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1、全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选学校:山东省潍坊市临朐县寺头初级中学 姓名: 马 红学科:初中英语(外研版)电话: 手机: 联系地址:山东省潍坊市临朐县寺头初级中学 电子邮件:全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选一、 教学背景1.面向学生:中学 2.学科:英语3.课时:第1课时4.学生课前准备:1. 让学生利用观看有关贫困地区学生的学习生活片段。【百度搜索】2.让学生利用【百度搜索】了解希望工程;2)预习课文(单词、短语、现在完成时句型);二、 教学课题 外研版八年级英语上册 Module 4 EducationUnit2 Project Hope has buil

2、t many schools .三、教学目标: 语言知识目标:1.掌握重点词汇:raise, describe, drop, ill, important, pay, perhaps, drop out of school, look after, hear of2.能正确理解和运用重点语法:现在完成时:(意义、结构和用法)。3.理解关联词:butorand在句子中的应用;技能目标:听:能听懂课文中的听力材料,并捕捉信息准确回答问题。说:运用现在完成时描述与希望工程相关的信息。能够尝试复述课文。读:运用恰当的阅读策略理解大意,找出文章的主题,完成阅读任务。 写:能运用现在完成时描述希望工程所做

3、的事情,恰当地使用连词and,or,but 等表示逻辑关系。情感目标:1.让学生更多地了解希望工程,珍惜自己的学习机会,努力学学习;2.通过本节课的学习,培养学生的爱心,增强社会责任感。四、教材分析:本节课教学内容是外研版新标准英语教材初二上册Module 4 Unit 2,本模块以希望工程为主题,同时介绍世界各地的慈善机构。让学生通过学习了解希望工程,了解不同地区儿童的学习状况,以及国内外人士为希望工程做出的贡献,有助于培养学生的爱心以及增加对社会的责任感。活动内容包括:Activity1训练数字的表达;Activity2学习有关希望工程的知识;Activity3-5 通过练习,帮助学生对阅

4、读文章的理解,并学习本模块重点词汇与句型。Activity6-7,了解关联词:but,and,or,在句中的用法,重点练习写作,提高学生英文书写能力。本单元是一篇读写课,围绕希望工程为贫困助学活动的话题展开,在阅读中进一步领悟并掌握所学重点词汇,理解现在完成时的概念及用法。学会恰当地运用现在完成时写出与希望工程相关的句子,为写出完整的语篇作铺垫。重点与难点:重点:掌握单词、词组:raise, drop, ill, important, pay, describe, perhaps, drop out of school, look after, hear of难点: 能够正确理解、恰当运用现在

5、完成时。五、学习策略:由自主谈论到学习知识点,从而转入到阅读练习,结合会话,听力训练理解文章内容,再进入写作练习。(任务型、自主互助法、分组讨论法)六 、教学过程(一 ) 1.Check the words and expressions:2.Leading-in: From Unit 1 we know “Present perfect” and Hope School;Eg:-How long have lived here?-Since 2004.-How long have you known her?-For two years.-Whats a Hope School?-Its a

6、 school for poor children. In fact, since 1989 Project Hope has built schools all over China.What do you know about Project Hope?让学生看视频片段,针对希望工程为贫困孩子的教育问题、捐款、建校等所做的事情这一话题,让小组相互进行讨论,【百度搜索】2g.html(借助Activity 1 中的信息),然后交流。设计意图:通过复习相关知识、观看视频引入本课的主题,激发学习兴趣,从而导出本课的标题。 2. Work in pairs:Read the table and t

7、alk about Project Hope. (Activity1)设计意图:通过图表信息交谈来训练现在完成时的用法,同时练习大数字的表达法:(二)多层阅读1Read the passage and choose the main idea.A. Helping poor children go to school.B. Talking about education.C. Describing life for poor families.设计意图:检测预习情况,同时指导、培养学生把握文章主旨的能力。2.Listen and answer the following questions:1

8、) Did Liu Sanzi finish studying?2) Why did Li Yinming stop going to school?3. When did he stop going to school?4) Who has Project Hope raised money for?5) Did Shens school have lots of books last year? 6) Who has given money to Project Hope ?设计意图:在理解文章大意的基础上通过听力磁带,锻炼学生的听力及正确回答问题的能力。3.Read the passag

9、e as fast as possible,choose “T”or “F”: 1)Liu Sanzi is from a village. ( )2)There are six people in Liu Sanzis family. ( )3)Project Hope has built many libraries and schools with this money.( )4)Many children from poor families still need help. ( )5) Thousands of children have better lives with the

10、help of Project Hope. ( )设计意图:通过快速阅读文章,加以指导学生学法,培养学生准确把握文意 ,正确分析问题的能力。4Read the passage more carefully and find out the important language points: 1)Phrases:an eight-year-old boy want sb. to do sth. stop to do sth.stop doing sth. look aftertake care of have to get an education with the help of in th

11、e last 15 years raise money in the countryside pay for the education of in China and abroad train teachers hear of because of thousands of send to2)Drills: Its important for sb. to do sth.设计意图:通过学生精读文章、标注重要知识点,使学生进一步加深对知识点理解与运用,并为下一步复述课文做好铺垫,从而培养学生自主学习的能力。5.Language points:1)Liu Sanzi is an eight-ye

12、ar-old boy from a village in Hunan Province. eight-year-old是一个复合adj.,做boy的定语。由“数词+名词+形容词”构成的复合形容词,中间的名词不能用复数形式。Eg:She is a five-year-old girl.=The girl is five years old.2)His parents want him to drop out of school. 他父母想让他退学。 want sb. to do sth. “想让某人做某事”不定式作宾语补足语。drop out of school 退学Now they can g

13、o to school with the help of Project Hope.with the help of “在某人的帮助下”=with ones help。With the help of Li Ming, I worked it out. = With Li Mings help, I worked it out.4)This project has raised money and paid for the education(1) raise 筹集,集资;raise money 筹集资金(2) pay作动词时,意为“付款”、“支付”。(paid-paid)pay for st

14、h.为某物支付钱 Eg: I paid 10 yuan for this book. 【拓展:spendon(in) doing sth. (人做主语) ; cost (物做主语);It takes sb. some time to do sth. 】5)Because of Project Hope, thousands of children have better lives.because of “由于,因为”,后面+n.,pron.或v-ing形式,相当于because+从句。Eg:He couldnt go to school because of his illness.=He

15、couldnt go to school because he was ill.设计意图:通过老师文中重点知识点的精讲与点拨,让学生更加深刻地理解课文,掌握重点,达成语言知识目标。 6学习检测: Retell the story :Liu Sanzi is _ boy from a village in Hunan Province. His parents want him _. Its important for him _ their farm because there_seven people in Lius family and they are very _. Li Yingmi

16、ng is _ and from Zhangxian in Gansu Province. He stopped _a few years ago. His parents _ and he has to _ them. Many children like Li Yingming and Liu Sanzi cant _ because their families are _. Now they can go to school _Project Hope. In the last 15 years, this project _and _ the education of 2.5 _ p

17、oor students in the countryside. People in _ have given 2.2 billion yuan. With this money, Project Hope_many schools and libraries. It _ and it _students _high schools. Last year Shen, a boy from Shanxi Province, went to a school with _and only a few books. But this year hes at a new school with _.

18、Project Hope _ it. Most people in China have_ Project Hope and _ money. But 40 million children from poor families still need help. _Project Hope, _ children have better lives. Perhaps we should all ask: What can we _ for Project Hope? How can we help?设计意图:通过补全文章,使学生回忆、巩固文章内容及主要知识点,加深巩固学习印象与效果。7Acco

19、rding to what you have learned in the passage , then think about the questions: And then writing.What can we do for Project Hope? How can we help?学生结合希望工程已经做的工作,小组讨论,谈谈自己的打算,然后总结内容写成文章。设计意图:学生运用所学的知识,展开合理的想象,培养思维能力。告诉学生在表达中注意and ,so, but等连接词的运用。8.学以致用:一、翻译下列词组:1. 与相处(融洽)_2.自从2003年以来_ 3. 为希望学校筹钱_ 4.听说_5. 由于希望工程_6.退学_ 7.停止做某事_8.不得不做_9.接受教育_10.在帮助下_11.在过去的15年里_12.付款 _ 13.在中国内外 _ 14.停下来去做某事_ 二、写出恰当形式的英语单词,每空格只写一个单词。1) Its _ (重要的)for us to learn English well.2)She d_ out of school because his family was to


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