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1、整理pptLesson 9Flying cats 整理pptnPeople: n good, kind, kindhearted , soft , warm , beautiful, peaceful, excellent, affectionate, friendly , lovely , smart, clever, wise, inspiring, bright, active , positive, thoughtful, loyal , responsible , cooperative, able , generous , enthusiasm , determined , bra

2、ve , strong nbad, selfish, cruel , cold-blooded, negative, sentimental, emotionalHow to describe people and animals ?整理pptQualities of some animals nRat ncharming , humorous , passionate ,intelligentnTigernpowerful , strong , independent , courageous , self-assured nMonkey nlively , fascinating , am

3、using , lazy , intelligent , skillful , quick , charming nRabbit: naffectionate , loving , pleasant , quiet , peaceful , intelligent , beautiful 整理pptnOx(牛)牛)n hardworking , patient , strong , slow , responsiblenHorse : npopular , friendly , comfortable , hardworking , skillful , patient , peaceful

4、, romantic nRooster/cock : hardworking , talented , powerful , open , elegant nDog: loyal , cheerful , ambitious , generous , effective , hardworking , intelligent nSheep nnice , pleasant , mild , warmhearted , kind , weak , patient Qualities of some animals 整理pptnas sly as a foxn(像狐狸一样狡猾) nas silly

5、 as a goosen(像鹅一样愚蠢) nas fast as a haren(像野兔一样快) nas gentle as a lambn(像小羊一样温和) nas graceful as a swann(像天鹅一样优美)n(像骡子一样顽固) nas stubborn as a mulen(像猫头鹰一样聪明) nas wise as an owln (像乌龟一样缓慢)n as slow as a turtlen(像狮子一样勇敢)nas brave as a lionn(像狼一样贪婪)nas greedy as a wolfIdioms with some animals 整理ppt New

6、words and expression整理pptnfascinate v.迷住,吸引住naffectionate adj.充满深情的,柔情的nmysterious adj.神秘的,难以处理的nsubmissive adj.服从的,顺从的nfeline adj.猫的independence n.独立,独立性high-rise adj.高层的windowsill n. 窗台paratrooper n.伞兵squirrel n. 松鼠air-resistance n.空气阻力impact n.冲击力 New words and expressions整理pptfascinatefsineit v.

7、 使入迷attract or interest (sb) greatly nfascin (魅力 charm)+ ate(v.suffix)ne.g. The children were fascinated by the toys in the shop. He has fascinated with computer games. n同根词:fascination(n.魔力,入迷,魅力) fascinating(adj.令人着迷的) fascinated(adj.感到着迷的)n 常用搭配be fascinated with迷上了=be crazy/mad about. neg. He is

8、 fascinated with chess/music.n整理pptaffectionate fknit a. 充满深情的having or displaying warmth or affection n affect + tion + ate v.影响,感动 n.suffix a. suffixneg.The lady is looking that man affectionately. 那个女人深情款款地望着那个男人。 He is very affectionate to/towards his children. 他很爱他的孩子. n同根词 affect(v.影响,感动) affe

9、ction (n.影响,喜爱,感情) affectionately 整理pptmysterious mistiris a. 神秘的n mystery +ous (a.)ne.g. a mysterious event/plan 神秘的事件/计划 He is very mysterious.他神秘莫测。n同根词:mystery n. secret ,strange thing mysterious adj. being secret , strange mysteriously adv. in a mysterious manner mysticism : 神秘主义整理pptne.g. Dogs

10、 and horses are , but cats are never to us.n 同根词 submit (v.服从 顺从;提交) submission (n.顺从,服从;提交) submissively (ad. 顺从地,服从地)近义词: obedient 常用搭配: submit to sb/sth 服从,顺从某人/某事物 submit oneself to sb. / sth. 屈服于 be submissive to sb/sth nsubmissive sbmsv a. 顺从的 willing to submit to orders or wishes of others 整理

11、pptfeline filan a. n. 像猫的;猫科动物 n fel +ine(n./a. suffix.动物) 猫科(的) canine 犬科(的) bovine 牛类(的) swine 猪类(的)n neg. 整理pptindependence ,indipendnsn. 独立 nin + depend + ent + ce 否定前缀 依靠 a.suffix n.suffix ne.g.Young people always want independence from their parents. independence celebrations 独立庆典n 同根词: depend

12、(v. 依靠) dependent(a. 依靠的) independent (a. 独立的 ) independently (ad. 独立地)常用搭配 ndepend on/upon=be dependent on/upon 依靠,取决于nbe independent of 独立于e.g.We need to be dependent on ourselves that means being independent of our parents.整理ppthigh-rise hairaiza.高层的整理pptwindowsillwndsln.窗台 paratrooper pr,trup n.

13、伞兵npara(n.suffix降落伞)+ troop(军队) +er nParachute 降落伞nParachute jump squirrel skwirl n.松鼠整理pptair-resistance er-rzstns n. 空气阻力整理pptnair-resistancenthe effects of air resistancenthe influence of air resistance nairport,airsickness air-conditionernimpact碰撞压力冲击试验噪声冲击impact pressureimpact testnoise impact整

14、理pptDetailed Study of the text整理pptnCats never fail to fascinate human beings. They can be friendly and affectionate towards humans, but they lead mysterious lives of their own as well. They never become submissive like dogs and horses. As a result, humans have learned to respect feline independence

15、. n1. How do cats often behave towards humans ? n2. But theyre suspicious of humans as well , arent they ?n3. Do they lead mysterious lives of their own ? n4. How are they different from dogs and horses ?n5. What have humans learned to respect about cats ?整理pptCats never fail to fascinate human bein

16、gs.nnever fail to 必定, 一定会e.g. If you can try your best to do something, I believe youll never fail to succeed one day. If you receive requests like this, youll never fail to accept. (NCE2)整理ppt常用的双重否定结构常用的双重否定结构(加强语气)1never fail to, cant fail to, dont fail to , 否定词+fail to(语气较强烈)2否定的形容词之前加以否定 unreas

17、onable- not unreasonablee.g. What he said is not unreasonable. It is quite common (not uncommon ) for us to make mistakes.3not + without e.g. You cant obtain English without working hard.整理ppt They can be friendly and affectionate towards humans, but they lead mysterious lives of their own as well.n

18、live/lead+adj+life 过着样的日子nlive a simple life 简单的nlead a hard life 艰难的nof ones own 自己的non ones own依靠自己的整理pptThey never become submissive like dogs and horses. As a result, humans have learned to respect feline independence.nas a result adv.结果e.g. The accident resulted from his carelessness. 事故源于他的粗心。

19、 Acting before thinking always results in failure. 做事不先考虑总会导致失败。 The accident resulted in the death of two people. 这场意外事故造成两人死亡。整理pptnMost cats remain suspicious of humans all their lives. One of the things that fascinates us most about cats is the popular belief that they have nine lives. Apparentl

20、y, there is a good deal of truth in this idea. A cats ability to survive falls is based on fact. 6. What is the popular belief about cats ? 7. Is there any truth in this belief ?Only one person survived (in )the accident .based on experience以正规教育为基础以正规教育为基础根据经验根据经验based on formal education整理ppt Most

21、 cats remain suspicious of humans all their lives. nbe /remain suspicious of /about : be doubtful about对表示怀疑,存有戒心ne.g . The locals tend to be suspicious of strangers. 当地人对陌生人往往有戒心.n He was suspicious of the new theory . =He was doubtful about the new theoryn同根词:suspicion n. 怀疑 suspect v. sb. of (doi

22、ng) sth.整理ppt1) survive v.幸存nsurvive the accident 从事故中幸存从事故中幸存nsurvive the plane crashnsurvival n. 生存生存 幸存者幸存者nsurvival of the fittest适者生存适者生存nsurvivor n. 生还者生还者Apparently, there is a good deal of truth in this idea.A cats ability to survive falls is based on fact. 整理ppt2) be based on 在基础之上nbase sth

23、 on 把某事建立在基础之上nWe base the theory on the fact. =The theory is based on fact. 这个理论是建立在事实基础上的。整理ppt Recently the New York Animal Medical Center made a study of 132 cats over a period of five months. All these cats had one experience in common: they had fallen off high buildings, yet only eight of them

24、 died from shock or injuries. 8. Which institution recently made a study of cats ?. 9. How many cats took part in this study ?10 . What did all these cats have in common ?11. How many of them had died ?nhave sth in common with sb /sth nHe had a lot in common with one of my friends .整理ppt die of +(il

25、lness, disease etc.), die from+(shock, injures, wound etc.)ndie of ”因.而死” (死因存在于人体之上或之内,主要指情感、冻饿、疾病、衰老等自身的原因),后常加这样的名词如:die of illness (heart trouble, cancer, a fever, hunger,cold,poison,oldage,boredom,thirst,sorrow,disappointed love etc) 死于疾病 (心脏病,癌症,发烧,饥饿,寒冷,毒药,年老,无聊,口渴,悲伤,失恋等)n ndie from ”由于.而死”(

26、死因不是存在人体之内或之上,而是由环境造成的,主要指事故等方面的外部原因),后常加这样的名词如: die from an earthquake (a traffic accident, a lightning, wound,lack of food,over work,carelessness,drinking,some unknown cause etc) 死于地震(交通事故,雷击,受伤,缺少食物,工作过量,粗心,过度饮酒,不明原因等)整理ppt Of course, New York is the ideal place for such an interesting study, bec

27、ause there is no shortage of tall buildings. There are plenty of high-rise windowsills to fall from! One cat, Sabrina, fell 32 storeys, yet only suffered from a broken tooth. 12. Why is New York the ideal place for this kind of study ?13. What had the cat called Sabrina suffered from ?reach the idea

28、l height /in an ideal world整理pptshortage n. 缺乏 =lack(n.缺乏,短缺),两个词都和of搭配 There was a shortage/ lack of oxygen at the top of the mountain. 山顶上缺氧。 The nation was experiencing a critical shortage of food /food shortage. 缺钱导致了这个实验的失败。(翻译) The of money led to the failure of the experiment. =be short of st

29、h. = lack sth. -Were short of cash. 整理ppt One cat, Sabrina, fell 32 storeys, yet only suffered from a broken tooth. nsuffer from 遭受什么痛苦nMost of the important cities of the world suffer from traffic jam. -suffer from cold and hunger 饥寒交迫-suffer from floods 遭受水灾整理pptnCats behave like well-trained para

30、troopers. a doctor said. It seems that the further cats fall, the less they are likely to injure themselves. In a long drop, they reach speeds of 60 miles an hour and more. At high speeds, falling cats have time to relax. They stretch out their legs like flying squirrels. This increases their air-re

31、sistance and reduces the shock of impact when they hit the ground. 整理pptn1) Well-trained: those who are trained very well well-known: sth that is known well well-educated: those who are educated well well-written /well-born /well-done /well-organised/well-meant 2) stretch out 伸展,延伸 e.g. stretch out

32、a helping hand 伸出一只援助的手 He stretched out his arm and try to reach the apple.整理ppt It seems that the further cats fall, the less they are likely to injure themselves.n1) the more.the more. 越.越. (用定冠词the+形容词或副词的比较级)n2) be likely to do sth. They are likely to become angry with him. 他们可能会对他发怒。整理pptQualities of cats fascinate friendly affectionatemysterious suspiciousnever sub


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