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1、一、案例背景:教学时间:2009年6月2日教学内容:上海版牛津教材2B Module4 Unit2 Mothers Day  <Gifts for Father>教学片断:What can I do for Father? I can for Father.教学  (while-task)执教教师:吴愈华课例分析:本节课是结合父亲节快要到来的时机,以送父亲节礼物为教学主线,让学生充分感受到父爱的伟大,从夸夸自己的父亲,到送父亲物质上的礼物,生成到情感境界的礼物,让学生在整个课堂中有所学,有所感,有所悟。教学对象:上海市宝山区第一中心小学二年级学生教材内容:上海牛

2、津版教材的第四单元的第二课的主题为Mothers Day,基于教材提供的这一主题,结合本课“Look and learn”和“Look and say”模块中的内容,本节课重构了以“Gifts for Father”为教学话题,迎合父亲节而展开的父亲节为父亲送礼物的教学内容。 二、案例片段:片段目的:语言知识与技能:语境中理解、学习和运用句型I can for Father.          语言文化和情感:语言感受与表达中让学生感受到伟大的父爱,激发学生对父亲的感激,对父亲的崇敬之心,对于父

3、爱不仅是物质的回报,更是情感上的回报。 语段1:And on Fathers Day, remember to give your father a big  hug and say I love you. Because Father is super. Father is great.  (A movie)      T: I was born with Fathers smile. When I was a little baby. Father is    like

4、a teacher. He teaches me how to walk. I grow up with Fathers  help. Moreover, he is like a friend. Sometimes Father is very funny. I like playing with him. Father is super. He can do many  things for us. He works hard for our families. He works and works.   He is happy when

5、we are happy. He never feels tired. One day, he is getting older. Look at his hands. They are hurt. But he is still working. He is still working for the family. And now, I have grown up. What can  I do for Father?  I want to do something for Father. I want him to be happy andhealthy in the

6、 future.用一段视频引入父亲的艰辛和伟大,学生边看边听教师的叙述。学生带着自己的疑问观看视频资料,在教师动人的叙述下,学生逐步生成了对父爱的理解, 逐步在脑海里形成自己情感上的反馈,学生看完视频后,精神上给父亲的礼物:What can I do for father. T: Father helps me a lot. So what can I do for Father? We also can do a lot for Father, too.屏幕上出现问题:What can I do for father? T: What can I do for Fathe

7、r? You can say: Daddy, daddy, a big hug for you. I can do something for you. I love you. You can discuss with your deskmate.S1: Daddy, daddy, a big hug for you. I can sing a song for you. I love you. 老师先自己做范例,学生通过pair work的相互讨论进行思考,图片帮助提示。学生个别反馈交流.T: A Chinese song or an English song?S1: An Eng

8、lish song    T: I think you can sing very well. Anyone else?S2: Daddy, daddy, a big hug for you. I can make a card for you. I love  you. 追问问题,体现师生间的                    &#

9、160;                    互动T: A good idea. You can draw many beautiful pictures on it. And? S3: Daddy, daddy, a big hug for you. I can give a carnation for you. I love you.T: A carnation. Thats great.

10、Please say I can give a carnation to you. So on.T: You are good children. You can do many things for Father. I think your fathers will be very happy to see that.教师归纳, 学生利用图片反馈出的回答.课堂中教师有效的指出学生的语法错误,加以补充. 语段2:In my heart, I think my father is a hero. I love him very  much. Do you love your

11、father? (Yes.) Everyone has Father. Sometimes, Father is naughty. He is just like a  child. Look, this lion is also a father. He is brave and   strong. He is the king of the forest. This father is very  thin. But I think his shoulders are very powerful. This  is Jacky Chen.

12、He is also a father. He is a super star. But he is kind like a friend. This is Liu Xiangs father. Furthermore, he is like a teacher.Father is like a big tree in the family. Sometimes Father is very lovely like a Teddy Bear. I grow up with Fathers hand. Its big like an umbrella. I grow up with Father

13、s hug. Its warm like the sun. Father can do everything for us. In my eyes, Father is like a superman.  屏幕上出现许多父子的照片,有卡通的、真人的, 充分让学生感受到父亲的不同形象,为下面的语言输出做了很好的铺垫和预设.T: And in my heart, my father is strong. He is like a superman. Whose father is strong? Is your father strong, too?  S1: My

14、father is strong. He is like a superman.                   T: Some Fathers are strong. How about others? How are your fathers?Can you tell me about your fathers? At first, you can share with yourdeskmate.S

15、1: My father is lovely. He is like a panda.                       学生自由回答。S2: My father is warm. He is like the sun.S3: My father is tall. He is like a tree. 引出新授句型:He is like a 学生跟读新授句型

16、.  教师提出任务。T: Now, your fathers are all very great. And do you know? In June,  heres a festival for Fathers. Its on the third Sunday of June. Its   Fathers Day. On Fathers Day, what can we do for Father? Umm We can buy some gifts. We can clean the table. We can do some&#

17、160; washing. We can help father more. And at last remember to give  him a big hug. On that day, I want to say something to my father.Now, please say something to your father. First, you can say yourself. And then you can say out as loudly as possible.S1: Daddy, Daddy, you are strong. You are l

18、ike a superman. I like playing with you. I love you.S2: Daddy, Daddy, you are tall. You are like a tree. I like swimming with you. I love you.T: I think your fathers will be very happy to hear you say so.     屏幕上出现父亲节的日期和可以送礼物,学生集体朗读,感受句型的含义.     让学生

19、自己夸夸自己的父亲. 学生个别交流反馈.   教师总结归纳   三、案例分析:口语训练在语篇教学中的教育性元素渗透教材语言分析:    牛津教材提供的本单元关于Mothers Day话题的主要句型是:A for you. What can I do For Mum? Happy Mothers Day. 本案例基于教材提供的主题和语言,挖掘了有关Fathers Day的话题的教育性。父亲节快到了,我该为父亲准备怎样的礼物,以为父亲准备节日礼物的语言内容为媒介来体现语言背后的教育意义,对父亲的爱可

20、以不仅限于物质上的礼物,更是精神上的关爱和尊敬,有效地延伸了传统关于父爱的教学内容,让学生有所学,有所感,有所悟。 教学目标设定:基于课标要求,基于教材内容,基于学生认识水平和语言技能,本案例教师设定的语言目标是理解、学习和运用句型Daddy, daddy, you are You are like a I can for you;教育性目标是让学生感受不同的父亲的父爱,可爱的像玩具熊的父亲,和蔼可亲的像朋友的父亲,像老师的父亲,顽皮的父亲等等,感受到父亲的艰辛和伟大,并生成出懂得通过自己的行动来回报父亲。分析本案例片段,表面上,教师设计了很多操练单词和句型的活动,而实际上,通过Fa

21、ther helps me 和I can for you.的双向语言感知,教师生成了本节课的教育性目标。 教学情景选择:教师在设计本节课教学情景时并没有单纯的灌输学生机械的操练I can for you.来回报父爱。而是巧妙的通过视频,父亲从小到大对我们的关爱来勾起学生对父爱的感受,使他们感动,感受父亲不辞辛劳的工作,在子女成长历程中的艰辛,让学生在一次感受到父爱的伟大,父亲在不断地自己的子女努力工作着,而我们也能为父亲作出力所能及的事情。 教学内容再构:根据上述教材分析、教学情景设计以及语言教学目标、教育性目标的设定,教师在句型教学再构了如下语段:Dear Daddy,I

22、 love you!You are strong. You are like a superman.A yellow carnation for  you! I like playing with you. I can sing a song for you. A big hug for you.Happy Fathers Day!                     &#

23、160;                            Yours,                     &

24、#160;                             Yuki     On Fathers Day, what can you do for your father? What do you want to give to your father? Now, you can say your own letter to your father. 教学活动设计:活动一:引出句型 I can for you.在感受父亲从孩子自小到大的过程中作出了多么艰辛的奉献的画面,学生一边观看视频资料,一边听教师叙述着故事,由Father is like a He can for me. 为主要句型组成的语段,并尝试用I can for you.的句型输出表达。由此在语言输入理解(Father can for me.)和语言输


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