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1、初一英语教案7A课题Unit4 Seasons授课时间第一次课10月_日教学目的1. 提高学生的阅读理解能力,独立理解语篇,能用英语句子对课前的问题作出回答。2. 教会学生学习一年当中的四个季节,不同的季节特点以及世界上不同地区的天气状况。3. 会用英语描述不同季节的气候特点并能准确表达自己最喜欢的季节。4. 诗歌的欣赏,扩大学生的阅读视野。5. 能识别并掌握由名词转化为形容词时的后缀以及形容词在具体句型中的应用。6. 能写一篇和课文有关的作文:my favorite season教学重点1. 生单词,短语以及重点句型的学习。(特别注意单词词性)2. 语法:形容词的变形及在句子中的正确使用。3

2、. 课文中出现的重点单词及易混淆用法。教学难点1.易混淆的单词用法的学习和具体练习及学生的理解。2.形容词的用法。3.写作中句子的正确表达。教 学 过 程教学模块教 学 内 容教学方法,手段及时间分配getting ready1. 复习Unit 3的语法点:可数名词和不可数名词用法;There be 句型。2. 导入新课:利用多媒体PPT 的图片展示引入本课的主题:Seasons问题导入: How many seasons are there in a year? What are they? Whats the weather like in those seasons? What do y

3、ou like to do in spring/summer/autumn/winter? Whats you favorite season, and why?3. PPT中课文穿插课文正文部分讲解,第一遍旨在让学生大致熟悉课文的中心意思,不急于解答关键词的用法及句型。采取问答方式(5 minutes)根据所示图片及其中的问题来带动学生参与讨论并鼓励其用英语表达,予以纠正其口语错误(15minutes)(10minutes)Reading: 1.Key words: season, spring ,summer, autumn, winter, warm, hot, cool, cold,w

4、ind, dry, blow, rain, grow, trip, snow, shine, leaf, relatives.2.phrases: In spring, start to do , get warm, blow gently, turn green, take a trip, shine brightly, eat ice cream, go on a picnic, make snowmen.3.Sentence pattern: The wind blows gently. It often rains.Everything turns green.Everything c

5、hanges.(10minutes)It is +adj.+ to do sth. Its exciting to take a trip in spring. Its nice to eat ice cream in the hot water. Its nice to go on a picnic at this time of year. Its interesting to make snowmen. start to do like doing Reading 重要单词讲解4.“变”(get warm, turn green, /brown)在英语中,表达“变”的单词有很多。比如:g

6、o, get,turn和become。 意思是“变得”。但是它们的具体用法还是有区别的。get 和become后面都可以接形容词,用来表示人的感情、身体状况、社会和自然的变化。get多用于口语中,一般指短时间的变化。比如:Im getting hungry. Jane got upset when her dog went missing. become多用于书面语中,比get正式, 强调变化的结果。比如:The weather is becoming cloudy.go和turn都可以指颜色的变化。比如:His hair is starting to go gray. In autumn t

7、he leaves turn yellow. go 还可以指人的情绪往比较坏的方面变化。后常接crazy, mad等。比如:My mother will go mad (抓狂) if she hears about this bad news (坏消息)两种“花钱”方式spend 和cost都可以表达“花钱”,其实区分它们并不太难。让我们一起来整理一下它们的用法吧!spend 前面的主语必须是人,一般我们会用到短语“某人+spend+多少钱+on+某物”。比如:Mrs Green spends $200 on her new necklace. (格林夫人花200美元买了一条新项链。)I sp

8、end 150 yuan on my new bike. (我花150元买了一辆新自行车。)cost 前面的主语是某物,一般我们会用到短语“某物+cost+某人+多少钱”。比如:The car costs him an arm and a leg. (这辆车花了他一大笔钱。)This new computer costs me 5,000 yuan. (这台新电脑花了我5000元。)Learn morepay+某人+多少钱+for+某物 付钱(给某人)买某物 I pay her 200 yuan for this room each month. (我每个月要付给她200元的房租。)pay+

9、某人+多少钱+做某事 付钱(给某人)做某事He pays me 5 yuan to cut the grass. (他付我5元割草费。)落 Leaves start falling from the trees.落山 setThe sun is setting. The sky is red. (太阳落山了。天空是红色的。)落地 landThe plane is going to land in 5 minutes.(飞机五分钟之后降落。)落后 fall behindIf we dont study hard, well fall behind. (如果我们不努力学习,就要落后了。)落幕 Th

10、e curtain comes down.The curtain comes down. The dancer walks off the stage. (落幕了,舞蹈演员走下舞台。)1. We _ at the airport in London. (我们在伦敦机场着陆。)2. My feet hurt. I will _ the others. (我脚疼,我要落在别人后面了。)3. The sun _. We have to go back home.(太阳下山了,我们得回家了。)Answer:1. landed/ are landing 2. fall behind 3. is sett

11、ing咬文嚼字学英文(20minutes)Vocabularyexercises 一般现在时用法练习一、用括号内动词的适当形式填空。 1. He often (have) dinner at home. 2. Daniel and Tommy (be) in Class One. 3. We (not watch) TV on Monday. 4. Nick (not go) to the zoo on Sunday. 5. they (like) the World Cup? 6. What they often (do) on Saturdays? 7. your parents (rea

12、d) newspapers every day? 8. The girl (teach) us English on Sundays. 9. She and I (take) a walk together every evening. 10. There (be) some water in the bottle. 11. Mike (like) cooking. 12. They (have) the same hobby. 13. My aunt (look) after her baby carefully. 14. You always (do) your homework well

13、. 15. I (be) ill. Im staying in bed. 16. She (go) to school from Monday to Friday. 17. Liu Tao (do) not like PE. 18. The child often (watch) TV in the evening. 19. Su Hai and Su Yang (have) eight lessons this term. 20. What day (be) it today? Its Saturday. 二、按照要求改写句子 1. Daniel watches TV every eveni

14、ng.(改为否定句) 2. I do my homework every day.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答) 3. She likes milk.(改为一般疑问句,作肯定回答) 4. Amy likes playing computer games.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答) 5. We go to school every morning.(改为否定句) 6. He speaks English very well.(改为否定句) 7. I like taking photos in the park.(对划线部分提问) 8. John comes from Canada.(对划线部

15、分提问) 9. She is always a good student.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答) 10. Simon and Daniel like going skating.(改为否定句) (30minutes)(针对课文主要句子时态为一般现在时态的练习,为后面的Writing部分做准备工作。)Writing My favorite seasonWrite a short passage about your favorite season. Follow the example in P53AMy favorite season is_.It is _ and sometimes

16、 _ (weather). It is _ to _( activity)._ is in _(festival). I _.It is _(activity.)(key words: warm/hot/cool/cold/wet/rainy/windy/cloudy/sunny/snowy/excitingnice/interestingplant trees/fly kites/go swimming/have a picnicthe Mid-Autumn Festival/ the Dragon Boat Festival/the Spring Festival)P53 对照模版完成作文

17、并讲评,或交由学生互查,加深印象,避免二次错误20minutes参考词汇 The end初一英语教案7A课题Unit4 Seasons授课时间第二次课_10_月 _日教学目的1. 单词巩固掌握(vocabulary)2. 形容词的语法讲解。(grammar)3. 七年级英语听说周计划,能用第一次课已学过的词汇和句型表达四季的特征以及人们在四个季节中从事的不同活动,能用英语描述不同季节处在的月份和节日有哪些。(listening speaking)4. 锻炼学生对语篇的理解能力,能独立完成关于完型填空及阅读理解的题目。(comprehension)5. 音标复习(P52练习巩固)教学重点1. 单

18、词,短语,句型过关。2. 语法理解与练习。3. 听力的实际操作与讲评,及教授其听力技巧,提高答题准确率。4. 阅读理解,完型填空专门训练。教学难点1.听说练习的实际操作(时间长,学生不愿意开口等可预知的困难)2.阅读训练。(每位学生的写题速度不一,方式各异可能造成的时间不统一的问题) 教 学 过 程教学模块教 学 内 容教学方法,手段及时间分配Reviewing1.把单词短语放在一张考查试卷上,要求学生熟知单词的词性,英文正确书写及中文意思。(dictation)2.课文内容的复述:不赞成照课文背诵,把课文分为春夏秋冬四部分让学生用英文描述指定季节,并对其描述的季节提出一两个问题来检验学生对课文的熟悉程度。设定合格分数线,不合格学生如何操作(10minutes)(10minutes)(英汉互译) (5minutes)Translation文中主要句子的翻译。GrammarA Using adjectives before nounsa bright star lovely childrena close relative an old umbrellaa funny snowman a warm coatheavy rain a windy day冠词a/an 的用法复习 Sometimes we form an adjective like this


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