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1、NOTE: GP-12 “Early Production Containment” (GM-1920) has been incorporated into the General Motors Specific Section of the “Production Part Approval Process” procedure. Reference the Global Supplier Quality Manual (GM1927) APQP Task 14.注:GP-12“早期生产遏制”(GM-1920)与通用汽车“生产件批准过程”程序的规定章节是一体的。引用全球供应商质量手册(19

2、27)APQP任务141.0 SCOPE: GP-12 is to be used for all pre-production, production, service and accessory part requirements that;1.0范围:GP-12用于所有的初始生产、批产、服务和配套件要求;· Require Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)有PPAP要求的· Represent significant risk to the customer facility as mandated by GM 受通用委托

3、的顾客工厂出现重大风险2.0 DEFINITION AND PURPOSE: 2.0定义和目的:GP-12 Early Production Containment requires a Pre-Launch Control Plan that is a significant enhancement to the supplier's production control plan and raises the confidence level to ensure that all products shipped will meet GMs requirements. The pr

4、e-launch control plan will also serve to validate the production control plan. The Pre-Launch Control Plan should take into consideration all known critical conditions of the part as well as potential areas of concern identified during PPAP.GP-12早期生产遏制要求一个试生产控制计划,该计划能够显著充实供方的生产控制计划以及提高可靠度来确保发运的所有产品满

5、足通用的期望。试生产控制计划也用来验证生产控制计划。试生产控制计划不仅关注所有已知的零件的规定条件,还关注生产件批准过程期间识别的相关的潜在区域。The purpose of GP-12 is to:GP-12的目的是· Validate the suppliers production control plan· 确认供应商的生产控制计划· Protect our assembly and manufacturing centers and service part warehouses from quality non-conformances during

6、critical periods· 在关键期内,从质量不合格方面保护我们的装配制造中心和服务件仓库· Document the supplier's efforts to verify control of its processes during start-up, acceleration, after revisions to the manufacturing process, or when manufacturing runs are separated by 3 months or more · 生产开始和加速阶段、制造过程变更后、制造过程的

7、运行被中断3个月或以上,供应商过程控制绩效的验证要形成文件。· Ensure that any quality issues that may arise are quickly identified, contained, and corrected at the supplier's location · 确保任何可能出现的质量问题在供应商的现场被快速识别、遏制和纠正· Increase involvement and visibility of suppliers top management · 增加最高管理者(对此事的)相关性和可见性3

8、.0 SUPPLIER RESPONSIBILITY: The supplier shall:3.0 供方责任:供方应:A. Validation Process: Establish a validation process that contains the following elements:建立遏制以下因素的确认过程1. Identify the staff person responsible for ensuring the development and implementation of the verification process.识别责任人,确保确认过程的开发和实施2

9、. Implement GP-12 with entry date, exit criteria, and exit date as defined by the customer实施GP-12,包括顾客限定的开始时间、结束标准和结束时间3. Establish GP-12 containment stations, which must be off-line, separate, and independent check from the normal manufacturing process and located at end of process. Additional, or

10、when more effective, in process containment stations may be utilized and must be documented and approved by the customer/Supplier Quality Engineer (SQE). 建立GP-12遏制点,必须是离线的、独立的,并且与对正常的制造过程中以及所设置的过程结束点的检查无关。此外,或者当更有效时,过程遏制点可以被采用,必须形成文件,由顾客的/SQE批准4. Identify additional inspections, testing, and dimensi

11、onal checks required at the GP-12 containment station based on Key Product Characteristics (KPCs), Part Quality Characteristics (PQCs), high RPN and/or issues identified during product and process development. 识别GP-12遏制点所要求的追加的检验、试验和尺寸检查,以关键过程特性(KPCs),生产件质量特性(PQCs),高RPN和/或生产和过程开发期间识别的问题为基础。5. Train

12、personnel relative to the standardized work performed at the GP-12 containment stations.培训在GP-12遏制点实施标准工作的有关人员6. Establish a reaction plan for single defect.建立个别缺陷的反应计划7. Implement an audit process of the GP-12 containment utilizing levels of management (layered audit), including site leadership, to

13、 insure conformance to the Pre-Launch Control Plan.实施在用的GP-12遏制的管理水平的审核过程(单独审核),包括生产现场的领导层,来确保与试生产控制计划的一致性。8. Include subcontractor (Tier 2) in the validation process. 包括确认过程中的分供方(等级2)B. Plan Development: Development of a Pre-Launch Control Plan which is a significant enhancement to the production c

14、ontrol plan and also consisting of additional controls, inspections, audits, and testing to insure conformance and capability of the manufacturing process. The plan needs to consider;计划开发:试生产控制计划的开发对于充实由追加控制、检验、审核和试验来确保制造过程的一致性和能力的产品控制计划意义重大。计划需要考虑:1. Increased frequency/sample size as stated in the

15、 Production Control Plan.增加生产控制计划规定的频次/样本容量2. Verification of packaging and label requirements including service and accessory part requirements, which may include country of origin labels on parts.验证包装和标签要求包括服务和配件要求,零件上的来源国标签。3. Verification of the effectiveness of error proofing. 验证防错的有效性4. Immedi

16、ate implementation of containment and irreversible corrective action when non-conformances are discovered in the GP-12 containment area or at the receiving location.GP-12遏制区或验收地点发现不合格时,立即实施遏制和不可逆纠正措施C. Documentation: Document the Pre-Launch Control Plan using the Control Plan format referenced in th

17、e AIAG Advanced Product Quality Planning and Control Plan Reference Manual or other customer approved Advanced Quality Planning reference manuals. The Pre-Launch Control Plan is not a substitute for the Production Control Plan but, is an addition to the Production Control Plan and is used to validat

18、e it. 文件:试生产控制计划要形成文件,使用的控制计划的格式引用AIAG先期产品质量策划和控制计划参考手册或顾客批准的其它先期质量策划参考手册。 试生产控制计划不是生产控制计划的替代,而是生产控制计划的追加,用来验证它。1. Document additional inspections, functional testing, and dimensional checks required at the GP-12 containment station or in process check stations on the Control Plan Special Characteri

19、stics form referenced in the AIAG APQP Manual Supplement K and reference said document in the Pre-launch Control Plan as a specific operation. 在GP-12遏制点中所要求的,或者引用AIAG的APQP手册附录K中控制计划特殊特性表格以及作为规定的操作在形成文件的试生产控制计划中提到的,追加的检验、功能试验和尺寸检查要形成文件。2. Document inspection work instruction for the GP-12 containment

20、 station to insure standardized work.确保GP-12遏制点标准化工作的检验指导书要文件化3. Document evidence of execution and validation of the control plan utilizing the I-chart (GM1927-66) or other format agreed upon by the customer. The data must be readily available for review by the customer/SQE.控制计划实施和确认的证据要文件化,使用表格-I(

21、GM1977-66)或者顾客同意的其它格式。数据必须易于为顾客的SQE评审。4. Document problem solving for both internal and customer quality concerns utilizing customer acceptable format; including problem description, root cause, irreversible corrective action with break points and update FMEAS and Control Plans as appropriate. The 3

22、 x 5 Why Analysis (GM1927-84) for root cause and Read Across (GM1927-69) to apply lessons learned are to be utilized.内部的和顾客的两个方面有关质量的问题的解决要文件化,采用顾客可以接受的格式;包括问题描述、根源、带有转折点的不可逆纠正措施以及适当时,更新FMEAs和控制计划。用于根源分析的The 3 x 5 Why Analysis (GM1927-84)和Read Across (GM1927-69)提供了解这方面的知识。D. Duration of GP-12: GP-12

23、 must be implemented for a period of time or quantity of parts as specified by the customer or until the Production Control Plan has been validated, whichever is longer. If time or quantity is not specified, GP-12 will remain in effect through acceleration or a minimum of 2 weeks, whichever is longe

24、r. GP-12的持续时间:无论多长时间,必须遵照顾客规定的产品数量和时间周期实施GP-12,直至生产控制计划被确认。如果没有规定时间和数量,无论多长时间,GP-12在整个生产加速期间或至少两周内保持有效。GP-12 inspection is mandatory for 100% of all parts required through the GP-12 period. Based on documented acceptable performance, which includes no issues identified at GP-12 or by the customer, t

25、he customer/SQE may approve a reduction of the 100% inspection requirements after manufacturing validation builds by the customer. This must be documented and approved by the customer/SQE. GP-12检验在GP-12所要求的时间周期内对所有部件是强制性100检验。在制造确认被顾客确立后,基于可接受的业绩,包括GP-12和顾客都没有发现问题,顾客的SQE可以批准降低100检验的要求。这一过程必须文件化,并且由顾

26、客SQE批准。Additional measurement and testing requirements must be identified by the supplier and/or customer/SQE and approved by the customer/SQE. 供应商和/或顾客SQE必须识别追加的测量和试验要求,并且由顾客SQE批准。 Again, for manufacturing validation builds, 100% inspection is a minimal requirement. Exit criteria noted below.此外,对于制

27、造确认的确立,100检验是最低要求。结束准则在下面提到。E. Identification: To indicate compliance with the GP-12 requirements, attach to each shipping label a green circular, sticker, approximately 25mm in diameter, signed by the staff person accountable to insure proper implementation of GP-12. 标识:为了表明遵从了GP-12的要求,发运的每批产品粘贴直径大

28、约25mm的绿色圆形标签,由负有责任的人员粘贴,以确保适当地执行了GP-12。4.0 EXIT CRITERIA: Supplier will be eligible to exit GP-12 after validating the effectiveness of Process Control Plan and meeting the criteria listed below. If the supplier is unable to meet the exit criteria or the suppliers GP-12 plan continues to identify no

29、n-conformances the supplier shall continue the necessary containment measures to insulate the customer until the quality concerns have been resolved to the satisfaction of both the supplier and the customer and the suppliers Production Control Plan is validated.4.0 结束标准:在确认了过程控制计划的有效性并且满足下列准则后,供应商将适

30、时结束GP-12。如果供应商不能满足结束标准或者供应商的GP-12计划持续识别出不合格,供应商有必要继续强制测量,来隔离顾客,直到质量问题的解决为供应商和顾客双方满意,并且供应商的生产控制计划被确认。A. Ship the number of pieces required to meet production requirements as specified by the customer for the GP-12 period with no problems identified in GP-12 or by the customer. If time or quantity is

31、not specified, the period of time is through acceleration or 2 weeks whichever is longer.在GP-12期间内,GP-12和顾客没有发现问题,按照顾客的规定,发运所要求的产品数量以满足生产要求。如果时间和数量没有规定,无论多长时间,GP-12的时间周期是整个生产加速期间或2周。B. If a problem is identified, in GP-12 or by the customer, GP-12 must remain in effect for a minimum of 2 weeks after

32、 implementation of corrective action or through the original GP-12 period, which ever is longer.如果GP-12或顾客发现了问题,在纠正措施实施后或最初的GP-12周期结束,这期间无论多长,GP-12至少保持两周有效。C. If the GP-12 plan continues to identify non-conformances, the GP-12 plan must be kept in place until process controls and capabilities have p

33、roven effective and the Production Control Plan is validated.如果GP-12计划不断地发现不合格,GP-12计划必须保持实施,直至过程控制和能力证明有效,并且生产控制计划被确认。5.0 CONSEQUENCES OF SHIPPING NONCONFORMING MATERIAL: 5.0 发运不合格材料的后果A. Failure to execute GP-12 will result in Controlled Shipping Level 2 and other possible consequences.实施GP-12失败将导

34、致控制发运等级2或其它可能的后果。B. Shipment of non-conforming material will result in Controlled Shipping Level 2.不合格材料的发运可能导致控制发运等级2。NOTE: GP-12 “Early Production Containment” (GM-1920) has been incorporated into the General Motors Specific Section of the “Production Part Approval Process” procedure.注:GP-12“早期生产遏

35、制”(GM-1920)与通用汽车“生产件批准过程”程序的规定章节是一体的。1.0 SCOPE: GP-12 is to be used for all pre-production and production requirements that require the Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) and whenever mandated by GM on any parts that present significant risk to a customer plant. GP-12 should not be used for dis

36、crepant material received at the customers plant: this should be addressed using the Controlled Shipping Procedure.1.0范围:所有初始生产和要求生产件批准过程的批产,以及任何受到通用汽车委托的零件进入顾客工厂后存在重大风险的, 要实施GP-12。在顾客工厂收到差异的材料时,不使用GP-12;这种情况应当使用受控的发运程序2.0 DEFINITION AND PURPOSE: The purpose of GP-12 is to:2.0定义和目的:GP-12的目的是· D

37、ocument the supplier's efforts to verify control of its processes during start-up and acceleration 生产开始和加速阶段,供应商过程控制绩效的验证形成文件。· Ensure that any quality issues that may arise are quickly identified, contained, and corrected at the supplier's location and not at the customers receiving lo

38、cation确保任何可能出现的质量问题在供应商的现场和顾客接收场所以外的地方被快速识别、遏制和纠正· Increase involvement and visibility of top management增加最高管理者(对此事的)相关性和可见性GP-12 Early Production Containment requires a Pre-Launch Control Plan that is a significant enhancement to the supplier's production control plan and raises the confid

39、ence level to ensure that all products shipped will meet GMs expectations. The pre-launch control plan will also serve to validate the production control plan. The Pre-Launch Control Plan should take into consideration all known critical conditions of the part as well as potential areas of concern i

40、dentified during the Production Part Approval Process.GP-12早期生产遏制要求一个试生产控制计划,该计划能够显著充实供方的产品控制计划以及提高可靠度来确保发运的所有产品满足通用的期望。试生产控制计划也用来验证产品控制计划。试生产控制计划不仅关注所有已知的零件的规定条件,还关注生产件批准过程期间识别的相关的潜在区域。Note: This procedure does not provide authorization to ship nor is it a shipping schedule.注:本程序既不提供发运授权也不是发运计划。3.0

41、 SUPPLIER RESPONSIBILITY: The Supplier shall do the following:3.0 供方责任:供方应做到以下:C. Establish a verification process that contains the following elements:建立遏制以下因素的验证过程1. Identification of the staff person responsible for ensuring the development and implementation of the verification process.识别责任人,确保验

42、证过程的开发和实施2. Development of a Pre-Launch Control Plan consisting of additional controls, inspection audits, and testing to identify non-conformances during the production process. Depending on the dominant factor of the production process (set-up, machinery, fixture, tooling, operator, material/compo

43、nents, preventative maintenance, climate) additional controls shall include:开发包含附加控制、检验审核和试验的试生产控制计划,以识别生产过程中的不合格。考虑生产过程的主要因素(装配,设备,夹具,工装,操作工人,材料/部件,预防性维护,气候),追加控制还要包含:· Off-line, separate and independent check from the normal production process whenever possible可能时,对正常加工过程的离线、分开和独立检查· Man

44、datory 100% inspection for all pre-production and pilot parts shipped针对所有初始生产和发运部件强制性100检验· Increased frequency/sample size of receiving, process and or shipping inspections after pre-production and pilot增加验收过程和发运检验的频次和样本容量· Mandated sub-supplier containment and or sub-supplier support/aud

45、its接受委托的分供方遏制和分供方支持/审核· Addition of inspection/control items追加检验/控制项目· Increased verification of label accuracy增加标识准确度的验证· Enhanced process controls such as error proofing增强过程控制,例如防错· Error proofing validation through introduction of known defects通过已知失效的导入,验证防错3. Immediate implem

46、entation of containment and irreversible corrective action when non-conformances are discovered in the GP-12 containment area or at the receiving location.当在受GP-12遏制的区域以及验收地点发现不合格时,应立即实施遏制和不可逆纠正措施。4. Identification of the measurement equipment and data collection devices/activities to be used.识别应当使用

47、的测量设备和数据收集装置/活动。5. Documented evidence of execution and validation of the control plan utilizing the I-chart (reference GP-5) or other format agreed upon by the customer. If a defect is found in GP-12 containment area, the supplier shall submit the I-chart (or equivalent) and corrective action plan

48、to the customers Supplier Quality Engineer. If the part is a Customer Monitored APQP part, the SQE is the APQP SQE. If the part is not a Customer Monitored APQP part, the supplier should submit the information to the Plant Support SQE.控制计划使用表格I(引用GP-5)或顾客同意的其它格式,实施和确认的证据要形成文件。如果缺陷是在受GP-12遏制的区域内发现的,供

49、方应当提交表格I(或相当的)以及纠正措施计划给顾客的供应商质量工程师。如果此部件是受顾客APQP监控的部件,则供应商质量工程师就是这个APQP供应商质量工程师。如果此部件不是受顾客APQP监控的部件,则供应商应提交该信息给工厂的支援供应商质量工程师。D. Document the Pre-Launch Control Plan, including functional testing and error proofing, using the Control Plan format referenced in the AIAG Advanced Product Quality Plannin

50、g and Control Plan Reference Manual or other customer approved Advanced Quality Planning reference manual. The Pre-Launch Control Plan is not a substitute for the Production Control Plan but, is an addition to the Production Control Plan and is used to validate it.试生产计划要文件化,要包括功能试验和防错,所使用的控制计划的格式引用A

51、IAG的APQP参考手册或者其它被顾客批准的AQP参考手册。试生产控制计划不是生产控制计划的代替,但是生产控制计划的追加,用来验证生产控制计划。E. Utilize the Early Production Containment Plan for all pre-production requirements (e.g. PPAP, pilot, Manufacturing Validation Builds) and for the production ship quantity or duration specified by the procuring division or unt

52、il the Production Control Plan is validated, whichever occurs later. Typically, the specified production quantity or duration is intended to reflect the customer's acceleration plan to full production rate. If not specified by the procuring division, the production ship quantity is a minimum of

53、1200 pieces for each GM customer plant, in addition to any pre-production quantities required.任何一种情况发生后,要采用早期生产遏制计划。针对所有的初期生产要求(如:PPAP,小批试验 ,制造确认××);被procuring division 规定的产品发运数量和持续时间;产品控制计划批准前。尤其要考虑规定的产品数量和持续时间对顾客的整体生产率促进计划的影响.如果没有procuring division的规定,发运给每一个通用顾客工厂的产品的最低数量为1200件,除非有任何初期生产

54、数量的要求。F. To indicate compliance with the GP-12 requirements, attach to each shipping label a green circular sticker signed by a staff person accountable for the quality level of the facility, typically the highest-level manager at the production facility. The green circular sticker should have a dia

55、meter of approximately 50 mm.为了表明符合GP-12的要求,每次发运时,由对工厂的质量水平负有责任的人,尤其是生产厂的最高层管理者,额外粘贴一枚圆形绿色标记。4.0 EXIT CRITERIA: Supplier will be eligible to exit GP-12 after meeting the criteria listed below. If the supplier is unable to meet the exit criteria or the suppliers GP-12 plan continues to identify non-conformances the supplier shall continue the necessary containment measures


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