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1、完成句子(二):谓语 考点:时态,语态 主谓一致1.热带雨林正在以极大的速度被砍伐,不久的将来就会在地球上消失。(cut) Rainforests _ at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future. 2. 什么时候到哪里去度假还没决定。(decide)When and where to go for the on-salary holiday _ yet. 3.到他明年大学毕业时,已经学了八年英语了。(graduate) He will have learned English for ei

2、ght years by the time he _ next year. 4. 明天这个时候我们正飞越大西洋。(fly)At this time tomorrow we _ the Pacific Ocean. 5.小时候奶奶经常提醒我注意餐桌礼貌。(remind) In my childhood, my grandma _me to pay attention to my table manners. 6.他不停地看着她,想是否在哪里见过她。(see) He kept looking at her, wondering whether he _ (在什么地方见过她). 7.我们需要更多的时

3、间修理在火灾中烧坏的仪器。(damage) We need more time to repair the equipment _ in the fire.8.过去十年我们在经济改革中取得了巨大成就,但离我们的目标还很远。(achievement)) Although we _in the economic reform in the last ten years, we still have a long way to go before we achieve our goal.9.他们得出结论说我们犯了严重错误。(make) They came to the conclusion that

4、 we _. 10.由于和谈破裂,你的建议没有任何意义了。(break) Since the peace talk _ , your suggestion can not make any sense. 11.每次出去陪客户应酬吃饭,妻子总会提醒我少喝酒。(remind) Every time I went out to dinner with my customers, my wife_ not to drink too much.12.给家里写信时请代我向你家人问好。(write) Send my best regards to your family when you _.13.自九十年

5、代初人们开始享受这一新技术带来的好处以来,CD的销售量大大增加。(increase) Sales of CDs _ since the early 1990s, when people began to enjoy the advantages of this new technology. 14.自我获得大奖以来,我的电话就没停过。人们一直在问我打算如何使用这笔钱。(ask) Since I won the big prize, my telephone hasnt stopped ringing. People _ how I am going to spend the money. 15

6、. 除了有特殊智力的以外,六岁以下的孩子不准上学。(allow)Children under six _ except those of extraordinary intelligence. 16.这食物是不怎么好,不过我还吃过更糟糕的。(eat) The food wasnt particularly good, but I _ something worse. (eat)17.直到所有的候选人都面试了才会做出决定。(interview) No decision will be made until all the candidates _ . 18.小时候他踢过多年的足球。(play)

7、He _ regularly for many years when he was young. 19.眼下墙还在粉刷,所以看上去不是很好。(paint) The wall _ at the moment, so it doesnt look its best. 20.他们本来想帮忙,可没能及时赶到。(want) They _ , but they could not get there in time. 21.我希望星期五之前天气会好转,这样我们一家人就可以去自然公园野餐了。(improve) I hope _ before Friday so that our family can hav

8、e a picnic in the natural park. (improve)22.我认识史密斯先生好几年了。我们是在一次国际会议上认识的。(introduce) Ive known Mr. Smith for several years. We _ to each other at an international conference. 23.我把这一册和原版对比了至少三次,还是找不出有什么区别。(compare) I _ the copy with the original at least three times, but still cant find any differenc

9、e. 24.彼特,你最好休息一下。都写了一上午了,你不累吗?(write)Youd better have a rest, Peter. You _ all the morning. Arent you tired? 25.昨天拜访麦克的家真的让我开了眼了我一辈子都没见过那么富丽堂皇的家具。(see) Visiting Mikes house really opened my eyes. Never in my life _ such splendid furniture.26.要求每个学生在庆祝会上唱一首歌,或演奏一种乐器。(expect) Every student _ to sing a

10、 song or play a musical instrument in the celebration.27.关琳本可以过上完全不同的生活的,可惜她生活在一个妇女受到歧视的时代。(look) Guanlin could have lived a completely different life. Unfortunately she lived at a time when women _.28.除了医生,任何人不得进入他的房间。(allow) Nobody but the doctor _ to enter his room.高考真题(08)40. At present, lots of

11、 food, water, tents, and medicine_(正在运往)from all over China and other parts of the world to the earthquake-stricken areas. (transport)(09)75. If times _ (变了), have our ways of thinking changed too? (change)(2010)78. Last nights TV news said that by then the death of the missing people_ (未证实) yet. (p

12、rove)参考答案: 动词的时态、语态1. are being cutting 2. has not been decided3. graduates from university4. will be flying over the Atlantic Ocean5. often reminded6. had seen her somewhere7.which was damaged8. have made great achievement9. had made a terrible mistake10. has broken down11.would always remind me12.

13、write home13. have greatly increased14.have been asking15. are not allowed to go to school16. had eaten17. have been interviewed18. played football19. is being painted20. had wanted to help21. the weather will improve22. were introduced23. have compared24.have been writing时态语态完成句子精选1. I saw him _ th

14、e swimming pool. (swim)我看到他游进了游泳池。2. Brother Xili, a happening man, _. (beggar)一个很火的人犀利哥,是一个乞丐。3. In order to find the missing child , villagers _ all they can over the past five hours. (do)为了寻找失踪的孩子,在过去的五个小时中村民们一直在尽力。4. The three of us _ for about a month last summer. (travel)我们三个人去年夏天用了一个月的时间环游欧洲。

15、5. His manager _ the workers how to improve the program since 9 a.m.(tell)从上午九点开始,经理在一直不停地告诫工人如何去完善这个项目。6. Food supplies in the flood-stricken area _. We must act immediately before theres left. (run)洪泛区的粮食储备快耗尽了,在耗尽前我们要立刻行动起来。7. After school we went to the reading-room to do some reading, only to b

16、e told that it _. (decorate)放学后我们去阅览室读书,却被告知阅览室正装修呢。8. By the 1940s I _ and I wondered if I would grow any larger. (grow)到20C40S,我已经长的像一间屋子那么大,我不知道是否还会长的更大。9. By the time you have finished this book, your meal _. (get)当你完成这本书后,你的饭会凉的。10. By next Friday, all the doors _. (paint)到下周五,所有的门都会被涂上油漆。11. I

17、t is the first time that _. (come)这是我第一次来这里。12. It was the third time that _. (make)这是已经他第三次犯同样的错误了。13. _ since I gave up smoking.(be)从我戒烟到现在已经两个月了。14. It was ten years since _. (have)我们上次有这样美好的时光要追溯到十年前了。时态语态完成句子精选答案1. Swimming into2. Is a beggar3. Have been doing4. Travelled around Europe5. Has be

18、en telling6. are running out7. was being decorated 8. had grown as large as a room9. will get cold/ will have got cold10. will have been painted11. I have come here12. He had made the same mistake13. It is / has been two months14.we had had such a wonderful time. 时态语态完成句子练习 1. -I saw&

19、#160;Jane and her boyfriend in the park at eight yesterday evening.  -Impossible. She _in my home then. (watch) 昨天晚上八点钟我在公园看到简和她的男朋友。不可能。她那时和我一起在我家看电视 2. On our first geography

20、0;lesson, the teacher told us that the world _ seven continents and four oceans. (make)在第一节地理课上,老师告诉我们世界由七大洲四大洋构成。 3. He will have learned English for eight years by the 

21、time he _ next year. (graduate) 到他明年大学毕业时,已经学了八年英语了。 4. Please don't call me at 4 tomorrow afternoon. I _at that time. (have) 明天下午四点不要打电话给我,那时我在开会。 5. Im tired out. I

22、 _ all afternoon and I dont seem to have finished anything. (shop)  我累坏了。我整个下午在购物,却好像什么都没有买到。 6. He _ at home when he heard someone screaming. (do)  他正在家里做作业突然听到有人尖叫

23、。 7. I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and I_ several years ago. ( go) 我懂一点意大利语因为几年前我和妻子去过那里。 8. Although we _in the economic reform in the last&#

24、160;ten years, we still have a long way to go before we achieve our goal. (achievement) 过去十年我们在经济改革中取得了巨大成就,但离我们的目标还很远。 9. When I went there last year, a new bridge 

25、_across the wide river. (build) 去年我去那儿,宽阔河的两岸正在修建一座桥 10. When I got back from the cinema, I found _ (go) 当我从电影院回来,我发现公交车都走了 11. -Shall I tell her to come and see

26、0;you? -No, you neednt. She _. (send) 要我告诉她来来看看你?不必了,她已经有人去请了。 12. The vegetables we ate for lunch _. They had been cooked too long. (taste) 我们午餐吃的蔬菜尝起来不好。煮的时间太长。 13. Sales

27、60;of CDs _ since the early 1990s, when people began to enjoy the advantages of this new technology. (increase) 自九十年代初人们开始享受这一新技术带来的好处以来,CD的销售量大大增加。 14 I have already handed i

28、n my schoolwork. I guess it _now. (grade) 我已经交了我的作业。我想它现在正在批改中。 15. Tom _last night and unluckily, he didnt have an umbrella.(catch)  汤姆前天被困在雨中,不幸的是他没有雨伞。 16. The food wasnt&#

29、160;particularly good, but I _ something worse. (eat) 这食物是不怎么好,不过我还吃过更糟糕的。 17. Every possible means _ to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear.(use)各种能用的阻止

30、空气污染的方法都已经用了,但天空依然浑浊。 18. He _ regularly for many years when he was young. (play) 小时候他踢过多年的足球。 19. The wall _ at the moment, so it doesnt look its best. (paint) 

31、;眼下墙在粉刷,所以看上去不是很好。20. They _, but they could not get there in time. (want) 他们本来想帮忙,可没能及时赶到。 21. I hope _ before Friday so that our family can have a picnic in t

32、he natural park. (improve) 我希望星期五之前天气会好转,这样我们一家人就可以去自然公园野餐了。 22. Ive known Mr. Smith for several years. We _ to each other at an international conference. (introduce)  我认识史密斯先生好几年了

33、。我们是在一次国际会议上认识的。 24. . Youd  better have a rest, Peter. You _ all the morning. Arent you tired? (write)彼特,你最好休息一下。都写了一上午了,你不累吗? 25. The new type of cell phone _if it is&#

34、160;advertized on TV. (sell) 这种新型的手机如果在电视上登了广告会卖得更好。 26. How long do you think_ before man finds a cure for AIDS? (be) 你认为要过多长时间人们才能找到治愈艾滋病的方法呢? 27. He _in the class, which

35、60;makes his teacher angry. (talk) 他总是在课堂上讲话,这使得他的老师非常生气。 28. I _at that time to decide whether I should accept the offer. (give) 我那时给了10分钟去决定我是否应该接受那个提供。 29. I _ my sister

36、60;several times before she came, but the line was always busy. (phone) 在我姐姐来之前我给她打过几次电话,但一直占线。 30. As a stamp collector, he _ so much money on stamps. (regret) 作为集邮者,他从不

37、后悔花这么多钱在邮票上。 31. When and where to go for the on-salary holiday _ yet. (decide) 什么时候到哪里去度假还没决定。 32. The boy _ when his mother came into his bedroom. (pretend) 当他妈妈来到

38、他的卧室的时候他假装睡着了。 33. With the rapid development of science and technology, I can't imagine _ in ten years. (what) 随着科技的快速发展,我不能想象出十年后我的家乡会是什么样子。 34. Li Lei _ about ancient C

39、hinese history last year, but I dont know whether he has finished it.(write)  去年李雷在写一本有关中国古代史的书,但我不知道他是否完成了。 35. The water _ when I jumped into the pool for morning 

40、exercise. (feel) 当我跳进游泳池进行早锻炼时,水感觉有点凉。 36. Since she left home, I have been worried about her and _at all. (sleep) 自她离开家,我一直担心她,因此睡眠一直不好。 37. So far, nobody _do better than

41、60;Charlie Chaplin in making people laugh.(able) 迄今为止,在逗乐方面卓别林无人能及。38. I _ in a big city five years ago. Still, I dont regret it.(teach) 五年前我放弃了在大城市教书。不过,我不会后悔。 39. Lots of amusing activities _ to enrich students school life by  the StudentsUnion every year. (hold) 


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