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1、considered lucky numbers in China, while four is considered unlucky because it sounds like "death. "The fourth common gift in China is plants. If your Chinese friend just moved to a new home or spends a lot of time in their office, a plant is a good choice for a gift.Finally, it' s imp

2、ortant to be mindful when choosing the color of your gift. During happy occasions, Chinese people prefer the color red because it means cheer, fortune and good luck. During funerals, white and black colors arc used to express remembrance and respect.If you' re planning to give a gift to a Chines

3、e person, keep in mind the above as a helpful guide. No matter what kind of gift you give, it' s always the thought that counts.【题 1 】 Which of the following is the proper gift for visiting a friend in China?A. A beautiful clock.B. Some fresh fruit and flowers.C. A red envelope with ¥444 in

4、 it.D. Some tea without a tin or wrapper.【题 2】What can we learn from the passage?A. You can send a plant to your friend when he moves to a new home.B. Pears are bad choices because ,lpear asounds like uto attend a funeral".C. Chinese people prefer red because it means cheer, good luck and respe

5、ct.D. Red envelopes with cash arc often given for funerals, birthdays and the Spring Festival.【题 3 】What needn' t wc pay attention to when choosing the gift?A. The price of the gift.B. The type of the gift.C. The colour of (he gift.D. The size of the gift.【题 4】In which part of a magazine will yo

6、u probably read this article?A. History.B. Education.C. Culture.D. Travel.三、阅读还原5选5()8. This happened (wo years ago but remains a lively memory. Wc sang My Motherland and Me before a huge stage in Beijing Grand Theater. It was my first time in a gathering attended by local officials.【题 1 】I was So e

7、xcited.【题 2】I was on a local bus when I first heard it. I couldn' t understand the words but I could follow the tunc from memory.【题 3】 We just practised My Motherland and Me until we could remember the Chinese words.The day of the event we all wore red and stood on stage. 【题 4】 Our performance w

8、ould be followed by a group of children who sang Be Brave, a pop song. I love that song too. After the program, all the performers were called back to the stage. The head of the local community gave each of us a prize. I went home with my prize, hags of fruits and candies than my two hands could car

9、ry. When my mother arrived home from work. I greeted her," 【题 5】For several days, we didn' t have lessons.A. Before singing, we were introduced and warmly welcomed.B. You* re not going (o believe what happened to me today!C. My Motherland and Me is a song with beautiful melody.D. It was als

10、o my first time to taste tanghulu, candied haws on a stick.四、短文首字母填空() 9.根据短文及首字母提示,写出所缺单词,并注意使用适当形式。(每空限填-词)Online shopping, mobile payment and bike-sharing have left a deep impression on the 26-year-old Japanese man Haruki. He decided to write a book to share his 19-year e 【题 1 】 of living in Chin

11、a with the people of his country.Haruki was b 【题 2】in Tokyo, Japan in 1995, and graduated from Xiamen University in 2019. Then he went back to Japan to work. He found many Japanese knew little about China and r 【题 3】 it was necessary to open a window for the Japanese to understand the changes in Chi

12、na, so he decided to write a book to give the true information of China to the Japanese people.He recalled that when his Japanese friends came to China to travel, they were surprised to see that bike-sharing was p 【题 4】in China. And people didn' I take cash out to shop. I 【题 5】,theyused digital

13、w【题 6】,such as Wcchat Pay and Alipay.The book was published in 2021. He hopes his book can provide Japanese readers with a look at the real China.五、完成句子( ) 10.除非我们保护环境,否则这个世界会变得越来越糟糕。The world will become worse and worsewcthe environment.() II.自从“双减”政策实行以来,我们有更多空闲时间参加课外活动。Wemore fee time to lake par

14、t in after-school activities since the 11 doublereduction' policy was carried out.( ) 12.家庭教育和学校教育对于孩子的成长一样重要。Home education isimportant to a child' s developmentschool education.() 13.学得好主要靠白己努力。Success in study mainlyour own efforts.() 14.预防新冠肺炎的一种好方法是接种疫苗。A goodprevent COVID-19 is to get

15、the vaccine.() 15.引擎出了问题,它发出奇怪的噪音。Therewrong with the engine. It' s making strange noises.() 16.你最好不要玩太多电脑游戏。Youcomputer games too much.六、根据图画及所给单词写出句子() 17.根据图片,用所给的关键词造句。清按需加上冠词和谓语动词,并使用动词的正确形式。【题1】;, our tcam/snow mountains/in/daytinic【题2】my friend/over to/China/ncxt week【题3】【题4】(hey/out/Engl

16、ish play/last night【题5】glass/full of waterCanton Tower/tallest/building/in Guangzhou七、材料作文( )18.为了更全面了解"双减”政策后的学生状况,羊城中学在全校范围内开展了一项问卷调查,调查结果如下:1.作业和体育锻炼时间变化:2.同学们课余生活的变化:有更多的空闲时间做自己感兴趣的事,例如踢足球、弹钢琴和画画 等。请根据以上调查结果,写一份英文调查报告,并阐述你的看法。注意:1. 词数:70词左右(开头已给出,不计入词数)。2. 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。The "

17、double reduction" policy has been carried out since July, 2021. In order to learn about thechanges ofchanges ofthe students' life, Yangchcng Middle School did a research.() 2.I want to share my life in China. I have been a doctoral student in the University of ElectronicScience and Technolo

18、gy of China2017. My study in China gives me a chance to explore acountry which isfrom the one I' ve learned from TV and books.I am very happy with my decision to come to study here. However, things didn' l go asas I expected in the beginning. The first difficulty was the Chinese language. Wh

19、en IinChina, I felt lonely and had trouble with the language. Later on, my Chinese friends introduced mea rich culture during the Spring Festival. Some numbers such as six and eight are believedto be lucky by Chinese people. Whilelike the number fbur and fourteen are disliked bypeople. For example,

20、“666” is seen as an excellence and a wish for good luck in China.In daily life, I was impressed by China' $ transportation system. Il is worthby othercountries, especially shared bicycles and electric motor bikes.addition, China is one of thecountries with the largest number of smartphone users.

21、 The Internet is widely used everywhere. It issaid that the phone issense for every Chinese.a great time in China for these years. I can only pray for a long stay in this country andhope for more chances to learn about the fantasy landChina.【题1】【题5】A. inB. forC. fromD. since【题2】A. differenceB. diffe

22、rentC. differentlyD. differences【题3】A. wellB. goodC. betterD. best【题4】A. have arrivedB. arrivesC. arrivedD. arrivingA. withB. aboutC. toD. of【题6】A. anotherB. otherC. the otherD. others【题7】A. to learnB. learningC. learnD. learns【题8】A. OnB. AtC. InD. From【题9】A. the sixB. the sixthC. sixD. sixth【题10A.

23、haveB. hadC. have hadD. are havingA long time ago in ancient China, there lived an emperor and his wife. The emperor built his wife avery beautiful garden. Shevery beautiful garden. Shemuch of her time there, sewing and chatting with her ladies inwaiting. One day, she was in her garden, a cocoon fel

24、l into her tea. She was just about topour the tea away when she noticed something ! The cocoon was unraveling(解开)! Itseemed (o be a thread. She fished it out of her teacup and called for her dressmaker.Together, they found that the thread could be made into soft, strong cloth. It was very beautiful.

25、 Everyone silk to wear. But it took lime for silkworms to make enough silk thread. To savethe silkworms, the emperor' s wife asked the emperor to (ell the people that could only beworn by the royal family.No one knows if the story is true, but it is true that only the royal family could wear sil

26、k clothes for a very long time. Later, nobles(贵族)began wearing silk but businessmen and farmers were still notto wear silk.Silk became a product ibr trade. Emperors, princes, queens and nobles all wanted silk.They were to pay a very high price to get it. Even people from around the world traded itfb

27、r gold and silver. In order to protect the skill, the ancient Chinese did their best to keep it a fbr many years.【题1】二、阅读单选A. wasted【题2】B. spentC. savedD. lostA. when【题3】B. afterC.unlessD. ifA. silly【题4】B. amazingC.stupidD. usualA. hardly【题5】B. finallyC.carefullyD. suddenlyA. bought【题6】B. madeC.want

28、edD. gotA. cocoon【题7】B. threadC.dressD. silkA. allowed【题8】B. introducedC.orderedD. chosenA. valuable【题9】B. luckyC.heavyD. cheapA. unhappy【题10B. gladC.easyD. angryA. truthB. storyC.factD. secret( )4. The topic of this year' s English Week was ' Learning about Writers'* . Each class chose

29、a famous writer as the key topic of the English Week, so a series of English Week activities were also related to the work of this writer.English Week highlights:1Mr. Green, a British famous writer, visited us again to bring wonderful stories to the children.2Dress up Friday, children took the chanc

30、e to go into (he world of the book, and acted as characters in the work of their class' selected writer, enjoying a special and exciting day.3There were also different interesting competitions, such as Reading photography competition, English cartoon competition, etc.Visit of a famous foreign wr

31、iterWe invited Mr. Green to share his reading experience with all teachers and students on November 6th and 7th. At the same time, he also gave a speech on reading for parents on November 6th, with the title of "Why we need to read aloud to children and how to do it well".Interesting Engli

32、sh Week activitiesPhoto competition We invited parents to take a picture of their children while they were reading a book. It must be one of the works of (heir class* s elected writer. The more creative the photo was, the more likely it was to win.Dress up competition All the students dressed up as

33、characters in a novel written by the writer chosen by their class. On Friday, we also presented the best costume award and the best class achievement award.There were many other wonderful activities during English Week, such as English cartoon competition and English speaking competition.We hope eve

34、ry student enjoyed the fun of learning English through this wonderful English Week activity, and will continue to fall in love with English reading.【题 1 】 Which activity could you take pan in if you were interested in acting?A. Dress up Friday.B. Photo competition.C. English speaking competition.D.

35、English cartoon competition.【题 2】What does the underlined word uIt" in Paragraph 4 refer to?A. The book.B. The picture.C.The speech.D. The photocompetition.【题 3 】Why docs the writer write the passage?A. To introduce English reading.B.To introduce Mr. Green.C. To introduce Dress up Friday.D.To i

36、ntroduce English Week.()Wang Yaping is chosen to take pan in the Shenzhou-13 crewed mission, with the spaceship launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China on Oct. 16th. She becomes the first woman to enter China' s space station core module Tianhe.Wang was bom in 1980 i

37、n Shandong Province. She loved jogging and was a basketball player in the school team."When I was young, my world was small, "Wang recalled. "My dream was much more simple: to go out of the village and to pay back all that my parents had given me.'IHer space dream started in 2003

38、when China sent its first taikonaut Yang Liwei into space.watched the bright rocket set on fire on TV, and an idea came into my mind: China now has a male taikonaut, when will there be a female one?, Wang said. At that time, she has been a transport aircraft pilot for two years in the People' s

39、Liberation Army Air Force. After finishing safe flights for L600hours over nine years, Wang was chosen into the second hatch of Chinese taikonauts in 2010 and became a strong candidate (候选人)for China' s first flight as a female taikonaut.However, she did not pass her final tests and Liu Yang was

40、 named the "first female" taikonaut. Wang did not lose heart but trained even harder. The candidate always ran three circles more than others in physical courses, and she asked to (rain in the pressure room for extra 30 minutes each time.Her efforts finally came to success. Wang became a c

41、rew member of the Shenzhou-10 space mission in 2013, and she earned the title of China' s first space teacher after giving a lesson to students from an orbit more than 300 km above the Earth' s surface.Wang' s ponytail, smiling face and soft-spoken voice attracted millions of hits on soc

42、ial media, where she has been known as a "space heroine."【题 1 】In what order did the following events take place?a. Wang took part in the Shenzhou-10 space mission.b. Wang joined (he People' s Liberation Army Air Force.c. Wang gave a lesson (o students from space in 2013.d. Wang became

43、 a crew member of the Shenzhou-13 crewed mission.e. Wang became a member of the second batch of Chinese tikonauts.A. b-c-a-c-dB. b-a-c-d-cC. a-b-c-c-dD. a-b-c-c-d【题 2】What can we know about Wang Yaping from the passage?A. Wang Yaping was named the "first female" taikonaut.B. Wang Yaping wa

44、s horn in a city in Shandong Province.C. Wang Yaping has taken part in the Shenzhou mission twice.D. Wang Yaping took part in the Shenzhou-13 mission when she was 37.【题 3 What docs the underlined word “extra" in paragraph 5 mean?A. aboutB. fewerC. moreD. less【题 4 】What can be the best title of

45、the passage?A. The "first female" taikonautB. Wang Yaping and Liu YangC. A space heroine-Wang YapingCI. A space heroine-Wang YapingD. The Shenzhou-13 crewed mission()6. Smartphones are popular among middle school students, who use them mainly to surf social media platforms, according to a

46、research made by China Youth Daily.More than 93% of parents had given smartphones to their children in middle schools fbr daily use and 57% of respondents said they used them to visit social media.Keeping in touch with teachers came in at 48% and the same number of students used them to play online

47、games, while 47% watched videos and listened to music, the research said.More than 30% of parents said they failed to guide their children on the rational use of the devices and 39% said children' s smartphone use was opposite to (heir original intentions.Last year, a report found that 175 milli

48、on minors regularly used the Internet. It noted that 94% went online with mobile phones, while 57% also used TV sets. Desktops came in at 45%, with laptops at 32% and tablets at 29%.The report, based on a research of 34, 661 middle school students, found (hat 33% of the students had surfed the Inter

49、net before school age and 65% of young Internet users had taught themselves the necessary skills.Online games and novels have become important social topics with young students and they do not want to be left out among their peers, Sun said.The reason some parents fail to control their children'

50、 s smartphone use is that they also use them too much, she added. (To be continued)【题 1 】 What do over half of the middle school students use smartphones to do?A. Play online games.B. Surf social media platforms.C. Watch videos.D. Keep in touch with teachers.【题 2】 What can we learn about middle school students from the passage?A. They spend more time listening to music than watching videos.B. They spend more time watching videos platforms than playing online games.C. They spend more time keeping in touch with teachers than surfing social media platforms.D. They spend


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