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1、 .反馈话语论文:高中优秀英语教师反馈语的支架功能特征【中文摘要】教学过程主要是在一连串的“教师诱发(提问)一学生应答一教师反馈(对应答的回应)”中展开和推进的。教师反馈语,是指教师在提出问题之后,对学生的应答所作出的言语反应。教师课堂反馈语在多大程度上影响着外语学习者的语言能力和其它素质的发展,这是作者深感兴趣的一个话题。本研究借助课堂观摩与音频转录文本分析法,对三位高中优秀英语教师的三节课进行了个案研究和描述性分析。其研究结果表明:1.优秀英语教师反馈语为学生语言能力的发展提供支架作用。高质量的教师反馈语可以为学习者提供可理解性的、丰富的语言输入,同时又有助于激发学习者的语言输出,让其在语


3、ish teaching is actually a process of constant interaction between teacher and students, including a series of discourses consisting of teachers initiation, students response, and teachers follow-up. Teachers follow-up discourse refers to teachers verbal feedback on students response to his question

4、s. The author takes great interest in the topic: to what degree does an English teachers verbal feed-back affect the development of EFL studentslanguage ability and other qualities? Based on classroom observation and audio-transcription, the present research has made a case study of 3 English classe

5、s (chosen from the corpus data) presented by three excellent English teachers from senior high schools with focus on the use of their verbal feed-back. The findings of the research are presented as follows:1. The verbal feedback of excellent English teachers serves scaffolding function in developing

6、 studentslanguage ability. The high-quality verbal feedback provides comprehensible language input, and meanwhile elicits more and better language output from the learners, whose inter-language can thus be improved in the course of error-correcting through teachers feedback.2. The verbal feedback of

7、 excellent English teachers serves scaffolding function in the development of studentscognitive competence. The high-quality verbal feedback guides students to learn to think, to find problems, to make analysis and seek solutions to the problems, all of which contribute to the development of their c

8、ognitive competence.3. The verbal feedback of excellent English teachers serves scaffolding function in the development of studentsemotional attitude. The high-quality verbal feedback helps to create a relaxing and pleasant learning environment, which can motivate students to take interest in Englis

9、h learning. In addition, theyre inclined to build up confidence and a sense of self-fulfillment in the course of fulfilling learning tasks. The improvement of studentsemotional attitude will, in turn, promote their English learning.In short, the study of excellent English teachersverbal feedback is

10、conducive to the enhancement of the awareness of the scaffolding functions so that English teachers will pay more attention to its effectiveness in use. If so, the verbal feedback will play a better scaffolding role in the development of studentslanguage ability, cognitive competence and emotional a

11、ttitude.【关键词】反馈话语 支架功能 课堂互动 英语教学【英文关键词】verbal feedback scaffolding function classroom interaction English teaching【目录】高中优秀英语教师反馈语的支架功能特征摘要5-6Abstract6-7第一章 绪论8-10一、研究背景8二、研究意义8-9三、研究目的9四、论文结构9-10第二章 文献综述10-21一、相关概念界定10-11(一) 支架10(二) 教师反馈语10-11二、理论基础11-16(一) Krashen的可理解性输入与情感过滤假说11-12(二) Swain的可理解性输出

12、假设12-13(三) Michael Long的互动理论13-15(四) 支架理论15-16三、国内外教师反馈语研究16-21(一) 教师反馈与语言学习17-18(二) 教师反馈与认知发展18(三) 教师反馈与学习者情感18-19(四) 支架理论与二语教学研究19-21第三章 研究设计21-23一、研究问题21二、研究对象21三、研究方法与工具21-22(一) 课堂观察21-22(二) 实录话语分析22(三) 个案分析22四、数据收集与分析22-23第四章 结果和讨论23-44一、优秀教师的反馈语为学生的语言发展提供支架23-29(一) 提供可理解性的、丰富的语言形式输入23-24(二) 创设

13、意义协商的语言输出机会24-26(三) 帮助学生纠正语言错误,完善中介语26-29二、优秀教师的反馈语为学生的认知发展提供支架29-36(一) 提供学习策略指导29-30(二) 降低任务难度30-32(三) 强调关键特征32-33(四) 示范33-34(五) 帮助学生发展批判性思维能力34-36三、优秀教师的反馈话语为学生的情感发展提供支架36-44(一) 激发学生的学习兴趣37-38(二) 减少学生课堂焦虑感38-40(三) 培养学生的自信心,成就感40-42(四) 引导学生树立正确的价值观42-44第五章 结论和建议44-47一、研究的结论44-45(一) 优秀英语教师反馈语为学生的语言能力发展提供支架作用44-45(二) 优秀英语教师反馈语为学生的认知发展提供支架作用45(三) 优秀英语教师反


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