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1、Im Anna.4/27/2022Everyday English1.Whats new? 有什么新鲜事吗? 2. Count me on . 算上我。 3. Feel better? 好点了吗? Lesson 111The most expensive model.model mdl n. 型号,式样型号,式样instalment nstlmnt n. 分期付款分期付款 afford fd v. 付得起(钱)付得起(钱)pricepras n. 价格价格deposit dpzt n. 预付定金预付定金 millionaire mljne n.百万富翁百万富翁New words and exp

2、ressionsNew words and expressions modelmdl n. 1) 型号,式样 This washing machine is the latest model. 2) 模型 飞机模型 model plane 3) 模特儿 时装模特儿 a fashion modelinstalment nstlmnt n. 分期付款分期付款 New words and expressions以分期付款的方式 in/on instalments按月付十美元分期付款 pay in monthly installments of ten dollars他以分期付款方式买那部车,每月20

3、0元,分3年付款。He paid for the car in monthly installments of $200 for three years. New words and expressionsafford fd v. 付得起(钱)付得起(钱) - 通常与can, could, be able to 连用 多用于否定句和疑问句 We cant afford to buy a new car. How can you afford so much money for a bicycle? Ill be able to afford a weeks vacation this summ

4、er. - afford sth. afford to do 有足够的(金钱/时间)做New words and expressionspricepras n. 价格价格 (用复数形式prices指物价) 1. 表示price的高,低时,形容词用high, low表示东西的贵,便宜时,用expensive,cheap 那家店的手表很便宜。 The prices of watches are very low at that store. Watches are very cheap at that store. New words and expressions2.询问价钱时,price 与w

5、hat 连用 这个照相机多少钱?What is the price of this camera?How much is this camera? New words and expressionsdeposit dpzt n. 预付定金,押金,保证金(通常为单数) 我已经为买新车付了500美元的订金。 I have made a deposit of 500 dollars on a new car. n.存款 make a deposit 存入款项 draw out ones deposit 提取存款(了解一下)New words and expressions v. 付定金 他付了100

6、美元的订金买那部摩托车。 He deposited 100 dollars on the motorcycle. v. 把(钱)存起来 把钱存入银行 deposit money in a bank.New words and expressionsmillionaire mljne n.百万富翁百万富翁 贫民窟的百万富翁Slumdog Millionaire slum n. 贫民窟;贫民区 v. (因好奇而) 去逛贫民窟 billionaire 亿万富翁Reviewmodel afford deposit instalment price millionaire Watch the video

7、 then answer the question:Can Mr. Frith buy the television on instalments? How does it work?Can Mr. Frith buy the television on instalments? How does it work? TextMr: I like this television very much. How much does it cost? As: Its the most expensive model in the shop. It costs five hundred pounds.A

8、s: assistant Mr: Mr Frith Mrs:Mrs Frithhow much 可以用来询问不可数名词的数量,也可以用来问价格。 -expensive adj. 昂贵的 多音节词,比较级与最高级用more 和mostcost v. 花费(金钱,时间)主语一般是物。 TextMrs: Thats too expensive for us. We cant afford all that money.afford v. 付得起 一般用于否定句和疑问句中 TextAs: This models less expensive than that one. Its only three

9、hundred pounds. But,of course, its not as good as the expensive one. - asas. 和.一样- not as.as 不如怎么样 TextMr: I dont like this model. The other models more expensive, but its worth the money. the other 是指两者中的另外一种 - 我有两个儿子:一个高,另一个矮。 I have two sons,one is tall,the other is short. worth adj. 值 TextMr: Ca

10、n we buy it on installments? As: Of course. You can pay a deposit of thirty pounds, and then fourteen pounds a month for three years. buy on installments 以分期付款的方式购买 - Why dont you buy this house on installments? pay a deposit of 付定金 - You need to pay a deposit of three hundred pounds for the stereo.

11、 TextMr: Do you like it,dear? Mrs: I certainly do, but i dont like the price. You always want the best, but we cant afford it. Sometimes you think youre a milionaire! always 总是,一直。 一般现在时的标志性频率副词。 sometimes 有时。 一般现在时的标志性频率副词。 TextMr: Millionaires dont buy things on instalments! Now can you answer the

12、se questions?Which dress does the lady think prettier?Whats wrong with the dresses that she tried on?What kind of dress does the lady want?Books and friends should be few but good.读书如交友,应求少而精。读书如交友,应求少而精。ReviewMr: I like this television very much. How much does it cost? A: Its the most expensive mod

13、el in the shop. It costs five hundred pounds.Mrs: Thats too expensive for us. We cant afford all that money.A: This models less expensive than that one. Its only three hundred pounds. But,of course, its not as good as the expensive one.Mr: I dont like this model. The other models more expensive, but

14、 its worth the money.ReviewMr: Can we buy it on installments? As: Of course,You can pay a deposit of thirty pounds, and then fourteen pounds a month for three years.Mr: Do you like it,dear? Mrs: I certainly do,but i dont like the price. You always want the best,but we cant afford it. Sometimes you t

15、hink youre a milionaire!Mr: Millionaires dont buy things on instalments! Please translate 我非常喜欢这台电视机,请问它多少钱? 这是店里最贵的型号,它的售价是500英镑。 这对我们来说是太贵了,我们花不起那么多钱。 这种型号的比那种要便宜些。它只要300英镑。但是,它当然没有价钱高的那种好。 我不喜欢这种型号,那一种是贵一些,但它值这么多钱。 我们可以用分期付款的方式购买吗? 当然可以。您可以先付30英镑定金,然后每月14磅,3年付清。 你喜欢吗,亲爱的?Please translate 我当然喜欢,但是

16、我不喜欢这个价钱。你总是要买最好的,可我们买不起。有时候你认为自己是个百万富翁! 百万富翁是不会分期付款买东西的!Lesson 112How do they compare?比较级比较级 形容词与副词都有三个等级:原级,比较级和最高级。 原级常用于as+ adj/adv原级+ as表示 Bill 和Tom一样胖 Bill is as fat as Tom. 他和你跑得一样快。 He runs as fast as you. 在asas中间使用的形容词和副词一定要用原级,中间也可使用名词,但要遵循以下规则: as + many + n. (复) + as as + much + n. (不可数)

17、 + as 她读过的书和你一样多。 他尽可能地多喝水。 She read as many books as you did. He drank as much water as he could. 有时为了避免重复,在从句中常用the one代替单数可数名词,用those代替复数名词,用that代替不可数名词和某些可数名词。 我希望这个和你给我的一样好。 I hope it was as good as the one you give me. 你们班的女生和我们班的女生一样美丽。 The girls in your class are as pretty as those in our cl

18、ass. 桂林的气候和昆明的一样好。 The climate of Guilin is as good as that of Kunming. 否定原级用not asas结构 也可用less +adj/adv+ than结构 这个问题没有那个问题重要 This question is not as important as that one. This question is less important than that one. 我没有Tom高。 Im not as tall as Tom. Im less tall than Tom.Please read Page 227.A Com

19、plete these sentences. 模仿例句完成以下句子。Examples:This dress is long,but that one is _ .This dress is long,but that one is longer.Tom is intelligent,but bill is _ .Tom is intelligent,but bill is more intelligent.Exercises1 This book is cheap,but that one is _ .2 This book is expensive,but that one is _ .3

20、This question is easy,but that one is _ .4 This question is difficult, but that one is _ .ExercisesB Write new sentences. 模仿例句改写以下句子。Example:green apple/sweet/red appleIs the green apple as sweet as the red apple?No,it isnt.The green apple isnt as sweet as the red apple.1 policeman/tall/policewoman2 man/short/woman 3 boy/o


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