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1、Unit 16 The United States ofAmericaLanguage pointsListening1.Somepeople cried when they wererefused entry into theUSA.entry n 进入,进入权,(日记,帐本等)项目 enter v entrancen. 入口,进入Thechildren weresurprised by thesudden entry of their teacher.Wecant go along that road becausethe sign say No Entry.Thereis no entr

2、y in his diary for that day.entry & entranceentrance 特别指进入仪式,演出;而 entry 指进入权力或组织to make an entranceonto the stagean entranceexaminationChinas entry into theWTO No Entrydictionary entries词典的词条2. People wereafraid of taking mental and physical tests.physicaladj 身体的,物理的,物质的physical educationphysica

3、l examination体检physicalgeography 自然地理学mentaladj 脑力的,智力的,精神上的mental age mental deficiency 智力不足mental diseasemental patientThis is called physical change.Physicalfitness is having astrong healthy body.He took the mental test last year.This experience caused him much mental suffering.Speaking3. How lon

4、g/wide/high/tall= What is the length/width/heightIts . metres long/wide/high/tall= Its metres in length/width/heightHow wideis the river.Thetreeis about sixty feet tall.Reading4. theAmerican Civil Warcivil rightscivil law 民法civil servant 公务员the Civil Rights Moment民权运动civil liberty 公民自由5. the Great D

5、epressioncivil affairs 内政事务大萧条时期depression C 萧条期,不景气沮丧depressv. depressed 忧郁的 depressingadjtheGreat Depression of the 1930sAholiday will help his depression.6. one that & it1) it 所指事物和前面提到的事物是同一个事物,所以 it 代表的名词属于特指的。2) one 指和前面提到的是一类,并非同一个,而且是任何一个。名词需是可数,复数是 ones3) that 和 one 都是指同一类事物,that 替代有定冠名

6、词,为特定的,也可替换不可数名词.one by oneoneafter anotherone anotherI bought aknife and lent it to him.Mary needs a new dictionary. Sheis going to buy one.Thevoiceof a woman is sweeter than that of a man.driveoff迫使离开击退(敌人或攻势)drivesb mad 使某人发疯供奉的,牺牲的7. sacrificenv供奉,祭祀,供品,祭品,牺牲,放弃或牺牲某事物 sacrificialadj供奉,献祭,牺牲to ki

7、ll asheep as a sacrifice.Her parents mademany sacrifices so that shecould go to university.Shesacrificed her career to marry him.makesacrifices to 为牺牲8. greedy adj贪婪的,渴望的,贪吃的greedUC 贪心,贪婪 greedilyHe is greedy for fame.He is greedy to make money.9. heal 恢复,康复,使完结,使好受些Thewound healed slowlyTimeheals a

8、ll sarrowsscar n 伤痕,伤疤, (心中的)创伤He has a long scar across his cheek.Thegrief left a scar on her mind.10.former adj 以前的,前者的,n 前者thelatter 后者theformer world championIf I can choosefrom knowledgeand money, I would prefer thefomer/latter.11. recover v. 恢复原状, 恢复, 身体复原 recovery n. cover discover uncover揭露,

9、揭开盖子Wehavent yet recovered from theshock.Wesoon recovered our losses.Sherecovered her consciousness.12. despite prep 尽管,不管,不顾 in spite ofDespitethe bad weather weenjoyed our holiday.Despitewhat others say, I think he is very nice.13. take away带走,移开,移去Thedoctor has given her sometablets to take away

10、the pain.Anxiety has taken away his appetite.takeapart 拆开takein接受, 理解, 欺骗takeon 接受, 从事(工作) 雇佣take over 接管takeup开始学习(从事活动)14. fierceadj 凶猛的,愤怒的,强烈的,激烈的 fierceness nThedog is so fiercethat it bites several boys.His plan met with fierce opposition.15. vain adj自视过高的 自负的,无价值的,无意义的,徒然,无效果的,无用的in vain徒劳,没有

11、效果It is vain to try to save him.Sheis always vain of her appearance.All our work was in vain.16. share n一份,股份Your shareof the cost is 10 pounds.V 将某物平均分配,共有或共用,分享,告诉某人某事Shelikes to sharethe sweets among thechildren.Thereis only one bedroom, so well have to share.I will share thecost will you.Little

12、Tom doesnt like to sharethe secrets will others.Integrating skills17. plain adj 清楚的,明白的,易懂的,率直的,普通的,不矫饰的It is very plain that you arewrong on this matter.Shealways wears aplain but very elegant dress.From avery plain girl, shehas grown into a beautiful woman.n. cn 平原Thereare threebig plains in China

13、.18. move away 搬走,移走throw away 仍掉clear away清除resist v 抵抗,对抗,不受影响,抗,耐,经得住 resistance resistant adj 抵抗的,耐的resistibleadj可抵抗的Thepoor people united together to resist thepressurefrom landlord.This kind of material resists heat.With her great courageand belief, Liu Hulan resisted beats and tortures from theenemy.reach agreements arriveat agreements cometo agreements makeagreements达成协议19. leave behind 遗留,留下,使落在后面leave off 停止,结束 leave out 遗漏,疏忽 不理会不干涉 leave over 留下,剩下leave alone19.cut off 切下来cut across 走捷径 cut back 减少cut out 删掉cut through 穿过cut in 插嘴cut down 削减,减少20. live on靠生活,live up to 不辜负,


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