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1、Book 1 Unit 3 Celebration1occasion n时刻;场合_ adv.偶尔;间或归纳拓展Occasions are quite rare when I have the time to spend a day with my kids.我有时间和我的孩子们度过一天的机会是很少的。活学活用(1)He _ makes small mistakes.他有时犯点小错误。(2)I seem to remember that _ he was with his wife.我好像记得那个时候他和他的妻子在一起。(3)I saw Bob play the piano at Johns

2、party and on that_ he was simply brilliant.Ascene BcircumstanceCoccasion Dsituation2include vt.包括,包含;把包括在内归纳拓展This image includes the way you look,the way you act,the way you talk and the way you think.这种形象包括你看问题的方式,你做事的方式,你说话和思考的方式。活学活用(1)Im ordering some extra office equipment,_ some new desks and

3、 a word processor.我准备额外订购一些办公室设备,包括一些新办公桌和一台文字处理机。(2)This atlas _ fifty maps,_ six of North America.(2011·安阳月考)Acontains;includingBcontains;includedCincludes;containingDincludes;including3serve vt.招待;服务;供应;提供;vi.服役_ n服务,贡献归纳拓展All the dishes in this menu,unless otherwise stated,will serve two to

4、 three people.除非有特别的说明,要不然这个菜单上的所有菜只供23人食用。活学活用(1)句型转换Who will serve lunch to us?Who will serve _ _?(2)The box can _ a desk.那个箱子能当桌子用。(3)How many years have you_ in the army?Aattended BjoinedCserved Dtaken part4.apply v申请;涂;专心;应用,运用_ n申请人_ n申请归纳拓展(1)Ninety­five publicly­funded theatres cou

5、ld apply for funding under the two­year plan. (2009·天津,阅读理解C)95个公共资助的剧院可以申请为期两年的融资计划。(2)Apply some medicine to his wound.给他的伤口上点药吧。活学活用(1)These regulations only _ children.这些规定只适用于小孩。(2)After 15 years in the USA,he has finally decided to_American citizenship.(2010·晋江四校联考)Aconcentrate

6、on Bapply forClook out for Dappeal to(3)用apply的相关短语填空。In order to know whether his plan was practical,he first _(把它应用于)his work,and he also _(向申请一项调查) to his company about it.Then he _(专心于)it and made necessary changes. 5attend vt.出席,参加;上(学);到场;照料,护理归纳拓展(1)Recently,I flew to Las Vegas to attend a me

7、eting.(2010·四川,完形填空)最近,我飞往拉斯维加斯参加了一个会议。(2)The patients are well attended on in the hospital.病人在医院里得到很好的照料。活学活用(1)Could you _ immediately?你能不能立刻处理这件事?(2)When I got to know him,he_the Party.Ahad attended Bhad joinedChad taken part in Dhad joined in(3)用attend,join,take part in的适当形式填空He has all the

8、 lectures and _ the other members _ all the activities given by the organization since he _ it. 6contribute v捐献;贡献;捐助;投稿_ n捐献物;贡献;捐款;稿件归纳拓展(1)contribute.to.把贡献给contribute to(result in/lead to)为作出贡献;把时间投入;有助于;导致(2)make a contribution/contributions to对作出贡献Many graduates clearly do contribute to nation

9、al wealth,but so do all the businesses that invest(投资) and create jobs. (2010·北京,阅读理解D)许多毕业生显然对国家财富做出了贡献,但所有投资和创造工作的企业也是如此。活学活用(1)Various factors _ his downfall.各种因素导致了他的垮台。(2)Would you like to _ the hospital building fund?你愿意为医院建设基金捐款吗?(3)Eating too much fat can_ heart diseases and cause high

10、blood pressure.(2011·许昌模拟)Aresult from Bcontribute toCattend to Ddevote to7power n权力;影响力;力量,能量;v.驱动,推动归纳拓展活学活用(1)She lost the_ of speaking. (2010·合肥月考)Apower BforceCstrength Denergy(1)Batteries can power anything from small sensors to large systems.(2010·山东,阅读理解D)电池可以给小到传感器大到系统的任何东西供能

11、。(2)She did everything in her power to help us.她尽力帮助了我们。(3)The party came into power at the last election.这个政党是在上次大选中当选执政的。(2)用energy,power,force,strength填空I have hardly enough _ left to move my feet.Each year Americans consume a high percentage of the worlds _.If you drop something,the _ of gravity

12、 will pull it to the floor.Some animals have the _ to see in the dark. 8burn down烧毁;火力变弱归纳拓展The building was burnt down and only ashes were left.那座楼烧得只剩下灰烬。活学活用(1)The fire _.大火把整座楼烧成平地。(2)While you are at school or walking home,your body is_100 calories of energy an hour.Aburning down Bburnt downCbu

13、rning up Dburnt up9depend on视而定;取决于;依赖于;依靠归纳拓展(1)Most of them depend on animals to eat their fruits and spread their seeds. 很多植物要依靠动物吃它们的果实来传播种子。(2)Whether we will go or not is dependent on the weather.我们是不是要去取决于天气。(3)He is the sort of person you can depend on.他这个人你是可以信赖的。活学活用(1)It takes about 30 mi

14、nutes to go there by car,_.开车到那里大约需要30分钟,视交通情况而定。(2)Can we get the TV set before Friday?Well,_.If you live downtown,we can deliver it to you on Thursday.Ait depends Bsounds greatCwith pleasure Dall right(3)用depend的相关单词或短语填空To Annes great joy,she was finally _ (独立于) Jackher husband. After many years

15、struggle,she gained her _ (自立) and could totally _ (依赖) herself to lead a new life. 10put up举起;建造;住宿;张贴归纳拓展A notice was put up in order to remind the students of the changed lecture time.(2009·陕西,15)为了提醒学生讲座时间变了,张贴了一则通知。活学活用(1)You can _.你可以在这儿过夜。(2)A big building has been_in my hometown.Aput aw

16、ay Bput intoCput out Dput up11carry on继续;坚持归纳拓展The meal over, the managers went back to the meeting room to carry on their discussion. 吃完饭,经理们回到会议室继续讨论。活学活用(1)A surprise attack _ there by the Japanese in 1941.1941年日军在那里发起了出其不意的攻击。(2)It is difficult for us to_ a conversation with all this noise aroun

17、d us.(2011·焦作模拟)Acarry on Baccount forCbring up Dget across12.If a friend gets an invitation to a wedding,you can go with him/her,even if you dont receive an invitation yourself.译文:_ 句式提取:even if/though从句归纳拓展even if/though即使,尽管,引导让步状语从句,叙述的是假设或不大把握的事情,有时动词可用虚拟语气。Tim is in good shape physically

18、even though/if he doesnt get much exercise.(2010·湖南)Tim尽管不怎么锻炼,但体型很好。活学活用(1)We have decided to visit the museum _ tomorrow.即使明天下雨,我们也决定去参观博物馆。(2)He will never be dishonest _.即使陷入贫困,他也绝不会不诚实。(3)You should allow your children to express their own opinions,_ they are different from yours.Aif Beven

19、 ifCeven Deven so13It was believed that any village that did not give food would have bad luck.译文:_句式提取:It was believed that.归纳拓展It is/was believed that.表示“人们相信”的意思,相当于“people believe that.”。该结构还可以改变成sb.is believed to do/be doing/have done.结构。类似用法:It is thought that.大家认为It is said that.据说It is repor

20、ted that.据报道It is supposed that.据推测Because there is no rainfall in these areas,such reserves can only decrease,and it is believed that fifty years of pumping will see them run dry. (2010·安徽,阅读理解E)因为在这些地区没有降雨,这样地下水储备只能减少,并且人们相信五十年的抽水将会让它们干涸。活学活用(1)句型转换He is supposed to be working in that big com

21、pany._ _ _ _ he is working in that big company.(2)_ he wrote a new book.据说他写了一本新书。(3)Is Bob still working in your school?Im afraid not.He is said_ and_ in a private school recently.(2011·安庆模拟)Ato resign;to teachBto have resigned;teachingChaving resigned;to be teachingDto have resigned;to be tea

22、ching14We tried to stay awake as long as possible to see Father Christmas but the next thing we knew it was morning.译文:_句式提取:as long as possible.归纳拓展as.as one can/couldas.as possible尽可能(2)用表示倍数的词或其他程度副词作修饰语时,放在as的前面。其结构是:倍数asadj./adv.(原级)as。I can carry as much paper as you can.你能搬多少纸我就能搬多少。活学活用(1)Th

23、is is _ the other is.这个例子和另一个例子一样好。(2)You are _ he is.你对我和他对我一样友好。(3)After the new equipment was introduced,they produced_machines last year as the year before. (2010·许昌模拟)Aas twice manyBas many twiceCtwice as manyDtwice many as答案Unit 3Celebration课堂活动区1occasionally活学活用(1)on occasion(2)on that o

24、ccasion(3)C句意为:在那个时候,他非常优秀。on that occasion在那个时候,固定搭配。2活学活用(1)including(2)A3service活学活用(1)uslunch(2)serve as(3)Cserve服役,可以与时间段搭配。4applicantapplication活学活用(1)apply to(2)B由句意“他已最后决定申请美国国籍”可知,选B项。apply for申请。(3)applied it toapplied for a studyapplied himself to5活学活用(1)attend to this matter(2)B“成为的一员”应用

25、join。(3)attendedjoinedin taking part injoinedattend,join,join in,take part in(1)attend表示出席或参加会议、仪式、典礼;也可表示上课、上学、听报告等。(2)join表示加入某一组织,并成为其中的一员,如:加入党派、组织、社团、俱乐部等。其宾语也可以是人。(3)join in表示参加正在进行的活动,也可用于join sb. in (doing) sth.表示加入某人一起做某事。(4)take part in表示参加活动,侧重说明主语参加并发挥一定的作用,part前若有修饰语,要用不定冠词。6contributio

26、n活学活用(1)contributed to/resulted in/led to(2)make a contribution to(3)B句意为:吃太多的脂肪会导致心脏病和引起高血压。contribute to导致,符合句意。7活学活用(1)Athe power of doing sth.做某事的能力,固定用法。(2)strengthenergyforcepowerenergy,power,force,strength(1)energy指物理上的“能量”,也指人生理上的“精力”,也可指“能源”。(2)power多指比喻性的力气、精神力量,如“权力;本领”。(3)force意为“力量”,侧重于

27、外力,指“力”所产生的效果,也可指军事力量或强迫(暴)力。(4)strength指固有的潜在力量。指人时,着重指力气;就物而言,着重指强度、潜力等。8活学活用(1)burnt the whole building to the ground(2)C9活学活用(1)depending on the traffic(2)A由语境可知,该句意思应是“那得看情况,如果你住在”;it depends那得看情况。(3)independent ofindependencedepend on10活学活用(1)put up here for the night(2)Dput up建造。11活学活用(1)was

28、carried out(2)A由句意可知,“要继续谈话很难”;carry on sth.继续某事,符合句意。12假如你的朋友收到婚礼请柬,即使你没有收到,也可以跟他(她)一起去。活学活用(1)even if/though it rains(2)even if/though he should be reduced to poverty(3)B后半句意为:即使他们不同于你的意见。even if即使。13人们相信,任何不愿给予食物的村庄将会遭到厄运活学活用(1)Itissupposedthat(2)It is said that(3)D句意为:据说他已辞职,正在一所私立学校教书。sb.be sai

29、d to have done某人据说已做了;sb.be said to be doing某人据说正在做。故选D项。14我们尽量不让自己入睡,想亲眼看看圣诞老人,但当我们醒来时,已经是第二天清晨。活学活用(1)as good an example as(2)as friendly to me as(3)C该题考查的是倍数表达法,其结构应为:倍数as.as.,故选C项。 Book 1Unit 3Celebration.语境填词1The graduation _ (仪式) was held in the _ (decorate) hall yesterday.Many old alumni rece

30、ived _ (invite) and _ (参加) it.2In the _ (黑暗),the _ (retire) teacher was trapped in the flood and was drowned.3The _ (接待员) greeted us with _ (tradition) customs,which was surprising.4The _ (青少年) in the high school studied hard and won _ (奖学金) many times.5This factory has _ (生产) many kinds of _ (产品) a

31、nd made great _ (contribute) to the economic.选词填空1Chris and Debbie _ last summer.2Would you mind _ your cigarette _,please?3She _ her appearance.4What time are you _?5Small children usually love _ in their mothers clothes.完成句子1你没必要亲自前往。You_2“出去”,他指着门口生气地说。“Go out,” he said angrily,_.3那正是我要说的。Thats _

32、.单项填空1I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays.Thats_I dont agree.You should have a more active life. (江苏高考)Awhere Bhow Cwhen Dwhat2Part of the reason why Charles Dickens loved his own novel,David Copperfield,was_it was rather closely modeled on his own life. (北京高考)Awhat

33、 Bthat Cwhy Dwhether3The flu is believed_ by viruses that can reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat. (2011·焦作质检)Acausing Bbeing causedCto be caused Dto have caused4The lady walked around the shops,_an eye out for bargains.(江西高考)Akeep BkeptCkeeping Dto keep5The lawyer listened

34、with full attention,_to miss any point.(四川高考)Anot trying Btrying notCto try not Dnot to try6The Christmas tree_lights and other small objects.Adecorated with Bwas decorated withChad decorated with Dhas decorated with7You can cook dinner if you promise not to_a mess in the kitchen.Amake Bhave Cdo Dge

35、t8I always have so many things to_when I come back to the company after a trip abroad.Aadd to Bcontribute toCattend to Dappeal to9Some laid­off workers delightedly took up the work to_ patients in hospitals.Atake on Blook onCdepend on Dwait on10He began to take politics_only when he left school

36、.Acarefully BgravelyCseriously Dhonestly11I smell something _ in the kitchen.Can I call you back in a minute?Aburning BburntCbeing burnt Dto be burnt12Will you_us_her fiftieth birthday?Ajoin;in celebratingBjoin in;celebratingCtake part in;celebratingDjoin;celebrated13Allow children the space to voic

37、e their opinions,_they are different from our own.Auntil Beven ifCunless Das though14Why did she spend so much time searching shop after shop for a blouse?Oh,she was very_about her clothes.Aspecial BparticularCespecial Dunusual15_,I lost heart in English learning,but my teacher often said to me,“Kee

38、p on studying hard,and youll succeed_”AAt a time;in time BAt a time;on timeCAt one time;in time DAt one time;on time.完形填空One of my fathers favorite sayings as I was growing up was “Try it!” I couldnt say I didnt like _1_,whatever it might be,_2_ I tried it.Over the years Ive come to _3_ how much of

39、my success I owe to my _4_ of those words as one of my values.My _5_ job was just one I decided to try for a couple of years until I _6_ what I wanted to do as a career(职业)_7_ I believed I would work for a few years,get married,stay home and raise a family,so I didnt think the job I took _8_ that mu

40、ch.I couldnt have been more _9_.I mastered the skills of that beginning level position and I was given the opportunity(机会) to _10_ through the company into different _11_.I accepted each new opportunity with the _12_,“Well,Ill try it;if I dont like it I can always go back to my _13_ position.”But I

41、was with the same company for the past 28 years,and Ive _14_ every career change Ive made.Ive discovered I _15_ a large number of different talents(才能) and skills that I never would have thought were within me had it not been for my being _16_ trying new opportunities.Ive also discovered that if I _

42、17_ what Im doing and work hard at achieving my _18_,I will succeed.Thats why Im so _19_ to be a part of CareerF.I think _20_ has come and I am determined to make it a success.(2011·平顶山模拟)1A.everythingBsomethingCeverybodyDsomebody2A.until afterBever sinceCso thatDlong before3A.considerBargueCin

43、cludeDrealize4A.suggestionBexplanationCacceptanceDdiscussion5A.hardBbestCextraDfirst6A.determinedBexaminedCexperiencedDintroduced7A.ActuallyBGraduallyCFinallyDUsually8A.helpedBrequiredCexpressedDmattered9A.carefulBmistakenCinterestedDprepared10A.look upBtake upCmove upDput up11A.situationsBchoicesCd

44、irectionsDpositions12A.thoughtBreplyCactionDadvice13A.easierBnewerCearlierDhigher14A.permittedBcountedCorganizedDenjoyed15A.showBpossessCneedDgather16A.lucky forBslow atCopen toDafraid of17A.think ofBgive awayCbelieve inDturn into18A.businessBgoalCfortuneDgrowth19A.excitedBcuriousCsurprisedDhelpful2

45、0A.dreamBtimeCpowerDhonor.阅读理解AEuropes best­known landmarksincluding the Eiffel Tower,Big Ben and Romes Colosseum(角斗场)fell dark on Saturday,following Sydney Opera House and Beijings Forbidden City in protest(抗议) against a global climate change,as lights were switched off across the world to mar

46、k the Earth Hour event.In the United States,the lights went out at the Empire State Building in New York,the National Cathedral in Washington,and the Coca­Cola headquarters in Atlanta.Millions were expected to turn off lights and appliances for an hour from 830 pm in a gesture to highlight envi

47、ronmental concerns and to call for a binding(有法律约束力的) agreement to cut greenhouse gas emission (排放)This year was the fourth annual Earth Hour,organized by the World Wildlife Fund.“I think its great to see that hundreds of millions of people share this common value of lowering our carbon footprint,”s

48、aid Dan Forman,a spokesman for WWF in Washington.“Some 4,000 cities in more than 120 countriesstarting with the remote Chatham Islands off the coast of New Zealandvoluntarily switched off on Saturday to reduce energy consumption,though traffic lights and other safety features were unaffected,” organ

49、izers said.“We have everyone from Casablanca to the safari (游猎) camps of Namibia and Tanzania take part,” said Greg Bourne,CEO of WWF in Australia,which started Earth Hour in 2007 in Sydney before it spread to every continent.“Its saying to our politiciansyou cant give up on climate change,” said WWF spokeswoman Debbie Chapman in the UK.Buckingham Palace and the British Parliament building went dark to support the campaign,along with other famed London landmarks including St. Pauls Cathedral and Edinburgh Castle in Scotland.R


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