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1、大学英语六级考试专项练习(词汇与语法)精品文档收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除大学英语六级考试专项练习(词汇与语法)Directi ons: There are 30 in complete senten ces in this part. For each sentence there are four choicesmarked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the correspondingletter on the Answer Sheet with a s

2、ingle line through the center.1.1 feel that his subject gains a lot from the attractive _ of the matter.A. prese ntati on B. preparati on C. prefere nee D. pote ntial2.lf you ask an age nt to help you find an apartme nt, you have to pay him a _ beforee you can rent the house.A. fine B. premise C. pr

3、emium D. visit3. A _ exam in ati on is one which is in preparati on for someth ing.A. predo minant B. premature C. preferable D. prelimi nary4. Age alone will not _ him from sta nding as a can didate.A. preclude B. precede C. precipitate D. predict5. There are still some people who _ war as a means

4、of maki ng the cou ntry great.A. conform B. preach C. project D. pou nd6. Anne is so calm and _ . She does everythi ng well.whe n he saw that he had won.A. popped B. poked C. poin ted D. plugged_ our ideas, we may be ableA. practicable B. applicableC. practical D. appreciable7.The book Black Beautyt

5、he life of a horse.A. postulates B. pon dersC. plots D. portrays8.Hiseyesout of his head9.lf we精品文档收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除to produce a really good pla n.A. poll B. pool C. pore D. poselO.She had spe nt several days _ her lecture, so it was quite successful.A. shining B. plead ingC. pav ing D. polish ing1

6、1. Your criticism in jured his _ . So he is feeli ng upset now.A. div inity B. in dig nityC. ego D. hero12._ bega n to grow in the 1920s with the developme nt of radio.A. Electro nics B. Electricity C. Ecce ntricity D. Econo mics13. Don t_. It isnfairto say all women drivers are bad because one knoc

7、ked you down.A. summarize B. an alyzeC. gen eralize D. cen tralize14. A _ is a portion of a DNA molecule(分子).A. gene B. specime n C. creature D. microbe15. The you ng man used most _ lan guage to irritate the old chap.A. pleasa nt B. offen siveC. respectful D. elega nt16. The detectives tried to _ f

8、rom him where he had hidden his loot(赃物).A. tempt B. attract C. disrupt D. elicit17.1 want someth ing _ placed in this win dow so that no one will be able to watch me.A. tran spare nt B. opaque C. explicit D. clear18.1 find the con ductor _ _stoo slow for such a brillia nt piece of music.A. speed B.

9、 raceC. cale ndar D. tempo19.Whe n his con tract was _ un expectedly, he desperately n eeded a new job.A. terminated B. expired C. fulfilled D. accomplished20.If you are to succeed as a salesma n, first of all, youmust not be精品文档收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除A. humid B. aggressiveC. bold D. timid21. Nowadays ma

10、ny people become un employed as a result of the wide in troducti on of _ in bigin dustries.A. estimati on B. automati onC. tran sformatio n D. con formati on22. A/A n _ managing manner may result in an un expected resista nee of the workers to producemore.A. authoritative B. detective C. respective

11、D. represe ntative23. Ever since the preside nts sexual sca ndal was made public, there has bee n a con tinuous fallin his popularity.A. domestic B. imagi naryC. drastic D. n umerous24. To help the sufferi ng people survive the severe win ter,all the citize ns spared the flood were called on to _ mo

12、n ey,food and clothes.A. allocate B. deliver C. don ate D. fancy25. Flood, _ and fami ne are n atural disasters ofte n fac ing the people in the penin sula.A. war B. san cti on C. overpopulati on D. drought26. Nazism and Fascism were _ to be throw n into the dump of history.A. deposited B. doomedC.

13、damned D. deserved27._ A remark may be completelywhe n it is passed on through differe ntmouths.A. distorted B. restoredC. recovered D. misled28.Every mon th3 isfrom our salary for houserepairi ng payme nt.A. excluded B. expelledC. compelled D. docked29.ln the new cab inets budget, a proportion of 3

14、 per centis fixed for the feedi ng and _ of those below the poverty line.A. un employme nt B. dwelli ngC. exploitati on D. evolv ing精品文档收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除3O.The award ing of la nds as _ to the n obleme n led to the weake ning of the cen tralgover nment.A. doma ins B. don ati ons C. no tati ons D. co

15、n gratulati ons答案部分1.答案A。【参考译文】我觉得对这件事引人入胜的描述为他的主题增色不少。【试题分析】此题为形近词辨析,根据句意来判断。【详细解答】presentation描述; 呈现:the presentation of a plan/history计戈U的提岀/历史的展现。B. preparation:同attractive和of搭配不当。C. preferenee偏爱:have apreferenee for sth.偏爱某事。D. potential潜力;潜能:tap the potential ofproduction挖掘生产潜力。2.答案Co【参考译文】如果委

16、托代理人找房子的话,在租用那座房屋前得先付给他一笔佣金。【试题分析】此题为名词辨析题,要根据句意来判断。【详细解答】premium额外费用,句中的语境和pay暗示了该选此词。A. fine罚金。B. premise(企业等)经营场所:bus in ess premises办公室; 前提:a n ecessary premise to anargument个论点的必要前提。D. pay sb. a visit拜访某人。3.答案Do【参考译文】初试疋为某事做准备的 种考试。【试题分析】此题为形近词辨析题,要根据句意来判断。【详细解答】preliminary预备的;初步的。句中preparation

17、 for sth.暗示这种考试的性质是preliminary examination(初试;预考)。A. predominant显著的,占主要地位的:apredominant crop/feature主要农作物/主要特色。B. premature(做法等)不成熟的;仓促的。C.preferable (to)更好的;更可取的:Death is preferable to dishonour.死胜于受辱。4答案A。精品文档收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除【参考译文】光年龄不会妨碍他成为候选人。【试题分析】此题为形近词辨析题,根据句意来判断。【详细解答】preclude (sb. from do

18、ing sth.)妨碍;排除;清除,较正式的用法:preclude all doubts排除一切疑虑。句中,年龄和候选人是一对矛盾,但alone突岀了年龄不是主要原因。B. precede(顺序、位置、时间上)在之前,先于:He preceded me aschairman of the Society.他在我之前担任协会主席。C. precipitate(突如其来的)使发生;促成:precipitate a war突然引起一场战争。D.predict预言;预测(未来之事)。5.答案B【参考译文】仍有些人鼓吹战争是使一个国家伟大的手段。【试题分析】此题为动词词义辨析题,根据句意来判断。【详细解

19、答】(规则/法律preach竭力鼓吹;宣扬(某事的好处以便让人相信)。A.conform (to a rule/law)遵守)oC. project a film on a screen把电影投射到银幕上。D. pound(连续)猛击:Whd spounding (on) the door?谁在使劲地敲门6.答案C【参考译文】Anne是那么沉着、实际,因此她一切都做的好。【试题分析】此题是形近词辨析题,A、C为同根形容词。【详细解答】practical实际的;实用的;(人或想法)实际的(干事或做决定从实际岀发的一项规定。)oB. applicable能够运用的(规则等)(to): a rule

20、 applicable to foreigners适用于外国人A. practicable能实行的,(在实践中)行得通的(计划等,一般不用来修饰人):apractical/practicable plan一项符合实际的/切实可行的计划。D. appreciable(大得)可以看到(或察觉到)的,相当可观的:an appreciable rise in the temperature温度明显的上升。注意:A、B、D三个 词都以able后缀构成的形容词,一般与之动词的原意相关,具有被动的意味。7.答案Do【参考译文】黑美人这本书描绘了一匹马的一生。【试题分析】此题为动词辨析题,题干中“book为关

21、键词。【详细解答】portray描写;描绘:Dicke ns portrays his characters to the life.狄更斯描绘的人物栩栩女口生。A. postulate假定. 是真的; 比presume禾口assume更正式:postulate the existenee of matter假设 物质的存在。B. ponder (over/on) sth.(仔细精品文档收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除地)思考;沉思。C. plot计划;绘制:plot a ships course on a c!在rt航海图上标绘船的航线;plotaga in st a person密谋陷

22、害某人。本题的主语是一本书,故D.portray描写为最佳答案。8.答案A。【参考译文】当他看到他已经赢了时,他非常吃惊。【试题分析】此题为形近词辨析题,更主要是考固定搭配。题干中“eyes为关键词。【详细解答】pop (out/off)突然岀现;跳岀:pop off匆匆而去。而eyespop out (of on es hea表)示(惊讶得使)眼睛睁大或突岀;吃惊。B.poke戳,捅;把.伸岀或突出:Don t poke your nose into other peoples bu不要管别人的闲事。C.point out sth.指岀(用手指指某东西或告诉某人不知道或没想到的东西)。D.

23、plug把塞住;用 塞住:plug up ahole/leak堵住洞/漏洞。9.答案B。【参考译文】如果我们把自己的想法集中起来,便可以制订一个非常好的计划。【试题分析】此题为形近词辨析题,根据句意来判断。【详细解答】pool集中一起 佣):pool the money to buy a car把钱凑拢来合买一辆汽车。A. poll对.进行民意测验:poll the members of the committee对委员会的成员进行民意测验。C. pore(over)深思熟虑;仔细阅读:pore over a book。D. pose提岀(问题等);造成(困难等):pose an obstac

24、leto成为.的障碍。10.答案D。【参考译文】 她花了几天时间润色自己的演讲稿,因此演讲相当成功。【试题分析】 此题为动词辨析题,A、D在某种意义上是近义词。【详细解答】polish(使)优美;润饰(通过修改,作小的变动或增加新的内容):polish an article/a speech润饰一篇文章/一篇演讲稿。A. shine发光。B. plead恳求。C. pave铺(路):pave the way (for)(为)铺平道路。11.答案C。【参考译文】你的批评伤了他的自尊心。他现在很不安。精品文档收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除【试题分析】此题为名词辨析题,根据句意来判断。【详细解

25、答】ego自我,自尊心:In Freudian psychology, a personsmind consists of three parts: id, ego and superego.在佛洛伊德的心理学中,人的思想意识由三部分构 成:以德,自我和超我。A. div in ity神,神学:He atte nded the div in ity school at Oxford.他就读牛津大学神学院。B. indignity侮辱;轻蔑:The bandits subjected us to all sorts of indignities.强盗们对我们加以各种侮辱。D. hero英雄;男主

26、角。12.答案A。【参考译文】随着无线电的发展,电子学在20世纪20年代也开始发展起来。【试题分析】本题是形近词辨析题,题干中“radio的含义极为关键。【详细解答】electronics电子学:He is an electronic engineer. Hisfield is electronics.他是一个电子工程师,其领域是电子学。B.electricity电。C. eccentricity怪癖:Mr. Smith is a man noted for his eccentricity.史密斯先生是一位以怪癖岀名的人。D. economics经济学。13.答案C。【参考译文】不要以偏概全

27、。由于一位妇女驾车撞了你就说所有的妇女都是劣等驾驶员是不公道的。【试题分析】此题是形近词辨析题,根据句意来判断。注意区别A、C。【详细解答】generalize归纳岀;推广;笼统地下结论:to generalize a conclusion from facts从事实中引岀结论;to generalize the use of a new insecticide推新杀虫剂;这样的结论当然是草率的结论(generalize)。A.summarize总结,摘要,扼要地讲。在此句中逻辑上不够吻合。B. analyze分析。D. centralize中央集权:The king is trying to

28、cen tralize all power in his own han ds.国王企图把一切权力集中于自己手中。精品文档收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除14.答案A【参考译文】每个基因都是脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)分子的一部分。【试题分析】此题为名词辨析题,根据句意来辨别选项。【详细解答】gene基因。B. specimen样品,标本。C. creature生物。D. microbe微生物:Microbeis so small a liv ing creature that it cannot be see n without a microscope.微生物是一种极小的生物,只有在显微镜下

29、才能看见。从(a portion of DNA molecule)DNA分子的一部分来判断,只有A.gene合适,其他选项均由分子构成,不可能是分子的一部分。15.答案B。【参考译文】这位年轻人使用极端无礼的话去激怒那可怜的老头。【试题分析】此题为形容词辨析题,题干中“irritate为关键词。【详细解答】offen sive冒犯的,无礼的:Im in dig nant at his offen sive words.我对他无礼的话感到很愤慨。A. pleasant令人愉快的。C.respectful表示尊敬的。D. elegant优美的。此句中讲了青年人的话使可怜的老头很愤慨,使他激怒,可见

30、这些言语是无礼的。16.答案D。【参考译文】侦探试图诱使他说出藏匿赃物的地方。【试题分析】此题为动词辨析题,A、D为近义词,但用法不同。【详细解答】elicit弓丨岀,诱岀:His irony elicited an angry reply.他的冷嘲热讽引来了愤怒的回答。A.tempt诱惑,引诱做不法之事:While nobody was looking, hewas tempted to steal some money.没有人看到的时候,他经不住诱惑去偷钱。B. attract吸引。C.disrupt使中断;扰乱:disrupt railway services使铁路交通中断。A. tem

31、pt也有引诱之义,但它指采用一些手段诱骗,其结构为to tempt him to say where he had hidden his loot.17.答案B。【参考译文】我想在窗上装上不透明物体,这样就没人能注视我了。【试题分析】此题为形容词辨析题,可根据题意,采取排除法来做。精品文档收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除【详细解答】opaque不透明的,不发亮的:an opaque body不透明体;anopaque color暗色。A. tran spare nt透明的,明了的:This plastic is tran spare nt.这种塑料是透明的。C. explicit清楚的,清

32、晰的:Your remarks are explicit,no one can misinterpret them.你的话十分明 确,没有人会误解。D. clear清楚的,清晰的,从句中的so that-判断,要使没人能注视到我,在窗上必须装上不透明物体,故B为恰当选择。18.答案D。【参考译文】就这么一首华美的乐曲而言,我觉得那位指挥的速度太慢了。【试题分析】此题为近义词辨析题,A、B、D为近义词。题干中“music”关键词。【详细解答】tempo音乐的速度,拍子;步调、节奏:The busy tempo ofcity life gets less busy at night.城市生活繁忙的

33、节奏在夜间缓和下来。A. speed速度,较常用。B.race比赛、赛跑。C. calendar日历;月历:the wall calendar挂历。D. tempo指音乐的节拍和速 度,为最佳选择。19.答案A。【参考译文】当他的契约被意外终止时,他迫切需要一份新的工作。【试题分析】此题为近义词辨析题,A、B为近义词,C、D为近义词。题干中 “con tract禾和 “un expected为关键词。【详细解答】term in ate终止,结束:The con tract can be term in atedby either party.任何一方都可终止契约合同。B. expire期满,终

34、止:The trade agreement between thetwo countries will expire next year.这两国间的贸易协定明年期满。expire指某一期限何时到期,结束,因此同unexpectedly搭配不合适。C. fulfil完成,结束。D. accomplish达到,完成。20.答案D。【参考译文】如果你要做一个成功的推销员,首先你不能胆小。【试题分析】此题为形容词辨析题,根据句意来判断。【详细解答】timid羞怯的,胆小的:The girl is quite timid and dare not come out to meet the guests.

35、小女孩很害羞,不敢岀来见客人们。A. humid潮湿的:I hopethe weather will not be so humid in two days.我希望两天后天气不再这么潮湿。B. aggressive好与人 发生口角的,好攻击的;进取的:He is an aggressive person and is likely to start a fight.他生性好攻击,易与人打架。C. bold勇敢的,冒失的。D. timid为适当选择,因为推销员(salesman)必须善言 辞,会交往才能成功。如果羞怯当然不容易成功。精品文档收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除21.答案B【参考译

36、文】如今,随着一些大型工业米用自动化技术,造成许多人失业。【试题分析】此题为形近词辨析题,题干中“un employed为关键词。【详细解答】automation自动(化)。其形容词形式automatic更常见。A.estimation估计:by rough estimation据估计。C.transformation转变:word transformation词形转换。D.co“formation结构,构成方法。在工业方面引进的肯定是某项具体技术。故选automation。 自动化和工人失业具有一种因果关系。22.答案A【参考译文】专横的管理作法,可能导致意想不到的工人对生产的抵触情绪。【试

37、题分析】此题为形近词辨析题,根据句意来判断。【详细解答】authoritative权威的,专制的:authoritative rule专制的统治。B. detective一般用作名词,侦探(的)。C. respective各自的:people with respective characters性格各异的人。D. representative有代表意义的,当名词意为代表人员。此题主要是词形方面相接近的词的选择,弄清意思即可。23.答案C。【参考译文】自从总统的性丑闻公开以来,他的声誉持续急剧下降。【试题分析】此题为形容词辨析题,根据句意来判断。【详细解答】drastic急剧的:drastic

38、explosion of a volcano火山的猛烈喷发。A. domestic国内的,家庭的:domestic news国内新闻。B. imaginary想象的,不真实 的:an imaginary story虚构的故事。D. numerous数目大的,指复数意义:numerous lookers on一大群旁观者。总统作为首脑,也是楷模,一旦发生丑闻,声誉就会持续、急剧下降。句中关键 词丑闻”暗示了声誉必然会下降。24.答案C。【参考译文】为了帮助灾区人民度过严冬,政府号召所有没受洪灾的人们捐赠钱物。【试题分析】此题为动词辨析题,根据句意来判断。【详细解答】don ate捐赠钱物。A.

39、allocate分配人手、财物等。B. deliver分发报纸等精品文档收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除。D.fancy想象。这个词词性较多,较难掌握。注意下面的例子:I cant fancy his doingso.想不到他竟会这么作。25.答案D。【参考译文】洪涝、干旱和饥荒是这个半岛上的人民经常面临的自然灾害。【试题分析】此题为名词辨析题,题干中“n atural disasters为关键词。【详细解答】drought干旱。B. sanction允许,(多用复数)制裁。C. overpopulation人口过剩。题中主要谈论natural disasters自然灾害。空格前后也都是自然因素。所以选D。26.答案B。【参考译文】纳粹和法西斯主义注定要被扔进历史的垃圾堆。【试题分析】此题为形近词辨析题,根据句意来判断。首先根据语法排除D项。deserve多用主动语态。【详细解答】doom多见于be doomed to注定要(失败、灭亡等)。A. deposit存放,沉积:de


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