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1、The Japanese goverment how to deal with an earthquake日本人应对日本人应对From A8 group3From A8 group3before earthquake地震前 The governments financial investment 政府的财政投入政府的财政投入 Every year,the Japanese government for the earthquake fiscal spending acconts for qiute a proportion of the total amount of finances. If

2、 this year earthquake disaster, this proportion will increase greatly according to the situation 日本政府每年用于地震的 财政支出占财政总额的相当比重。如果该年份发生地震灾害,这一比重会根据灾情大大增加。nThe usual prevention drill 平时的预防演平时的预防演练练 图为图为“防灾日防灾日”全国进行地震演全国进行地震演练练n出色的抗震式建筑出色的抗震式建筑nSeismic building excellent Widely used in high-rise buildings

3、 in JapanBased on the operation of isolation and earthquake, installed at the bottom of the building Elastic rubber pad, or sliding frictionDynamic bearing seat buffer is to resistShock. In the above 6 level earthquakeWhen born, the protecting device can helpThe structure of the reduced by half.日本高层

4、建筑高层建筑普遍采用地基与地震隔绝术说就是在建筑的底部安装弹性橡胶垫,或者摩擦滑动承重座缓冲装来抵抗地震。在6级以上的地震发生时,这种保护装置能使建筑物的受力减少一半。 (右图为日本蚕茧大厦) On the other hand, in order to improve On the other hand, in order to improve the the seismic resistance of seismic resistance of traditional traditional wood structure, ordinary wood structure, ordinary

5、 japanese homesjapanese homestaken cabinet dtaken cabinet design esign , ,when the earthquake when the earthquake happened, the whole house is rolling, happened, the whole house is rolling, not destructionnot destruction.Professional and technical.Professional and technical personnel personnel will

6、will periodically toperiodically to seismic seismic strengthenstrengthening rating of houses,ing rating of houses,TheThe government will government will take into considerationtake into considerationthe the appropriate subsidiesappropriate subsidies to encourage residents to encourage residents. .另一

7、方面,为了提高传统木结构建筑木结构建筑的抗震能力,日本普通的民宅采用了箱体设计地震发生时,房屋整体翻滚,不至于损毁。专业技术人员还会定期对民房进行抗震加固等级评定,政府会酌情给予居民适当的补贴鼓励。箱体设计图箱体设计图整体不坏的房屋整体不坏的房屋nMaterial preparationn物资准备物资准备 Each community has established earthquakedesignated emergency shelter. When the earthquake happen, relief stations generallybased on the road, in

8、order that people with home drinking water, lounge and the related information.每个社区都有为地震建立的指定紧急避难所避难所。地震的时候,救助站一般建立在公路旁,为的是回家的人们提供饮用水、休息室和有关信息。(图为避难所中的孩子们)储物满满的仓库储物满满的仓库 The shelf life of food storage in The shelf life of food storage in the warehouse is 5 years, generally the warehouse is 5 years,

9、generally in fourth years time will be in fourth years time will be replaced, and the replaced food will replaced, and the replaced food will in a variety of disasterin a variety of disaster prevention prevention exercises make people eat, so do not exercises make people eat, so do not waste. Inwast

10、e. In addition, the warehouse is addition, the warehouse is equipped with lighting heating equipped with lighting heating equipment and generators, powerequipment and generators, power equipment, portableequipment, portable toilets and can toilets and can be be assembled.assembled.仓库里储存的食品仓库里储存的食品保质

11、期是保质期是5 5年年, ,一般到第四年的时候一般到第四年的时候就会更换,而更换下来的食品又会就会更换,而更换下来的食品又会在进行各种防灾演习时让人们吃掉在进行各种防灾演习时让人们吃掉, ,所以不会造成浪费。另外所以不会造成浪费。另外, ,仓库里仓库里还备有照明取暖设备和发电机等电还备有照明取暖设备和发电机等电力设备力设备, ,还有可以组装的便携式厕还有可以组装的便携式厕所。所。 Below is the Japanese Tokyu department store ,In Japan, the big departmentstoresDisaster prevention goods co

12、unter. There you can buy all kinds of family disasterWrecking tools.下图为日本的“东急百货”,在日本,大的百货公司都有防灾用品专柜。在那里你可以买到各种家庭防灾救险工具。 Above for the family emergency storage box,there are dozens of things inside. Once the earthquake happen, they might come in handy.上图为家庭应急储物箱应急储物箱,里面有几十种东西。一旦发生地震等灾害,它就会派上用场。nStudy

13、 of earthquake sciencen地震科学的深入研究地震科学的深入研究 Every year the Japanese government investment the amount of funding to research in earthquake.Therefore, the knowledge of earthquake in Japanhave the most advanced theories andKnowledge. This is to reduce the earthquake disaster After a great help. 日本政府每年都会投

14、入大量的科研经费来研究日本政府每年都会投入大量的科研经费来研究地震。所以,日本在地震学知识方面有着最前沿地震。所以,日本在地震学知识方面有着最前沿的理论和知识。这对于减轻地震灾的理论和知识。这对于减轻地震灾 害有着巨大的害有着巨大的帮助。帮助。地震Natural disasterRescue system自然灾害救助体系自然灾害救助体系ralative law相关法律相关法律Earthquake insurancesystem地震保险制度地震保险制度Emergency managementThe legal system应急管理应急管理法律体系法律体系the system constructi

15、on制度建设制度建设In the earthquake地震中地震中lThe measures taken by the governmenl政府采取的措施政府采取的措施 When the earthquake occurred, the earthquake disaster warning mechanism through the government first issued a notice to the country. Then, the SDF organization professional disaster relief team, fire brigade, a volu

16、nteer team to the disaster area. Various government departments will be coordinated, organized, orderly carry out rescue activities. 地震发生时,政府首先通过地震灾害预警机制向全国发出通知。接着组织自卫队、专业救灾队、消防队、志愿者团队等向灾区开出。政府各个部门会统一协调,服从组织,紧张有序地开展救援活动。自卫队队员在救助日本专业救灾队消防队在救援志愿者无偿奉献nA rapid response to citizensn公民的快速应对公民的快速应对nThe usu

17、al strict earthquake emergencyAt ordinary times strict emergency actingso that the Japanese have a good psychological quality.When earthquake comes they dont panic.they can quickly find escape routes, and transfer to safety. 平时严格的地震应急演习使日本国民有着良好的心理素质。地震来临时他们并不慌张,他们能够迅速找到逃生路线,并转移 到安全地带。(小学生头戴防火帽从教学楼撤

18、出)(小学生头戴防火帽从教学楼撤出)(老人们迅速找到逃生路线)(老人们迅速找到逃生路线)After the earthquake地震地震后后lGovernment commandl政府指挥政府指挥 After the earthquake,the goverment will immidiately organize rebuliding,show a powerful command of earthquake country震后,政府会马震后,政府会马 上组织重建,显上组织重建,显 示出一个示出一个多地震国家政府的有力指挥。多地震国家政府的有力指挥。重建Government command

19、政府指挥政府指挥InternationalAid国际国际援助援助FolkDonations民间民间捐资捐资Earthquake rescueAid system地震救援体系地震救援体系重建家园重建家园nThe collection of data, research progressn搜集数据,进步研究搜集数据,进步研究 Every earthquake leaves Many Many valuable data, scientists valuable data, scientists t through hrough the study of these data,the study o

20、f these data,f furtherurthersimulation methodsimulation method每一次地震都会留下许多宝贵的数据每一次地震都会留下许多宝贵的数据,科学家们通过研究这些数据,模拟,科学家们通过研究这些数据,模拟 实验等方法进一步对地震学进行研究实验等方法进一步对地震学进行研究。nPerfect the law完善法律完善法律 Japanese architects in architecturalapanese architects in architectural design When, will be in strict design When, will be in strict accordance wit


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