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1、精品自学考试资料推荐浙江省 2018 年 1 月高等教育自学考试基础英语试题7一、单词或短语的英汉互译(共1 、将下列词语译成中文(5 分)(1) standardized containers(3) compensation trade课程代码:0008810 分)(2) target audiences(4) determinants(5) mass-production2、 将下列词语译成英文(5 分)(6)总的生产规模(7)一次装运(8)重置费用(9)可靠性(10)投保人二、词汇应用和语法结构(共30 分)(一)词汇应用(15 分)选择最佳答案完成句子1 .The spy on the

2、 message to his contact in Washington D. C.A. heldB.laidC. passedD.put2.Although he was neat and well-dressed, he was slightly unattractive in .A. outlookB.appearanceC. lookD.expression3.She feltbecause of the cold grey weather and the after-effects of influenza.A. depressedB.deprivedC. disgustedD.b

3、ored4.1 ncome tax rates areto ones annual income.A. relatedB.dependentC. associatedD.based5.He ate what he could and gave the of the food to the birds.A. remainB.wasteC. partD.rest6.1 ts my power to make a final decision on this important matter.A. offB.beyondC. aboveD.outside7.Be sure to your work

4、at the end of the exam.A. look overB. hang upC. set asideD. catch sight of8.1 remember seeing him some years ago, but I don t where it was.A. remindB. recognizeC. recallD. memorize9.The heat and the lack of water in the desert made the earth .A. bandB. crackC. craneD. crash10.1 t is known to us that

5、 oxygen is life.A. typicalB. essential toC. dependent onD. responsible to11.The judge said he was by the excellent performance of the riders.A. impressedB. excitedC. imposedD. touched12.He was at the of his career when he was killed in an accident.A. advanceB. bloomC. peakD. extreme13.During the aud

6、ience strolled and chatted in the foyer.A. restB. pauseC. interruptionD. interval14.There are few scientific and technical books that are not at our university library.A. availableB. boughtC. determinedD. valuable15.Melting snow the regular spring floods in this area.A. counts onB. counts forC. acco

7、unts forD. accounts of(二)语法结构(15 分)选择最佳答案完成句子16.How the fascinated the reader of the novel.A. crime solved the detectiveB. detective solved the crimeC. crimeD. crime solved17.Failures, which with courage, will become the mother of success.A. is faced up toB. is facing up toC. are faced up toD. are f

8、acing up to18.You shouldn t be satisfied with you have achieved in the experiment.A. whichB. whatC. thoseD. that19.No sooner than a suspicious object was reported to have been found.A. had the plane taken off B. the plane had taken offC. did the plane take offD. took off the plane20. has been appoin

9、ted director is no longer a secret to people in the department.A. Whether heB. That heD. HeC. If he21. advanced the agriculture is, a country s economy depends mainly on the development ofscience and technology.A. WhateverB. HoweverC. No matterD. Even though22.Only after the survey,the smokers '

10、living habit.A. we could knowB. do we knowC. have we knownD. can we know23 .The book, they feel so relieved. A. is finished nowB. has been finishedC. now is being finishedD. being finished24 .The newspaper boy must deliver the newspaper no matter difficulties he met with.A. howB. whichC. whatD. what

11、ever25 .The classroom is empty. I think the student to the laboratory.A. must have goneB. ought tohavegoneC. should have goneD. canhavegone26 .The boy was very frightened he gave his watch to the gangsters.A. becauseB. andC. thatD. but27 .Man differs most from all the other animals the former has th

12、e ability to learn and uselanguage.A. in thatB. in whichC. so thatD. that28.1 n her writing, Elinor Wylie often dealt with her own personality as it was, rather than. A. it was defined by othersB. its definition by othersC. others definitionsD. as others defined it29.Isn't it about the time you

13、to do morning exercises?A. beganB. beginC. should beginD. have begun30.I don't think it advisable that he to the job since he has no experience.A. be assignedB. will be assignedC. is assignedD. has been assigned三、改错(共10分)下面句子中有 A, B, C, D四个划底线部分,其中有一个是错误的,选出错误部分的字母,无需改正错误。1 .Please give me littl

14、e coffee and some donuts if you have anyjeft. A BCD2 . In order to improve our condition, this new scheme must be adapted. ABCD1.1 f only he signs this receipt, I will payhim the money.ABCD1.8 e sure to not forget some soft drinks at the party for those who do not orcannot drink alcohol. ABCD5 .A ch

15、ild begins to believe there is nothing strange about fights, killings and other kind of ABCDviolence.6 .The mother asked her five-year-old boy to hold noto her hand while they making their waythrough the crowd in the rush hours.D7 .The rain having stopped, we all went out to breathe in the fresh air

16、 and enjoy the bright sunshine.8 .Nobody knew anything about the aircraft crash happened last night during that stormA didn't they?D9 .She has already left for Japan. If only she can come to my wedding ceremony ABCthe day after tomorrow.D10.When she read the novel, she couldn't help thinking

17、 about the time as_she lived together with ABCthese brave pioneers. D四、完形填空(共 15分)(一)每空提供四个选择项,选择最佳答案填空。(5分)I once knew a professor whose memory was very bad. He was so 1 that he sometimes forgotwhat he was talking about 2_ a sentence. His wife had to constantly 3_ him about hisclasses, his meetings

18、, even his meals! One hot summer day, the professor decided to 4 _ hischildren to a seaside town, which was about 5 train ride away.6 the trip moreinteresting for his young children, he kept the name of the town a secret. Unfortunately, by the time they had arrived at the railway station, the poor m

19、an had forgotten the name of the town himself.7 a friend of his happened to be at the station. His friend 8 to take care of the children while he went back home to find out where he was going.The professor's wife was surprised to see him back so soon, but she was amused when she heard what the m

20、atter was. She wrote the name of the town on a piece of paper and 9 again.But ten minutes later, the professor returned home and said. "I'm sorry. I can't remember the 10 where I left our children!"1. A. red-handedB. cold-bloodedC. kind-hearted2. A. in the midst ofC. in the centre

21、of3. A. recallC. repeat4. A. takeC. company5. A. a three hourC. a three-hoursD. absent-mindedB. in the middle ofD. amongB. remindD. rememberB. bringD. be withB. a three-hourD. a three-hours'6. A. MakingC. Make7. A. LikelyC. Immediately8. A. refusedC. offered9. A. send off himC. sent off him10. A

22、. reasonB. Being madeD. To makeB. LuckilyD. UnfortunatelyB. hurriedD. forgotB. send him offD. sent him offB. timeD. placeC. person(二)从所给词汇中为每空选择一个适当的词。有必要时,改变其形式。(10分)off, down, heroes, scores, players, interviews, switch, match, crowd, scream, muscles,stupid, black, lawnWhy do people play football?

23、 It 's a 11 game, and dangerous too. Twenty-two men fight for two hours to kick a ball into a net. They get more 12 eyes than goals. On dry, hardpitches they break their bones. On muddy ones they sprain their 13. Footballers must be mad. And why do people watch football? They must be mad too. Th

24、ey certainly shout and 14 like madmen. In fact I 'm afraid to go out when there 's a football match. The 15are so dangerous. I "d rather stay at home and watch TV . But what happens when I 16on?They're showing a football match. So I turn on the radio. What do I hear? The latest foot

25、ball 17. And what do I see when I open a newspaper? Photos of footballers,18with footballers, reports of football matches. Footballers are the 19 of the twentieth century.They're rich and famous. Why? Because they can kick a ball around. How stupid! Everyone seems to be mad about football, but I

26、 'm not.20 with football, I say.五、阅读理解(共 20分)本部分有两篇短文,每篇短文后有五个问题,每个问题有四个供选择的答案。请选择一个最 佳答案。Passage 1In 1909 an English newspaper offered 1,000 pounds to the first man to fly across the English Channel in an aeroplane. Today, modern jets cross it in minutes. But at that time it still seemed a good

27、 distance. The race to win the money soon became a race between two men. Both were very colourful.One was Louis Bleriot. He owned a factory in France that made motorcar lamps. He was already well known as a pilot because he had crashed several times. Some people laughed at him. One man said, “ He ma

28、y not be the first to fly across the Channel but he will certainly be the first to die in a crash! ” But Bleriot was really a good and brave pilot. He also had many good ideas about aeroplane design.The other man was Hubert Latham. He was half French and half English. He took up flying when his doct

29、ors told him he had only a year to live. "Oh, well,“ he said, "if I'm going to die soon, I think I shall have a dangerous and interesting life now. " Latham was the first to try the flight across the Channel. Ten kilometres from the French coast, his plane had engine trouble. It c

30、rashed into the water and began to sink under the water. A boat reached Latham just in time. He was sitting calmly on the wing and was coolly lighting a cigarette. Bleriot took off 6 days later. He flew into some very bad weather and very low cloud. He somehow got to the English side and landed in a

31、 farmer s field. When he did so, a customs officer rushed up to his plane. Planes have changed since then, but customs officers have not. “ Have you anything to declare? ” the officer demanded.1.This story took place.A. in the early 20th centuryB.in the 19th centuryC. right after World War ID.at a t

32、ime not mentioned in thepassage2. “ A good distance” here means .A. “ a fairly long distance ”B.“ a distance shorter than people thought”C.“ an easy flying distance”D.“ a comfortable distance”3. Why did Hubert Latham want to fly across the Channel?A. He thought he could manage it easily.B. He wanted

33、 to compete with Louis Bleriot.C. He knew he would die in a year.D. He had always been interested in flying.4. Why did the customs officer rush to the plane?A. To see if everything was all right with the plane.B. To make sure that the pilot was not hurt.C. To ask why the plane had landed in a farmer

34、 s field.D. To perform his usual duty.5. “ Do you have anything to declare? ” means .A. “ Do you want to help? ”B. “ Is there anything wrong? ”C.“ Have you brought anything on which custom duties must be paid? ”D. “ Do you have anything to say to the public? ”Passage 2Today, supermarkets are found i

35、n almost every large city in the world. But the first supermarket was opened only fifty years ago. It was opened in New York by a man named Michael Cullen.A supermarket is different from other types of stores in several ways. In supermarkets, goods are placed on open shelves. The customers choose wh

36、at they want and take them to the check-out counter. This means that fewer employees are required than in other stores. The way products are displayed is another difference between supermarkets and many other types of stores. For example, in supermarkets there is usually a display of small inexpensi

37、ve items just in front of the check-out counter: candies, chocolate, magazines, cheap books and so on. Why are they there?Most customers who go to a supermarket buy from a shopping list. They know exactly what they need to buy. They shop according to a plan. By the time he or she reaches the check-o

38、ut counter, the customer is feeling pleased and relaxed because the task of shopping is finished. In this happy mood, the customer sees an attractive display of inexpensive goods that were not on his or her shopping list. Now he or she feels like buying something just for his or her own pleasure and

39、 enjoyment. Many customers buy from these displays of products near the check-out counter, and this is exactly what the owner of the supermarket hopes they will do.Another important fact in helping a customer choose what to buy is where a product is placedon a shelf. A product that is placed at eye

40、level on a shelf sells much better than one which is placed on a lower or higher shelf. A product which is easy to see sells best. Manufacturers pay a higher price to have their products placed at eye level on the shelves.The comfort and convenience of shopping centers is another factor which makes

41、them popular with customers. Large parking spaces are provided, and many supermarkets stay open until very late at night.6. According to the passage, which statement is NOT true?A. Today supermarkets are found in almost every big city.B. The first supermarket was opened only half a century ago.C. Th


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