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1、Section 1 Starting-outSection 2 Text Learning Text A Oil Dependency: The Real Threat to National SecuritySection 3 ExercisesText B Controversy on Strategic Petroleum ReserveText OrganizationPart 1 (Para. 1-?) _Part 2 (Para. ?-?) _ ?How many parts can you divide the passage into?Part 1 (Para.1-3) Par

2、t 3 (Para. 4-7) Part 4 (para. 8-11) Part 5 (para. 12-15)Text Organization(Introduction) (Problem) (Response) (Solution) Part 1 (Para.1-3) (Introduction) Oil Prices has been a major contributor to economic slowdown. Part 3 (Para. 4-7) (Problem) Unchanged U.S. strategic thinking leads to the question

3、about guaranteeing the oil resources. Text OrganizationPart 4 (para. 8-111) (Response) Series of reports identified oil dependence as the threat to national security and suggested altering U.S. strategic vision Part 5 (para. 12-15) (Solution) U.S. must get off oil by using every gallon as efficientl

4、y as possible. Text OrganizationInformation Analysis (Para. 1) - Economic downturn has usually been preceded by a sudden steep increase of oil prices.- Three. The 1974-75 recession, the collapse of the dot-com bubble in 2000, the tanking economy in 2007. What is the relationship between economic dow

5、nturn and rising oil prices? How many examples are given to illustrate the relationship? Information Analysis (Para. 2) - A is to B what/as C is to D. Rising oil prices is to economic downturn what/as externally imposed tax to geopolitical concerns. .Why does the author mention “externally imposed t

6、ax” and “geopolitical concerns”? Is there an exception to this rule/pattern?-Yes, the current round of oil price increases will only have a transitory impact on economic growth; it will not derail the rest of economy. (Para. 3) Information AnalysisWhat does the author imply by referring to the 11 ai

7、rcraft carrier battle group and the $649 billion defense appropriations bill? What dominates the current U.S. strategic thinking? -A mindset forged during WWII.- The U.S. is still dominated by the wartime mindset, aiming to ensure its military power. (Para. 4) Information Analysis (Para. 5) - Respon

8、ses relying on market forces, rather than relying on military might and military-derived influence. What might be the more effective response to supply disruption of oil in the 21st century? What is the U.S. current strategic vision? (Para. 6) -Any interference with the Persian Gulf will be regarded

9、 as an assault on the U.S interests and will be repelled by any means, including military. Information Analysis (Para. 7) - Everybody uses oil, why me? Canada has become U.S. major foreign oil supplier; China, India and Europe are more dependent on the Middle East oil; “everybody uses oil, why me?”

10、Why is there a different voice about the guaranteeing of the Persian Gulf oil supply?What is ironic? (“Ironically enough, a series of reports”) (Para. 8) -A report from a military-supported non-profit think-tank suggested altering U.S. strategic vision, i.e. not resorting to military forces to respo

11、nd to the supply shortage. Information Analysis (Para. 9) - Dependence on oil. (OR: inefficient use and overreliance on oil.) What may pose a threat to national security according to the 2009 report? What did the 2009 report call for? (Para. 10) -Dramatic reduction in military in the military use of

12、 fossil fuels (by switching to solar power and batteries to power field installations instead of using diesel generators).Information Analysis (Para. 11) - Climate change may add to the mission burden of the U.S. military, and the U.S. should diversify energy sources and move away from fossil fuels

13、where possible. What did the 2007 climate change report warn and suggest? What is the new career of former Vice Admiral Dennis McGinn? How does he evaluate his new career? (Para. 12) -Promoting energy efficiency and clean-energy technologies. -He sees his new career as an extension of his work on lo

14、ng-term strategic policy. Information Analysis (Para. 13) - It should stop depending on energy coming from unstable countries first and then be economically strong. How can a country have a viable national strategy? What are the criticism levelled at the slow drawdown of the U.S. troops in Iraq and

15、Afghanistan? (Para. 14) -Stationing of U.S. troops there costs a huge amount of money ($119 billion next year) and the U.S is taking the hits to defend the global oil supply. Information Analysis (Para. 15) - To work out higher fuel efficiency standards and use every gallon as efficiently as possibl

16、e. What is the way for the U.S. to get off oil dependence? 1. (Para.2) In 2000, oil hit the economy tanked.2. (Para. 2) While there weregeopolitical concerns. 4. (Para. 4) Yet little of thatguaranteed shipments.5. (Para. 4) How else to explain more than one?6. (Para. 6) With the Iranian hostagemilit

17、ary forces.”7. (Para. 12) Former Vice Admiralclean-energy technology.Language Points3. (Para. 3) But this time aroundthe rest of the years.Preview Tasks1. (Para.2) In 2000, oil has hit the then unheard of price of $40 a barrel, and within months the dot-com bubble collapsed. Crude spikes over $100 a

18、 barrel in 2007, and a few months later the economy tanked.2000年,石油价格达到了前所未闻的每桶年,石油价格达到了前所未闻的每桶40美元,美元,而几个月之内,互联网泡沫破裂了。而几个月之内,互联网泡沫破裂了。2007年,原油年,原油价格激增到每桶价格激增到每桶100美元,几个月后,经济溃败美元,几个月后,经济溃败。2. (Para. 2) While there were usually other factors driving those downturns in 2007-09 it was the subprime mort

19、gage mess and resulting financial crisis for instance rising oil has always been seen as a major contributor to economic slowdowns, the equivalent of an externally imposed tax that was cause for geopolitical concerns. 尽管尽管通常其它因素(如通常其它因素(如2007-2009年的次贷危机及年的次贷危机及由此引发的金融危机)也会造成经济滑坡,但石油由此引发的金融危机)也会造成经济滑

20、坡,但石油价格的上涨一直被视为是造成经济放缓价格的上涨一直被视为是造成经济放缓/下滑的主下滑的主要因素,情况类似外部征税是造成地缘政治担忧的要因素,情况类似外部征税是造成地缘政治担忧的原因一样。原因一样。3. (Para.3) But this time around, economic prognosticators are saying that the $100-a-barrel oil prices of the past two months as long as they dont spike into the stratosphere will only have a trans

21、itory impact on growth, which is projected to be above 3 percent for the rest of this year.然而然而,这一次,经济预言家们说,过去两个月每桶,这一次,经济预言家们说,过去两个月每桶100美元的石油价格,只要不涨到天价,将只会对美元的石油价格,只要不涨到天价,将只会对经济增长有暂时的影响,在今年的后几个月中,经经济增长有暂时的影响,在今年的后几个月中,经济增长预计高于济增长预计高于3%。4. (Para. 4) Yet little of that reality influenced U.S. strat

22、egic thinking, which is still dominated by a mindset forged during World War II when global economic and military power defended on controlling access to sources of crude, and naval strategy was predicated on protecting the sea lanes that guaranteed shipments.然而,这种新的现实几乎影响不到美国的战略思维,他们的思维方式还限定在二战时期。那

23、时,全球的经济和军事实力依赖于控制原油供应来源,海军战略及保护能够保证载货量的海上航道为依据。5. (Para. 4) How else to explain the 11 aircraft carrier battle groups in the $649 billion defense appropriations bill that is sailing through the House of the Representatives this week, when no one else in the world has more than one?不然的话不然的话,该怎样解释在本周驶

24、向美国众议院的那,该怎样解释在本周驶向美国众议院的那项项6490亿的国防拨款议案中的那亿的国防拨款议案中的那11艘航空母舰战艘航空母舰战斗群呢?实际情况是世界上的其他任何一个国家最斗群呢?实际情况是世界上的其他任何一个国家最多都只有一艘。多都只有一艘。6. (Para. 7) With the Iranian hostage crisis dominating the headlines, Carter declared that any “attempt by an outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will b

25、e regarded as an assault on the vital interest of the United States of America, and such an assault will be repelled by any means necessary, including military force.”在在伊朗人质危机占据了媒体头条的背景下,卡特宣伊朗人质危机占据了媒体头条的背景下,卡特宣布布“外部势力攫取控制波斯湾地区的任何企图,都外部势力攫取控制波斯湾地区的任何企图,都将被看作是对美国根本利益的进攻。对于这种进攻,将被看作是对美国根本利益的进攻。对于这种进攻,

26、美国将使用包括军事力量在内的任何必要手段,予美国将使用包括军事力量在内的任何必要手段,予以击退。以击退。”7. (Para. 12) Former Vice Admiral Dennis McGinn, who recently retired from the Navy, served on the advisory board that issued both reports and recently took over the helm of the American Council on Renewable Energy, which brings together non-fossi

27、l-fuel energy producers and Fortune 500 companies to promote energy efficiency and clean-energy technologies. 最近最近刚刚退役的前海军中将丹尼斯刚刚退役的前海军中将丹尼斯麦克金曾在发布麦克金曾在发布那两项报告的顾问委员会任职,并且最近刚刚接管了那两项报告的顾问委员会任职,并且最近刚刚接管了美国可再生能源委员会。可再生能源委员会将非矿物美国可再生能源委员会。可再生能源委员会将非矿物燃料能源生产者和燃料能源生产者和“财富财富500强强”的公司联合起来共的公司联合起来共同提升能源效率、提高清

28、洁能源技术。同提升能源效率、提高清洁能源技术。Theme DiscussionDiscuss the following theme-related questions.1. What do you think China should do to respond to the current situation of the global oil market, since China is both an importer and a producer of oil? 2. What might be cyour suggestions on Chinas strategic policy

29、 of the development of shale gas in China? What do you think of the conclusions in the China shale gas report released by the University of Columbia?Theme Discussion日前,美国哥伦比亚大学发布中国页岩气政策研究报告,结合中国页岩气开发的现状与问题提出了未来促进发展的政策建议,该研究受到美国能源部化石能源局资助。报告得出六点结论:第一,未来几年中国不会实现页岩气的大规模开采,之后低速增长和高速发展两种情况都有可能发生;第二,页岩气发展

30、的主要障碍包括:开采成本高,针对国有公司的激励薄弱,竞争力缺乏,对国外公司的限制和可利用的数据有限等;第三,政府政策对确定未来中国页岩气的发展将发挥关键作用;第四,中国页岩气开采对环境从高度正面影响到严重负面影响都有可能;第五,在中长期内水资源供应会成为一些地区的限制因素之一;第六,美国和中国政府对于页岩气有着共同的利益。The University of Columbia recently released a China shale gas report, which was presented to the annual US-China Oil and Gas Industry For

31、um on September 25, 2014. 资料资料 Translation Assignment1. (Para.2) The majority of physical shortages.2. (Para.5) Absent concrete market failures, welfare. 3. (Para.6) This may not be donesaid Taylor. 4. (Para. 11) Both the law and declaration of war. 5. (Para. 15) The Rand report to ameliorate.”6. (P

32、ara. 16) Policy makers have would be taken. Unit 71. (Para.2) The majority of physical shortages.大多数政治领袖和关注此事的公民则把该储备看作是用于防止能源真正短缺的燃料来源。Translation2. (Para.5) Absent concrete market failures, welfare.没有实际上的市场失灵/市场失效,政府对石油市场的干预不可能提高经济福利。3. (Para.6) This may not be donesaid Taylor. 获取利润最大化未必是出于考虑顾客(的利

33、益),但这将对顾客产生积极影响,这是因为当市场对商品有需求时,拥有存货的个人会将商品投入市场。Translation4. (Para. 11) Both the law and declaration of war.法律和政策的制定者们都把SPR作为紧急响应的最后手段。法律上对总统做出授权销售SPR判定所满足的要求在概念上接近于宣战。5. (Para. 15) The Rand report to ameliorate.兰德报告指出,关于何时使用SPR,尚缺乏公开、明确的政策,“如果市场参与者担心严重的供应中断,有可能会引发恐慌性囤积,造成的这一局面则具备了启用SPR的条件。”Translat

34、ion6. Para. 16) Policy makers have would be taken.政策政策制定者不愿提前透露什么情况下使用战略石油储备,制定者不愿提前透露什么情况下使用战略石油储备,因为根据当前法律,这意味着要提前规定国家石油供应因为根据当前法律,这意味着要提前规定国家石油供应中断紧急状态的构成和随之应采取的相应行动中断紧急状态的构成和随之应采取的相应行动。6. I LanguageTask 1 Glossary Match1 e 2 h 3 f 4 g 5 a 6 b 7 d 8 c1 rationale 2 articulate 3 inexorably 4 repel 5 barrel6 assault 7 proposition 8 ambiguous9 blockade 10 mandatedTask 2 Words or Expressions CheckIII TranslationTask 1 Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 尽管通常其它因素(如2007-2009年的次贷危机及由此引发的金融危机)也会造成经济滑坡,但石油价格的上涨一直被视为是造成经济放缓/下


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