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1、Period 2Language Study1.理解并能够自主运用重要语言点,如active, devote, equal, fight against, believe in, blow up, turn to等的基本用法。2.能拓展重点短语如turn up的重要用法,并能对含turn的短语进行归纳与总结。 1.学会通过对课文的研读,在具体语境中掌握重点词汇的词性、词义及用法。2.通过完成学案上的练习,深化对重要词汇的学习,并巩固其用法。重点单词1. n. 品质 2. adj. 吝啬的 3. adj. 积极的 4. adj. 慷慨的 5. adj. 自私的(反) adj. 无私的 6. ad

2、j. 忠实的 7. adj. 和平的;安宁的 8. vt. 建立 9. n. 共和国 10. n. 法则;原理的;不公平的 qualitymeanactivegenerousselfish peacefulfoundrepublicprincipleselfless重点单词11. n. 人类 12. n. 律师 adj. 法律的;合法的 13. n. 指导;领导 14. n. 费(会费、学费等);酬金 15. adj. 有希望的 16. n. 青年;青年时期 17. n. 同盟;联盟;联合会 18. n. 舞台;阶段;时期 19. vt. & vi. & n. 投票;选票 20

3、. vt. & n. 攻击;抨击 21. n. 暴力;暴行 22. adj. 相等的;平等的 23. adj. 乐意的;自愿的 24. adj. 不公正的;不公平的 unfairmankindlawyerlegalguidancefeehopefulyouthleaguestagevoteattackviolenceequalwilling重点短语1. 列一张清单2. 献身于3. 放弃4. 为斗争5. 不受的;没有的6. 对抗;抵抗7. 在狱中;被监禁8. 信任;信赖9. 在方面慷慨10. 对心存感激forlistlifegivemake adevoteonestofightforbe

4、againstprisonfromfreeinwithgenerousbe believefightin begrateful重点短语11. 焦虑;担心 12. 失业 13. 实现某人的梦想 14. 事实上 15. 把放进 16. 违法 17. 事实上 18. 使充气;爆炸 19. 在危险、受罚、痛苦、忧虑的处境中 20. 求助于;致力于 toaboutworkdreamfactintolawfactuptroubleturnin asworryoutofof matter a put in achieve onesbreaktheblow品句填空品句填空1.My computer is a

5、desktop computer of excellent (品质). 2.She was a warm-hearted, (慷慨的) old lady. 3.The doctors (酬金) was fifty dollars for a complete physical examination. 4.One centimetre is (等于) 10 millimetres. 5.The policeman fought off two men who (攻击) him. qualitygenerousfeeequal toattacked阅读下列句子,注意devote的意思及用法。He

6、 devoted himself entirely to music. 他将一生奉献给了音乐。Mary devoted her life to caring for the sick. 玛丽一生致力于为病人服务。通过观察以上句子, 我们发现devote是(1)词, 意思是“(2)”。 动献身;专心于1.devotedevote. to. 献身于;专心于devote oneself / ones energy / ones time to (doing) sth 奉献某人的一生/精力/时间于某事sb be devoted to (doing) sth 某人献身做某事单项填空单项填空 Mr. Re

7、ed made up his mind to devote all he had to some schools for poor children. A. set up B. setting up C. have set up D. having set upB【答案与解析】【答案与解析】Bto是介词, 接动词用动名词的形式, he had是省略了that的定语从句,先行词为all,根据句意“里德先生决定用自己所有的一切为贫困儿童建造几所学校”,说明set up这一动作尚未发生, 故应用其-ing形式的一般式。2.equal阅读下列句子, 注意equal的意思及用法。He asked us

8、to cut the apple into three equal pieces. 他让我们把苹果切成三等份。None of us can equal her in intelligence. 我们中没人能在智力方面比得上她。Yao Ming is a basketball player without equal in China. 在中国, 姚明是个无人能及的篮球运动员。通过观察以上句子, 我们发现equal可作(1)词, 意思是“(2)”;也可以作(3)词,意思是“(4) ”;还可以作(5)词,意思是“(6) _”。 形容相同的;平等的动比得上名同等/相等的人或物be equal to

9、sth / doing sth 能胜任某事/做某事A equal B A等于Bwithout equal / have no equal 无与伦比/无人能及 单项填空单项填空He does not as a teacher of English, for his pronunciation is terrible. A. equalB. matchC. qualifyD. fitC【答案与解析】【答案与解析】C句意:他不具备当一名英语老师的资格,因为他的发音很糟糕。qualify“具有资格”,符合语境。equal“与相等;比得上”; match“相配”; fit“适合”。阅读下列句子, 注意f

10、ight against的意思及用法。In World War, Britain fought against Germany. 第二次世界大战中, 英国与德国交战。 We must all fight against unfairness and cruelty. 我们必须与不公正和残暴作斗争。 通过观察以上句子, 我们发现fight against的意思是“_”。 与作斗争1.fight againstfight back 抵抗;反击fight for 为而战fight with 用 (武器、工具) 战斗;与斗争;与并肩战斗单项填空单项填空Best advice: be yourself,

11、 have fun, and fight what you believe in. A. for B. backC. againstD. withA【答案与解析】A句意为“最好的建议:做你自己, 活轻松一点,为你所坚信的而奋斗”。fight for“为而战;为争取而战”,合乎句意。2.believe in阅读下列句子, 注意believe in的意思及用法。You have to believe in yourself. Thats the secret of success. 你必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。 We all believe in good, free education fo

12、r our children. 我们都信任对我们孩子有益的、自由的教育。 通过观察以上句子, 我们发现believe in的意思是“_”。 believe it or not 口语信不信由你(用以表示对所述情况确信无疑)信任;信仰单项填空单项填空Im amazed to hear from my school teacher again. , it is ten years since we met last. A. In a word B. Whats moreC. Thats to say D. Believe it or notD【答案与解析】【答案与解析】Din a word“总之”;

13、 whats more“而且”;thats to say“也就是说”; believe it or not“信不信由你”。3.blow up 阅读下列句子, 注意blow up的意思及用法。A chemical factory blew up in the North of England. 英国北部的一座化工厂爆炸了。 The terrorists blew up the police station. 恐怖分子炸毁了警察局。 My father blew up because I didnt come home last night. 我昨晚没回家, 父亲因此大发雷霆。 Stop at t

14、he gas station and well blow up the tyres. 在加油站停一下, 我们要给轮胎打气。 通过观察以上句子, 我们发现blow up的意思是“_”爆炸;炸毁;大发雷霆;给充气blow sb away 枪杀某人;给某人留下深刻印象;轻易击败某人blow down (风)刮倒blow sb off (故意)失约blow out 吹熄blow over 刮过去了;平息单项填空单项填空The trees in the storm have been moved off the road. A. being blown down B. blown downC. blow

15、ing downD.to blow downB【答案与解析】【答案与解析】Bblow down“(风) 刮倒”, 在句中作定语, 与trees存在被动关系, 空格处相当于定语从句“that were blown down”。阅读下列句子, 注意turn to的意思及用法。We have to turn to some bigger companies for technical help. 我们不得不向一些更大的公司寻求技术援助。 We now turn to these important questions. 现在, 我们转向这些重要问题。 通过观察以上句子, 我们发现turn to的意思

16、是“_”。 求助于;转向4.turn toturn against (使)与为敌turn down (音量)关小;拒绝turn in 上交turn off 关掉(水源、 煤气、 电灯等);避开(问题等)turn on 打开(水、 煤气、 电灯、无线电等)turn up 开大;出现turn out 证明是;结果是单项填空单项填空In the new city, there wasnt a single person the poor boy could turn for help. A. thatB. whoC. from whomD.to whom D【答案与解析】【答案与解析】Dturn t

17、o sb for help为固定搭配, 意思是“求助于某人”。介词填空介词填空1.A great person is someone who devotes his life helping others. 2.To fight Japanese invaders, Norman Bethune came to China and worked a doctor. 3.Sun Yat-sen strongly believed his three principles. 4.Nelson Mandela fought black people and was put _ prison for almost thirty years. 5.I went to Mandela, who was generous his time, _advice, for he offered guidance to poor people their legal problems. toforagainstasforininwithon6.With so many people helping me, I became more hopeful _my future. 7.The black people in Sout


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