已阅读5页,还剩27页未读 继续免费阅读




1、i ndmueae. ixe-biuaSabs,";"":*3"::“* b.dt.tewkf; i”x.“n in","e-'e”gy1Tm-,*.",”".e".”F"r":exwvu*wk-*:3-im n“a”etsrowr:*-.;*”.:.,".3:*-."-"rjy.CM:"b"%*"、.yuwoayw-dku-zm."rdq.%*;.::-uCC,6-td:f:a"n "m

2、.o”=rmd3。:",-kay*;",”一;,"D;.*"."-.".".",metopoter.b-h:new-n:wdSf"-.y.;n.:u,.;er;".HoOiuaj",8"'."”.::,3,3:.:工、.,m,;-".-.*.”*0*.;::.:.:"."nfmX'.ejm.”rma.;.“-*:,.”ngeeYd"-meWk.-.yao.nAaraegemenfm"d-eoppd l

3、.s-.pu- n.wrks * ”:.I - ., ok .i .ng.t, pd . nW .”."、It: 一 . y - i sue. s -as ”.”. fr i»g I .wo. . c.g. wwho. .I.- I. u sp. sol Wo. i . ".” .Cools (.) 3nd t I. s -L “y .on. bi»sl . XX Cy .Cools (.)”. 20, 9 ol-ICI -.no!.pr.cton .、 of wc -o.-n.w. f. . d s iy pro. c.n. - . .-. i构成课程


5、容和教学要求、建议学时分配(一)课程理论教学内容和要求教学内容:1、第一章平面构成的构成要素构成的分类平面构成的造型要素点、线、面的情感特征2、第二章重复构成重复构成的概念基本形的组合关系特殊重复重复构成的形式 cu. p. in c. . .I-d. iyIid.n.L . i- L. . gu- on . in C.t. iig .o.t Io dy n. ik o i.nl. " II. .Ini -l sf. XX n.n. .f on. .ng.l . u. b. -.I." L . .-ok. . L. . nd oC - L. .”. . .ng. rig .

6、 , ru. v."I i . . nd .io- -. .I.-. . i n . . . n . qUky.nL .iC.Il y . s Wk. nt-us .A-. V -. . . U. b_i .L .t v-s sol . -,.gid. Cc. . . b. .ng-.mfgm.s.a.:dme. d :u:rl.aners,“mi -management .m d-.ppd las-mpL- and XX .u - i7m.t it-i.pm n ,om.etu.aCiee tae <du-t,.w.ks_.h on-.”.me nt .-u.-1b.,tst

7、 daabb-:mal<:rv- Lugd a.agi - .m, ok -ane- -u-.teIpl.o.ms.A de-gn, . son Ci -prmay admidd.”.nets -l . I l.la n,.g-oolm 3198 .1,tan O on gad - l - . _l -l . .1Snnei s.-on-bl.fo. -nfdet.I- tee,.ste-nol L一 1.1int -as - tlmaag-et, passwd mas le-hool ul-I .LIL I on -mpu. "ys nd.t .g,t-t-sbegan,.

8、l-adad-and 一一. II - -i" de”" op. y .».”.ago-g -.-nd., oft.nd mapoweLd . - I .1l Smet iu. - u onta - .-.-Ul-p.c and -nd” oganzti on -a" ou bb-atbn-a- s. p mpemental on,.”l-lool I Huef aa nned,p- l Ggaie -naim.opoi.n a_ new*.o" ofmp - e ntatin p”-m. - . b " ld ",&quo

9、t; of a-u.,. . .oe-in-nStu-in.a e-u- .on in.”A -.dig t o wo - i -age dmia n.w3、第三章渐变构成nformati.dial-,sMXiew. okaanrmaet -ton.eu,-:g:c,ddi-0:-lade.SJ. DW-see.-mi,. is lou-s p-pe sof wo-in-a. of maaem.nt -oolngo.k f. -fe dseui,p.oe -ion -i, .-on-le . s and bilitest o s-oo-Iks of ifmainse-(u.)d.nnd tdl

10、evel i1g -at, .,i.X .ua.lmOopolan .new.-l pps- Ea-s-ool -,. . , standads of -ampus newo. and new o.k a ls to al.ngto Mni-" of -d-aton on fulsta.d imp - . ntaton tea -dgtalent-ai- Z lu -an-eeou-ti on dgta. - ou-n-”p.oje- w o.kou. ,. scoo- .l. -I. 一. 一 . -We,vio:o, a alet,.l-.ni-wl - . il. il. Ln

11、 . l- . . Ln, .II- IIL-III I.I.I.on-. L- - 一 一一 一 Ldd. soo pus new dmain,L - I . I -I -.-. 一.一p nno.k -mpu. new*-nd.,- -d-aton t- tIe、-:a,f. “n. imp.me -L -newo.kand l Icion qu.m. Il. .1_ -l l -on- E bl-.d dgial.e-u n Si n mooe.le - -oom-.di -. . d-aon ta-ingize tepl,- - : lying t-1.1 l- 一 0milonY -

12、,XX fUl -e”. - goup,.,Inten. ba ndw dt, C.fo.n-soft - ligum of - a -lie.<du-aina i ".main aof tle -oolnd.-imendaanyt-SdiPm.- i00 m.一.-d. in.- u xx s ul-o-e p. oe tfnaion (augtte-nin - new '.kne n. mlXX -i" sool dig. esu. inmod.di-a-ee d-aton ea-ing fU-a .(20”4t Ml-o-eage o- i- dg.l.

13、- uof Id in on -i .mode,Km:“I:“:”:. d X tea - d-ane ed. - in.a-ig ad” ul -agen eucat oau.ed-aon . sou 一 1.1 . . .lon - -u -sf. .-gou. 渐变构成的分类 渐变构成的特征 渐变构成在设计中的运用 联想渐变构成4、第四章特异构成特异构成的含义 特异构成的形式特异构成运用5、第五章对比构成形状对比大小对比色彩对比质感对比位置对比曲直对比6、第六章材料与肌理肌理的概念 肌理的分类 视觉肌理的形式 触觉肌理的形式 材料的特点 肌理训练的方法7、第七章空间构成空间的概念 平面空

14、间表达方法空间的构成形式二维空间的空间表现8、第八章色彩的三要素色与光 色相 -Ui" p. -ein -a - .nla-nd, ui,lidef. a Uay ep.c. - .ou-1 t- . _i,il. 一 _ad ameeingwitout.o ltee 一 da,w o.k-ze. - ene tl. old . b.ln ad sui,deReeuaylo-s.-et obVis-" . d, e i gu-new o.k-wi-l-,-e .outng一"-.0.o,-dank t <upe.,:i- ifo.maton l-«

15、 - aem.e nae <u- -eXX E du-ainE.l.n - .glob. .w . of.ew ok .i.-.I_ L, nl. . . I il. 一 s t.esle. Tl.oogl fe-inaion ."m.tfau.C-te - nary ou to oay ne.k -i y,a. - t aSou - man.in o.cel new >.k-:"ne ko .L .1 L - .IL . . Lnk of in-tment in eu - tLe t . nsungifmain ad euim.一.,a nd -. .d .e

16、 iae opeatua" imp."et" u".tentmaua:a<: >,wtt,s It.nt." tie a-pda- - id. I - tHaBt. - niia.te-ni -i-.,xx new.k.”. o.kand ifmai.eXX -" ifmainad euimeon -pmet is -il un.C一 .nu. tat- - .an.nt w - e w eunaton -on-.-nanne -f on -.malg-.tabl-.d wi C.t.aonalm:rpolan a.a n

17、.w I .k ua bap-nip" tonint lene ment ad -ool e-e m pas-etif- opeaion.-ainifmaineeOndSt,S.tn:W:.n-endidftOoO:.men:e.二:.-o-oaK o> gi. tai. i” a to i1 u.mens.oeasun eig a -e-memang-etn. ml-li ne .oom XX S.-es ang .- -J 一一- .i.il.d-e eunatof iduain ifo.mOnd daa - o - ad apl-at uina .atist o -ego

18、n.-a nd aso aed.”.on,- o.pl-aion- "ia. - 206,3 Ip.tX “,m”polan a.a-nd. .d.C.mpu.n.wk n. mi-lie.oom.d.-iae e- - in. b mainteW do -、-. = 3一n . nenannemanage s” .u a-d-on-aton -ountiea.yofd - i.nd - . -.118 widow. 1 ." Lind day-lool ta-le- te ta hl ma- t-main -m pa-.- . m, ted out-. 0 duaton,

19、 nut " .maided bb-efl-lool ta-es '.-e0 -sao. SQL'.“aS Olie -awa.su- and . oo- -a ba-nup, -s a la dwae aiu. is I.-o-I Ofie - fwa. '-oo- unit ad-aton.<-lnolo"p.oice n-y:- -eiiaeAtpe-et,al<-loo-la.n a -st. -a- -a n.eume.s in t-i-,an. ef.t maage.l a -_ .I - L I . .Is -al sl a

20、newk ant-us , A- iaviussyS- on a .g-p. of a nd k nl-oftIn:r: -u. -fwa.n.and .- , o.-ao-"”. o-.,d- pat-ia. i ntaiiual awXda d- -on of aWB dS-Hta. nf mdiiaO Dw-*t on a:civtessliew>de le-dtdS-aita.a- newo. Taasiiat on taeae - s-oolt- -le. -a- d-i- l e.d-,infomaion te-nolg"t:-l: taiig aua b

21、b-i -and atXX Iduaton m:rpo-avius sof .一-."i.nd newo.kmang-e-,as-0:1tmetn aeanew ok -e-efo. Hstla ntpe-nneug."mpu. a bman.ane.anng-e -u- a -一 .- -. f.HawintC. n. on . n- tle eants m.1ng-a n”.II 一 . L I . I-ooln of osoolta. management systems a nd mea suesesabl ,a ment is i nU _e d ile amaa

22、ement ssem;d elppdhas cmpute ad tenntorkofd pat Ime wokfor - ld - al main, Ie 1rtleci Iu budge tenue i "rmain ,of iveethe iBlsrom. .pm n 'om. letupaccinee tace iduatWt h .te compa- -.一 -一pa nyonclud iafm, implmeny on XX lucain.nt esur-lbra,tstdaabbsemalaerv- 一Lhh> <,m, <*ne d has n

23、nt ok >e i,rrsponsi Ie d、aa pus cnst m in ad lusaiaedeve opmet Sx Burau a.chs grea m pora ncet ”.main tecnolg,seurt, i "rm.n tchnolg, ,eB,XX, e d_aton ifrmain ade - imet CeeteXX netwk netwk u ad i n.main seurt,A cccdiglo t he i.matintg,seur,rrqurmens, iCh dmai ne .- nttd l nks te oirk of top

24、c ca-s .c IseplatormsA preent, te c»sIe de sgn, ree s on Ciscbooks, al itanetse-ies“t, b sematcmpa ny tougt Shu ad-l . I l.la n,.。ug - -ua-scool nts t I compuerin managment peNfr grae protcton gadng rrcord a nd eva .- L - I - . _I -I . .1snne i s resonsbl efor c nfientachan I roe c saf fre prov

25、idls3118 .l,ta Is tee,as tecnol L一 1.1isof noiicain(cuaaugt le ( 8t,)rrq - rmes, Ici,I a ea ci ng poits m pementatontacigpoits dgia educai I n e sur cs ull cve projec,ccrran t te unie d aragement of te hoe provnce esonsbe for uve. Iduuain dgial resuccs cveing prect mang-e nt ad im plmetain. Accrnt c

26、as_ t.on of ichool is, rq.-menti_og,lupport fom 2009一 l 1 - - -lmang-et, ppssd mahrug h te cssoom (rma,and >enaement,s te ichool is rd-I .LIL I began, a ccdi ng t hg h saddads and 一一. II - -cm ie d I ch seicai t on, I pe d Id has XX Ci,dig to prv nccs arang-ets I Ceeer has arag -es Gngcmpue ejoys

27、 inependet rgif0rmiin -ht-t XX Ch Ceete fr ea docetrego-g , -cnda,, of te cmpusBurrau on ta ciduainal .a.I and e qupmet did t t he work Ne ork seur,l一. gouptup, n by t he Ed_at on Bura u CCef hea d fr XX e -lain letone ok ad infrmat on seu* en,esonne llaq sjoob unis imp ent fnnd te "main seui,g

28、u-ie s, spcf c k pra "e s prooe dues a nd re qu_me ns.,rind - t,"main-u icde ns c dets t detctre 10r and dispooalon, commad T he e la der and deu,bale r, resons Ie frneork XX ne ok ,a nd in.main. em. Ifrmainscuk Confeece hed eac-me, a nd plomet of idig to t hs unis acual ab-hed h is u - pe

29、sonnel ma .main sy stmrommang-e nt ad Iquimet management, a nd moi a managgme nt ad .ekseur,consuctonmaagemedesi. Deu,group lla de fr X e du oa metopoiaaea new or ad normat on u» - egenn,resonne Uor| rocese s.A Ucrig to lmina", the sUool (u.) basc - a b - h> hhs newrk se -.,manget ; te

30、sUool units auornfmain scuh of doumets iIs - d on a、 ua bbss .mainnt and si pped dme .sonmang-e nt ad -vi - outsucdiatdlve i nfrmain<, ms.Iks of "main -cmpuer for is prs(u-)d>fnndork fr -siesord of teoal ld atcccrdig tbiiestbe for, ho uuespicie s of o s i n cage of maaement scoolo scoos X

31、X c,scoos (uis) tota sie " of on infrmain .stmscui y, suane esonshe re s ad rsponsiilopriea ,ad reeaeof provii ons is pr ohi btd, suuc as laks ive stgatd fr rsponsiil,.Ao o s i cage of o' s iho is runig a nd ho s rrsponsihch ee not si- scuhd seuiy proe cin eves tout thirde ea chi ng .sem of

32、 moderII. Il .一on carid ou ifmaihig -m, >annigl. I - l .t scools hudene rkrra(1s i n, mplme-L -oteiterctve-n t onaad sandad - a nd grde evan Zhaokuaogazaisem cds of m1ga,es dand to t he abe, ' re ' (e:. 一 . . _cui,grde proe cin "" et .IL .-一 一3 mlinY- n, or dng t t he nd.d - II-

33、 IIL-III I.I.I.ntainga proe cin. m of te re 一一t,elec roc h-b0ads mulmedaI- -L. J _ _a ssooms emqueme Ic-i,grdeprectigh of k tougt a nd mapoeJ .I_ l_ II Ld - - I .1 .k. The esaplaningI ad pits digtl esurcs ul cer prl ismet of a. n- d,pracia Is - p mpementatojct of mplmel Ggaion, usigducainal mHopolkI

34、chool eat_ae Hou reain prgrmme Esab - hdnara netk, tXX, ul co - age ofcnstucin of opporunites agan pa'I. I L . 一. -he chs uhooshhae aces t ei g me na,ad mi gaa esu s i m I deducainal mHopolkn aea ne ddle scoos ccmpus ne rk a nd e in ci,dmain,L - l . I -l-.-. 一.一 p neo nnork scool s have cmpue ne

35、tksndsan Iducaton tta ci ng proec e” ng grup, XX, carrd tne rk ah e、cea,fr Iduat-i teei son ne nd loca brld m ston. Eblsed dgialreok, broacassu - si nng netrk cmpay cooperain, us.-l.l. I l. .1_ -l l -n moderhe c -sooms readucaintacigng broacas T' ne rk lLLl. > >.一ie te tile pl,.,XX ful cve

36、rgeScoos saepre c goup,ph,scl ie l,ig t-1.1 l- 一I eacscool t minm-.-.-III- - -um of cs aIntene ba nd dt, came et the neds of techig", ceeteforducaina i I frmain achiee d hhsph, lfbe Ichool scool piss Ea.Ill- - l . .1 一 - 一 Iof the scoolnd e . imeoffceand a a n,tme .ccrdint caird Z hu m.rrsponsi

37、lefr dngtocscoolMnis,"<e - ina1mopolan aea.I一一.一. -一cnstucinstanads of ccmpus ne sacee - caiof >d_aton on ulstaeon dgiarrsouccscovOgd mplme ntaton eaor ad ne ork aols to al rprojec ci I g poit s dgia eooms;一.-orkProecs iduccain reon resuceXX educaimmetopolia -LI.一 - .1.1s ul cove prXX ch

38、scool digtl esur ccs i nWe, vi deo, a -“"the 1alel - . II. Il- Lnnara ne I rk nte mlchine room iquime.一 d .ili . i .1 一 oe nmordisacee ducaton eoneacing fuca lete(!” Mlco.aieand XX Prnst,of Iducain sadadizton maJl . I .一一i - Deparmentdigial resuof Iduuain on isuecs i nmodennagement- -d XX I rov

39、ice eaplafm, the ce ntal Liray.11. .Li.-dsta e ducain eacigof a m i oci ng poitsd、-l Iducatad XX ulc-rgeon relua educain esouce,presu s fu l cv er proecc goup la d_hip andon an ofpicpas of frmainiI efrman sesment ad scool eve moring a id ealuain, to ddvllp ascetifc opeaionae inifmai n eing a sesmeta

40、cigma-imetof Iduuain informaton a nd apl -iB,”rc 206,110 of te t he. I patcipaed i a naina e .caina tchnolg,taning fr prma,and lecnda,Ichool tachers tetachs ha - made tIchool taces ' educatona fce ncyes ceiiaeAtpeset, al uhoos ha- ess to bra dbad nnt oris. Tani ng ca siicaton ta ning o

41、f eace s scool tta cher s a ddmc l , ifmaintecnolg,,ttace tanig and ne ork ma-lmeit pesnne fom te Ccunty, thite ackt o scool taiin- tanig i s compee.明度纯度色彩与视觉生理色彩的混合色彩构成在设计的运用9、第九章 色彩的心理色彩的感觉色彩的联想积极色彩与消极色彩10、第十章 色彩对比与调和(一)色彩对比的含义同时对比连续对比明度对比色调11、第十一章色彩对比与调和(二)色相对比色调纯度对比色调面积对比色调冷暖对比色调空间混合的目的及要求12、第十二

42、章 线立体形态构成立体构成的研究方向立体构成的形态概念 立体构成的基本要求线材构成13、第十三章面与块立体构成(一)面材构成的材料应用面材的含义面材构成的加工手段面材的基本折屈练习14、第十四章面与块立体构成(二)mprove se cui,pr ein ca l-i, obvi ouus e nhaccd,<ecui,hidefr al eui pment ithe room a rrg ua u> epa-the old a beln ad scui,-cde it obvousn rrd ed,e-ct<e guaaRerua,hos sevene<s infor

43、matt eee Ota ngiea de ik ofelstl - n preda, ork tpulic. r ed ko ldg e ad iformaon _一.一. Il. -. I . _ng up the a blt,to sove prs ne ork hhs, ce rouig , f i har dae maie-i,con-eatons .I L Iobems, ad fe dack t luper iig ddeameton hhatdeelpment.nace >uc - eXX E du - in "n - dgl oba a aene s ofn

44、ok ad infrmain sel_ L, nl. . . I ll. s tresle. Through sefeiatqu | met faue,Ceeterrg r, ou da-i ,, ad t a. _to netrk -sou d be pr ocelsed i a tme,manne i orI n, a e l aae r t ace- ne I rk e,ne ko <e.L .1 L - .IL . . Lc of invsment i eu - t-rn monitoride t e nsung ifmainad euipme-r,a nd vr eme ad

45、re ae peat-befre te guad, tmpr.-I L . Lon, ilis a nd (qupmet fr urhernt.B t I e aonof te s,stm.updaes Id-iae tecni calsaf,XX ne rk eove ne ork and ifmain -XX c,ifmain ad euipmedevlpm-rh, enue ta t- -.et s sl uleI , nel-L _ JL. I - . - paaHigho lsudenodig t on hi oinngine rommanent e he xx id.at eu i

46、n concesnan saf on sema-imet ablsed i Ceetend mai nteaI Iducainal merpoltn aeon s,stm nork and.- L I -L .1 I I. I._ I-nee d t be urt he ehance d to some exence on a rrga ne I rk ua ba ss,uhe due d vestms i,、i ng eporing . m e.I . - -LLIL. I - - J 一ner m-hi ne room XX Sevesf ne oks s,stmq>irs alnt

47、 ad resticig t he ddve opme nt of c,eu - tI _ .1Ldl_ - - ,-c_racm ma I(stsd.aa ss a nd asocaedend daa s ors ad aplcat ons to se uioOeghen co1aquipment opeaigboraton, or Hoe, icnol *ga*dt d"ci,mHopolan aeacndti ons ad mae arrcorh ec, planetkdivnpe一.-一ceer m.hie room.d. Ccmpute ab maited XX Id -

48、aion merW-do - leverB"pola n aean - -一一 一nama” srrg -。run a vaie,of dev ndoWe vem ido >Sevea| Lis ite scool ifmain<, m pa-eessler s,stms and <ar oosdaa ba ckup, s that tee as a ha daefaue in a sste cas ca nreumeprvn e ducaton ddmonsain countieok.r-a, ca,ouem-e - dis, ad care一一 -L J I L

49、L -s as a dv ng force ur l - -“XXemeput i eh e ic e iput imoder faudvsin of a cad ou seca unds evduuain, fors t prom>, ul_ .ey puen,oprom onfa cana e aeao, cacie nose ca ssmsntvv esinc te sc-i,of ifmain. An" 一 .11一 otethe ong I g, ad Li Wanfu a * I . L I.2 3 profss onata igfor nork -u - 一. |

50、- - - .一-_I.nd Mcae Jek ns a nd CCe n Ja, a id Song and ochua,u, 7. 一- II J L . I L - II-r eisi)of compuer iqck,and efcetles i t he cty, forming ecnolog, tnfmain . m <scu producs fr domedbi comade parii,Compuerlh a ng profesi_ .I - L I . .Ipae i provnce bk bone faetab mainte nan maagerc pr oducs i nc ud ng te uue of H a na and tchn-l e-. .> L.s (sal sh anetk ao-e or ne-ok lar ning, d entviusnd k ngsoft .ere _sstm, AvraVork ”.es on common.一.I > II. .Li


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