



1、 Module 1 How to learn English (5 periods)模块教材分析 本模块以“How to learn English”为话题,以学习征求建议、提出建议的方法为主线,介绍了单词分类记忆、根据上下文判断词义、听力细节辨认、反向推理、略读等学习方法。通过模块学习,除了能掌握上述英语学习方法之外,还可根据老师和同学的建议制定更适合自己的学习计划;同时,模块也综合复习了初一所学的一般现在时、现在进行时、一般将来时和一般过去时的用法。 课型设计与课时分配 Period 1 Vocabulary and Listening (U1 Ac. 1-4) Period 2 Pron

2、unciation andSpeaking (U1 Ac. 56 & WB)Period 3 Reading and Vocabulary (U2 Ac.1-4)Period 4 Writing and Language practice (U2 Ac.56 & U3 Ac. 1-6) Period 5 Around the world and Module Task (U3 Ac.713 & WB) M1-Period 1: Vocabulary and listening 课型:听说课 执笔:徐艳姣 学习内容 M 1 Unit 1 Try not to transl

3、ate every word. (Activities 1-4)学习目标 1. 掌握给别人提出建议(关于How to learn English)的方法。2. 能给表示学习活动的词汇分类,掌握单词分类记忆法。3. 能听懂对话主题,能进行听力细节辨认,完成填表、答问等任务。4. 复习巩固一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时和一般将来时的用法。 学习重点 A . Key vocabulary 重点词汇translate, translation, correct, grammar, pronunciation, spelling, term, advice, write down, mistake,

4、 else, message, each, each other, excellent B. Key structures 重点句式 1. How about ? 2. Why dont you ? 3. You should 4. But try (not) to 5.What else? 6. Its a good idea to check your vocabulary notebook every day. 学习难点 1. translate, advice, write down, else的用法。 2. 提出建议的句式(学习重点中B重点句式之14)。预习导航A). 预习P181词

5、汇表( P2 translate Orchestra ), 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。1. I dont know how to learn English, please give me some a_.2. If you want to learn English well, try not to t_ every word.3. I cant hear you clearly, please r_ your words. 4. What e_ can you see?5. You should check your _ (spell) in your homework.6. My g

6、randfather often reads the n_ after breakfast.B). 根据汉语提示完成下列句子,并预习Activity 3 Listen and read, 勾画出文中类似的句式和短语1. 你为什么不乘飞机去北京观看奥运会呢?_ _ you _ a plane to watch the Beijing Olympics?= _ _ _ a plane to watch the Beijing Olympics? 2. 你应该始终认真做作业。 You _ always _ your homework _.3. 把英语学好对我们来说很重要。_ important _

7、us _ _ English well.4. 现在是吃晚饭的时候了。_ time _ _ dinner / _ dinner.5. 明天去游泳怎么样? _ _ _ swimming tomorrow?6. 金凤花端起最大的饭碗,吃完了里面的食物。Goldilocks _ _ the biggest bowl and finished all the food in it.7. 我的钢笔在地上,帮我捡起来。My pen is on the ground, _me _ _ _.互动研学 Step I. Warming-up Talk about English learning to lead i

8、n. 谈论英语学习T: English is a widely-used language. But what is in English? What are we going to learn (about English)? Do you know? 思考:英语学习包括的内容有哪些? e.g. Well learn English letters and words, that is vocabulary “词汇(表)”S: _ _Step II. Vocabulary (Activity 1 on P2)Read the words aloud and try to match them

9、 with the headings. (Activity 1 on P2)Step III. Listening (Activity 2 on P2)1. Tell the meaning of words in activity 2 and try to give some examples for each item.说出活动2中词汇的意思。 (可用英语,也可用汉语)2. Then listen and match these words with the conversations. Try to give the reasons. 听对话,连接方框中词汇和相应的对话。 (尽量说明理由

10、哦)Step IV. Listening and reading (Activities 3-4 on P2-3)A) Teach the sentences structures and phrases. 结合预习导航,理解重点词汇和句式。 1. translate vt. “翻译” translation n. “翻译” 你发现了什么构词法?_ 写出你知道的类似构词规律的词。 _2. advice u.n “建议,忠告,劝告” 一条好建议_ 在某方面提供建议_ 3. mistakes c.n. “错误” 他很粗心,所以常在作业中犯错。He is _, so he often _ _in h

11、is homework. 4. write down “写下,记下” 记下我的电话号码。_ _ my phone number.此类动词短语的结构是什么?_ 其宾语位置应是_. 5. else adj.& adv. “其他” 你知道else 和other的区别吗?_ 6. 提出建议的句型 :做某事怎么样? 为什么不做某事呢? 你应该做某事。 试着不去做某事。 _ _ _ _B) 1. Listen to the conversations between Ms James and her students. 听对话,了解大意。2. Listen again and write note

12、s about learning English. (Activities 4 on P3) 听对话,填表格。C) 1. Listen to the conversation and read it loudly. (Books open) 听对话并大声跟读。2. Act out the conversations in groups. 分组表演对话。拓展提高 A). 选择填空:( )1. This is Jims Chinese study plan. He _ this term.A. works hard B. worked hard C. is working hard D. is going to work hard( )2. There are many new words on the blackboard. Please _.A. write down them B. write down it C. write them down D. write it downB). 用括号内所给动词的适当形式完成句子1


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