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1、高一北师大版学案系列13 名师讲堂 重点短语 1.consist of【课文原句】New Zealand, in the South Pacific, consists of two large islands plus other smaller islands with an area of 270,000 sq km.(Page 18)【名师点拨】consist of意思为"由组成,由构成"。例如:The sauce consists of beef, onion,tomatoes, garlic and seasoning.The committee consist

2、s of ten members. 【知识拓展】consist与in构成consist in sth意思为"在于,决定于"。例如:The beauty of Venice consists largely in the styles of its ancient buildings.2.look for【课文原句】Ill look for them in the library. (Page 12)【名师点拨】look for sb / sth意思为"寻找"。例如:Im looking for Steve. Detectives are still lo

3、oking for the prisoner who escaped three days ago. 除此之外,look for sb / sth还有"期待"的意思。例如:Bob wouldnt go for a ride with them because he was looking for a phone call. 【知识拓展】在下列结构中,look for有不同的意思。be what / who you are looking for正是某人需要的东西。例如:Keeping fit! Thats just the word I was looking for. b

4、e looking for trouble 在非正式用语中意思为"自找麻烦"。例如:You are looking for trouble if you let out the secret.3.as well as【课文原句】Famous sights include Mt Eden, one of many large volcanoes, as well as the Auckland Harbour Bridge. (Page 14)【名师点拨】as well as在此句中用作连词。这个词组在翻译时有几种译法,应注意区别。1) 和一样,同样(好)。例如:He as

5、well as you is very athletic. He speaks English as well as French. 2) 不但而且。例如:He is bold as well as thoughtful. He has practical experience as well as book knowledge. We must learn to look at problems from all sides, seeing the reverse as well as the obverse side of things. 注意:翻译时as well as后面的部分译成&q

6、uot;不但",前面的部分译成"而且",所强调是as well as前面的部分。【知识拓展】对比also, too, as well, either这一组词语均可以用作副词或起副词作用,表达"也"的意思。但在修辞意味和使用场合上有所不同。also用于比较正式的场合,语气比too庄重。它在句中的位置要靠紧动词,也可放在句末。例如:He will go to town tomorrow. I shall go also. Ive also been to Shanghai once. too 是常用语,使用范围较广,语气较轻。常用在口语中。它在句中

7、的位置比较灵活,有时插入句中,前后用逗号分开,有时放在句末。例如:His sister is a university student, too.I, too, have been to Shanghai. as well 副词短语,常与and,but等词连用,只能放在句末。它多用于口语,一般不用于否定句中,和too意思相同,可以互换使用。例如:We went to Shanghai and Hangzhou, as well. This book tells about Mark Twains writings and his life as well. either只能用于否定句中,而且必

8、须放在句末,通常不用逗号隔开。例如:He doesnt know how to answer this question. I dont know either. If you dont go, I shant go either. 心灵鸡汤 The Best Christmas Gift 在一个冬夜,一只小猫创造了一个奇迹,让所有人都感受到了母爱的伟大力量,于是这个圣诞节也因此而变得不平凡。     My strongest memory of Christmas has something to do with a little cat. I fir

9、st saw her when Iwas called to see one of Mrs Ainsworths dogs. "Ididnt know you have a cat."I said. The lady smiled, "We dont. This is Debbie. She is a homeless cat. We give her some food when she comes."          On Christmas morning, Mrs

10、Ainsworth called me. She was very worried about Debbie. When I went into Mrs Ainsworths kitchen, I saw Debbie lying there and she was in pain. There was a tiny black kitten beside her. Mrs Ainsworth said, "I hadnt seen her for several weeks. Then she came in about two hours ago with the kitten

11、in her mouth. "          I examined Debbie carefully and found she had a serious disease. I was afraid that she would die from it soon. "Isnt it strange? She was dying and she brought her kitten here on Christmas Day."Mrs Ainsworth said and she

12、decided to accept this kitten. Every time I looked at the growing kitten, I remembered his mother.      With the last of her strength she had carried her kitten to the only place that would be safe for him. It felt bad to see Debbie die, but it also felt good to see a homeless ca

13、t bring her baby to Mrs Ainsworth. It seemed that I wasnt the only one with this feeling. Mrs Ainsworth said, "Debbie would be pleased. This is the best Christmas gift I have ever had."     Notes:     1. homeless  adj.无家可归的   

14、0; 2. kitten  n.小猫     3. 她在临终前用尽最后的力量,把自己的孩子带到了她所知道的唯一安全的地方。 影音留声 Jack 阅读练习 Festival 节日 写作点评 My Favorite HolidayMy favorite holiday is Christmas. I love it because I can get presents on Christmas Day. I am always very excited at this time so I can never sleep the night befo

15、re! I love waking up early and looking at my Christmas stocking. My sister has to work on Christmas Day so my whole family waits until she gets home to open the presents under the Christmas tree. That makes me mad! When she gets home we open all the presents. When we open presents we dont just run to the tree and start ripping them open like animals. My mom makes us take turns and open them one by one. One person in the family opens one present at a time. Boring! The youngest person in the family gets to open the presents first. I have the advantage on that


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