1、学院名称 专业班级: 姓名: 学号: 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 密 封 线 河南工业大学 2011 至 2012 学年第 1 学期1. If you are trying to solve a problem or make a decision, the more people in your team the better. (F ) 2. Although you should vary the length of paragraphs in your business messages, in general you should strive for short paragra
2、phs. ( T )3. Differences in body language are a major source of misunderstanding in intercultural communication. ( T ) 4. A report title always starts with “A Study of” or “A Report on. ( F )5. When writing informational reports, its important to begin by developing a problem statement. ( F )6. Usin
3、g simple language in persuasive messages usually decreases your credibility. ( F )7. Headings and subheadings are vital for online reports, but not necessary for those distributed on paper. ( F )8. Deductive reasoning moves from specific evidence to a general conclusion. ( F )9. For routine business
4、 messages, audiences always have resistant reactions. ( F )10. If the middle section of your request letter contains a series of questions, the most important question should be saved for last. ( F )得分评卷人(本题30分)二、Multiple Choice. Only ONE choice is correct.(提示:每题只有一个正确答案。每题2分,共计30分. 并请把答案写下面的答案栏中。)题
5、号123456789101112131415答案1. Analyzing your audience helps you ( C )A. determine whether your audience is comfortable listening to the language you speak.B. remember to keep your speech or oral presentation short.C. define your purpose.D. prepare a detailed, informative outline.商务沟通试卷 第 1 页 ( 共 6 页 )2
6、. Instead of beginning your negative message with a blunt announcement of the news, you can use ( B )A. the direct approach.B. a buffer.C. a combination of the direct and indirect approaches.D. the deductive approach.3. The final link in the communication chain is ( C )A. receiving the message.B. se
7、nding the message.C. giving feedback to the sender.D. interpreting the message.4. A multicultural workforce is characterized by a variety of national, religious, and ( B ) backgrounds.A. economic B. ethnic C. employment D. ethical5. Which of the following is an example of a hedging sentence? ( B )A.
8、 The deadline is next Tuesday.B. The report seems to be incomplete. C. The financial statement needs to have two sections.D. none of the above 6. An example of downward communication flow is ( D )A. a junior staff person giving information to a staff supervisor.B. a company briefing held on the orga
9、nizations top floor.C. an e-mail message about sick leave from one staff secretary to another. D. a sales manager giving instructions to a salesperson.7. You can avoid ethnocentrism and stereotyping by ( B )A. judging all other groups according to the standards, behaviors, and customs of ones own gr
10、oup.B. avoiding assumptions and judgments and by accepting differences.C. generalizing attributes to an individual on the basis of membership in a particular group.D. all of the above.8. The primary audience for your message is made up of ( C )A. all who receive it.B. those people with the highest s
11、tatus.C. the key decision makers.D. those people who represent the opinions and attitudes of the majority商务沟通试卷 第 2 页 ( 共 6 页 )9. To overcome audience resistance to your message ( B )A. use the hard-sell approach.B. present all sides of the issue before making the case for your position.C. emphasize
12、 your logic.学院名称 专业班级: 姓名: 学号: 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 密 封 线 D. do all of the above.10. Bad connections, poor acoustics, and illegible copy are all examples of ( A )A. physical distractions.B. problems with feedback.C. problems with background differences.D. overload problems.11. The chief advantage of oral
13、 communication is ( C )A. the ability to plan and control the message.B. the opportunity to meet an audience's information needs.C. the opportunity for immediate feedback.D. the ability to transmit highly complex messages.12. Which of the following statements best reflects the “you” attitude ( D
14、 )A. You failed to enclose a check for $25.B. We need a check from you for $25 so that we can send the merchandise by May 15.C. We will send you the merchandise as soon as we receive your check for $25.D. You will have your merchandise by July 15 if you send us your check for $25 today.13. Which of
15、the following is not a technique of improving the readability of your document ( B )A. Using lists instead of narrativeB. Keeping all sentences the same lengthC. Including headings and subheadingsD. Using shorter paragraphs14. Advertisement stating that a new resort offers “freedom and comfort along
16、 with great value” is using ( D )A. an emotional appeal.B. an analogy.C. an inductive appeal.D. both logical and emotional appeals.15. A way to be tactful when giving your reasons for bad news is to ( B )A. explain why the decision is good for you and your company.B. highlight, if possible, how your
17、 negative decision benefits your readers.C. explain that the decision is based on company policy.D. apologize for having to be the bearer of bad news.商务沟通试卷 第 3 页 ( 共 6 页 )得分评卷人(本题30分)三、简答题. (每题6分,共计30分)1. 在决定是采用直接法(direct approach)还是间接法(indirect approach)时,你必须考虑哪些问题?2. 在墨西哥工作时,你计划与当地的供应商会谈,结果他迟到了20
18、分钟。这是不胜任的表现,还是不敬的表现?请解释。3. 解释“2+2=4”的逻辑论证方法。4. 请列出四种有效沟通策略。5. 下列句子动词重复,较为冗长,请改的简练一些,使字数在十个单词之内。(1)The manager will make a determination about when the payment of refunds will occur.(2)Effective immediately, all employees need to terminate their excessive utilization of the office duplication machine
19、 for personal affairs and activities. 商务沟通试卷 第 4 页 ( 共 6 页 )得分评卷人(本题30分)四、Reading and Writing.How to Be a Great Audience学院名称 专业班级: 姓名: 学号: 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 密 封 线 Seth Godin: I participated in an interesting experiment today. I was lucky enough to attend career day with 75 eighth graders. Divided into
20、 five groups, I got to see a group at a time for about fifteen minutes each. Within three seconds of beginning my talk, I could tell. I could tell who had learned the skill of being in the audience and who hadn't. And I'm worried that it might be permanent.The good audiences were all the sam
21、e. They leaned forward. They made eye contact. They mirrored my energy right back to me. When the talk (five minutes) was over they were filled with questions. The audience members that hadn't learned the skill were all different. Some made no eye contact. Some found distractions to keep them bu
22、sy. Some were focused on filling out the form that proved that they had been paying attention. What I discovered that the good audience members got most of my attention. The great audience members got even more. attention plus extra effort. And, despite my best efforts, the non-great audience member
23、s just sort of fell off the radar. This isn't a post about me and my talk. It's about the audience members and the choices each make. It's a choice your employees and your customers make too. It's easy to fall into the trap of believing that information is just delivered to you. That
24、 rock stars and violinists and speakers and preachers and teachers and tour guides get paid to perform and the product is the product. But it's not true. Great audiences get more. Great audiences not only get more energy and more insight and more focused answers to their questions, they also get better jobs and find better relationships, because the skills and the attitude are exactly the same.
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