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2、作文(如书信,约占13)。 但不管是哪种命题形式,共同的特点是给出了较为详细的提纲或写作说明。要求内容切题,文理通顺,表达正确,语义连贯,无重大语法错误。篇章布局一般而言,在英语的说明文和议论文中,无论是篇章的展开还是段落的展开通常都采用三种方式,即总分总,总分和分总。在大学英语六级的作文考试中,文章的篇章展开也是如此,通常采用“三段式”首段,扩展段和结论段。这里所提到的“三段式”写作方法并不是说文章要写三个段落,而是指文章的层次基本上是三层。如下图所示首段扩展段扩展段扩展段结尾段即在首段开篇点题,在扩展段,则根据题目要求要么分析原因,要么列举观点、好处、劣势、危害、后果等,在结尾段,要么根据

3、提纲要求提出建议、措施,要么预测未来,如果提纲中没有具体的要求,结尾段就应与首段遥相呼应,对文章进行简单的归纳总结,深化主题或综合概括全文。段落展开首段良好的开端是成功的一半。虽然开篇良好并不意味着能得到高分,但是,切中主题的首段必然是优秀作文的重要组成部分。由于考试的时间有限,字数也有限制,因此,考生在写首段时应开门见山,直接切入主题。一般而言,文章的标题(有时要加以改动,但是一定要能确定其关键词),即主题,应该出现在首段中。如果标题是名词性的,则相对比较简单。例如:2006年12月六级新题型作文题目:The Importance of Reading Classics,题目中的关键词是im

4、portance 和reading classics,在首段就应该根据写作提示阅读经典书籍对人的成长至关重要,重点谈论阅读名著的重要性。如:Nowadays, it is widely acknowledged that reading the classics is both important and beneficial to the character development and personal growth of the young people. 如果标题是谈论某一社会问题,在首段通常要简单介绍现象或其严重性或紧迫性,例如:1995年1月的作文题目:My View on th

5、e Negative Effects of Some Advertisements,其首段就可以写成: Nowadays every one of us may come across some false advertisements now and then, which are most harmful to the whole society. 再如:1998年1月的作文My View on Fake Commodities和2005年6月的作文My View on Piracy,一个是谈论假冒伪劣商品,一个是谈论盗版,这两个题目有其雷同之出,首段当然也就是相似的:Nowadays,

6、the problem of fake commodities / piracy has become more and more serious. 例如2003年12月的作文:Reduce Waste on Campus对首段的写作要求是:有些大学校园浪费现象日益严重,考生就可以这样写首段:As is known to all, waste on campus has become a more and more serious problem.如果标题是?式的,如Should ? Is ? Do? Can?以及A or B,这基本上都属于观点类写作,其标题形式相当于My view on 。

7、写作要求也是大同小异, 要求从正反两个方面来论证某一问题,因此,首段的展开方式基本上是一致的。在首段可以使用一句套话:Various people have various answers / opinions.例如:1995年1月的作文题目:Can Money Buy Happiness?首段内容:Can money buy happiness? Various people have various answers.2000年6月的作文题目:Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?开头段落可以写成:A test of spoken English wil

8、l be included as an optional component of the CET. Is it necessary to hold or take such a test? People differ in their answers. 2007年6月的作文题目:Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed? 文章可以以这种形式开始:When asked about whether or not one should expect a reward when doing a good deed, different peo

9、ple hold different views.1999年6月的作文题目:Reading Selectively or Extensively?文章开篇如下:When it comes to reading, some people think that reading selectively is a good way, but some others hold opposite opinion. 如果是图表式作文,在首段应该概要描述图表所揭示的某种社会现象或社会问题的变化发展情况,因此,通常要引用图表数据。例如:2002年6月作文Student Use of Computers的首段写作

10、:From the chart we can see clearly that the average number of hours a student spends on the computer per week has increased from less than 2 hours in 1990 to nearly 4 hours in 1995, and then to 20 hours in 2000.如果是书信,在首段要进行简洁的自我介绍并说明写信的目是表示感谢、投诉还是邀请或求助等。例如:2002年1月的作文要求给校长写一封信反映本校食堂的状况:A Letter to th

11、e University President about the Canteen Service on Campus,首段开篇如下:I am Li Ming, a junior student from the Department of Computer Science and Technology. I am writing this letter to complain about the poor canteen service on campus.综上所述,六级英语作文的开头段通常是对于形势、问题等进行简单扼要的介绍,或概括主题,或点明写作目的。优秀的首段应该是开门见山式的,切忌罗嗦

12、空泛。扩展段扩展段是短文写作的主体部分,主要是对文章主题进行解释或论证,对于全文的成败具有举足轻重的作用。主题句句句扩展句扩展句扩展句结论句一般而言,扩展段的展开与文章的篇章展开一样,有三种方式:即总分总,总分和分总。但是,在大学英语六级作文中,扩展段落的展开通常采用总分结构,即段落的第一句要提出全段的中心思想,是主题句。段落中其它句子起支撑作用,要阐明或论证主题句。此外,扩展句之间要使用正确的过渡性词语(如First, Second, Finally, 或To begin with, Whats more, In addition, 等),从而使段落浑然一体,而不是支离破碎的句子的组合。扩展

13、段的展开方式大学英语六级考试的写作部分,就其体裁而言,以议论文为主,因此在扩展段中出现频率最高的是要求分析(列举)原因、或列举利、弊、后果或危害。但有时也会采用记叙文、描述文和说明文的写作技巧。分析/列举原因:在大学英语六级考试的短文写作部分,绝大多数的扩展段段落展开都采用了原因分析法,尤其是图表式作文。列举原因时所用的主题句主要有:There are many reasons for this social phenomenon, but in general, they come down to three major ones. In my opinion, three reasons

14、can explain this social phenomenon.There are at least two reasons, I think, for the phenomenon. Why does this phenomenon appear? I think there are several possible reasons for this.There are a variety of factors contributing to this trend.例如:2006年12月作文The Celebration of Western Festivals要求分析国内不少人喜欢过

15、西方的一些节日的原因。段落的主题句可以选择There are many causes for this social phenomenon, but in general, they come down to three major ones.扩展句则要紧紧围绕主题句展开,还要注意过渡性词语的使用。例如:There are many causes for this social phenomenon, but in general, they come down to three major ones. First, more and more young people are exposed

16、 to western culture and lifestyles through learning English. And festivals are regarded as the highlight of western culture. For example, Valentine's Day provides a vehicle for the youth to show their love. Second, the advancement of economy enables Chinese people to possess increased purchasing

17、 power. They are heavily targeted by businessmen, who view foreign festivals as golden opportunities to make money. So they desperately try to boost the atmosphere of foreign festivals.列举利:1992年12月作文Motorcycles and City Traffic要求列举摩托车的优点。在列举优点时,段落的主题句可以采用以下模板句式:There are some advantages of sth.sth h

18、as a lot of advantages / favorable aspects.Generally speaking, the positive aspects can be listed as follows. 等。扩展句则只要列举出某一事物的优点即可,一般是23个。例如: On the one hand, motorcycles have many advantages. To begin with, they are much cheaper but as fast when compared with cars. In addition, they are much more c

19、onvenient when traffic congestion arises. Finally, they take up very limited parking space. 列举弊同样是1992年12月作文Motorcycles and City Traffic,还要求列举摩托车的缺点。由于是利与弊进行了对比对照,因此,在写主题句之前最好用过渡词语,使段落衔接更加紧凑。例如:Apart from the advantages, the disadvantages / the negative effects are also very obvious.But on the contr

20、ary, there are also many disadvantages of sth.However, just as the sword has two edges, sth. is not absolutely good.But on the other hand, sth, also has many unfavorable aspects.Just as a coin has two sides, sth. also has some disadvantages.等在列举摩托车的缺点时,段落就可以这样展开:Apart from the advantages, the disadv

21、antages of motorcycles are also very obvious. First of all, it is much more dangerous to ride a motorcycle, which is small on the one hand and runs at a high speed on the other hand. Moreover, the tail gas given off by motorcycles will lead to more serious environmental pollution.列举后果或危害2005年6月作文My

22、View on Piracy要求列举盗版现象的危害。Piracy does a lot of harm to society in many ways. (主题句)To start with, the pirated products often cost much less than the genuine ones so that they enjoy a better trading position in spite of their relatively poor quality. The genuine products, on the contrary, sell poorly.

23、 What's worse, in the case of the pirated editions of books, there are so many misprints that they not only cause confusion to the readers but also bring dishonor to their authors. 按时间顺序展开段落如果是书信类中的感谢信或投诉信,则通常采用记叙文的写作模式,按时间顺序展开段落。例如2004年6月A Letter to Editor of a Newspaper的写作提纲:你买了一本字典,有质量问题,售后服务

24、不好。你将该情况反映给报社的编辑。要求:1.事情的起因;2.与书店交涉的过程;3.呼吁服务行业服务质量的提高。在这一提纲中,我们不难发现提纲1和2就是典型的记叙文形式。因此,考生要注意时间、地点、事件、人物的介绍。如:A week ago, I bought a Chinese-English dictionary in XX bookstore. I found out there were several serious spelling mistakes and missing pages as well. I went to the bookstore to claim for ref

25、und. However, I was told that the bookstore would not take this responsibility. Firstly, the bookstore manager denied the possibility of having spelling mistakes and missing pages. Secondly, he said the bookstore was only responsible for the sale instead of the content of the dictionary. During the

26、negotiation the managers bad manner was unbearable.如果是书信类中的求职信或倡议书,则采用描写文的写作模式,进行自我描述或某一事件或人物的描述;如果是招募广告,则运用说明文的写作技巧,说明某一活动的目的、内容、安排等。写扩展段时的注意事项:1. 要有恰当的主题句。英语段落展开通常是直线形的,而主题句则引领了整个段落的主旨,明确表述了一个确定的段落语言环境,使段落中其他句子都能围绕它展开并形成一个紧密相关的整体。一般来说,英语是一个段落只能有一个中心思想,全段各句都要围绕这一中心思想展开,凡是与中心思想无关的句子都不能出现在段落中。在考试中,主题

27、句最好写在段首,即段落展开采取总分结构,因为这样一是比较简单,容易掌握写作技巧;二是清晰明了;三是能使阅卷老师迅速了解段落展开的脉络。2. 扩展句应紧紧围绕主题,不要写与主题句不相关的句子。段落的每个句子都必须紧紧围绕主题句展开,任何一句偏离主题的句子都将大大破坏段落的统一性和完整性。在六级写作中,扩展句通常不少于两个,但也不多于三个。3. 正确使用过渡性词语,使段落的各扩展句之间、扩展句与主题句之间具有逻辑上的连贯性,使一个本来结构松散凌乱的段落变得通顺、连贯和紧凑。结尾段短文的结尾段和首段同等重要。文章如果缺少结尾部分,就无法给读者以完整的感觉。写结尾段落时,通常采取以下四种方法。1. 综

28、合概括全文短文的首段通常是开篇点题,提出或概述短文的中心思想,即标题。结尾段就可以与首段遥相呼应,进一步综合概括全文。例如:1990年1月作文How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic的写作提纲是:1.当前交通拥挤的现象很严重;2. 解决这一问题的办法有。根据提纲要求,在首段可以谈论这一现象的严峻性:With more and more people flooding into cities and more and more cars and buses running on the road, the problem of heavy traffic

29、 has been more and more serious.在第二段列举解决措施之后,就应该在结尾段落进一步深化主题:The traffic problem is of great importance to anybody at any time and place. If a person refuses to learn cooperation and discipline, how can he enjoy the privilege of higher living quality?2. 陈述个人观点这种结尾方法主要出现在观点类题目中,在扩展段落分别论述了某一问题的正反两个方面或

30、优劣性之后,考生在结尾部分明确表达自己的观点态度,是支持,是反对,还是折中的观点。例如:2007年6月的作文Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed?要求在结尾段陈述个人看法。考生可以明确表明自己的支持态度:As for me, I hold that a reward does more good than harm, if we get it legally.也可以明确表明自己持反对态度:I dont think its right to expect a reward when doing a good deed. If we e

31、xpect a return for the good deed we have done, then what can we expect for if we make mistakes?还可以采取折中的观点: As far as I am concerned, its neither good nor bad to expect a reward when doing a good deed. What really matters is that we should, first of all, take the initiative to help each other, instea

32、d of clinging to the principle that “no reward, no offer”.3. 提出建议措施有些作文提纲要求考生针对某一社会现象或社会问题提出相应的对策或解决办法。在运用这一方法结尾时,用列举法列举措施、建议、方法,采用扩展段落的写作技巧,即主题句扩展句, 同时注意使用过渡词。在引出方法建议时常用的主题句有:Generally speaking, there are three ways to solve the problem.If we ever want to solve this problem, the careful planning of

33、 the government and the cooperation of all the citizens are both needed.To solve the problem, in my humble opinion, the following measures should be taken.We must take some effective measures to solve the problem.There are many ways to tackle the problem, but the following ones may be effective.例如:2

34、005年6月作文Say No to Pirated Products写作提纲要求在最后一段谈谈我们应该怎么做来杜绝盗版现象。In my humble opinion, it is high time that everyone started the battle against piracy. First, customers should develop their consciousness to resist the pirated products. Second, the government should take effective measures to put an end to piracy. Finally, laws must be strictly enforced to completely ban piracy. Only in this way can we wipe the pirated products out of our life. 再如:2006年12月六级新题型作文要求在最后一段表明作为大学生,你应该怎么做(阅


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