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1、管理名著导读双语课管理的实践教 案工商管理学院工商管理教研室王桐目 录一、教学目的与要求2二、教案体系2三、教案内容3Chapter 2. Communicating in Teams: Collaboration, Listening, Nonverbal, and Meeting Skills.8Chapter 3. Communicating Interculturally.12Chapter 4. Planning Business Messages.15Chapter 5. listening Business Messages.20Chapter 6. Completing Bus

2、iness Messages.24Chapter 7Writing Business Reports and Proposals.26Chapter 8Business etiquettes27Chapter 9. Giving Speeches and Oral Presentations.32Chapter 10. Writing Rsums and Application Letters.35Chapter 11. Interviewing for Employment and Following Up.38四教学课时分配表40五. 参考书目:41管理沟通教案一、 教学目的与要求无论你选

3、择何种职业,优秀的沟通能力都是事业成功的一个关键因素。一位专业人士拥有很好的沟通能力,其背后是掌握许多各种的沟通技巧。本课的目标在于提高你在以下方面的能力: 在给定任意一个的情况和媒体时都能为某一信息的传播设计出一个有效的沟通策略。 行文清晰、简明并且有说服力。 建立能给人深刻印象的规范演示,并自信、沉着地传递信息。 发送和接收有益于你的或者其他人的沟通的反馈。 理解地倾听。 在小组或团队中高效率地工作。 理解并处理你和其他来自不同文化的同伴之间的分歧。提高沟通能力是一个学习实践批评评估,然后再学习的持续的过程。这个过程应不断地坚持下去,甚至在课程结束以后也不要停止!二、教案体系整个教案的编排

4、是遵循理论+技能技巧+实践的原则编排的,包括以下三大部分。一是管理沟通的理论知识,主要分析管理沟通的内涵、实质、要素、过程、网络、管理沟通障碍以及管理沟通与管理模式的关系;二是管理沟通的基本技巧与技能,主要分析管理沟通中的面谈、谈判、会议、演讲和调查等技巧;三是管理沟通实务,主要分析如何应用管理沟通的理论知识与技能分析、解决实际的管理沟通问题。三、 教案内容I. FOUNDATIONS OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION.Chapter1 Understanding Business Communication. 体验沟通章节内容第一章 了解体验沟通教学目的和要求教学目的:通过

5、体验,获得对沟通的基本感知。教学要求:(一)实践项目要求: 1.理解案例,感知沟通;2.分组分角色情景模拟沟通过程,体验沟通;3.检测现实沟通能力,认识自己。(二)基本知识要求: 1.澄清沟通概念,把握关键要素;2.明确沟通类型;3.把握沟通过程及其要素。重 点难 点教学重点:感知沟通,体验沟通教学难点:深刻体验沟通,并从中发现沟通障碍,找到解决策略。教学进程(含课堂教学内容、教学方法、 辅助手段、师生互动、时间分配、板书设计)项目一:体验沟通教学内容:3分钟电梯沟通体验小贴士:沟通的概念小思考:是这样的吗?教学方法:情景模拟、讨论法 教学手段:多媒体教学师生互动:学生体验感知、教师总结点评、

6、学生思考提升。时间分配:2课时项目二:沟通能力检测检测现实沟通能力,认识自己项目三:沟通过程情境模拟教学内容: 分角色情景模拟小贴士:沟通过程及要素小思考:咋回事?教学方法:情景模拟、讨论法、讲授法 教学手段:多媒体教学师生互动:学生角色扮演、教师总结点评、基本知识讲授、学生思考提升。时间分配:2课时项目四:经典案例分享教学内容: 1.案例分析: COMMUNICATION CLOSE-UP AT SIX APART(案例库:案例1) 小贴士:管理沟通的类型 2. 综合实践案例:SIX APART的沟通问题教学方法:案例讨论法 教学手段:多媒体教学师生互动:学生讨论分析、教师总结点评、学生思考

7、提升。时间分配:2课时作业布置体验:结合生活实际充分感知和体验沟通主 要参考资料管理沟通,南志珍编著,中国市场出版社,2006管理沟通,苏勇,罗殿军编著,复旦大学出版社,2004人际关系与沟通,曾仕强,刘军政,清华大学出版社,2005课后自我总结分析项目安排合理,学生参与积极,讨论发言踊跃,体验感受深刻。以项目启发思考,必要知识补充够用为度,课堂气氛活跃,教学达到了教学要求和目的。 教学案例CHAPTER 1 CASECOMMUNICATION CLOSE-UP AT SIX APARTMany people transform personal interests into successf

8、ul business enterprises, using their hobbies to start a wide variety of businesses. Mena Trott used her hobby to help start a revolution. She was among the first wave of web users to keep a web log, or blog, an online journal that can cover any topic from politics to pets. As the popularity of her b

9、log grew, the rudimentary blogging tools available at the time couldnt keep up. Trott and her husband, Ben, decided to create their own software that would handle high-volume bloggingand make it easy for anyone to blog.The Trotts first product, Movable Type, caught on quickly as web users around the

10、 world welcomed the opportunity to become instant online publishers. Before long, Ben and Mena become first-name celebrities in the “blogosphere,” and an effort that had started as an extension of a hobby soon grew into a multinational business. (The Trotts named their new company Six Apart in honor

11、 of the fact that the two of them were born just six days apart.)With help from companies such as Six Apart, bloggers began to influence the worlds of politics and journalism and business. The best of these business blogs tear down the barriers that can make companies seem impersonal or unresponsive

12、. Companies ranging from Boeing to General Motors to Microsoft now use blogs to put a human face on commercial organizations, and millions of people readthese blogs to keep up on the latest news about the products and companies that interest them.Blogging is changing so rapidly that its hard to pred

13、ict what the future holds for Six Apart, but Trott summed up the impact of blogging when she said, ”I cant imagine where well be in a year, let alone five years, but Im certain web logging is here to stay.”Corporate CaseCentrex Computers Incorporated is a small software design company specializing i

14、n customized programming. Centrex has only five employees, including its president and vice president/chief financial officer. On August 1, 1999, the president made a bid on a contract to design software for the Initiatives Institute. The institute required 100 copies of the software on CD-ROM to be

15、gin its workforce reentry training course on October 1, 1999. The Initiatives Institute told Centrex it would have to confirm the softwares delivery date before the contract would be finalized.Throughout the next day, the president and vice president talked about the designand production schedule wh

16、ile working on other projects. The president was aware that the institutes staff needed to know how the software worked before the training course began. He suggested the CD-ROMs should be delivered on September 15. Customer service reflected on both the companys and the presidents reputation. The v

17、ice president expressed concern that the staff needed more time to make sure that the software would be error free. His suggested delivery date was September 22. They both agreed to review these concerns and talk about the schedule at a later meeting.Other commitments prevented the meeting from taki

18、ng place. When the InitiativeInstitute insisted on a delivery date, Centrexs president committed his staff to providing the CD-ROMs by September 15. The institute agreed to this and finalized the contract. The president immediately let the vice president know about this new development. However, the

19、 vice president argued that the software design would need more time and carefully explained all the necessary stages of the process. The president eventually agreed that, even with reasonable overtime, the earliest possible delivery date would be September 20.Since the president had confirmed the e

20、arlier date, it was his responsibility toinform the Initiatives Institute of the problem and attempt to find a solution.Questions and Applications1. What barriers to communication may have contributed to the problem Centrex nowfaces?2. How would you expect the Initiatives Institute to react to this

21、development? Whatcommunication barriers could this new information cause to make the problemworse?3. Identify the ethical concerns that Centrexs president should be aware of whenlooking for an appropriate solution to this problem.Diversity CaseOn the third day of his new job as a die technician for

22、Granger Boring and Milling, Pawel Soszei was asked to report to his supervisor for a disciplinary review. Pawel reported as requested, hoping someone would listen to his concerns about job safety.His supervisor explained that Pawels certificates from his native countryappeared in order and reflected

23、 a high level of expertise. However, they did not reflect his poor work habits. The supervisor read from his notes that on three separate occasions Pawel had not recalibrated specific grinding equipment as instructed.Pawel responded by producing his employee welcome package that explained hisduties

24、and offered workplace orientation. He explained that he fully intended to report the company to the appropriate authorities about its unsafe working conditions. Puzzled, the supervisor then read through the entire package but could find nothing that posed a threat to employees safety. Curious, he as

25、ked Pawel to explain where he got the idea that his duties placed him in danger.Pawel read through the presidents welcome memo until he found the evidence heneeded. He read aloud the presidents suggestion that new employees who wished to be successful should “keep their nose to the grindstone” and w

26、ork hard as a member of the Granger team. Pawel went on to explain how this could be very dangerous and that he refused to do anything that was unsafe. He also indicated that he no longer wished to be employed there.The supervisor realized that a serious misunderstanding had occurred. He askedPawel

27、to take a seat while he determined the best way to resolve the issue and keep avaluable employee.Questions and Applications1. What is the source of the misunderstanding between Pawel and his supervisor?2. How would you resolve this issue if you were the supervisor? What culturalinfluences would you

28、need to consider in your resolution?3. What suggestions would you offer to the company that could help prevent similar ?Chapter 2. Communicating in Teams: Collaboration, Listening, Nonverbal, and Meeting Skills. 章节内容团队沟通:合作,倾听,非语言及开会技巧 教学目的和要求教学目的:通过团队沟通项目实践,学会团队沟通技巧。教学要求: (一)实践项目要求: 能够把倾听技能、表达技能、非语

29、言技能熟练运用在团队沟通中。(二)基本知识要求:1.掌握团队沟通中的障碍2.掌握团队沟通策略重 点难 点教学重点:团队沟通策略教学难点:团队沟通障碍教学进程(含课堂教学内容、教学方法、 辅助手段、师生互动、时间分配、板书设计)项目一:经典案例分享教学内容: 李明的困惑 小贴士:团队沟通的程序教学方法:案例分析法、讲授法教学手段:多媒体教学师生互动:学生参与案例讨论,教师总结点评,激发思考,提升能力。时间分配:2课时项目二:团队沟通拓展教学内容:1.拓展项目内容 推杆游戏 孤岛求生 毕业墙 2.小贴士:团队沟通障碍师生互动:学生参与互动,教师总结点评,感悟分享、激发思考,提升能力。时间分配:4课

30、时项目三:团队情景模拟教学内容:团队沟通(互动平台情境模拟八)小贴士:团队沟通技巧教学方法:情景模拟、讲授法教学手段:多媒体教学师生互动:学生参与互动,教师总结点评,基本知识讲授、激发思考,提升能力。项目四:室内游戏互动教学内容:解手链(互动平台情景模拟知识拓展:知名企业的团队沟通技巧教学方法:互动法教学手段:多媒体教学师生互动:学生参与互动,教师总结点评,基本知识拓展、激发思考,提升能力。时间分配:2课时作业布置案例讨论主 要参考资料康青,管理沟通教程,上海立信会计出版社,2005年康青编著,管理沟通教学案例,中国人民大学出版社,2007年管理沟通,苏勇,罗殿军编著,复旦大学出版社,2004

31、课后自我总结分析拓展项目安排合理,学生参与积极,讨论发言踊跃,体验感受深刻。以拓展项目启发思考,必要知识补充够用为度,课堂气氛活跃,教学达到了教学要求和目的。团队沟通的进一步阅读案例材料Chapter 2 Corporate CaseRobert Quinn is one of a team of communications employees at Virtuoso SoftwareEngineering, Limited in Toronto. He is responsible for writing persuasive sales lettersand other promotio

32、nal material encouraging business and industry to purchasecustomized on-line training programs.Robert admits that one of the most challenging aspects of his work involvesdrafting detailed sales letters for companies within highly specific markets. He knowsthat credibility and making a strong connect

33、ion with his audience are two vital factors in the success of his letters. Often these unique companies present a challenge becauseRobert lacks familiarity with their fields of expertise or their specific business practices.Fortunately, Virtuoso Software Engineering has established an extensive netw

34、orkof consultants and specialists in developing its training materials. Robert, and the others on his team, often hire these specialists to provide needed background information about a particular business or industry.One of the first questions Robert addresses is the level of technical languageinvo

35、lved in his audiences work environment. Consulting the appropriate specialistallows him to strengthen his connection and his credibility with accurate and specificterminology. Next, Robert asks the specialist to describe various aspects of the workenvironment such as deadlines and whether or not his

36、 audience performs their tasks instages. Other considerations include the education level and learning curve that the work involves. Information of this sort helps Robert decide how to arrange and express hisideas effectively. Virtuoso Software Engineerings network of consultants and specialists are

37、 one of Roberts most valuable resources because it provides him with a clear perspective. This perspective permits him to focus on the specific information needed to communicate his message that might otherwise take days to locate with far less certainty.Questions and Applications1. Which communicat

38、ion barriers between people is Robert better able to overcome by hiring specialists and consultants when drafting his sales letters? Which communication barriers within organizations do consultants help overcome?2. What advantage does Robert have when listening to the specialist he consults?Explain

39、why it is to Roberts advantage to develop his listening skills in these situations?3. Suggest why Robert asks specialists to describe various aspects of the workenvironment when he drafts messages to unfamiliar audiences.Chapter 3. Communicating Interculturally. 章节内容跨文化沟通教学目的和要求教学目的:通过实践模拟项目,学会跨文化沟通

40、技巧教学要求:(一)实践项目要求: 1.了解文化差异2.了解跨文化沟通的常见障碍掌握技巧(二)基本知识要求:了解各国文化差异重 点难 点教学重点:跨文化沟通技巧教学难点:与不同国家的人打交道教学进程(含课堂教学内容、教学方法、 辅助手段、师生互动、时间分配、板书设计)项目一了解各国文化差异跨文化沟通障碍教学方法:多媒体讲解本章案例分析教学内容:阅读材料,分析案例教学方法:案例分析法教学手段:多媒体教学师生互动:学生积极分析文化差异及沟通障碍、教师评价发现问题,学生思考提升。教学时间 2课时作业布置实践:寻找自己身边的老外跟他沟通并克服其中的障碍。 主 要参考资料跨文化沟通(英)米吉吉利斯 著,

41、田雅琴,中国社会科学出版社,2010年05月管理沟通教程,康青,上海立信会计出版社,2009年跨文化沟通,苏勇,罗殿军编著,复旦大学出版社,2011课后自我总结分析 学生资料收集充分,内容全面,有一定的参考价值。写作积极性很高,教学达到了教学要求和目的。On the job: Facing a Communication Dilemma at Target Stores.1) Understanding the Importance of Communicating Across Cultures.2) Improving Intercultural Sensitivity.3) Improv

42、ing Communication Across Cultures.4) On the job: Solving a Communication Dilemma at Target Stores.The important and hard part:Improving Intercultural Sensitivity. Improving Communication Across Cultures.Diversity Case 1When Cooperative Mutual Insurance was forced to downsize its accounting departmen

43、t in 1998, Frank Silva reluctantly accepted an early retirement package. He enjoyed the social aspect of going to work each day and, at 51, still felt he had something to contribute to the workforce.Jerry Hass, a newly established independent broker who dealt with CooperativeMutual, asked Frank if h

44、e would like to manage Jerrys bookkeeping and clienteleportfolios part-time. Jerry felt that Franks years of experience would be a definite asset that would help his business grow. Frank readily agreed.Frank reported for work and was introduced to the receptionist and the administrative clerk. Jerry

45、 showed him his desk and the files he would need to manage the accounts. Then Jerry explained that Frank would need to download daily mutual fund values and use the information to prepare reports that Jerry would use when talking to hisclients.Frank explained that he had never used a computer in his

46、 previous job. That sortof work was always given to younger employees who know their way around theInternet. Frank asked if he could simply get the values from the local newspaper. Jerryexplained that those numbers might already be out of date and that the Internet Web sites contained more useful in

47、formation. Frank then asked whether Jerrys administrative clerk would be able to get the information more easily. Jerry agreed that the clerk might get the information more quickly, but she would not be able to interpret trends the same way that Frank would.Jerry asked Frank to join him at the compu

48、ter and showed him how to log on tothe Internet and activate the Web browser. Frank was confused when Jerry asked him for the name of his favourite hockey team. He had even more questions when the official Montreal Canadiens Web site appeared on the browser. Jerry invited Frank to explore the Web si

49、te for as long as he wanted to teach himself how the Internet worked. He told Frank that the next day they would visit the mutual fund Web sites.Questions and Applications1. In what ways did Jerry show that he did not assume that Franks age was an obstacle to understanding a new concept?Diversity Ca

50、se 2Janet Kellman had been working as a documentation specialist at DynamicCommunications for three years. Management had frequently praised her work for itsinnovation and imagination, as well as for its technical precision. Janet wasunderstandably upset when she learned that management had declined

51、 her application for her departments team supervisor position. The position had been given to Mark Frye, one of her colleagues who was hired only 10 months before.Janet visited her manager, John Trebert, and privately asked why her applicationhad been turned down. She reminded John that he had writt

52、en many of the glowingcomments about her work. Furthermore, both John and the former team supervisor had consulted her when reviewing Marks performance and the quality of his work. Lastly, Janet reminded John that she had collaborated with Mark on many projects and often provided him with guidance a

53、nd direction, especially when deadlines were a serious issue.John replied that Janet was one of the best communications specialists on staff,but she did not have the appropriate skills needed for low-level management. Janetinsisted that John explain what he meant. Which specific skills were needed?

54、How were they evaluated?John asked Janet to calm down. Janet replied that she was not angry; she simplyfelt she had a right to appeal the decision. John then told her that her written work wassuperb. However, her oral communication skills did not seem to be as well developed.During meetings she appe

55、ared unfocused, asking questions about the staffs reactions to deadlines and job assignments that, as far as he was concerned, were irrelevant. A good manager, John explained, has to focus on the results to ensure that the staff gets the job done on time.Janet said that, in her opinion, a manager of

56、 a communications company, of all people, should understand the importance of the context and the staffs frame of referenceabout their assignments. Staff reactions were the key to motivating them to work to adeadline. John replied that, in the end, it was information, not feelings, that mattered to the clients. Janet nodded and returned to her office.Later that day, John received a memo explaining that Janet would be tenderingher resignation in order to start working


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