



1、牛津初中英语语法汇总1. 名词2. 代词3. 数词4. 介词和介词短语精选资料,欢迎下载5. 连词6. 形容词(比较级、最高级)9. 动词 ( , 情态动词)10. 时态 : 现在进行时7. 副词(比较级、最高级)8. 冠词一般现在时一般过去时一般将来时过去进行时过去将来时 过去完成时现在完成时11. 被动语态12. 非谓语动词:动词不定式13. 主从复合句宾语从句定语从句(who, that , which ) 14. 直接引语与间接引语状语从句(if , unless , although , so that ) 牛津初中英语语法归纳 7AUnit 1一般现在时(is /am/are, d

2、o / does) 的肯定、否定和疑问形式。例: Myhair is long.Cats eat fish.Hegoes to school on foot every day.7AUnit 21 人 称 代 词 主 格 : I , you , he, she, it, we, they. 在 句 中 作 主语 。 例 : We/ I / You/ They have lunch at school. He/ She/ It looks at me. 2 人 称 代 词 宾 格 : me, you, him, her, it, us, them 在句中作宾语。例: The teacher of

3、ten helps us / me/ him/ her/ them.7AUnit 3时间介词at, on, in疑问词:what, which, who, whose, when, where, why, how some, any 的用法7AUnit 4频率副词never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always There be 结构表示“某个地方客观存在”。7AUnit 5现在进行时is/ am/are + doing 表示正在进行的动作.7AUnit 6can , may表示“允许、可以“ 。顺序副词:first, then, next, a

4、fterwards, finally.7BUnit 1方 位 介 词 : in front of, between, next to, between, opposite, on 基 数 词 : one, two, three, four, , 序 数 词 : first, second, third, fourth , .7BUnit 2howmuch, howmany. 表 示 “ 多 少 ” , 前 者 跟 不 可 数 名 词 , 后 者 跟 可 数 名 词 的 复 数 。 名 词 所 有 格 : Millie s home, The two students homes 形容词性物主代

5、词:my, your, his , her, our, their, its 名词性物主代词:mine, yours, his, her, ours, theirs, its , 4. 定冠词 the 的用法 : 独一无二的,前文已提到过的。7BUnit 3动作介词:across, along, through, over, to, up, down, round, from一般将来时:will +动词原形,shall + 动词原形(但只能用于we/ I 第一人称)is/ am/ are going to + 动词原形 7BUnit 4一般过去时的肯定、否定和疑问形式。be 动词的过去式:wa

6、s/ weredo (实义动词)的过去式分规则和不规则两类。7BUnit 5用 can/ could 表示“能力” “会”。I can speak English. I could swim when I was young. 用 can/ could 表示“可能” “可能性”。I amfree. I can help you. At that time, anything could happen.感叹 句 What a good girl! Whatbad weather! Hownice it is! 7BUnit 6祈使句的肯定形式和否定形式:Walk the dog at 7:00.

7、 (Please) don t chase the cat. 情态动词should, ought to & must 的用法should ( 应该 )/ shouldn t( 不应该 ) , ought to( 应该 )/ ought not to (不应该), must ( 必须 )/ mustn t ( 不可以,不允许) 8AUnit 1slim, important, beautiful 等。2形容词的比较1. 描述性形容词,如:short, long, round, interesting,funny,级和最高级 规则的 bigger / the biggest more im

8、portant/ the most important 不规则的worse / the worst表示 “比较” 的句式: as +形容词 +as “ 和。 。 。 一样”not as / so + 形容词 +as “。 。 。 。 不如。 。 。 ”8AUnit 2比 较 两 者 间 的 数 量 用 以 下 句 式 : more , .than, fewer , .than., less, than 例: I have more / fewer apples than you. ( 后跟复数名词)I have more / less free time than he/ him. ( 后 跟

9、 不 可 数 名 词 )2 比 较 两 者 以 上 间 的 数 量用 the most, the fewest, the least. 例: Amyscored the most/ fewest points of all. Daniel has the least mone y of the three.3用 like & alike 来比较。例:Myskirt is / looks like hers. = My skirt and hers are alike. 4. 用词组 the sameas &be different from 来比较 8AUnit 31. and

10、, but, or( 或者 ) 的用法。2. 动 词 + to do 这 些 动 词 有 : plan, agree, want, decide, choose, hope, learn, prepare 等 。3 反 身 代 词 :myself, yourself, yourselves, ourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves8AUnit 4由 if 引导的条件状语从句1. 用来描述可能出现的情况,主句时态用将来时,如:If it doesn t rain tomorrow, we will goto the park.2用来描述反复

11、的、可预见的情况,主句时态用一般时。如:If tigers are hungry, they attack people.8AUnit 51. 用 一 般 现 在 时 表 示 “ 将 来 ” 。 如 : The train leaves at 9:00. 2 用 现 在 进 行 时 表 示 “ 将 来 ” , 如 :Weare leaving for Shanghai this evening.3方式副词:quietly, gently, easily, well , 往往由形容词+ly 变成副词,如:quiet - quietly,easy easily,possible - possibl

12、y少数副词和形容词同形,如:fast, early, long 等。注意:good well, near nearly , hard - hardly 8AUnit 61. 表示原因的连词:because , as, since. (这些词放在原因从句之前,主句不能再用so.) 2. 表示命令、请求、建议的句式:tell / ask / order /advise / warn sb. (not) to do sth.8B Unit 1 现在完成时结构: have / has + PP 表示动作发生在过去但对现在仍有影响。肯定、否定和疑问形式常用的一些时间状语,如:already, ever,

13、 for, since, just, never, yet 等。for + 一 段时 间 , since + 过 去 的一 点 时 间 /用 过 去 式的 从 句 ,相 对 应 的 主句 动 词 要 用延 续 性 动词 , 如 :leave -be away, die - be dead,borrow keep,buy have,come-behere, join- be in/ be a memberof 等。如:He has left already.Hehas been away for two hours.8BUnit 21. 过去进行时was/ were + doing 表示过去某个

14、时刻正在进行的。2. 肯定、否定和疑问形式.3. while和when在过去进行时中的用法:进行时+ while +进行时过去式,while + 进行时 = when +过去式,进行时例: I was doing myhomeworkwhile myfather was watching TV.The bell rang while he was reading books. Whenthe bell rang, he was reading books. ( 以上这两句主从句前后可以互换)8B Unit 3 被动语态结构: be + PP 时态变化都只改变be 的各种形式肯定、否定和疑问形式

15、不是所有的动词都有被动形式,如感觉动词: feel, smell, look, taste, sound 和 happen, take place 等。主动形式表被动意义,如: This shirt sells well. (详细见课件复习)8BUnit 4because, because of, so 的用法。because + 从句, because of +短语(but: what you said), 两者后都跟原因。so 后跟结果的从句。同一句子中,不能同时出现because/ because of 和 so. 2 hope & wish 的用法hope 所希望的是有可能实现

16、的,但wish 所希望的是现在不可能实现的。如: I hope you can cometo myparty.I wish I were the President.3. 主 语 hope to do sth., 主 语 hope 其 他 人 做 某 事 , 要 跟 从 句 。 wish 可 用 来 向 某 人 祝 福 , 如: I wish you a happy newyear!8BUnit 5宾语从句(陈述句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句) used to &be used to 的用法used to do 意思为:过去常常,过去曾。如:Heused to be a teacher.

17、Heused to get up early.be used to doing / sth. 意 思 为 : 习 惯 于 做 某 事 , 如: Heis used to the bad weather. Heis used to getting up early.8BUnit 6三个句型结构:It s +形容词+ that 从句,如:It is necessary that we help the elderly. It s + 形容词 + to do sth. , 如It s useful to learn English well.It s +形容词+ for sb (not). to d

18、o sth. ,如:It s necessary for us to protect the environment.9AUnit 11. 句式:Itis +形容词(性格)+of sb.+ (not)to do sth. 如: It s kind of you to help me.2. 句式:主语 + be+形容词+enough + to do sth.如: They are patient enough to wait for mefor 2 hours.3. 句子的不同成分:主语、谓语、表语、宾语、定语、状语。9AUnit 2固 定 结 构 : would rather , than ,

19、 宁 愿 。 也 不 愿 。 如 :Onsuch a rainy day, I would rather stay at homethan go out. 固定结构:prefer , to , 宁愿。 。 。不愿。 。 。 , 比起。 。 。 更喜欢。 。 。 如: I prefer red to blue.Onsuch a rainy day, I prefer staying at hometo going out.不定代词:someone/somebody, anyone / anybody, no one / nobody something, anything, nothing, n

20、one 作主语时为单数,形容词后置。9AUnit 31. 疑问词 + to do如: I don t know howto do it./ what to do. Wehaven t decided when to have the meeting. 2句子种类:陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句。3宾语补足语。如:Wefind him a good boy/ good. 4. 5 种句子结构主语 + 谓语 Millie is reading.主 语 + 谓 语 + 宾 语 Millie is reading a book.主 语 + 谓 语 + 表 语 Millie is here.主语 + 谓

21、语间接宾语直接宾语Wegave him a book.主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 宾补 Wecall him Tom. 9A Unit 41. 介词短语:between , . and, ., from , . to , . 2. 连词: before, after, until / not , until3. 连词: while &asWhile + 进行时,进行时while / as +进行时,非进行时(短暂性动词)As+ 非进行时(短暂性动词),非进行时(短暂性动词) 9A Unit 5 1.过去完成时had + PP(过去分词)2用should, ought to, had

22、better, have to, must 表示建议。否定形式:ought not to had better not, don t have to / needn t 3. 用why not, why don t you, perhaps 来表示建议,要放在句首。9A Unit 61易混淆的单词:bring /take, hear/ listen, see/ look/ watch, come / go 2 有时态变化的间接引语。时间状语的变化(P 103)疑问句变为间接引语时,要注意疑问语序要变为陈述语序、句尾标点符号。 9B Unit 1 1. 用 can / could, may/ m

23、ight 来表示允许。四单词正式语气递增。2. that 引导的宾语从句。3 If / whether 引导的宾语从句。9B Unit 21由疑问词引导的宾语从句。4 i n order to do &as a result5 need to do , need 有时态变化,否定形式要用助动词do. does, did牛津初中英语不规则动词汇总现在式(动词原形)过去式 过去分词am, is was been are were beenbecome became become begin began begun break broke broken bring brought broug

24、ht build built builtburn burned / burnt burned / burnt buy bought bought can could - catch caught caught choose chose chosen come came come cost cost costcut cut cutdig dug dugdo, does did done draw drew drawndream dreamed / dreamt dreamed / dreamt drink drank drunk drive drove driven eat ate eaten

25、fall fell fal len feel felt felt fight fought fought find found found fly flew flownforget forgot forgotten forgive forgave forgiven get got got give gave given go went gone grow grew gr own has, have had had hear heard heard hide hid hidden hit hit hit hold held held hurt hurt hurt keep kept kept know knew known lay laid laid learn learned / learnt learned / learnt leave le


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