



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上湘少版五年级下册英语复习资料(一)字母&月份 Months of the YearJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember26个英文字母的手写体5个元音字母 (二)单词&短语&标题句Unit1 Were going to read stories 我们将要读故事。story 故事listen to 听great 好极了interesting有趣的play 话剧talk about 谈论write about写put on 上演;演出Unit2 Were goin

2、g to do some research 我们将要做一些研究。research调查find 找到report报告study 学习think 思考information信息do some research 做一些调查study and think 学习和思考write a report 写一份报告collect pictures 收集图片find information 找到信息Unit3 lets make a kite让我们做一只风筝。kite 风筝show 展示paper 纸tie系cut切bamboo 竹子make a kite 制作风筝cut the paper剪纸draw a pi

3、cture 画画look at 看a piece of paper一张纸cut the bamboo 削竹子Unit4 Dont talk here 这里禁止说话。library图书馆park公园here这里Mrs夫人throw扔 waste废弃的floor地板road 道路take to 把带往pick flowers 摘花in the library在图书馆on the book 在书上on the floor 在地板上on the wall 在墙上in the reading room在阅览室Unit5 Whens your birthday?你的生日是什么时候?in March在三月o

4、n the fifth of March 在三月五日International Childrens Day 国际儿童节Unit6 Ill make a beautiful card我将要做一张漂亮的卡片。favourite 最喜欢的chocolate巧克力Rose玫瑰花celebrate 庆祝Restaurant餐馆a box of .一盒.make a beautiful card 制作一张漂亮的卡片a delicious dinner 一顿可口的晚饭a small gift一个小礼物a good idea一个好主意Unit7 Theres a post office near my sch

5、ool在我学校附近有一家邮局。there 在哪儿street街道hotel 宾馆shop 商店bank银行cinema电影院post office 邮局near 在附近around在周围hometown 家乡shopping centre 购物中心over there 在那里at the end of 在的尽头see a movie 看一场电影take a walk 散步Unit8 Can you show me the way to the Xinhua Hotel?你能告诉我去新华宾馆的路吗?way 道路;路线straight 笔直地along 沿着crossing 十字路口take 乘(

6、车/船/飞机等)stop 停车场hospital 医院airport 机场get on 上车get off 下车railway station 火车站take bus乘坐公交车Excuse me 对不起,打扰一下turn left 向左转turn right 向右转at the second crossing 在第二个十字路口Unit9 Hes kind to me他对我们很亲切。kind亲切的village村庄teach 教smart聪明的active 活跃的friendly 友好的serious 严肃的interested感兴趣的Peters grandpa彼得的爷爷teach Engli

7、sh 教英语in the classroom 在教室里be kind to对很友善be interested in 对感兴趣a primary school 一所小学Unit10 Where were you yesterday?昨天你在哪里?sick 生病的better更好的at home 在家was (is ,am的过去式)at work 在工作in bed 在床上last week 上周were (are 的过去式)All right好的in hospital住院,在医院give me your homework 给我你的家庭作业Unit11 Who was first?谁第一?firs

8、t 第一second 第二third 第三fourth 第四fifth 第五sixth 第六seventh 第七eighth 第八ninth 第九tenth 第十race 赛跑Sports Day运动日be last 最后run fast 跑得快cheer for欢呼want to + 动原:想要做某事a one-hundred- meter race一场百米赛跑Unit12 Where did you go?你去了哪里?forest 森林museum 博物馆note 笔记ask 问question问题school outing 学校郊游take pictures拍照ask questions

9、 问问题listen to music 听音乐make notes 记笔记go to the forest去森林go to the museum 去博物馆go to the mountains 去山里(三)句型1.-What are we going to do?-Were going to read some stories.我们将要做什么?我们将要听一些故事。2.-Are we going to talk about them?-Yes, we are./No, we arent.我们将要谈论它们吗?是的。/不。3.First,(首先).Then,(然后).And then,(再然后).N

10、ext,(接下来).Lastly,(最后).4.in + 月份-Whens your birthday?-My birthday is in May.你的生日是什么时候?我的生日在五月。Its on the + 序数词 of + 月份-Whens Childrens Day?-Its on the first of June.儿童节是什么时候?儿童节是六月一日。5.-Can you show me the way to the Xinhua Hotel?-Just go straight along this road.-Then turn left at the second crossin

11、g.-You may take Bus No.206 to the hotel.你能告诉我去新华宾馆的路吗?一直沿着这条路直走。然后在第二个十字路口左转。你可以坐206路公交车去宾馆。6.He is kind to children.他对孩子们很亲切。He looks kind.他看起来很亲切。7.-Where were you yesterday?-I was in bed at home.昨天你去了哪里?我在家卧床休息。8.-Are you better now?-Yes. Im fine now. Thank you.你现在好点了吗?是的,我很好。谢谢。9.-Who was first?

12、-I was first.谁第一?我第一。10.-Where did you go?-We went to the forest.你们去了哪里?我们去了森林。11.-What did you do?-We took pictures and listened to music.你们做了什么?我们拍照和听音乐。12.-Did you enjoy your school outing?-Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.你喜欢你的学校郊游吗?是的。 /不。(四)语法1.一般将来时:be going to + 动原:计划/打算/将要做某事 will + 动原:将要做某事e.g. He

13、_(be) going to_(play) football.We_(be) going to _(read) stories.Ill_(make) a kite.2.一般现在时:当主语是第三人称单数(He/She/It,单数名词),动词要用三单形式(V+s/es)。e.g. Peters father usually_(take) bus to work. Miss Li_(teach) us English. 3.一般过去时:如果句中出现yesterday,last,did,was,were时,动词要用过去式。e.g. He_(be) at the cinema yesterday.I_(

14、get) red packets last year.-What did you do? -I_(take) pictures for my family.-Where were you yesterday? -We_(go) to the forest.【动词过去式的变化规则】:(1)直接在词尾加-ed: look-looked work-worked (2) 以不发音的e结尾的动词,直接-d:like-liked live-lived(3) 以辅音字母+y结尾的,改y为i,再接-ed:study-studied (4)以重读闭音节结尾的,双写最后一个辅音字母,再加-ed: stop-sto

15、pped (5)不规则变化的动词过去式。(见书P80第一张表)go- went 去 see-saw 看见 say-said 说 do-did 做 eat-ate 吃 take-took 拿,取 run-ran 跑 have-had 有4.现在进行时:be + 现在分词(V-ing)e.g. Lingling is_(read) in the reading room.5.祈使句:Lets + 动原:让某人做某事 动原 + 其他 否定祈使句:Dont + 动原:禁止做某事e.g. Lets_(make) a beautiful card._(stand) up, please.Dont_(pick) flowers in the park.6.There be 句型:某地有某物There is + 单数名词 There are + 复数名词e.g. There_(be) a pen on the desk.There_(be) many trees around


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