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1、第1单元 课题:Hello 第1教时 总第 个教案 教学内容:Unit1 Hello, the 1nd period(Cartoon time & Letter time)教学目标:1.By the end of this lesson, students will be able to greet people usingHi/Hello!Good morning.and Good afternoon.2.Student will be familiar with the main characters: Miss Li、Su Hai、Yang Ling、Mike、Wang Bing

2、 and Liu Tao.3.Students will be able to greet people according to different contexts.教学重点、难点:1. To greet people using Hi/Hello Good morning.and Good afternoon.2. To greet people under real circumstances.教学方法:Multi-media and cardsStep1Preparation1. T唱英文歌曲Good moring,和学生们谈论新学期和新朋友。2. T自我介绍Hello,my dea

3、r students.Im Miss Huang.用这个相同的句型让学生介绍自己。Step 2. Presentation1 T出示课文图片,并让学生们观看光盘。2 T和学生们谈论图片图片1、2,问:T: Look,who are they?Where are they?What are they doing?When do they meet?How do you greet people in the morning?图片3,问: T: Where are they?Who are they? How do they greet each other?What can you see?图片

4、4,问: T: Who are they?Where are they? How does Miss Li greet her students?What does the word classmean?you see? How do you greet people in the afternoon?3. 谈论打招呼和学生们说:Good evening4. Listen and repeat:Ss listen to the tape of story time and read after the tape. 5.T 总结不同的场合使用不同的打招呼的办法in the morning:Goo

5、d morning.(-12:00) in the afternoon:Good afternoon.(12:00-18:00)in the evening:Good evening.(18:00-)5. 带领学生在图片的帮助下说说故事的意思This is a new term.Mike meets Miss Li at school.Mike saysGood morning.to Miss Li.Mike and his classmates say Hello! to each other.They are very happy.IN the afternoon,the students

6、 are having an English lesson. Miss Li and the students sayGood afternoon.!to each other . Step 3. Practice Production1. 做游戏:和学生们用不同的打招呼方法做游戏。2. Look and say:老师用PPT带领孩子们说出角色的名字:Miss Li、Su Hai、Yang Ling、Mike、Wang Bing and Liu Tao.3. Look and say:T shows different clocks and asks students how to greet

7、 people at the time.Step 4. ProgressT: read and say P6-7 then sing a song P10.Blackboard design: Unit 1 Hello Good morning.Good afternoon.第1单元 课题:Hello 第2教时 总第 个教案教学内容:Unit1 Hello, the 2nd period(Cartoon time & Letter time)教学目标:1.By the end of this lesson, students will be able to greet people u

8、singHi/Hello!Good morning.and Good afternoon.according to different contexts.2.Student will able to introduce himself/herself usingHi,Im. 3.Students will be able to read and write the letters A,B,C and D. 教学重点、难点:1.To greet people using Hi/Hello Good morning.and Good afternoon.and introduce himself

9、using Hi, Im.教学方法:Multi-media and cards教学过程:Step 1Preparation1.T sings the songGood morning.with students and asks students to introduce themselves using the same pattern.2.Look and say: T shows different clocks and asks students how to greet people at the time.T shows the pictures of cartoon time a

10、nd asks students to fill the blanks(underlined part)below:This is a new term. Mike meets Miss Li at school. Mike says Goodmorning!to Miss Li. Mike and his classmates say Hello!to each other. They are very happy. In the afternoon, the students are having an English lesson.Miss Li and the students say

11、 Good afternoon!to each other. Step 2. Presentation 3.T talks about some frinds with students(Wang Bing,etc.)and introduce two cartoon frinds: A cat and mouse.Step 3. Practice & Production4.T shows the images of the cat and the mouse and teaches the word: mouse.5.T asks students to describe the

12、cat and the mouse and the mouse. They will be guided to say: The mouse is nice. The cat is fat. They are very cute.6.T asks students to watch a cartoon and answer the questions.Whats the cats name? Whats the mouses name? Act Hi,Im Sam. Hi,Im Bobby7.T discusses the cartoon with students and guides st

13、udents to ask questions,e.g: Who are they? What are they doing? How do the mouse greet the cat?8.Students listen to the tape and try to act this part to say the pattern:Hi, Im.Step 5. Progress9.T tell students: Bobby and Sam are very happy. They are going to have a competition: Read and write the le

14、tters: A,B,C and D. T then divides the students into two groups. One refers to the cat, and one refers to the mouse. Then T reads and the letters.10.Students read and write the letters: A,B,C and D. The two groups compete with each other: Who reads better? Who writers better?11.Students PK, the come

15、 to the front to act the cartoon time.12.T concludes the class and guides students to know: Its polite to greet people using proper language.13.T assigns homework: Read and say(P6-P10).板书设计:Unit 1 HelloGood morningGood afternoonHi,Im.第1单元 课题:Hello 第3教时 总第 个教案 教学内容:Unit1 Hello, the 2nd period(Cartoon

16、 time & Letter time)教学目标:1.By the end of this lesson, students will be able to greet people usingHi/Hello!Good morning.and Good afternoon.according to different contexts.2.Student will able to introduce himself/herself usingHi,Im. 3.Students will be able to read and write the letters A,B,C and D

17、. 4.Students will be able to coclude this unit, and give self-assessments, usingI can say,I can say and write教学重点、难点:1.To greet people using Hi/HelloGood morning.and Good afternoon.and introduce himself using Hi, Im.教学方法:Multi-media and cards教学过程:Step1.Preparation1.T Sing the song Good morning with

18、students,then show different pictures and asks how to greet people at the picture.2.T shows the pictures of cartoon time and asks students to fill the blanks(underlined part)below:Bobby is a little mouse.His friends sayGood morning!to him.Sam is a cat. His friends say Good morningto him,too.Bobby in

19、troduces(介绍) himself(他自己) to Sam.They know each other .But Bobbys friends are very afraid(害怕)。They run away.Step2.Presentation1.T guids students to conclude this unit and asks students to give self-assessments.Students will be guided to ask and answer the following questions:What do you learn in sto

20、ry time?Do you like the story?What can you do sfter learning this unit? Can you tell the story?Can you sing the song?What letters can you read?Can you write the letters A,B.C and D?During this step, students can not only give self assessments, but also give others assessments. They can conclude what

21、 they have learned in this unit. They will also be encouraged to see their harvests.2.T asks students to look at ticking time, and asks them:How many stars can you get?Students read the directions and give self-assessments. During this step,T helps students if they have any diffculties.Step3.Practic

22、e and Production1. checkout time:Students listen and respond.(P11)2. Students do some additional written exercises.Step4.ConclusionT conclusion the class and guides students to know: Its great to have self-assessments.We can know a lot about what we learn.Come on,enjoy our English journey!Step4.Home

23、work:(1) Listen ,read and say.(P6-11)(2) Tell the story of story time and cartoon time. Blackboard design: Unit1 Hello I can say Good morningGood afternoonHelloHi, Im第1单元 课题:Hello 第4教时 总第 个教案 教学内容:Unit1 Hello, the 2nd period(Cartoon time & Letter time)教学目标:1.By the end of this lesson, students w

24、ill be able to greet people usingHi/Hello!Good morning.and Good afternoon.according to different contexts.2.Student will able to introduce himself/herself usingHi,Im.3.Students will be able to read and write the letters A,B,C and D. 教学重点、难点:1.To greet people using Hi/HelloGood morning.and Good after

25、noon.and introduce himself using Hi, Im.教学方法:Multi-media and cards教学过程:Step1.Preparation1.T Sing the song Good morning with students.2.Group workFour people make a group ang greet each other.Step2.Presentation1.Listen to the tape of the text and then read after the tape.1. Role play.Show four scenes

26、 of the story time on the PPT. Let the students choose and act it out.2. play a gamePPT呈现新认识的人物以及句子Good moringGood afternoonGood eveningHiHello.当学生看到单词或图片时就大声读出来。但看见炸弹时就说bomb。来复习所学的知识,检查学生掌握情况。Step3.Practice1. Quick presponse快速反应PPT出现不同的时间,如:8:00,3:00,15:00让同桌两人一组编对话:Good morning!Good afternoon!Good

27、 evening!等,学生可以自行补充对话。如:S1:Hi,Im Nancy. S2:Hi,Im Jack.S1:Good morning,Jack.S1:Good morning,Nancy.2. 请学生总结不同时间的不同打招呼方式。 In the morning: Good morning(6:0012:00)In the afternoon: Good afternoon(12:0018:00)In the evening: Good evening(18:0021:00)3. 复习字母(1) 请学生做动作让学生猜这是哪个字母,复习Aa Bb Cc Dd。(2) 学生跟着老师,用手指书写

28、字母。Step4.Production1. PPT出现四幅图片,请学生看图片,编对话。2. 完成补充习题PartD,E部分。Step5.Progress利用所学句型自编对话,小组内表演。Blackboard design: Unit1 Hello Good morning(6:0012:00)Good afternoon(12:0018:00)Good evening(18:0021:00)第2单元 课题:I'm LiuTao 第1教时 总第 个教案 教学目标1.能初步学会用Are you ?来询问别人的姓名并能初步学会使用Yes,I am./No,Im not.来回答2.能初步掌握y

29、es和no这一对反义词3.能熟练地使用Hello/Hi,Im来介绍自己教学重点1.能初步学会用Are you ?来询问别人的姓名并能初步学会使用Yes,I am./No,Im not.来回答2.能初步掌握yes和no这一对反义词3.能熟练地使用Hello/Hi,Im来介绍自己教学难点1.能初步学会用Are you ?来询问别人的姓名并能初步学会使用Yes,I am./No,Im not.来回答2.能初步掌握yes和no这一对反义词教学疑点怎样才能让学生理解Yes,I am.与No,Im not这两句反义的句子,在面对问题时选择正确的回答?教学准备挂图,卡片教学过程Step1Preparatio

30、n1.GrertingT:Good morning/afternoon,class.Ss:Good morning/afternoon,Miss Zhang.2.Sing a songGood morningT:Now, lets sing a song together. 3.Warm upa.Play a gameBrain storm游戏规则:教师在卡片上或者是PPT上出示想让学生说的提示,让学生抢答,会说的站起来大声说。(1)The sentences to greet(用来打招呼的句子)T:Could you please tell me the sentences to greet

31、?Say them loudly,please.例如:Hello./Hi./Good morning./Good afternoon./Good evening.(2)Names of our friends in the book在书本里学到的一些朋友的名字。例如:Miss Li,Su Hai,Liu Tao,Mike,Wang Bing。如果学生说到了一二年级学过的名字,要给与肯定。b.Play a gameMagic eyes游戏规则:看闪现的图片或者是句子,快速回答。例如:先简单图片,再句子。图片可以是一二年级学过的单词。句子以第一单元的为主。最后以Im和I am结束这个游戏。T:Lo

32、ok,can you read them?学生大声读Im和I am c.教师用Hello/Hi和学生打招呼。T:Hello/Hi,Im Miss Zhang.S:Hello/Hi,Im学生用Im来介绍自己。Step 2 Presentation1.教授Are you?和Yes,I am.a.教师问学生姓名T:Hello.Im Miss Zhang.Are you?教师出示Are you?,并出示句子的中文。(1)Read with the teacher(2)Read one by one/group by group(3)Read together板书A:Hello.Im Are you?T

33、:Try to answer my question.教师出示Yes,I am.T:Who can read it?让学生试着读读看。(1)Read with the teacher(2)Read one by one/group by group(3)Read together板书:Yes,I am.b.Pairwork(1)T-S,S-T,S-ST:Hello,Im Miss Zhang.Are you?S:Yes,I am.S:Hello,ImAre you Miss ZhangT:Yes,I amS1:Hello,ImAre you ?S2:Yes,I am.2.教授No,Im not

34、.a.教师反带头饰(之前学过的人物),让学生猜自己是谁。提示学生用刚刚学过的句子询问。T:Try to say,please.Hello,ImAre you?S:Hello,ImAre you?T:Yes,I am第四个头饰:Yang LingYang Ling 这个人物在本册书中有很大的变化,学过前两册书的学生也许一下子会反应不过来。所以可以让学生自己说说看怎么来认识这位Yang Ling。S:Hello,ImAre you?T:No,Im not.教师出示No,Im not.(1)Read with the teacher(2)Read one by one/group by group(

35、3)Read togetherb.让学生模仿教师刚才带头饰的方式,让其他学生来猜。S1:Hello.Ss:Hello.Are you?S1:Yes,I am./No,Im not.在这个环节,有些接受能力比较强的学生有可能在回答No,Im not.后还加上一句Im,如果出现这样的情况,要给予表扬。Step3. Practice and Step4. Production1.Play a gameFun time(Guess and say)游戏规则:学生1站在讲台前,坐在位置上的一个学生2站起来说Hello.。S1:Hello.Ss:Hello.Are you?S1:Yes,I am./No,

36、Im not.(Im)2.Listen to the tape,and try to saysomething about the pictures. 让学生先看图,自己说说看图上的主人公会说些什么呢?T:Can you say something about the pictures?让学生逐幅图说。a.学生听录音,说对话先听完整的录音一遍,然后让学生一个个对话框说说看。b.跟录音读 跟着录音读,纠正读音。c.齐读寻找语感。HomeworkRecite Story time第2单元 课题:I'm LiuTao 第2教时 总第 个教案 教学目标1.能熟练地会认、会读、会说Are you

37、?并且能熟练地用Yes,I am.和No,Im not.来回答。2.能初步会读、会说、会写Goodbye.3.能会认读并会写字母Ee Ff Gg4.能会认读名字John教学重点1.能熟练地会认、会读、会说Are you?并且能熟练地用Yes,I am.和No,Im not.来回答。2.能初步会读、会说、会写Goodbye.3.能会认读并会写字母Ee Ff Gg教学难点1.能初步会读、会说、会写Goodbye.2.能会认读并会写字母Ee Ff Gg教学准备挂图,卡片,录音机教学过程 Step 1Preparation1.GreetingT-Ss(师生对话)T:Good morning/after

38、noon,class.Ss:Good morning/afternoon,Miss Zhang. 2.Sing a songGood morningT:Now,lets sing a song.Lets sing it loudly,OK?3.教师出示Are you?Yes,I am. No,Im not.学生跟读,进一步熟悉本单元的重点。尤其是I am这个词,有的学生容易把am这个音中/ æ/给吃掉或者是发音不清,所以要有意识地提醒学生a发音发成/ æ/。T-S(个别对话) S-S(生生对话)(1)T:Hello,ImAre you?S:Yes,I am./No,Im n

39、ot.(2)S1:Hello,ImAre you?S2:Yes,I am./No,Im not.2.Warm up4.跟读课文录音Unit 2 Story timeT:Now,shall we read with the tape?虽然跟读录音也是比较枯燥的一件事情,但是我认为没有比反复的读更能锻炼语感的了,而且可以让学生在完整的情景中复习本课的对话重点,也可以让学生更好地理解句子在对话中的含义。Step 2 PresentationA Cartoon time 教学1.教师出示图片Bobby.T:Look,who is coming?Hes Bobby.Please say hello to

40、 him.(1)S1:Hello,Bobby.ImBobby:Hello.(2)S2:Hello,ImAre you Bobby? Bobby:Yes,I am.2.教师出示图片SamT:Look,this is Sam.Try to say hello to him.(1)S1:Hello,Sam.ImSam:Hello.(2)S2:Hello,ImAre you Sam? Sam:Yes,I am.3.看图,听录音,回答问题教师出示T:Now,please listen to the tape,and answer my question Is he John?.认识新的外国名字John,

41、教师出示John.学生跟老师齐读John,或者一个个读等等。(1)教师放录音Cartoon time(2)学生回答问题T:Is he John?S:No.(3)学生跟读录音T:Now,lets read it together.Lets go.Step3 . Practice and Step 4. ProductionB 字母教学1.复习Aa Bb Cc Dda.大小写字母配对b.Magic eyes快速闪现字母c.写出字母的左邻右舍例如: b c 2.新字母的学习Ee Ff Gga.教师延续上一习题 Dd 让学生思考,引出Ee,并且在黑板上示范以同样的方法教授Ff Gg,并且板书:b.让学

42、生自己完成练习(1)大小写配对(2)左邻右舍(3)抄写字母Homework1.Recite Story time2.Finish the exercises第2单元 课题:I'm LiuTao 第3教时 总第 个教案 教学目标1.能熟练地用Are you?和Yes,I am与No,Im not.进行对话练习2.能会读、会说、会写Goodbye3.能初步了解单词抄写的格式4.能会读、会说小诗Are you Mike?教学重点1.能熟练地用Are you?和Yes,I am与No,Im not.进行对话练习2.能会读、会说、会写Goodbye3.能初步了解单词抄写的格式4.能会读、会说小诗

43、Are you Mike?教学难点1.能初步了解单词抄写的格式2.能会读、会说小诗Are you Mike?教学准备挂图,卡片,录音机教学过程Step 1Preparation1.Greetinga.全班打招呼T:Good morning/afternoon,class.Ss:Good morning/afternoon,Miss Zhang.b.个别打招呼T:Good morning/afternoon,xx.S1: Good morning/afternoon,Miss Zhang.2.Sing a songGood morning/afternoon根据具体的上下午,改编歌曲,不需要唱几

44、遍。Step 2. Presentation复习Are you?Yes,I am./No,Im not.T:Hello,Im Miss Zhang.S:Hello,Miss Zhang.Ima.教师出示头饰,把反面对着学生:S:Hello.ImAre you?T:Yes,I am.No,Im not.Im(提醒学生回答完整)2听录音,想想Goodbye怎么读(Cartoontime)T:Can you read it?让学生观察Good morning.Good afternoon.Goodbye.让学生去发现这三个句子的发音规则。听录音,跟读Cartoon time.T:Is he John

45、? S:No.全班读Cartoon time.3.出示卡通字母,遮去一部分 S1:Hello,Im Are you Aa?S2:Yes,I am.You are right.S1:Goodbye, Aa.教师出示You are right.,并出示中文全班读:You are right. S3: Hello,Im Are you Bb?S4:No,Im not.Im Dd.S3:Goodbye,Dd.Step 3. Practice1.介绍新朋友T:Who is he?Listen to the tape,please.S:Hes Mike.T:Yes,you are right.Can yo

46、u read the sentences.Hi.Hi.Are you Mike?Yes.Yes.You are right.小组读,全班读T:Is he Moe?听录音回答问题S:No.Hes Joe.带学生读Moe,Joe注意发音,两个单词的发音规律Read :Are you Mike?Step 4 Homework1.Read the rhyme after class2.Finish the exercises第2单元 课题:I'm LiuTao 第4教时 总第 个教案 教学目标:1.能熟练地用Are you?和Yes,I am与No,Im not.进行对话练习2.能会读、会说、

47、会写Goodbye3.能初步了解单词抄写的格式4.能会读、会说小诗Are you Mike?教学重点:1.能熟练地用Are you?和Yes,I am与No,Im not.进行对话练习2.能会读、会说、会写Goodbye教学难点:1.能初步了解单词抄写的格式2.能会读、会说小诗Are you Mike?教学过程:Step 1Preparation1.Greetinga.全班打招呼T:Good morning/afternoon,class.Ss:Good morning/afternoon,Miss Zhang.b.个别打招呼T:Good morning/afternoon,xx.S1: Go

48、od morning/afternoon,Miss Zhang.2.Sing a songGood morning/afternoonStep 2. Presentation1. Read Story timeT:Shall we read story time together?教师翻译中文意思。并且告诉学生怎样回答。2. Play a game:Guess and say规则:学生1站在讲台前,座位上的学生说:HelloS1:Hello.Ss:Hello,are you ?3. Checkout timeStep 3. Practice字母练习1. 大小写配对2. 左邻右里3. 改错Ste

49、p 4. Production1.教师和学生全面梳理复习本单元要掌握的知识:Are you?Yes,I am. No,Im notGoodbye.You are right.2.Ticking time学生根据自己真实的学习情况自己打星。帮助学生理解这几项的意思。 第3单元 课题:My friends 第1教时 总第 个教案 教学内容:Story time教学目标:1、能听懂、会读、会说goodbye, my friend, hes, shes.2、能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语Goodbye, Hes/Shes Hes/Shes my friend.3、能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引

50、导和帮助下尝试表演对话。4、能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常交际用语与人告别,向他人介绍自己的朋友。教学重点:1、能在情境中理解friend一词的意义。2、能理解Goodbye,这一交际用语的含义并知道如何在生活中运用。3、能理解对话内容,用正确的语音语调朗读对话。教学难点:1、能根据性别的不同,用Hes/Shes来介绍自己的朋友。2、能在情境中初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常交际用语与人告别,以及向他人介绍自己的朋友。教学准备:PPT、头饰等。教学过程:Step1Preparation1. Free talk (T-S,S-S)T: Good morning/Hi/Hello! S1, 2, 3,

51、 4: Good morning/Hi/Hello.T: Good morning, class!Ss: Good morning(从个别到集体,从师生问候到生生问候,迅速拉近师生距离,为下面的新授做准备)2Lead-inT: Lets play a game. Close your eyes. Listen and guess: Whos this? S1: Hello/hi/ good morning, class!S2,3,4: Are you?S1: Yes, I am. / No, Im not. (当最后一个同学说时,教师参与其中)T: Let me have a try! Em,

52、hes/shesSs: No!T: Shes/HesSs: No!T: Em,I dont know. Whos she/he? (睁开眼睛看一看)T: Oh, shes/hes(通过“猜猜这是谁”的趣味游戏,让学生听音辨认,生生操练前几单元的旧知识,并巧妙过渡到本课新知识,引出Hes/Shes)3. Try to sayT: You did a good job just now! Look! I have some other pictures. Do you know them? (呈现一组学生熟悉的体育、影视名星)T: Who is she? Who is he?S1, 2, 3, 4: Shes/Hes(最后出现美羊羊的卡通形象)Ss: Shes Mei Yangyang.T: Yes! Shes Mei Yangyang. And shes my friend. (通过呈现人物图片,让学生初步运用Hes/Shes句型,同时使学生在潜移默化中加深对shes和hes的认识,区分二者用法的不同,并适时引出生词词组my friend)(领读friend,my friend,并让学生看口型,准确发音,分男女生读,小组读)-Look and read: free from (通过观察和朗读,让学生初步


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