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1、 毕业设计外文资料翻译学 院: 专 业: 姓 名: 学 号: 外文出处:Journal of American Chemical Society By Elaine Ann 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语: 签名: 年 月 日附件1:外文资料翻译译文信息时代的工业设计安绮丽高介原创董事长摘要: 这篇论文介绍的是发端于欧美的一种新的设计学科:交互式设计。当我们进入信息时代,产品不再仅仅囿于电子产品和机械制品,还包括计算机和网络设计。自然界中高度交互式的产品设计要比以前传统的工业设计形式复杂得多。此外,“产品”的基本定义正在接受挑战,而且这种定义需要根本性的改变,已形

2、成一种新的设计方式。交互设计所关注的是人是怎样与产品、系统、环境以及社会文化因素相互影响的。关键词: 工业设计、用户体验、网络产品、跨学科、交互设计1 简介传统的产品都是像烤面包机、剃须刀、随身听等的机械电子产品。随着今天计算机技术能力的提升,微型芯片和网络的出现,传统产品的概念已经改变了。工业设计始终在解决着人与事物之间的交互方式问题,为产品的形式因素、人机工程学、心理规律学等而设计。计算机网络产品引入了一种新的交互方式,这种方式超越了产品的外形设计而延伸到数字设计领域。如今大多数产品都通过复杂的交互设计嵌入了计算机技术,那么在这个信息和数字时代工业设计师们该设计什么呢?面对这些新的衍生产品

3、工业设计师们又该怎样去创新呢?2. 产品的本质在信息时代得以重新阐释传统的产品本质上是物理性的,而且设计受到物理规律和机械规律的限制。如今,许多产品实际上就是微型电脑,其中隐藏着很强的计算能力,如可以储存超过40GB的数字信息,甚至能够提高处理速度。产品在本质上成为了既包括软件又包括硬件的混合体。例如:传统的随身听演变成了MP3,机械照相机演变成了数码照相机,无线电话演变成了手机等等。当一个产品的功能更多地依赖于软件能力时,那么对于产品的定义就不仅仅取决于硬件了。 3. 交互式设计是什么 交互设计领域仍然处于哺乳期,仅仅发展了大概十年左右。由于计算机技术的诞生,计算机设计系统已经成为了软件工程


5、、任务流和信息结构的,它使技术得以应用、理解并且让人们快乐地使用使用它们。一名交互设计领域的先驱艾琳麦卡拉-麦克威廉说:“交互设计师必须要理解人,理解人们做事、交流、学习的方式。”4. 工业设计和交互式设计的关系随着产品性质的演变,产品制造者的角色也在发生着变化。在产品的发展过程中,工业设计师一直在设计物品的外形极其人机设计。一个设计项目通常开始于产品设计中所需的简单的机械和电子装置的设计。并且由工业设计师设计出不同的外形和风格以适应于用户和目标市场。随着新形式混合型网络产品的出现,这种情况也在发生着变化。首先,由于软件成为了产品用户体验不可或缺的一部分,工业设计师就不能够不考虑软件的体验而单


7、小的屏幕中是也会在上面的大屏幕中显示出来。由于虚拟的键盘不准确并且可能有错误的输入,因此用一个触摸屏界面来接受邮件也是非常笨重的。5.思维与创作的新形式 一个产品本性的典型变化需要新形式的思维与创造。软件驱动的并且联网的产品使得产品的发展更具复杂性,而且当产品外观设计完整之后,将软件功能分配给硬件按钮的老方法将不能保证一个合理的操作体验。工业设计师应该把用户体验作为一个整体来考虑,而不是仅仅考虑产品的外观设计。另外,工业设计师也应该跨越独立物体设计的思维,转而考虑相互依赖的产品系统的设计。 对于新产品的创新,工业设计师考虑的重点应该从集中于产品外观设计转变到首先考虑人们的行为和需求。依靠采取设

8、计师-研究者的角色去揭开这些潜在的需求可以鼓舞设计师们在人们真实体验的基础上去创新。 随着产品复杂性的增加,对于工业设计师来说突破只为硬件产品而设计的传统观念是必要的,并且跨越国界组成一个交互设计师、软件工程师等的团队来一起工作也是必要的。这样可以确保产生一个融硬件、软件及分布式系统设计于一体的更加合理的用户体验式设计。参考文献:【1】 施密特,A.“设计杂谈:交互边缘” 创新,2008年4月【2】 沃克,A.“交互,反映与体验:设计的新招牌” 蓝图,2007年8月【3】 诺曼,D.隐形电脑:为什么好的产品会失败,个人电脑是如此的复杂?信息家电才是解决方法 麻省理工学院出版社(再版),2001

9、年【4】 普瑞斯,罗杰斯和夏普 交互式设计:超越人机交互约翰威利和父子公司,2002年【5】 阿尔本,L.“处于交互设计的核心” 设计管理日志,1997年夏【6】 阿尔本,L.“体验的品质:为有效交互设计制定标准” 交互,2005年5月INTERACTION DESIGN:Industrial Design in the Information AgeElaine AnnDirector, Keizer InnovationAbstract: This paper introduces a newly developed discipline in the U.S. and Europe: I

10、nteraction Design. As we enter the Information Age, products are no longer only electrical and mechanical, but also include computing and networked capability. Designing products highly interactive in nature becomes much more complex than before going beyond the traditional realm of Industrial Desig

11、n. Moreover, the fundamental definition of a product is being challenged and requires a fundamental shift in thinking as well as new work methods. How people interact with products, systems or environments and its social and cultural impact is what Interaction Design is concerned about. Keywords: In

12、teraction design, user experience, networked products, interdisciplinary, industrial design. 1 Introduction Traditional products are mechanical and electrical like toasters, shavers, walkmans etc. With todays increased computing power, miniaturized chips and the advent of the Internet, this drastica

13、lly alters the meaning of traditional products. Industrial Design has always dealt with how people interact with things, designing for a products form factor, ergonomics. Computing and networked products introduces a new dimension of interactivity beyond with its physical form, but extends to the di

14、gital arena. Now that most products are embedded computing with complex interaction, what should industrial designers design in the information and digital age? How should industrial designers innovate for these new breeds of products? 2 Product nature redefined in the Information Age Traditional pr

15、oducts are mainly physical in nature and design constrains are governed by principles of physics and mechanics. Today, many products are in fact microcomputers in disguise with computing capability storing more than 40GBs of digital information and ever increasing processing speed. Products become h

16、ybrid in nature with both hardware and software components. For example: traditional walkmans have evolved into digital MP3 music players, mechanical cameras into digital cameras, cordless phones into cellular phones etc. What defines a product is not so much dependent on the hardware when a product

17、s function resides more in its software capability. (Figure 1) 3 What is Interaction Design? The field of Interaction Design is at its early infancy and has only been around for the past decade or so. Since the birth of computing, designing computing systems has mainly been the role of software engi

18、neers. Parallel to the field of architecture, civil engineers focus on designing the structure of the building while architects design how people live within that structure; in the world of computing, software engineers ensures the robustness of the software while interaction designers design how pe

19、ople interact with computing systems and products, The concept of computers used to be desktop computing, however as technology advances, computers evolve beyond the desktop PC and permeates into every aspect of our lives. Computers take the shape and form of everyday consumer electronic appliances

20、such as MP3 players, car navigation systems to internet fridges. Thus the notion of designing for computer screen interfaces is no longer adequate. This is where Interaction Design crosses over to the field of Industrial Design. The term Interaction was originally coined by Bill, founder of IDEO and

21、 it describes the design of the behavior of products, its task flow and structure of information, making technology usable, understandable and pleasant for people to use. As Irene William, a forerunner of the interaction design field describes, Interaction designers have to understand people, how th

22、ey experience things, how they themselves interact, and how they learn. 2 4. Relationship between Industrial Design and Interaction Design As products nature evolves, so does the role of its creators. Industrial designers role in product development has been designing the form factor and ergonomics

23、of objects. A design project usually starts with a design brief of mechanisms and electronics required of the product design. And the industrial designer generates different physical form factors and styles suitable for the user and target market. Much of this is changing with the emerging new types

24、 of hybrid-networked products. First, with software as an integral part of the products user experience, industrial designers can no longer design the hardware independent of the software experience. A button pushed on the hardware can trigger a screen display and without close integration between h

25、ardware and software design, the users experience will be a frustrating one. Secondly, skills required of designers today are beyond form making. The challenge that many corporations are facing is not what technology can do, but what technology should do. Designers creativity can be expanded to more

26、 strategic roles in redefining what these new product typologies should be and envision how people should experience them. A well illustrated example that Industrial Designers cannot design a product separately from its interface and context of use is the public kiosks at the Amsterdam Airport (Figu

27、re 2). The kiosk allows travelers at the airport to write email as well as access Internet information. It is composed of two parts, a touch screen input interface at waist level and a large public screen above the head. Such design did not consider the privacy aspect of the email activity as inform

28、ation entered on the small screen also projects to the public on the large screen above. A touch screen interface for entering email is also very cumbersome as the screen calibration of the virtual keyboard misaligns and allows for errors in typing. 5 New Ways of Thinking and Working A paradigm shif

29、t of product nature requires new ways of thinking and working. Software driven and networked products adds complexity to product development and the old way of assigning software functions to hard buttons after a products physical form is complete will guarantee an incoherent experience. Industrial

30、designers need to consider the user experience as a whole beyond a products physical form. In addition, industrial designers also need to think beyond designing standalone objects and consider systems of interdependent products. To innovate for new products, Industrial Designers need to consider shifting the focus of designing aesthetically pleasing objects to first understanding peoples behaviors and needs. By adopting a designer-researcher role to uncovering these latent needs can designers be inspired to innovate based on experiences with real people. With added complex


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