



1、销售合同SALES CoNTRACT签订时间: 年 月曰Signed:甲方(采购方):Party A (purchaser):乙方(供货方):Party B (Supplier):甲、乙本着平等互利的原则,经双方协商一致特签订本合同以便共同信守。BaSed On the Prin ciple Of equality and mutual ben efit, Party A and Party B hereby Sig n this Con tract throughCon SUItati On for mutual adhere nce.一、合同标的及价格1、 SUbjeCt matter a
2、nd PriCe of the Con tract项目PrOjeCt货品及规格Goods andSPeCifiCati OnS单位Unit数量(个)QUa ntity(PCs.)含税单价(元)Unit PriCe in cludi ng tax (yua n)金额(元)Amoun t (yua n)备注RemarkS1一次性民用口罩DiSPOSabIePrOteCtiVemask个PieCe合计(大写):Total (in WOrdS):、支付方式2、Payme nt method1. 本合同签订当日内,甲方以银行直接转账方式向乙方指定银行账号一次性支付合同货款50%,计(大写):人民币 元(
3、Y: 0元)。余款提货时付清该批货款。1. Within the date Of Sig ning this Con tract, Party A shall Pay 50% (in words): RMB (Y: 0) of the Contract PriCe to the bank accoUnt designated by Party B by direct banktran sfer. The bala nce shall be Paid off at the time of delivery.2乙方指定以下账户为唯一收款账户:2. Party B shall desig nate
4、the follow ing acco Unt as the Only collect ion acco unt:账户名称AccoUntname :账号 AccoUntnUmber :开户银行:Bankname :三、交货及验收3、DeIiVery and accepta nce1交货时间:乙方收到甲方货款50%后日内开始向甲方分批发货,并于本合同签订之后50天内完成全部货物的交付。Party B shall Start to deliver goods to Party A in batches Withindays after receiving 50% of thePayment fro
5、m Party A, and complete the delivery of all goods Within 50 days after Signing this Con tract.交付排产计划为:DeIiVery SChedUIi ng pla n:2交货地点:乙方仓库。2. Place of delivery: Party Bs WarehoUse.四、产品质量4、PrOdUCt qUality1. 乙方按照甲方确认过的产品交货,并符合本合同规定的数量和规格。要求产品需取得:有CE认证,若对产品有异议应及时协商解决,在异议解决前甲方不得擅自使用货物,否则责任自负。1. Party B
6、 shall deliver the PrOdUCtS as Con firmed by Party A and Conform to the qUa ntity and SPeCifiCati OnSPeCified in this Contract. PrOdUCtS reqUired to obtain: CE CertifiCation, if there is any ObjeCtion to theProdUCts, it shall be solved throUgh conSUItation in time. BefOre the ObjeCtion is solved, Pa
7、rty A shall notUSe the goods WithOUt aUthorization, OtherWiSe Party A shall be responsible for it.五、违约责任5、LiabiIity for breach of Con tract1.甲乙双方均应全面履行本合同约定,一方违约给另一方造成损失的,应当承担相应法律责任。1. Both Party A and Party B shall fully perform the contract. If one party breaches the contract and causes losses to
8、the other party, it shall bear corresponding legal liabilities.2. 本合同签订之后 1 日内,甲方不能一次性支付合同 50%货款的。2. Party A fails to pay 50% of the contract price in one time within one day after the signing of this contract.3. 因乙方原因造成不能如期交货的,应提前通知甲方逾期理由,取得甲方同意后,可不视为违约,如甲方 不同意的,甲方有权终止本合同。3. In case of delay in del
9、ivery due to Party Bs reason, Party A shall be informed in advance of the reason for delay. With Party As consent, it shall not be deemed as breach of contract. If Party A does not agree, Party A has the right to terminate this contract.六、合同纠纷的解决办法6、Solutions to contract disputes 1.本合同未尽事宜,由双方友好协商,达
10、成一致意见,形成书面补充协议,补充协议与本合同具有同等法 律效力。1. For matters not covered in this contract, both parties shall reach an agreement through friendly consultation to form a written supplementary agreement, which has the same legal effect as this contract.2. 凡与本合同相关的或因本合同引起的所有争议,双方首先应当协商解决。协商不成的,任何一方都可以 提仲裁解决。仲裁依据申请时
11、现行有效的仲裁规则进行,仲裁的裁决是终局的,对双方都具有约束力。2. All disputes related to or caused by this contract shall be settled by both parties through negotiation. If negotiation fails, either party canSubmit to arbitration for settlement. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the arbitration rules in force
12、 at the time of application, and the arbitration award shall be final and binding on both parties.本合同一式两份,经甲乙双方签章后生效。This contract is made in duplicate and shall come into force after being signed andsealed by both parties.*以下无正文*End of document*甲方:Party A :乙方:Party B:联系人:联系人:Con tacts:Con tacts:签订日期:签订日期:Date :Date :该产品要求是一次性民用口罩The ProdUCt is required to be disposable civil mask该合同需提供中英文The Con tract shall be in Chi nese and En glish说明书也许有一份中英文There may be a Chin ese and
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