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1、北京大学版 博士生综合英语 Unit 1Unit One Text: The Burden of Womanhood1. mash: v sth (up) 将捣成糊状: mashed potatoes, turnips, etc 土豆泥、 萝卜泥 -Mash the fruit up (with a fork) so that the baby can eat it. (用叉子)把水果戳烂孩子就能吃了. -Boil the potatoes and then mash them up.Ø mash: n U(由谷物、 糠、 麸等煮成的)饲料; 糊状物; 土豆泥: a mash of

2、wet paper and paste 湿纸和糨糊的混合物bangers and mash 香肠和土豆泥Ø masher: n 捣碎器(用以捣碎马铃薯等的炊具)2. oleander: (见插图)3. dollop: n (口) shapeless lump of sth soft, esp food (软而不成形的)一团, 一块(尤指食物): a dollop of cream, jam, mashed potato, etc 一团奶油、 果酱、 土豆泥等.4. pregnant: adj 怀孕的, 妊娠的; with sth: 充满着的, 富于的; 可能产生某事物的:-She w

3、as six months pregnant, ie had been pregnant for six months. -She is/got pregnant by another man. 是另一个男子使她怀孕的.pregnant with joy, meaning, possibilities 洋溢着喜悦之情的、 富有意义的、 具有各种可能性的pregnant with consequences, danger 可能产生重大影响的、 造成危险的a pregnant pause/silence耐人寻味的或意味深长的停顿/沉默-There was a pregnant pause befo

4、re she answered my question. 她耐人寻味地停顿了一下才回答我的问题. -His only reaction was a pregnant silence. 他唯一的反应是一阵意味深长的沉默. -There was a long silence - what I think might be called a pregnant pause.-Every phrase in this poem is pregnant with meaning.Ø pregnancy: n怀孕; 孕期; 妊娠期: discomfort caused by pregnancy 因

5、怀孕而引起的不适 a pregnancy test 妊娠试验-These drugs should not be taken during pregnancy. 这些药物在孕期内不得服用. -She's had three pregnancies in four years. 她在四年中怀孕三次.-Many women find their skin is at its best during pregnancy.5. dowry: n C, U 嫁妆; 嫁奁; -I set aside a good dowry and other things for her.6. condemn:

6、 v sb/sth (for/as sth) 谴责, 责备; sth (as sth) 官方宣称有缺陷或不宜使用; sb (to sth/to do sth)宣告某人要受的惩罚,(尤指死刑); 使接受不好的某事物, 使某人注定:-We all condemn cruelty to children. 我们一致谴责虐待儿童的行为.-The papers were quick to condemn him for his mistake. 报纸及时地指摘他的错误. -She is often condemned as uncaring. 她常因不关心别人而受到责难.-The meat was co

7、ndemned as unfit for human consumption. 这种肉已宣布不适宜食用. -The pool was closed after being condemned as a health hazard.condemn sb to death/hard labour 判处某人死刑/劳役-He was found guilty and condemned to be shot. 他被判有罪, 处以枪决. -His nervous looks condemned him. 他神色紧张, 显出有罪的样子. -As an old person, one is often co

8、ndemned to live alone. 老年人常出于无奈而独自生活. -His occupation condemned him to spend long periods of time away from his family.Ø condemnation: n U 谴责; 判罪; 注定 many condemnations of her action 对她行为的多方谴责7. drudgery: n U hard boring work 繁重、 乏味的工作:the endless drudgery of housework 无尽无休的、 单调乏味的家务 soulless d

9、rudgery 无聊的繁重工作 -Calculators were introduced to relieve students of the drudgery of pencil-and-paper number-crunching.8. gauge: v测量(尤指精确地); 估计, 判定; 判断; precision instruments which can gauge the diameter to a fraction of a millimetre 可测出直径几分之一毫米的精密仪器. gauging the strength of the wind from the movemen

10、t of the trees 凭树的摇动估计风力. trying to gauge reactions/sympathies/sentiments 试图判定各种反应、 同情程度、 观点-It was difficult to gauge how people would respond. 大家的反应如何难以估计. -I gauged that it was not a good moment to speak to her. -It is difficult to gauge what the other party's next move will be.-I looked at C

11、hris, trying to gauge his reaction.-In Maine, people gauge whether spring has arrived not by groundhogs, but by skunks.-It relies on textbooks, repetitive problem-solving and drills to gauge what students know.Ø gauge: n. (US also gage) n 标准量度(尤指宽度或厚度); (火车或电车轨道的)轨距; 计量器;(用以作出估计或判断的)事实, 环境; 方法;

12、 尺度: the gauge of a sheet of metal 金属板的厚度 -What gauge of wire should we use for this job? 我们干这活应该用多大号的铅丝? standard gauge 标准轨距 narrow/broad gauge 窄轨/宽轨 a petrol, pressure, rain, speed gauge 汽油量表、 压力计、 雨量计、 速度计-Is a person's behaviour under stress a reliable gauge of his character? 人在受到压力时的行为能作衡量其

13、品性的可靠尺度吗?-Retail sales are a gauge of consumer spending. -The tests will give parents a gauge of how their children are doing.-How hard writing was for each of us was a gauge of how serious we were.9mortality: n U终有一死; 死亡率; (疾病、 灾难等造成的)大量死亡-Infant mortality (ie The rate at which babies die) was 20 d

14、eaths per thousand live births in 1986. 1986年的婴儿死亡率为生育成活率的千分之二十. -Mortality from heart disease varies widely across the world. -Doctors are reminded of their mortality every day.Ø mortal: adj 终有一死的; fatal致命的; 不共戴天的; 极大的; 极度的: -All human beings are mortal. 人总有一死. a mortal wound, injury, etc 致命的伤

15、、 伤害等 mortal enemies 不共戴天的敌人-The collapse of the business was a mortal blow to him and his family. 公司倒闭是对他及其家庭的致命打击. live in mortal fear, terror, danger, etc 生活在极度的恐惧/恐怖/危险等中-The computer has dealt a mortal blow to traditional printing methods. -Our health service is in mortal danger.Ø mortal:

16、n human being 人: (谑) -They're so grand these days that they probably don't talk to ordinary mortals like us any more. 他们这些日子神气活现, 大概不再和我们这样的普通人说话了. -She dines in the executive suite, while we lesser mortals use the staff cafeteria.Ø mortally: adv致命地; 极, 很, 非常:mortally wounded 受致命伤 morta

17、lly afraid 害怕得要命.Ø immortal: adj不朽的; 永世的; 流芳百世的; 永存的: -The soul is immortal. 灵魂不灭. the immortal Shakespeare 不朽的莎士比亚 immortal fame/glory 不朽的名声/荣耀Ø immortal: n不朽的人物; 千古流芳之士: -Beethoven is regarded as one of the immortals of classical music. 贝多芬被认为是不朽的古典音乐大师. Ø immortality: n U不朽; 永存: ma

18、n's belief in immortality 人类对永生的信念10. anthropology: n U study of mankind, esp of its origins, development, customs and beliefs 人类学(对人类的研究, 尤指研究其起源, 发展, 风俗, 信仰) 11. eradicate: v destroy (sth) completely; put an end to (sth) 根除, 消灭; 结束: -Smallpox has almost been eradicated. 天花几乎已消灭. attempts to er

19、adicate crime 力图根除罪恶的行动-He spoke about what is necessary to eradicate AIDS.-The disease has been eradicated from the Western world through the use of vaccines.12. ingrained: adj(指习惯、 习性等)根深蒂固的, 一成不变的; (指尘土、 污迹等)积深而难于清除的: ingrained prejudices, suspicions, assumptions, etc 由来已久的成见、 怀疑、 臆见等deeply ingra

20、ined dirt 积聚得很深的污垢.13. relegate: v 尤用于被动语态 sb/sth (to sth) 使降级、 降职或降低地位: -I have been relegated to the role of a mere assistant. 已经把我降到只任助手的工作了. relegate old files to the storeroom 把旧文件存入储藏室-Will Spurs be relegated to the third division? 斯珀尔斯队会降为丙级队吗?-Women tended to be relegated to typing and filin

21、g jobs.14. prostitute: n 卖淫者; 娼妓; 妓女; 男妓. Ø prostitute: v (贬) oneself卖淫, 当男妓; 作践(自己), 滥用(自己的才能等)(尤指为图利):-She prostituted herself in order to support her children. 她为养活子女而操皮肉生涯. -Friends from the theater criticized him for prostituting his talent in the movies. -But health policy is often prosti

22、tuted to the demands of industry and commerce.15. inherit: v sth (from sb) 继承(财产、 头衔等); 因遗传而获(特性等); 从前任接过: a young man inheriting an estate, a title, etc (from his father) 继承(父亲的)地产、 头衔等的年轻人 -She inherited a little money from her grandfather. 她从祖父处继承了一小笔钱财. -She inherited her mother's good looks

23、 and her father's bad temper. 她生来就有母亲的美貌和父亲的坏脾气. -This government has inherited many problems from the previous one. 上届政府遗留给本届政府很多问题. Ø inheritance: n (of sth) (from sb/sth) 继承; 遗传; 遗赠物:-The title passes by inheritance to the eldest son. 这头衔按世袭传给长子. the inheritance of good looks from one

24、9;s parents (fig 比喻)得自父母遗传的美貌 inheritance tax 遗产税-When she was 21 she came into her inheritance. 她21岁时获得遗产. Ø inheritor: n 继承人Ø legacy: n遗赠产, 遗赠的财物; 先人或过去遗留下来的东西: the cultural legacy of the Renaissance 文艺复兴时期的文化遗产 -His weak chest was a legacy of a childhood illness. 他那瘦弱的胸脯是儿时患病的后遗症 -The i

25、nvasion left a legacy of hatred and fear. -She received a small legacy from her aunt.16. banish:v sb (from sth) exile放逐; (自心中)排除(想法等): -He was banished (from his homeland) for life. 他被终生流放(他乡). banish fear 消除恐惧 -She banished all thoughts of a restful holiday (from her mind). 她(从心里)打消了过一个宁静假日的想法. -Th

26、e study should banish any doubts about women's ability to handle the pressures of business.Ø banishment: n U 流放: lifelong banishment 终身流放17. attorney: n(业务或法律事务上的)代理人; 律师(尤指有资格代表当事人出庭者): power of attorney代理权 a letter of attorney 授权书18. condone: v 容忍(过失); 宽恕; 原谅: condone violence, adultery,

27、fraud, etc 宽恕暴行、 奸情、 欺诈行为等 -Not punishing them amounts to condoning their crime. 不惩罚他们就等于纵容他们的罪行.-I'm not condoning his behaviour, but I can understand why he wanted revenge on his daughter's attacker.-Some parents feel that making birth control available to teenagers somehow condones sexual

28、 activity.-The state has managed both to condone and to condemn prostitution.19. infanticide: n 1 U (a)杀婴(杀害婴儿的罪行): commit infanticide 犯杀婴罪. 20. sporadic: adj偶发的; 偶见的; 仅在少数地方发生或见到的: 同义词: intermittentsporadic showers 阵雨 sporadic raids, gunfire, fighting 零星的袭击、 炮击、 战斗. -Sporadic gunfire continued thro

29、ugh the night.-Our advertising campaigns have been too sporadic to have had a lot of success.21. Madras: 22. amniocentesis: ()23. fetus: foetus n胎儿; 胚胎. Cf 参看 embryo .- It was a foetus - a few cells - not yet a baby.-The main importance of the virus, however, lies in its capacity to infect the foetu

30、s in utero ( ).24. abortion: n U人工流产, 堕胎, 打胎; 已经完全失败的计划或行动-Many people are anti-abortion. 很多人反对人工流产. -She had an abortion. 她做了人工流产. Ø miscarriage: n 流产, 小产; (商)(货物的)误送, 误投; (计划等的)失败: have/suffer a miscarriage 流产miscarriage of goods, freight, letters, etc 商品、 货物、 信件等的误送the miscarriage of one'

31、;s hopes, schemes, etc 希望、 规划等的落空.-She had two miscarriages before she had her first child.-One in five pregnancies ends in miscarriage.Ø stillbirth:a birth in which the baby is born dead-For women who've had previous miscarriages, abortions or stillbirths, anxiety can be particularly acute

32、.Ø abort: v (医)使流产, 使堕胎; (使某事物)中止, 夭折:abort an expectant mother, a deformed foetus, the pregnancy 为孕妇, 因为胎儿畸形, 为终止妊娠做人工流产-She aborted after four months. 她怀孕四个月后流产了. abort a space mission 中止一次航天任务abort a computer program 中止计算机的程序25. caretaker: 26. chaste: adj virgin 没有经过性交的; 童贞的; (性生活)忠于配偶的; (风格

33、)简单的, 不修饰的; 纯真的; 有道德的: - Girls were expected to remain chaste until marriage. -A woman's chastity is considered as her highest virtue and all Hindu traditional literature extols the greatness of a chaste woman.27. bride: n新娘; 新婚的妇女. Ø bridegroom: (also groom) n 新郎; 新婚的男子: -Let's drink (

34、a toast) to the bride and bridegroom! 让我们举杯向新娘和新郎祝贺! Ø bridesmaid: n女傧相; 伴娘. Ø best man: -The bride walked to the church with the best man with the groom following.28. lug: v (-gg-) 用力拉或拖: lugging a heavy suitcase up the stairs 拖着沉重的衣箱上楼 -She had to lug the kids around/about/along all day.

35、 (fig infml) 她得整天带着孩子。 Ø lug: n把柄, 把手; (Brit sl) 耳朵29. sibling: n (fml) 弟姊妹: -I have two brothers and a sister: three siblings in all. 我有两个哥哥和一个妹妹: 共有三个兄妹. sibling rivalry 同胞兄弟姊妹间的竞争. -Most young smokers are influenced by their friends' and older siblings' smoking habits. -How can sibli

36、ngs, raised in the same family, be so different? -When siblings are in conflict they need consistent and caring control plus help in recognizing each other's needs and feelings.30. chore: n日常的零星事务,琐事; 讨厌的或累人的工作: do the chores干杂活儿(如家务活儿)household/domestic chores, ie dusting, ironing, making the b

37、eds 家务杂活儿(打扫、 熨衣、 铺床等)-She finds shopping a chore. 她认为买东西是烦人的事. -Husbands should be prepared to do their share of the household chores.31. segregate: v sb/sth (from sb/sth) 将隔离、 分离或分开: segregate cholera patients 把霍乱病人隔离开 -The two groups of fans must be segregated in the stadium. 必须把体育场中这两部分球迷隔开.-Why

38、 should the handicapped be segregated from the able-bodied? 为什么要把伤残人士和身体健康的人分开?a segregated society 有种族隔离的社会Ø segregation: n U 隔离; 隔离状况: a policy of racial segregation 种族隔离政策 -We oppose segregation on religious grounds. 我们反对基于宗教不同的隔离状况32. puberty: n U 青春期: reach the age of puberty 到达青春期 -Fourte

39、en is a fairly normal age for a girl to reach puberty. -As you know, a variety of physical and emotional changes take place during puberty.33. impetus: n (to sth/to do sth) 推动; 刺激; 促进: -The treaty gave (a) fresh impetus to trade. 这条约使双方的贸易又推进了一步 -The report may provide further impetus for reform.-Th

40、e discovery gave fresh impetus to the research.-Press criticism has been the main impetus behind the government reforms.34. bidder: n (拍卖时的)喊价者: -The house went to the highest bidder. 房子卖给了出价最高的人。Ø bid: v出价, 喊价; 投标; 吩咐; 叫(牌);邀请: -She bid 500 (for the painting). 她喊价500英镑(买这幅画). -We had hoped to

41、get the house but another couple was bidding against us. 我们原希望买下这所房子, 但另一对夫妇不断抬价与我们竞买. -Several firms have bid for the contract to build the new concert hall. 有几家公司投标, 争取建造新音乐厅的合同.-Do as you are bidden. 按照吩咐你的去做. -She bade me (to) come in. 她叫我进来. guests bidden to (attend) the feast 应邀赴宴的宾客. -He bade

42、 farewell (ie said goodbye) to his sweetheart. 他向他的情人告别. -The plan for a new hospital bids fair to succeed. 兴建新医院的计划有希望成功. Ø bidding: n U 吩咐; 命令: do sb's bidding服从 -At his father's bidding he wrote to his lawyer. 他遵照父亲的吩咐给律师写信. -Bidding was brisk. 出价很踊跃(一个接一个地竞相喊价). -Can you remind me o

43、f the bidding? 请再说一次谁叫了什么牌35. exorbitant: adj (fml) unreasonable (指价格、 索价等)过高的,不合理的: exorbitant rents 过高的租金 -The price of food here is exorbitant. 这儿的食物价格太高.36. barter: v sth (for sth); sth (away)以物换物; 进行易货贸易: barter wheat for machinery 以小麦换机器 barter away one's rights, honour, freedom 出卖自己的权利、荣誉

44、、自由. -The prisoners tried to barter with the guards for their freedom. 囚犯企图跟看守做换取自由的交易. -In the local market, meat and vegetables are bartered for electrical goods.Ø barter: n U 易货贸易; 以货易货; 物物交换: -On these islands a system of barter is used. 在这些岛上仍然实行着物物交换的制度.37. lactation: n U (医或生) 泌乳; 泌乳期38.

45、 inhale: v sth (into sth) 吸入某物; 吸(烟); 抽(烟): inhale deeply 作深吸气 -Inhale! Exhale! 吸气! 呼气!miners who have inhaled coal dust into their lungs 肺里吸入煤尘的矿工. -Smokers who inhale are likely to become addicted to nicotine. 吸烟的人容易对尼古丁上瘾. -Myra lit another cigarette and inhaled deeplyØ inhaler: n 吸入器(人工呼吸装置

46、)39. carcinogenic: 40. testimony: n证词(尤指发誓后作出的);见证或证明: -According to the witness's testimony, you were present when the crime was committed.根据证人证词所示, 案发时你在犯罪现场.-The pyramids are (a) testimony to the Ancient Egyptians' engineering skills. 金字塔是古埃及人工程技术精湛的丰碑. -These results are a testimony to t

47、he coach's skill and hard work. -All are testimony to a wetter, more benign past.-I think that the fact that we had a long-distance relationship was testimony to how strong it was.41. tedium: n U tediousness; boredom 厌倦; 厌烦; 乏味: two hours of unrelieved tedium 烦闷难解的两小时42. intertwine: v (sth) (wit

48、h sth) 缠结在一起; 使缠绕在一起: -Their fingers intertwined. 他们的手指在一起勾着. -His fingers intertwined with hers. 他的手指勾着她的手指. -They intertwined their fingers. 他们把手指勾在一起. -He intertwined his fingers with hers. 他用手指勾着她的手指. -Our fates seemed inextricably intertwined. (fig)我们的命运好像紧密相连, 难分难解. -The problems of crime and

49、unemployment are closely intertwined.43. subservient: adj (to sb/sth) (常作贬义) submissive 必恭必敬的, 低声下气的, 恭顺的; 次要的; 从属的: 同义词: subordinatea subservient manner, attitude 低三下四的样子、 态度 -Are priests too subservient to their bishops? 牧师对主教是否过于恭顺? -People should not be regarded as subservient to the economic sy

50、stem. 不应把人的因素看成是经济体制的附庸. -His wife refused to accept a traditional subservient role.-The waiter had an excessively subservient manner that made us very uncomfortable.-What she hated about being a nurse was having to be so subservient to doctors.44. nonentity: n (贬) 无专长或成就的人, 庸人, 不重要的人; 不存在的事物, 想像中的事

51、物: -How could such a nonentity become chairman of the company? 这样的庸才怎么能当公司的董事长? -He's famous in Europe, but a nonentity in the U.S.-He packed his government with nonentities, who would never challenge his leadership.-Next to him, the other dancers seemed like nonentities.45. pyre: n(火葬用的)大堆供燃烧之木

52、材等.46. spartan: adj (fml) (指环境)简陋而艰苦的, 清苦的: lead a spartan life in the mountains 在山里过清苦的生活a spartan meal一顿简单的饭. -It was a spartan existence, with no running water or electricity.-The accommodation is pretty spartan, so take extra blankets and bedding.47. stigma: n 耻辱的标记; 羞耻之心; 污名: -There is less sti

53、gma attached to illegitimacy now than there used to be. 私生子女已不像过去那样见不得人了. -The stigma of alcoholism makes it difficult to treat.-There is a social stigma attached to single parenthood.-In the US, smoking carries a stigma.Ø stigmatize: v 通常用于被动语态 sb/sth as sth (fml)将形容为、 视为可耻之物: stigmatized as a

54、 coward and a liar 被指责为胆小鬼和说谎的人.-Single mothers often feel that they are stigmatized by society.-Most are concerned that their daughters will be stigmatized by any association with lesbianism.48. sari: n 莎丽(印度女子裹在身上的棉布或绸布, 作主要外衣).49. garlic: 50. onion: n洋葱; 葱头: Spanish onions 西班牙葱 spring onions 春葱 5

55、1. give priority to: Ø priority: n U (over sb/sth) 领导地位; 优先权; 优先的事物: -Japan's priority (over other countries) in the field of microelectronics 日本在微电子学领域中的领先(于其他国家).-I have priority over you in my claim. 在要求此事方面, 我比你有优先权.-Vehicles coming from the right have priority. 从右边驶来的车辆享有优先通行权. -You mu

56、st decide what your priorities are. 你应该分清轻重缓急.-Housework is low on her list of priorities. 在她那些非做不可的事情中, 家务活并不重要. -Rebuilding the area is a (top) priority. 重建这一地区是当务之急. -The Government gave (top) priority to reforming the legal system. 政府将改革法制列为工作的重点. -The search for a new vaccine took priority over all other medica


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