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1、第一部分中考英语第一部分中考英语试题结构试题结构变化变化分析分析试题难度试题难度 3 3:5 5:2 2 试卷类别试卷类别内容内容题号题号题量题量计分计分时间(分钟)时间(分钟)卷卷听力(第一节)听力(第一节)552055551010单项选择单项选择101010完型填空完型填空101015阅读理解阅读理解153030卷卷听力听力(第二节第二节)555 卷卷2-1任务型阅读任务型阅读51010词语运用词语运用101010 词首词首-盲填盲填连词成句连词成句作文作文A555 感叹感叹-there beB11515合计合计91120120201820182019201920202020必考题必考题单

2、词辨音1 题1 题1 题数字辨音2题无2题短语辨音3题2题3 题3题同义句4题5 题4题5 题4题5 题常考话题常考话题日常活动自我介绍人际交往购物课堂活动业余生活旅游问候问路9.10.11题12题22-25题61-65题19-21题6题16-18题6.7.8.10题 11-13题61-65题19-21题22-25题14-18题6-10题 1112题26-30题13题22-25题第二部分听力考点分析第三部分:语言知识考点分析第三部分:语言知识考点分析考点名称具体内容2018年20192020考点预测名词名词的数名词的数名词所有格名词所有格名词词义辨析名词词义辨析79无27.38364574无2

3、7,7875无35414349今年应该仍然会淡化语法,注重语言应用,以词义辨析为重点代词人称代词人称代词物主代词物主代词不定代词不定代词反身代词反身代词指示代词指示代词7726无无7726.无无773246无无今年应该会仍然侧重物主代词人称代词和不定代词的考察数词基数词基数词序数词序数词数词的句法功数词的句法功能及应用能及应用无75无71无79对序数词的考查 考点名称考点名称具体内容具体内容201820192020考点预测介词介词介词的基本用法介词的基本用法介词短语介词短语8041283176根据命题规律:今年仍然考介词的基本用法形容词和形容词和副词副词词义辨析词义辨析比较等级比较等级形容词和

4、副词的形容词和副词的转换转换28 42 3971 7429. 35无7945 48 7479367374今年考点会以形容词和副词的 词辨析 。形-副转换为重点冠词冠词定冠词用法定冠词用法不定冠词用法不定冠词用法零冠词零冠词无72无无75无无72无不定冠词为考试重点动词动词分类分类 时态时态语态语态动词的词义辨析动词的词义辨析32 30313433 7830 3433 763231 73 80.33 34 47 38 39 3750 71 7842根据命题规律仍然会以动词时态,和辨析为考察重点语态-现在时和过去时考点名称具体内容 2018年20192020考点预测主谓一致语法一致语法一致意义一致

5、意义一致就近原则就近原则无无无考到可能性不大简单句感叹句感叹句祈使句祈使句疑问句疑问句陈述句陈述句828481838581828384858182838485重点在连词成句中考察复合句并列句宾语从句宾语从句定语从句定语从句状语从句状语从句35无40宾语和状语从句非谓语动词动词不定动词不定式式动名词动名词分词分词无无无考到肯能性不大考点名称具体内容 2018年20192020考点预测情态动词基本用法基本用法和词义辨和词义辨析析无无34 can 可能性不大 连词转折转折因果因果并列并列假设假设37无12无无44表示转折 假设和因果的连词是考点第五部分 词语运用和完形填空 考点分析201820192

6、020名词,21.738.39.4275 41 4349动词44.8.1036.37.45.4171 78 4247 50形容词副词1,33.640.43.4473 74 79 45 48代词77 46数词80介词576连词4420202020年年说明文说明文科技发展科技发展今年也是说明文今年也是说明文2019年说明文批判性思维2018年说明文现代科技2017年说明文教育引导2016年说明文食品安全2015年说明文咨询建议六任务型阅读题六任务型阅读题第七部分 连词成句81题82题83题84题85题2018一般疑问句祈使句特殊疑问句陈述句感叹句2019一般疑问句祈使句感叹句陈述句复合句2020一

7、般疑问句特殊疑问句祈使句There be 陈述句20202020年年(文本)(文本)记叙文记叙文(内容)(内容)看图写作看图写作2019年议论文什么时候说感谢2018年说明文看图发表观点2017年应用文介绍自我2016年说明文说英语的观点2015年记叙文介绍周末计划八八 书面表达书面表达 2021分析总结 1必考点 : 代词, 名词, 介词,形容词副词,动词,简单句。 2 轮考点 : 感叹句 ,. 祈使句 , 动词不定式 3 冷考点 : 数词,反身代词 指示代词。主谓一致 情态动词 4 未考点: 定语从句,倒装句,非谓语动词 过去完成时 和过去将来时 第九部分:复习阶段和时间分析 20213个

8、月加18天 基础训练基础训练 专项训练专项训练 模拟训练模拟训练综合训练综合训练6.3-6.185.3-6.24.2-5.23.1-4.1Thanks for listening Hope for the bestPrepare for the worst满分作文的标准:满分作文的标准: 包含所有要点包含所有要点 (不能丢落要点)不能丢落要点) 围绕内容适当发挥,内容具体、丰富围绕内容适当发挥,内容具体、丰富 (不能限于回答问题或逐句翻译)不能限于回答问题或逐句翻译) 应用丰富的语言结构和词汇应用丰富的语言结构和词汇 (表达不能过于单一)表达不能过于单一) 用词准确、句子通顺、行文连贯、表达用

9、词准确、句子通顺、行文连贯、表达清楚清楚 (表达有层次,会用关联词,注意周表达有层次,会用关联词,注意周围呼应)围呼应) 没有语言错误没有语言错误 (杜绝任何小错)杜绝任何小错) . .无无“过过”便是便是“功正确为先;流畅为好;文采为妙。功正确为先;流畅为好;文采为妙。注重衔接与连贯注重衔接与连贯2007年由于父亲常年在外工作,李华一边上学一边照顾多病的母亲。昨天李年由于父亲常年在外工作,李华一边上学一边照顾多病的母亲。昨天李华不慎摔伤了脚,医生建议他在家休息两周。请你根据以下提示,写一篇短华不慎摔伤了脚,医生建议他在家休息两周。请你根据以下提示,写一篇短文,谈谈如何帮助李华。文,谈谈如何帮

10、助李华。1. Why will you help Li Hua?2. 2. How can you help him with his lessons? 3. What are you going to do to help him with the housework?列文列文 李华的爸爸在另一个城市工作,所以李华放学后不得不李华的爸爸在另一个城市工作,所以李华放学后不得不照顾她生病的妈妈。但是李华昨天踢足球时伤到了脚,照顾她生病的妈妈。但是李华昨天踢足球时伤到了脚,医生说他必须在家待两周。他是我最好的朋友之一,所医生说他必须在家待两周。他是我最好的朋友之一,所以我将会帮助他,我将放学后帮他

11、功课,我将讲给他最以我将会帮助他,我将放学后帮他功课,我将讲给他最重要的东西,告诉他他应该做的作业重要的东西,告诉他他应该做的作业 至于说家务,至于说家务, 我将会一天为他做两次饭,我将每三天我将会一天为他做两次饭,我将每三天为他打扫一次房间以便于他的房间保持干净为他打扫一次房间以便于他的房间保持干净 我希望他不就会好起来我希望他不就会好起来2007年由于父亲常年在外工作,李华一边上学一边照顾多病的母亲。年由于父亲常年在外工作,李华一边上学一边照顾多病的母亲。昨天李华不慎摔伤了脚,医生建议他在家休息两周。请你根据以下提昨天李华不慎摔伤了脚,医生建议他在家休息两周。请你根据以下提示,写一篇短文,

12、谈谈如何帮助李华。示,写一篇短文,谈谈如何帮助李华。1.Why will you help Li Hua?2.2. How can you help him with his lessons? 3. What are you going to do to help him with the housework?Li Huas father works in anther city. So Li Hua has to take care of his sick mother after school. But Li Hua hurt his feet yesterday. When he was

13、 playing football. The doctor said that he must stay at home for two weeks. He is one of my best friends, so I will help him. I will go to help him with his lessons after school. I will teach him the most important things and tell him the homework he should do. As for the housework, I will cook meal

14、s for him twice a day. And I will help him clean his room every three days, so that his room can keep clean. I hope he will be well soon. 2008年 How to be a good child? 为了当一名好孩子,我认为在学校努力学习是重要的,我应该按时完成作业和尽力取得好成绩,我应该和其他同学相处得好,我应该帮助他们当他们有麻烦的时候。 在家,我应该做家务比如说打扫房间,刷盘子等等。我常常做一些事情为我的父母来表达我的爱。在他们生日时候或周末,我为他们做

15、饭,那使我感到高兴, 现在,你知道了,做一个好孩子是容易的。 2008年假如你要接受一家英文报社的采访,记者提出的问题是“How can you be a good child?” 请你根据下面所给提示及要求,准备一段应答稿。(文稿的开头已给出,提示(1) What should you do at school? (2) What can you do to give help at home? (3) How do you show your love to your parents Well, to be a good child, I think its important to wo

16、rk hard at school. I should finish my homework on time and try my best to get good grades. I should get along well with my classmates. I help others when they are in trouble. At home, I should do some housework, such as cleaning rooms, washing dishes and so on. And I often do something for my parent

17、s to show my love. On their birthday or weekends, I often cook dinner for them. That makes me feel happy. Now, you know. Its very easy to be a good child.句式简单,但还是满分20092009年外籍教师年外籍教师RichardRichard想了解一下你所在班级学生的到校方式。假如你想了解一下你所在班级学生的到校方式。假如你是李华,请以是李华,请以 “The way I go to school” The way I go to school”

18、为题,写一篇英语短文,向为题,写一篇英语短文,向RichardRichard介绍自己到校的方式。介绍自己到校的方式。提示:提示:(1) How do you go to school?(1) How do you go to school?(2) Why do you prefer to go in that way(2) Why do you prefer to go in that way?审错题的同学用第二人称写作审错题的同学用第二人称写作 我是李华,我很高兴告诉你我怎样去我是李华,我很高兴告诉你我怎样去上学。上学。 从学校到我家不远,所以我成自行车去上从学校到我家不远,所以我成自行车去

19、上学,虽然骑自行车有点危险学,虽然骑自行车有点危险 但是它比走路但是它比走路去上学快得多。你知道时间对我们来说是去上学快得多。你知道时间对我们来说是最重要的,另外,最重要的,另外, 骑自行车也是一种使我骑自行车也是一种使我们强壮和健康的好的方式。最后,骑自行们强壮和健康的好的方式。最后,骑自行车是有趣的我可以和我的朋友聊天在回家车是有趣的我可以和我的朋友聊天在回家的路上。的路上。 总之,我喜欢骑自行车总之,我喜欢骑自行车2009年满分作文 20092009年外籍教师年外籍教师RichardRichard想了解一下你所在班级学想了解一下你所在班级学生的到校方式。假如你生的到校方式。假如你 是李华

20、,请以是李华,请以 “The way I go to school” The way I go to school” 为题,为题,写一篇英语短文,向写一篇英语短文,向RichardRichard介绍自己到校的方式。介绍自己到校的方式。 提示:提示:(1) How do you go to school?(1) How do you go to school? (2) Why do you prefer to go in that way(2) Why do you prefer to go in that way? 审错题的同学用第二人称写作审错题的同学用第二人称写作 I am Li HuaI

21、 am Li Hua. I am glad to tell you how I go to . I am glad to tell you how I go to school.school. My home isnt far from school, My home isnt far from school, soso I go to I go to school by bike. Though riding a bike is a school by bike. Though riding a bike is a little little dangerousdangerous, its

22、, its much faster than much faster than walkingwalking to school. I to school. I prefer to rideprefer to ride bikes bikes because its fast. You know time is the most because its fast. You know time is the most importantimportant thing for me. thing for me. Whats moreWhats more, , riding bikeriding b

23、ike is also a good way is also a good way to make me strong and healthy.to make me strong and healthy. FinallyFinally, its interesting to ride a bike. I , its interesting to ride a bike. I can chat with my friends on the way to home.can chat with my friends on the way to home. In a wordIn a word, I

24、do like riding a bike., I do like riding a bike. 2.What should we do in English class ?在英语课上应该怎样做 In English class ,we should listen to the teacher carefully.We should take notes 记笔记when its necessary.Try to answer questions in English as much as possible . Wed better take part in all kinds of activ

25、ies ,like reading ,writing ,playing games and so on 等等。We should also help each other and learn from each other .Its very important to be confident自信。Speak English loudly in front of the class and never be afraid of making mistakes. In this way , we can make much progress.取得巨大进步2011年满分作文 2011年:请你以李华

26、的名义给你的英国笔友Davy发一个电子邮件告诉他一个感人的故事和你的感受“ 材料:河北农大96级学生李元宝因病于1996年去世,他所在班级26名学生决定共同帮助他的父母,15年来他们共寄出15张汇款单和56封信。他们的真情一直在延续- 1 Tell him the true story 2 Talk about how you feel about it 3 Say something what you can learn from it Hi Davy; Id like to tell you a true story .Li Yuanbao,a student of Hebei Agric

27、ulture University came from a poor family.Unluckily he became ill and died in 1996.However,all his 26 classmates decided to help Li Yuanbao s parents.In the past 15years ,they have sent 15 money orders and 56 letters to his parents.And their true love is still go on. Im really moved.As a student ,I

28、shoud learn from them and try to help others .If every can do that ,the world will be full of love. What do you think of it? Please write to me soon. 2012年作文 亲爱的李老师 我认为你上课是最好用英语,当你说英语时,我们有机会提高我们的听力技能,它也对我们的读,说,写有好处。我们可以一直模仿你所说的。我们有越多机会,我们将会取得更多进步。所以我希望你能用英语教学。但是请尽可能用简单的英语,和清楚并且慢慢的说。这样我们能把英语学得越来越好,我希

29、望你能考虑一下, 2013年作文2013年作文 老师让学生讨论lucky money但是。你认为谈论爱好好,建议老师更换话题谈爱好 I 我认为讨论爱好比讨论压岁钱更好, 它是简单和有趣的,每个人都有他们自己的爱好,像打球,听音乐,跳舞等等,他们能带给我们快乐和使我们放松,当我们谈论他们时有许多话去说。 然而,压岁钱不是一个适当地话题对于我们来说,因为它太个人化,另外,并不是我们都能得到压岁钱,如果我们讨论时会有一些人不高兴, 所以讨论爱好真的是一个好的选择 2013年作文2013年作文 老师让学生讨论lucky money但是。你认为谈论爱好好,建议老师更换话题谈爱好 I think talk

30、ing about hobbies is better than talking about lucky money. It is easy and interesting, Everyone has their own hobbies ,like playing ball games .listening to music ,drawing and so on. they can bring us pleasure and make us relaxed .we have a lot to say when we talk about them. Lucky money , however

31、, isnt a proper适当地 topic话题 for us ,because its too personal个人. Whats more ,not all of us can get lucky money , some will feel unhappy if we talk about it so talking about hobbies is really a good choice选择 1.My low carbon life 我的低碳生活 My name is Lily .I am a middle school student .I go to school by bi

32、ke every day .I always remember to turn off the TV,and lights when I leave the room.while I brush my teeth ,I turn off the tap水龙头。I Often resuse重用water when I finish washing clothes .I use the water to clean the floor .I make full use of paper 。我充分利用纸I write on both sides of paper. I think its impor

33、tant for us to live a low carbon life .What do you think? 2.What should we do in English class ?在英语课上应该怎样做 In English class ,we should listen to the teacher carefully.We should take notes 记笔记when its necessary.Try to answer questions in English as much as possible . Wed better take part in all kinds

34、 of activies ,like reading ,writing ,playing games and so on 等等。We should also help each other and learn from each other .Its very important to be confident自信。Speak English loudly in front of the class and never be afraid of making mistakes. In this way , we can make much progress.取得巨大进步 How to lear

35、n English well ?从听说读写四方面谈 English is important and useful to us ,How can we learn it well ?Here are my suggestions. First , we should speak English as much as possible, we d better not be afraid of making mistakes, second , we can read more English papers and books , I think its good for us .Third ,

36、 we should keep English diaries 记日记. At last , I think watching English movies is good for us In a word , If we do more listening ,speaking ,reading and writing ,I m sure we will learn English well 3My dream 我的梦想 Everyone has a dream ,so do I .When I was eight ,I wanted to go to be a famous singer .

37、But now my dream is to be a rich man .There are many poor families in our country. Their children cant go to school .I think I can help some of them when I have money .I can help lots of people who are in trouble . so from now on 从想在起 I ll study harder than before .I ll try my best 尽力to make my drea

38、m come true 实现 4.Help each other makes the world wonderful相互帮助使世界变得美好(演讲形式) Attention,please.请注意Im Tom ,I m glad to speak about help here . In our life ,we often help others and get help from others .when we help our classmates ,we can develop our friendship .If we help old people .we will feel happ

39、y.As we all know 正如我们所知道的,patients need help most ,when we help them,we will get happiness. I think we can get much when we help others .AS an old saying goes 正如谚语所说,Giving is much better than receiving给予总比接受好 Thats all .就这些了Thank you . 5 mother Mothres love is the greatest in the world .Mothers do

40、lots of things for their children.But they never want anything in retur n 回报 like other mothers ,my mothers is busy working everyday .she does house work after work ,such as washing and cooking .she also cares about 关心my study .she often helps me with my homework,she does lots of things for me TO sh

41、ow my thanks ,I ll study hard.Ill help her do some housework when I am free.Whats more 另外,I ll buy a gift for her on her birthday . In a word ,总之I LOve my mother .I hope she ll be healthier and happier . 6Lets do sports Sport is an important part in our daily life .I think its good for everyone to d

42、o sports. I like sports because they are not only good for my health but also good for my study.My favourite sport is swimming .When I am free,I ll go swimming with my friends.I feel happy and relaxed after swimming .Whats more另外,I can put more energy精力into my study . so lets do sports and we ll bec

43、ome stronger and happier. 7Make our school much more beautiful使我们学校更美丽 We study in our school.school is our second home .Its our duty职责to keep our school clean and tidy.So I hope all of us dont draw on walls .We shouldnt spit吐痰 in public places.And we cant throw rubbish on the ground .we must clean

44、our classroom every day .we should regard our school as our home 把学校看作家 In a word ,总之 we must try our best to make our school more beautiful. I believe nothing in the world is difficult if you put your heart into it 我相信世上无难事只怕有心人 8My school life 我的学校生活 My name is Li Tao,Im in Class 3 ,Grade 9.My sch

45、ool life is very interesting . Classes begin at 8;00 am .I have four classes in the morning .I have two classes in the afternoon .I study Chinese,math ,English and many other subjects .English is my favourite subject,and I often speak English with my classmates.I also like music and PE After school

46、,I often play basketball with my friends .Sometimes I draw pictures in the park .Every Tuesday I go to the library to read books. Do you think my school life is interesting ? 9HOw to keep healthy 怎样保持健康 As we know , health is important .But how to keep healthy? First ,we should have a good diet饮食.Ea

47、ting more fruit and vegetables is good for us . second, its good for us to do sports .such as 比如说running ,walking and so on . At last,we should learn to relax. If we can do these ,I m sure we ll live a healthy and a happy life .10 谈谈学英语的方法HOW TO LEARN ENGLISH WELL As we know ,English is getting more

48、 and more important ,so its necessary for us to learn English well . In my opinion以我看来,there are three ways to improve English.First ,we should read books and magaines in English.They can improve our reading ability能力. Second,we d better listen to English radio ever y day so that our listening abili

49、ty will get better and better. At last ,its important to have a foreign pen friend,we often write to each other.and our writing ability will be very good . These are my ways to learn English .I hope they can help you .I think English is not difficult as long as只要you study hard.Keep trying ,and you l

50、l make it . 11暑假或寒假将要到了谈谈你的假期安排告诉你的好友johnDear John How are you? The summer holiday is coming . NOw I ll tell you my plan for the summer holiday . First ,Ill go on studying to get ready for my new term .Ill study hard to improve my English .Second ,Ill help my parents do some housework such as washin

51、g clothes and cleaning the room and so on . Third , I need to relax myself .I am going to travel to Beijing with my parents .Ill play football with my friends .At last ,Ill help the old and sick people during my holiday. What about you ? Yours Tom 12 My math teacher 我的数学老师 My math teacher is Ms Liu

52、.She is 30 years old .She is tall with two big eyes .She has long hair.she is beautiful .she has taught us math for 2 years.shi always in blue ,because blue is her favourite color .she likes reading and surfing on the Internet .As a teacher ,she is very successful .she is not only a good teacher but

53、 also a good friend,she teach us so well that all of us like her 13 I m proud of my self 我以自己而骄傲 I m a young boy ,Im outgoing外向的。There is so much happiness in my life .I have many good friends around me .I can sing well too .Thats what I am proud of .I like my friends and they like me too .we often

54、help each other .when we have delious food .we often eat together .when there are birthday parties .I often sing beautiful songs for my friends .I m so active积极that they all like me .so I m proud of myself 网上购物的优缺点 Now Internet shopping is more and more popular in the world. its a new way of shoppin

55、g .It has lots of advantages 优点 .The most important is convenient方便. You can shop whenever you like because the online shop网店 are open 24 hours a day. Its easy to find the things that you cant buy in the shop. And they are very cheaper. on the Internet ,we can read much information about the goods .

56、 but every coin has two sides每个东西都有两面性. so is Internet shopping .you cant see the quality质量, the pictures are often more beautiful than the real ones .when you buy the things you dont like ,its hart to give it back.whats more ,its not safe to pay through the Internet ,so we should be careful when we

57、 shop on the Internet 14 在学校安全最重要 safety is the most important to us in school .but how to keep us safe? First , we should be careful when we do sports or have PE class. Second , we d better not push推 others when we go upstairs or downstairs上下楼 . Third , I think we should be friendly to others and g

58、et on well with each other .we shouldnt quarrel争吵 or fight with others. At last , we should eat healthy food and keep away junk food In a word 总之 , we must remember these to keep us safe and healthy What should we do to protect our environment?我们应该怎样做去保护环境 we have only one earth. Its our duty to pro

59、tect the environment . I think we should keep our city clean and tidy,we should spit in public and throw rubbish everywhere .we should plant trees and flowers around the city. Its important to recycle paper and water .Remember to turn off the shower when we finish washing hands .Dont forget to turn

60、off the lights when we leave the room. we had better walk or ride to school .its good for the environment . In a word总之 ,we must try our best to make our world become more and more beautiful 即将毕业, 想对自己说些什么? How time flies(时光似箭) I will leave my school soon. I have a lot of things to talk to myself, M


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