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1、Clinical Neurophysiology临床神经生理学I F: 2.979 Graldine Petit一、问题提出二、研究方法三、研究结果四、讨论五、不足六、点评 1、Binge drinking refers to the consumption of a large number of drinks over a short interval of time followed by periods of abstinence. Binge drinking is a common occurrence among younger people, especially univer

2、sity students酗酒指在禁欲后短时间里消费大量的酒精。酗酒的通常是年轻人,特别是大学生。定义、对象2、 The effects of alcohol on the central nervous system (CNS) have been extensively studied, and the neurocognitive, neuroanatomical and neurofunctional consequences of chronic alcohol abuse in alcohol-dependent adults have been documented (Oscar

3、-Berman and Marinkovic2007).大量的 的研究已经证明酒精会影响中枢神经系统(CNS) 。成人酒精依赖者长期的酒精乱用对其神经认知,神经解剖和神经功能产生的影响(Oscar-Berman and Marinkovic2007)。影响3、Compared with adults, relatively little is known about adolescent binge drinking and its neurocognitive consequences。 A few recent studies have explored the cerebral cons

4、equences of binge drinking in nonclinical samples of adolescents and university students.相比成人,相对很少知道青少年酗酒者对他们的神经认知影响情况。最近很少有研究探索了酗酒对非临床青少年样本和大学生的大脑影响。问题4、With respect to the neurocognitive effects of binge drinking in youths, it is important to evaluate similarities with deficits induced by long-ter

5、m alcohol consumption in adults so as to be able to develop adapted information and prevention programs for young people.关于酗酒会对青少年神经认知影响,那么有必要的去评估成人长期酒精消费导致的缺陷,这样可以获取有效的信息和的发展对青少年人群预防项目5、The aim of the present study was to investigate whether binge drinking students, with their brief history of alco

6、hol exposure compared to adults, and without a diagnosis of AUD, exhibit any modulation in alcohol-cue processing. More specifically, we wanted to examine whether there was any difference in cerebral reactivity between students with binge drinking habits and paired controls when they were confronted

7、 by alcohol-related compared to nonalcohol- related (control) cues.当前研究的目的在于去调查相比成人,短期的酒精暴露历史、酗酒的学生和没有诊断出AUD的人,是否展现出对任何酒精线索加工调节。更特别是,我们想调查对于非酒精-酒精相关线索对于酗酒的学生和配对控制组相比的大脑反应是否存在差异。6、Our main hypothesis was that binge drinkers (as compared to controls) will display an enhanced attentional processing of

8、alcohol-related stimuli as compared to unrelated alcohol ones.我们主要的研究假设就是酗酒者会显示出相比非酒精相关线索增加对酒精相关的注意加工。(一)被试We first conducted a general screening phase among students at the Faculty of Psychology of Brussels (Belgium) University. Three hundred students completed a questionnaire that assessed psychol

9、ogical measures as well as alcohol and drug consumption characteristic我们首先实施的是对the Faculty of Psychology of Brussels (Belgium) University一般的刷选。300个学生完成心理测量和酒精和药物消费特征评估。selection criteria: no major medical problems, no historyof CNS disease (including epilepsy and history of brain trauma), no visual

10、impairment, no past or current drug consumption (other than alcohol), no family history of alcoholism, very low alcohol consumption and absence of binge drinking habits before starting university studies but maintenance of the same drinking pattern since then.选择标准:无主要的医疗问题,没有中枢神经系统疾病(包括,癫痫脑部创伤),没有视觉

11、损伤,过去和当前没有药物使用(酒精以外),没有酒精成瘾家族史,在上大学学习前酒精低消费和没有酗酒习惯而且一直维持相同的模式到现在。为什么都有这些刷选标准?All participants were assessed for several psychological measures: State and Trait Anxiety (STAI A and B, Spielberger et al., 1983), depression (BDI, Beck and Steer, 1987) and alexithymia (TAS 20, Bagby et al., 1994).所有的被试要

12、通过几个心理测验进行评估:状态特质焦虑问卷(STAI A and B, Spielberger et al., 1983),抑郁量表(BDI, Beck and Steer, 1987),述情障碍(TAS 20, Bagby et al., 1994).On this basis, 36 students were selected. According to their alcohol consumption characteristics while at university, students were divided into two groups, each of 18 parti

13、cipants: controls and binge drinkers.基于上面的刷选标准,共选出了36名被试。根据他们在大学学习时的的酒精消费特征分为两组,每组18名被试:控制组和酗酒组Participants were provided with full details regarding the aims of the study and the procedure to be followed and gave their informed consent after receiving this information. The local ethical committee o

14、f Brugmann Hospital approved the study. All the participants were between the ages of 19 and 26, with normal/corrected vision, normal hearing, no medication and no history of neurological disease. We matched the groups for age, sex 。本研究向被试提供全部的详细的关于研究的目的和过程,在被试知道研究信息后,获取知情同意。同样此研究获得Brugmann Hospital

15、 伦理委员会的支持。所有被试的年龄在19-26岁,有正常/矫正视力,正常听觉能力,没有医疗和没有神经相关的疾病。同时,我们将两组在年龄,性别进行匹配The groups characteristics are shown in Table 1.(二)、视觉材料的准备Alcohol-related pictures and non-alcohol-related (control) pictures were used as target deviant stimuli placed among frequent neutral stimuli ,Moreover, all these devi

16、ant stimuli (alcohol and control) presented a neutral, negative or positive scene. To construct this set of picture stimuli, we started with 44 pictures, chosen from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS) (Lang et al., 1997), or from our own selection on the internet.酒精相关图片和酒精不相关图片( contr

17、ol )在一定频率中性刺激中作为目标偏差刺激。所有这些偏差刺激分为中性,消极或者积极场景。我了构造这些刺激,我们从国际情绪图片库(IAPS)和互联网上共 选了44张图片。中性情绪酒精图片中性情绪非酒精图片消极情绪酒精图片积极情绪中性图片积极情绪酒精图片消极情绪中性图片CACNPN320个刺激CN中性控制刺激72%4个blockPANANN目标刺激每个5次,占28%800毫秒600 and 1000 ms间隔1200ms的反应时间正确率和反应时(三)程序(visual oddball paradigm)1、32导2、10-20电极3、增益300004、带通0.01100 Hz.5、电阻below

18、 56、基线200,持时间800ms7、低通滤波:30 Hz8、(90160 ms for P100;200300 ms for N2b;350650 ms for P3bThese values were tested using repeated measures of analysis of variance (ANOVA Greenhouse Geisser correction was applied when appropriate), paired sample t-tests and two-tailed Pearson correlations重复测量方差分析,配对样本t检验

19、,双侧Pearson相关(一)、 Behavioural data(行为数据)Overall, behavioural data showed that independently of their group, participants detected the deviant, Positive stimuli faster than the neutral ones, and that in the neutral emotional context, reaction times were faster for alcohol- than for non-alcohol-related

20、 stimuli。总体上,行为数据表明,组间没有差异,被试间发现了差异,积极的刺激比中性的快。在中性情绪背景下, 酒精比非酒精相关刺激反应时间快。(二)刺激评估No significant effect of group was found, but atype * group interaction was observedwhich suggests that independently of the stimuli valence, controls subjects evaluated non-alcohol related pictures as more positive than

21、 alcohol-related ones 。whereas there was no significantdifference between the two stimulus types in the binge drinkers group组间没差异,刺激类型和组间存在交互作用表明,控制组评价非酒精图片比酒精相关图片更积极。在酒精组两类刺激类型没有差异。(三)ERP data1、Latencies There was no significant effect of group or of group * stimulus type interaction for any ERP co

22、mponents latencies, which is congruent with the absence of group differences for behavioural data (p .05). 组间或者组*刺激类型之间对于任何latencies的ERP成分都没有显著影响,和行为数据没有组间差异是一致的。2、Amplitudes(波幅)P100 :N2b无差异P3b无差异4、相关 The results showed that the longer the duration of binge drinking habits, the larger the P100 ampli

23、tude to alcohol- related cues (r = .666; p = .003), and the greater the number of doses consumed per week, the larger the P100 amplitude to alcohol-related cues (r = .491; p = .039). 结果表明,酗酒习惯时间更长,对酒精相关线索时 P100波幅更大,每周用量越大对酒精相关线索时 P100波幅更大四、讨论(一)The differences between binge drinkers and control part

24、icipants specifically involved the P100 component. P100 amplitudes elicited by alcohol-related pictures were significantly larger than those elicited by neutral pictures in individuals with binge drinking habits, whereas there were no significant differences in the P100 amplitudes of controls with the different stimuli. 酗酒者和控制组的差异涉及到P100成分。酗酒者对酒精相关图片相比中性图片诱发更大的P100。而控制组没有发现这个现象。(二) It is important to note that, even though such an increase in the P100 component was not observed in the control group, the results showed that, at a behavioural l


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