousnesse s" importantallpeople notha ppy notto see "stereoty pes",esta blish the honest faithful,diligent faith

4、forthe_ _ III _- I spee chcaused a strong rea ction int he countr y.Time, watching "redtreasure",the origin ofbuildi ngthe partyback t o power,people. No needtoavoi dmentioning t hat, some membersofour party can notsta ndthe "mone y,"corr osion of temptation,thinI- I > I . I .

5、I - I r, how t o strengthenservice s forthe masses,improveparty cohesi on, fi ghting tobecomet hegrass -ron,XuZhou, sucha buse andcorrupt briber y,malfeasa nce borers,andrats.Two,ist o clea n up,thi n, XI LJ.I I .1 .一 一 _ 一一 .一-ngthen the party'sconstr uction ofa ne w"rectification movement

6、."Grass-rc.Grass-root s partyorga nizations "two" is tostrengthe nthe serviceofparty membersand cadr es,the pioneer spirit. Di stribution of grass-roots partyorganizationsinallwalks of people, clothi ng, shelte r,whi chbelongstot he nerve endi ngs oftheparh a nd natural,solid a nd hon

7、est w ork style.Cleansing "take,eat, car d,"undesira bleand behaviour," cross, har d andcol d,push"attitude. Grass -roots party organizati ons "two" is t ostrengt hent hese nseofordi narypa rtymembers,partici p . - I - -.L I I I- - . I- n 一 一一 .I - > _. I I - - I. I

8、- -II _ Is adire ctper cepti on ofthemasse known,members of grasss.Strengthenthe partyahe ad ofthe "pedal" spirit;stre ngthe nthe party members a nd cadres"success does not havet o be me"an-roots party branches l essmobile, l ess re sources,and the construction of party orga niza

9、tionshav e some lag.Twost udies,is tofocusontd"thefirst to behe grass-roots parte ar hardshi ps, thelastto"servi cespirit to settheparty's positive image amongthepeopleis im portant. Grass -roots party organizatis partybranches"loose,soft, loose" probl em,advance the partymem

10、bers a nd cadre s,"a gang worki ng", "Hong Kong report." L . - , . .-.一I - . I .一. I Iearninge ducation,need t hree kindsofconsci ousness: one i stoesta blish an integrated awareness. "Lear ning" and"do"whatcar i sTwo-wheel, birbining the oryand pra cticetoget

11、her in ordertotruly realizetheirval ue."Learning" is the Foundation,the Foundation isnotstrong, shaking;""Is thekeytonettonetthousands ofaccounts."Two" education, "" lay thebasi s,goingto "do" thekeygrip, sothatthe "learning" a nd "doi

12、ng"backtosta ndar d,sothatthe majority ofpartymembers "learn" learn,entirely different,but thedoing.Should exploration "learn" inthe has"do", "do" in theha s "learn" ofeducati ona nd practice ofcarrier,makes generalgrass-roots memberscan in &quo

13、t;learn" in t heha s"do"ofachievementssense,i n "do"in t heha s"learn"ofget sense,real makesparty oftheory brain i nto he art, putforpeopleserviceconcept outsi deofYu sha ped. Third,toadhere tol ong-termthe awareness.Style construction onthe roadforever, "two&

14、quot; hadtocatcht helong-term. "Two" studyand education, by no mea ns,a ssa ult-style wind-sport, but therecurrenteducati on wit hin t hepart y. Inre centyear s,the party'smass lineeducation pra cticea nd "three -three"specialeducationi ngrass-r oot sbor nerich fruits, vast n

15、umbersofparty members andcadr eswithstood the baptism ofthe spirit."Two" greaterneed to focuson longerholdlong-term,to establi sh a nd perfect theeffectivemechanism oftheeducation,focusingont he creati on ofl ong-termeducation,striveto makethe vastnumber of partymembers tmaintaintheir va n

16、guard Col or,maintai n the party's adva nced nat ure and purit y.Aware ness-raisi ng,a ntennasand atmosphereadiscussionon howleadi ngca dres of party members "two" current,"two"activity isin fullswi ng upa nd dow nthe country, party ca dresas a"key minority"is both

17、abarometer andimpetus.The"two" meani ng enoug hdee p,is todeterminet heparty cadres can resolveto study hardfirst.Int he "two"in the process,some cadre sof himself,standing l ong, high aware ness,that Constit utionPartyrule sis simpl e, its notworth bot hering some party cadrest

18、hink spe ak series hasnothi ngtodowith thegra ss-rootsw ork,waterbusi ness learni ngserie s ofspeeches seen a s window dressing. These"lazy,ca sual,a nd deca dent"ideaslear ning la cks motivation,aseri ous impe diment to "two" effect.John Stuart Milloncesai d,onlya basi celeme nt

19、 ofhuma nthoughtpatterns changedramatically,huma n de stinyca n make great improvement.T hesame, only party membersand教师应该怎样落实教学常规?一、备课上课(一)规范备课1 、备课原则:熟悉内容,融会贯通,阅读教参要任教一门课程,首先必须对这门课程的全部内容非常熟悉,绝不是现买现卖。有的老师不是对这门课的全部内容都吃透后上讲台的,而是明天要讲什么内容他就去熟悉什么内容,准备多少就讲多少。不知道这节课在整个课程中占什么地位,会对以后的课程起到什么作用,这实际上是一种不负责任的态度

20、。老师在上讲台之前必须对这本教材的全部内容融会贯通,老师教给学生的只是一杯水,但准备的内容却是一桶水,这样的备课才是充分的。新教师在熟悉全部教材内容的基础上,还必须认真阅读配套的教师教学用书,这样才可以确定每个章节的学时数以及课时的划分,理清教材的编写思路,理解教材的编写意图。在熟悉教材,读懂教材和教师用书的参考建议之后方可进行教案的书写。现在网络中有很多配套的教学设计,有的老师习惯下载使用,甚至备课完全依赖网上下载,这是不足取的。我们可以参考、借鉴网上好的东西,但不能照抄照搬,备课应该融入自己的研究、思考, 要留下自己的思维印痕,根据学生的学情,有针对性地设计教学活动。2、备课要求备课是教师

21、教学态度和教学境界的体现,是提高教师教学能力和教学艺术的关键,是提高教学质量的前提。备课的基本要求有以下几点: 要根据新课程标准的理念,按照课程计划的要求,深入钻研教材,认真研究学生,根据教材的特点和学生的实际情况准确定位教学目标,优化教学内容,精心设计教学活动方案。 一册教材要有总的学科教学计划。一篇课文或一个单元应有总的教学目标、重难点、课时安排。每一课时应包括以下内容:教学内容、授课时间、教学目标、重难点分析、课前准备、教学方法及媒体运用、教学预设(凸现双基训练点)、教学评价及反思等。 教学目标要兼顾知识、能力、情感三维目标,每一个环节设计的目的、意义要明确,要有重难点的处理,要突出教师

22、活动和学生活动的设计,要关注学法指导,要有机渗透思想品德教育。 要做到超周备课,纸介和电子教案必须有二次修改痕迹,上课之前要进行复备,备课检查主要检查二次备课及复备的内容。新教师所教学科都要有教案,而且必须是详案。 备课教案里要有板书设计。如果用多媒体课件辅助教学,课件的制作要引导学生层层深入思考问题,要用精练的文字和简明的图表,必要时可用动画显示视图中动态的信息流动过程,以加深学生对教材的重难点的理解。 教后反思应成为教案的有机组成部分。教学反思主要反思自己的教学行为,总结出亮点,反思出不足,并提出改进措施。课后反思,还可以拾遗补缺。课堂教学或多或少都会留下缺憾。 这些缺憾来自于多个方面,反

23、思能帮助我们找到问题的症结所在,促进我们的专业成长。(二)规范上课“名医一把刀,名角一台戏,名师一堂课”。教师之于课堂,犹如演员之于舞台,苍鹰之于蓝天,将军之于沙场。1 、上课要求 任课教师必须提前候课,预备铃响准时出现在教室门口,用目光提醒学生做好上课准备,发现学生缺课要及时弄清情况,正式上课铃响后准时上课,下课铃响准时下课,既要确保一节课的有效教学时间,又不得占用学生的课间休息时间。 课前要做好上课的相关准备,包括复备教案,准备好教材、资料、教案、教具、课件,earningeducation,need three kindsofconsci ousness: one i stoesta b

24、lish an integrated awareness. "Lear ning" and"do"whatcar i sTwo -wheel, birdwing s,need to goha ndin ha nd, one endcanbe neglected.Communistthe oretici an aa nd man.Only by closelycombining the oryand pra cticetogether in ordertotruly realizetheirval ue."Learning" is th

25、e Foundation,the Foundation isnotstrong, shaking;""Is thekeytonettonetthousands ofaccounts."Two" education, "" lay thebasi s,goingto "do" thekeygrip, sothatthe "learning" a nd "doing"backtosta ndar d,sothatt he majori ty ofpartymembers &quo

26、t;learn"learnce". T o av oid the"learning"intosim pleroom instruction,"do" intoa monotoneforLearn GeneralSe cretaryon"two to learna" strengtheni ng "fourConsciousnesse s" importantallpeople notha ppy notto see "stereoty pes",esta blish the

27、honest faithful,diligent faith forthe_ _ III _- I speech caused a strong rea ction int he countr y.Time, watching "redtreasure",the origin ofbuildi ngthe partyback t o power,people. No needtoavoi dmentioning t hat, some membersofour party can notsta ndthe "mone y,"corr osion of t

28、emptation,thinI- I > I . I .I - I r, how t o strengthenservice s forthe masses,improveparty cohesi on, fi ghting tobecom et hen,XuZhou, sucha buse andcorrupt briber y,malfeasa nce borers,andrats.Two,ist o clea n up,tI LJ.I I .1 .一 一 _ c.Grass-root s partyorga nizations "two" is tostreng

29、the nthe serviceofparty membersand cadr es,the pioneer spirit. Di stribution ofgrass-r oots partyorganizationsinallwalks of people, clothi ng, shelte r,whi chbelongstot he nerve endi ngs oftheparh a nd natural,solid a nd honest w ork style.Cleansing "take,eat, car d,"undesira bleand behavi

30、our," cross, har d andcol d,push"attitude. Grass -roots party organizati ons "two" is t ostrengt hent hese nseofordi narypa rtymembers,partici p . - I - -.L I I I- - . I- n 一 一一 .I - > _. I I - - I. I - -II _ Is adire ctper cepti on ofthemasse known,members of grasss, Strength

31、enthe partyahe ad ofthe "pedal" spirit;stre ngthe nthe party members a nd cadres"success does not havet o be me"an-roots party branches l essmobile, l ess re sources,and the construction of party orga nizationshav e some lag.Twost udies,is tofocusontd"thefirst to be ar hards

32、hi ps, thelastto"servi cespirit to settheparty's positive image amongthehe grass -roots party branche s"loose,soft, loose" probl em,advance the partymembers a nd cadre ng" and"do"realunity,toform a"learnpeopleis im portant. Grass-roots partyorganizatie s,"

33、a gang worki ng", "Hong Kong report."调试好班班通设备等。不允许出现不带教科书和教案进入课堂或中途离开课堂取教具等行为。 传授知识要准确无误,课堂环节要设计合理,避免前紧后松或前松后紧,有效地利用好课堂 40 分钟。板书要工整、规范、美观、大方。 要充分发挥电教、实验、演示等多媒体教具的直观作用,让学生在活动中学习,在生活中体验,鼓励学生开展自主、合作、探究学习,加大课堂练习密度,突出重点,分散难点。 教学态度要和蔼,语音要适中,语速要合理,姿势要文明。课堂上要努力避免声音太小、一个音调、有口头禅、吐字不清、语速太快、方言土语。

34、肢体语言要丰富,善于激情激趣,充分调动学生学习的积极性和主动性。 课堂教学按计划(教学设计)进行, 当堂内容当堂完成,不得提前或超后完成教学任务。每节课的要求可以用27 个字概括:明目标、自主学、合作探、精点拨、整建构、找规律、巧组织、高效率、人人清。 教师不得坐着讲课,不许在课堂吸烟、喝水、接听或拨打电话,严禁酒后进入课堂。 要尊重、爱护学生,不对学生出言不逊、讽刺挖苦,不准把学生赶出课堂,不准体罚或变相体罚学生。2、上课 “六忌 ”一忌 “盲 ”。新教师上课,最大的特点就是“盲 ”,即教学无目标。主要表现为:课堂上没有明确的教学目标,没有明确的教学计划,教学比较随便,课堂教学时间把握不准,

35、教学方法缺乏,课堂上东一榔头,西一棒子,教学无重点、难点等。新教师上课,首先要有明确的教学目标,再根据教学目标,确定教学重点,安排教学过程。其次是要认真设计教学细节,让细节凸现你的教学精彩。二忌 “慌 ”。新教师上课没有什么经验,课堂上往往比较“慌 ”,不能静下心来教学。主要表现为:课堂上丢三落四,如忘记写课题,忘记评价学生,忘记教学内容,忘记教学环节,过度生硬,有时脱节,板书出错,遇到突发事件不知所措等。面对这种情况,首先不要慌,要冷静,要沉着。在冷静中思考,寻找解决问题的方法。三忌 “快 ”。新教师上课常常不顾学情,一“快 ”到底。表现为上课只重视教学设计的执行,却忽视学生的个性差异,忽视

36、理论与实践的结合。课堂按照设计好的教案上课,一上课就按照教案写的一讲到底,并且速度较快,有时连学生听都还没有听明白,教学就进入了下一环节。掌握教学节奏,做到张弛有度,是需要不断修炼的基本功。四忌 “灌 ”。 “灌 ”即 “灌输 ”, 教学时, 把学生当成装知识的“容器 ”。 尽管新教师在师范学校时,学习了不少新课程理论,懂得学生是学习的主人,但面对具体教学实际,往往还是采取了简单的灌输。这种教学,方法单一,没有激活学生的自主学习意识,教学效果差。新教师要多研究教法,变“灌 ”为 “引 ”,多让学生自己学习。要知道,学生的能力只靠教师讲是讲不出来的,要靠学生自己学,自己练。要以学定教,顺学而导,

37、切忌强行“灌输 ”。五忌 “乱 ”。新教师上课,一会儿多媒体展示,一会儿小组学习,一会儿比赛辩论,一会儿作业练习,使得课堂“杂乱无章”。课堂教学虽说不是线性的,但课堂教学结构、教学过程、教学方法以及教学模式还是有一定规律的。新教师上课,不要只关注课堂的“热闹 ”,形式的新颖,还要关注学生的学习规律和身心发展特点,运用教育学、心理学、教学法等有序组织。课堂上不能不要纪律,不能不要秩序,不能不要方法,更不能想当然。每门课程有其教学规律,我们不能违背。所以,新教师要按照学科学习规律,设计好每一个教学环节。课堂上一步一步地实施,做到过程清楚,循序渐进。六忌 “多 ”。新教师上课,往往按照教案贪多求全,

38、面面俱到。如教学结构上的样样齐全,哪个环节都不能少;知识传授上,每个知识点都讲到;教学手段上,多媒体、小黑板、自制教具等样样用到。仿佛课堂就成了堆积这些内容的“战场 ”。讲得多,并不说明知识就丰富;教具用得多,也不证明教师能力强。style andrambli ng,pre sumptuous"unqualified"party member_ _ III _- I histori calexperi ence accumulated.Tw ois our partyundertzationsshoul d alwayscatcht hehar dwork, re sult

39、s -orie nted.Twoeducati onaloutcomes are l ong-termorie nted andbe comea n importantimpetusforthework."Two" should hav ethree kinds ofconsciousness"two" studyaonaddresstheseriesof party rules,and do soli d work, bequalifiedparty membershada solid ideological basis.Onlythe "l

40、earning"and "do"realunity,toforma"learn-lear n-do-do" thevirtuouscycle,andultimatelyachievethe fundame .I .一 .I Intalobjective ofeducation.This requiresthatthe OrganizationLearn GeneralSe cretaryon"two to learna" strengtheni ng "fourConsciousnesse s" impo

41、rtantallpeople notha ppy notto see "stereoty pes",esta blish the honest faithful,diligent faith forthespeech caused a strong rea ction int he c ountr y.Time, watching "redtreasure",the origin ofbuildi ngthe partyback t o power, how t o strengthenservice s forthe masses,improvepar

42、ty cohesi on, fi ghting tobecomet hegrass -ropeople. No needtoavoi dmentioning t hat, some membersofour party can notsta ndthe "mone y,"corr osion of temptation,thin,XuZhou, sucha buse andcorrupt briber y,malfeasa nce borer s, andrats.Two,ist o clea n up,thi n, Xhe ne whistoricalconditions

43、,strengthen theuction ofa ne w"rectification movement."Grass-rc.Grass-root s partyorga nizations "two" is toh a nd natural,solid a nd honest w orkstyle. . - Ioots party organistrengthe nthe serviceofparty membersand cadr es,the pioneer spirit. Di stribution of grass-roots partyor

44、ganizationsinallwalks of people, clothi ng, shelte r,whi chbelongstot he nerve endi ngs oftheparCleansing "take,eat, car d,"undesira bleand behaviour," cross, har d andcol d,push"attitude. Grass -roots party organizati ons "two" is t ostrengt hent hese nseofordi narypa

45、rtymembers,partici p - -.L I I I- - . I- n 一 一一 .I - > _. I I - - I. I - -II _ Ind education,bas adire ctper cepti on ofthemasse s.known,members of grass-roots party.- .I. II- . I 一 .-一-一.sic lear ninglie s inthe doi ng. OnlytheConstitutiStrengthenthe partyahe ad ofthe "pedal" spirit;st

46、rebranches l essmobile, l ess re sources,and the. _ 一 一一 一. 一ngthe nthe party members a nd cadres"success doesconstruction of party orga nizationshav e some lag.Twost 一 - II -. . - IL I - I 一.一not havet o be me"and "thefirsttobear hardshi ps, thelastto"servi cespirit to setthepar

47、ty's positive image amongtheudies,is tofocusont he grass -roots party branche s"loose,soft, loose" probl em,advance the partymembers a nd cadrepeopleis im portant. Grass -roots party organizati e s,"a gang worki ng", "Hong Kong report."earninge ducation,need t hree

48、kindsofconsci ousne ss: one i stoesta blish an integrated awareness. "Lear ning" and"do"whatcar i sTwo-wheel, birdwing s,need to goha ndin ha nd, one endcanbe neglected.Communistthe oretici an a nd man.Only by closelycom bining the oryand pra cticetogether in ordertotruly realize

49、theirval ue."Learning" is the Foundation,the Foundation isnotstrong, shaking;""Is thekeytonettonetthousands ofaccounts."Two" education, "" lay thebasi s,goingto "do" thekeygrip, sothatthe "learning" a nd "doing"backtosta ndar d,so

50、thatthe majority ofpartymembers "learn" learn,entirely different,but theorganic unity ofthewhole. "Two" learni ng education,weneed to expl ore integrati ng "learning " in "do", exhibit"do" in"Science". T o av oid the"learning"into

51、sim pleroom instruction,"do" into amonotonefordoing.Should exploration "learn" inthe has"do", "do" in theha s "learn" ofeducati ona nd practice ofcarrier,makes generalgrass-roots memberscan in "learn" in t heha s"do"ofachievements

52、sense,i n "do"in t heha s"learn"ofget sense,real makesparty oftheory brain i nto he art, putforpeopleserviceconcept outsi deofYu sha ped. Third,toadhere tol ong-termthe awareness.Style construction onthe roadforever, "two" hadtocatcht helong-term. "Two" studya

53、nd education, by no mea ns,a ssa ult-style wind-sport, but therecurrenteducati on wit hin t hepart y. Inre centyear s,the party'smass lineeducation pra cticea nd "three -three"specialeducationi ngrass-r oot sbor nerich fruits, vast numbersofparty members andcadr eswithstood the baptism

54、 ofthe spirit."Two" greaterneed to focuson longerholdlong-term,to establi sh a nd perfect theeffectivemechanism oftheeducation,focusingont he creati on ofl ong-termeducation,striveto makethe vastnumber of partymembers tmaintaintheir va nguard Col or,maintai n the party's adva nced nat

55、ure and purit y.Aware ness-raisi ng,a ntennasand atmosphereadiscussionon howleadi ngca dres of party members "two" current,"two"activity isin fullswi ng upa nd dow nthe country, party ca dresas a"key minority"is both abarometer andimpetus.The"two" meani ng eno

56、ug hdee p,is todeterminet heparty cadres can resolveto study hardfirst.Int he "two"in the process,some cadre sof himself,standing l ong, high aware ness,that Constit utionPartyrule sis simpl e, its notworth bot hering some party cadrest hink spe ak series hasnothi ngtodowith thegra ss-root

57、sw ork,waterbusi ness learni ngserie s ofspeeches seen a s window dressing. These"lazy,ca sual,a nd deca dent"ideaslear ning la cks motivation,aseri ous impe diment to "two" effect.John Stuart Milloncesai d,onlya basi celeme nt ofhuma nthoughtpatterns changedramatically,huma n de

58、 stinyca n mak egreat improvement.Thesame, only party membersand新教师上课要学会取舍。课堂上, 教师讲什么,讲到什么程度,学生学什么,学到什么程度,用什么方法等,都要有所取舍,要使教学有的放矢,突出重点,突破难点。3、课堂标准:新、简、实、活、趣 新:理念新、方法新、手段新 理念新 先进的教育教学思想观念决定行为,教师教育教学观念的转变是有效地进行课堂教学的关键。新课程的知识观:学生不仅要掌握基础性知识,还要掌握程序性知识和策略性知识。新课程的人才观:教育者要着眼于促进每一个学生的发展和学生终生学习的愿望与能力培养,尊重学生的个性

59、与差异,发展学生的潜能。新课程的教学观:关注全体学生的发展,关注个体的全面发展,积极倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式,努力建设开放而有活力的课程,创造性的使用教材,积极利用和开发身边的课程资源。 方法新 实用高效的教学思路同样的教材,同样的学生,同样的一节课,同样的教师,课堂教学效果却又大大的不同,原因是教学设计思路不同。 手段新 重视现代化手段的运用现代化教学手段主要指的是多媒体的运用,多媒体以其直观、形象、 信息量大受到学生和教师的欢迎。 简:环节简单、语言简洁、板书简明 教学环节简单。比如阅读教学过程就是三步:积累、感悟、实践。 教学语言简洁。学生是学习的主体,尽量让学生多说。教师的每句话

60、都是有目的,有作用的,无关教学的话尽量少说,争取不说。 板书设计简明。板书是对一节课内容的概括,对教学环节的梳理,或教学重点的突出。 实:内容充实、目标落实、训练扎实 内容充实合理确定教学容量。一节课内容过多,学生难于掌握;内容过少又浪费时间,难以完成教学任务。要科学划分课时,当堂内容当堂完成,适度拓展延伸。 训练扎实边讲边练,讲练结合。做到练有目的,练有重点,练有层次,既形式多样,又突出重点,且针对性强,同时,要注意训练的及时反馈。 目标落实即达成预定的教学目标,每一位学生在原有的基础上,都有不同程度的进步和发展。 活:活用方法、活用教材、激活学生 活用方法教学方法的运用要根据学科特点、教学内容特点而定。“教学有法,但无定法,贵在得法教学中注意多种方法的运用,其根本出发点是以生为本、面向全体、因材施教。 活用教材提倡用教材教,而不是教教材。要求教师能活用教材,举一反三,触类旁通,延伸拓展。学会自主开发课程资源,在运用教材的基础上注意把教材同社会生活联系,同学


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