1、高分速成:考研英语作文超经典实用套句一、小作文在考研英语小作文写作中,除了保持一般的议论文风格,还需要在三段中穿插信函相关的套句模板,来适应书信文体的要求。下面就帮大家整理了一些小作文最常用的经典套句,希望大家在考场上能够信手拈来,发挥作用。1. 一般开头句型Im writing to 开门见山的开头模式Im writing to inform you that (通知类型)Im writing to seek your assistance in (请求类型)Im writing in response to your advertisement in (回应类型)I
2、m writing to express my views on (建议类型)Im writing to apply for the scholarship that your department offers to students from other countries. (申请类型)Im writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding (咨询类型)Im writing to express my disappointment/ dissatisfaction about
3、 (投诉类型)2. 感谢类句型thank-gratitude-grateful-appreciate 的多种变体Im most grateful to you for yourIm writing this letter to express my sincere gratitude forI would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks forI feel greatly indebted to you forIm writing to tell you how greatly I appreciate all y
4、ou have done for meBut for your kind assistance, I would have I must thank you again for your generous help。Please accept my deepest gratitude。3. 道歉类句型sorry-apologize-apology的多种变体I feel really sorry to you forI must apologize to you forI would like to express my deepest apology / regret for no
5、t being able to Had I , I would have。Please accept my sincere apology forI want you to know how badly I feel about4. 一般结尾句型Any favorable consideration of my application will be highly appreciated. (申请/求职)We should be very pleased if you could honor us with your presence. (邀请函)Best wishes for y
6、our greater success in your career. (祝愿)Thank you for your patience and concern in reading this letter. I hope this does not cause you too much inconvenience. I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience。(套话组合)虽然信函的套用句型还有很多的变化,但上面选取的这些句子在考试中都是非常实用的,无论什么样的话题,开头结尾加上表示感谢和道歉的礼貌客气话总是必不
7、可少的。二、大作文经过对各类考研作文的分析和挖掘,我们发现,在200词以下的短作文中,三段设置是一个比较合理的格局。特别是提纲三点出现的内容和规律,我们可以发现一共出现过十种常见的段落。这些功能段落通过组合,可以形成多种多样的考法。由于考研写作相对来说比较模式化,因此段落的出现也很有规律。可以看出以下的情况:第一段: 话题引出段 / 图画图表描述段第二段: 观点列举段 / 利弊分析段 / 举例论证段 / 原因列举段 /意义阐释段第三段: 归纳结论段 / 未来趋势段 / 建议措施段任何一次考试,只要在以上段落中进行三段组合,就可以进行一种命题。把握住了这种规律,考生就可以解剖大作文。
8、把任何大作文看作三个部分的组合,如果有了各部分组合的固定精彩语言,就可以以不变应万变。以下列举出十大功能段落的精彩句型,供大家背诵使用。1)话题引出段Nowadays, there is a growing concern over the issue of People in growing numbers are directing their attention to With the development of , the problem of has become increasingly serious。When it comes to , peoples notions may
9、 vary from one to another。Recently, a heated discussion has sprung up as to Traditional virtue/value has it that, yet people arecurrently。2)图画图表描述段As is vividly shown in the picture,It is clearly depicted in the picture thatThis picture depicts a thought-provoking scene of According to the figures g
10、iven in the chart,。The chart above provides a series of essential figures, illustrating the changes taking place in a time span of years。3) 观点对比段Opposite voices are now rising in the debate. Some people firmly believe that. On the contrary, quite a few people argue thatThe controversial issue has ar
11、oused opposite opinions. One focuses on . ;the other opinion revolves around4)利弊列举段Every coin has two sides, and this issue is no exception. Above all, In additionMore importantly However, the negative influence it renders should not be neglected. .not only but alsoIs this phenomenon a blessing or a
12、 curse.? The following list of advantages and disadvantages can explain everything。5)举例论证段For instance;Takefor an example;A case in point isThe following illustrations can serve as strong evidence of the phenomenon。6)原因列举段Why should this phenomenon take place? There are generally three factors accou
13、nting for it。Having taken everything into consideration, we may attribute the sharp change to three aspects。7)意义阐释段The purpose of the picture is to show us that due attention has to be paid to。The fact/phenomenon thatindicates that Having scrutinized the details of the picture, we can discuss the im
14、plications subtly conveyed from it。8)归纳结论段In conclusion,In my opinion,As far as I am concerned,Taking into account all the analyses above, we may confidently come to the conclusion that9)预测趋势段There is no denying that will continue increasing/decreasing in the better/worse direction。Undoubtedly, the
15、tendency reflected from the chart will undergo a continuous increase/decrease in the near future。10)建议措施段Therefore, it is imperative that we should take some drastic measures。As far as I am concerned, two effective measures must be immediately taken to pull through the crisis。As a result, it is advi
16、sable to settle the problem by two means。把握住了以上所列举的一些精彩句型,就可以达到任由提纲组合,句型同步组合的目的。只要作文中具备了高分句型,其它部分随机应变或即兴发挥,都可以保障作文的语言水准是在高分级别。希望同学们利用好框架,在考试中游刃有余地展开,取得高分。 2010年研究生入学考试英语作文大预测(一) 2009年12月15日 15:37 迦思佑教育世界经济一体化?谁在主导世界经济?Globalization and InternetThe drawing vividly un
17、folds .。(Describe the picture描述图画)This phenomenon which this picture points out is one of numerous international phenomena to have become common and already attracted broad attention in the world in recent years. Globalization/Internet, in brief, makes the whole world a small village. Globalization/
18、Internet offers extensive opportunities for every country in the world to develop their economy, improve their regime, enrich their culture, update their technology and so forth, but globalization/Internet is a two-edged sword: it can bring both benefit and harm. (Present state/situation现象描述+ /Meani
19、ng含义)中文:这幅图画指出的这个现象是近几年在世界上众多已经变得普遍并且已经引起了广泛关注的国际/世界现象之一。全球化/Internet,简言之,就是使整个世界变成一个小村子。全球化/Internet给予了这个世界上的每一个国家广泛的机会去发展它们的经济、改善它们的政体、丰富它们的文化、更新它们的技术等等,但全球化/Internet是一把两刃剑:既有利的一面,也有害的一面。We must first understand the nature of the problem. On the one hand, globalization/Internet offers extensive op
20、portunities for every country in the world. On the other hand, One of the most controversial aspects of globalization/Internet is the global spread and dominance of American culture。中文:我们必须先要理解这个问题的本质。一方面,全球化/Internet为这个世界上的每一个国家提供了广阔的机会。另一方面,全球化/Internet最具有争议的其中一个方面是认为全球化就是美国文化的全球扩张和一统天下。I have som
21、e suggestions about dealing with this problem. First and foremost, Globalization/Internet can bring benefit. In the past twenty years, in the process of globalization and explosive development of the Internet, China has brought about rapid economic growth, sustained social progress and continuous be
22、tterment of people's living standard, so we should accept. Secondly, it can also bring harm. China has been experiencing the collapse of own traditional virtue in the process。In summary, I am deeply convinced that she, a nation which has civilization for 5,000 years, never loses any good things,
23、 physical, intellectual, or moral, till she finds a better substitute, and then the loss is a gain. (Suggestion+conclusion建议+结束语)中文:关于处理这个问题,我有一些建议。首要地,全球化/Internet能带来利益。在过去二十年,在全球化和Internet爆炸性的发展的过程中,中国已经产生了快速的经济增长、持续的社会进步和人们生活水平的不断改善,因此我们是应该接受的。其次,它也能带来伤害,在全球化和Internet爆炸性的发展的过程中,中国一直在经历着自己传统美德的瓦解。
24、总之,我深信她,一个拥有5000年文明的民族,决不会丢掉任何好的东西,物质的、精神的或道德的,直到她找到一个更好的替代,那么到那时侯这种丢失就是一种获得。气候变暖(climate change):Recent decades we have witnessed an obvious rise in the global average temperature, which receives serious concerns across the world. Climate was a global issue and urged all countries to work together
25、to address the issue. We should pursue economic growth, social development and environmental protection in a coordinated and balanced way, and develop models of production and consumption compatible with sustainable development. The relevant international community should increase financial input an
26、d information sharing and step up cooperation in research, development and innovation of technology. Adaptation to climate change is of the greatest concerns to developing countries. Developing countries should take some policy measures to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. As a developing country,
27、China will shoulder its due international responsibilities and obligations. The Chinese government should give prominence to building a resource-conserving, environment-friendly society in its strategy of industrialization and modernization. Wen also called on other countries to join hands in dealin
28、g with climate change and promoting harmonious, clean and sustainable development in the worldHackers' criminal activities are an international problem and China's network and information system have often been attacked by hackers from other countries。2010年研究生入学考试英语作文大预测(二) 2009年
29、12月15日 15:45 迦思佑教育2010年研究生入学考试英语作文大预测2010年研究生入学考试英语作文大预测精神空虚(the void spirit/ A lot of people who commit suicide are result from their void spirit. there is a spiritual void in China. Establish and implement the scientific view of development and push forward the coordinated develop
30、ment between socialist material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization。)传统美德(traditional virtue/ For decades, we have made more criticism than inheritance of our own traditional culture and more negative than confirmative. We should certainly learn from the West, but it is o
31、f equal importance that we retain virtues of our own. The Confucian Tradition(The Three Essential Confucian Values: I. Filial Piety II. Humaneness III. Respect for Ritual)铺张浪费(extravagance and waste/勤俭节约industry and economy/ The Chinese government, therefore, is promoting the concept of a thrifty so
32、ciety and frugal economy as a matter of urgency. Chinese laws and regulations concerning energy conservation currently in operation leave a lot to be desired。)传统伦理(The traditional ethical requirements /The traditional ethical requirements same with the basic principles:1. WHAT YOU DO NOT WISH DONE T
33、O YOURSELF, DO NOT DO TO OTHERS。1) In its negative form:"Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire"。"Do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you."(己所不欲,勿施于人)。2) Although it is argued to be too much pushing one's own way to others, the positive f
34、orm of the requirement is found in many classics:"Do to others what you wish others do to you" (欲人施诸己,亦施于人)。"A benevolent man helps others to take their stand in that he himself wishes to take his stand, and gets others there in that he himself wishes to get there" (己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人
35、)。2. EVERY HUMAN BEING SHOULD BE TREATED HUMANLY。"To do humanly is to be human" (仁者人也)"'Benevolence' means loving your fellow men" (仁者爱人)Chinese tradition even advocates both the respect for human life and even the respect for all kinds of life, which seems to be very clo
36、se to the idea of "Green Peace" and ecological criticism. These thoughts do not only seek for human peace but also for the harmony between human and nature and other creatures. And therefore, "the virtue of respecting for life" (生生之德) and "friend others and affiliate with al
37、l creatures"(民胞物与) is always taken as the great virtue in Confucian teachings and philosophy。There are many other traditional Chinese ideas related:1. In regard with the human relationship, "Harmony in diversity" or "harmony with diversity" (和而不同) is typically emphasized in
38、Confucianism. Compared with "Baha'i", a new religious community who takes "Unity with diversity" as the main doctrine, the Confucian spirit of the harmonious co-existence of different cultures might be more relevant for the foundation of human existence and development。2. Con
39、fucius believes "honesty-sincerity is the Dao of Heaven" (诚者,天之道也) which is out of the control of human beings, and "to be honest and sincere is the Dao of human beings" which is the only thing we could do (诚之者,人之道也). In this case, a gentleman (君子)should "cultivate himself t
40、o be honest and sincere" in accordance with the Dao of Heaven, which is something upper or a more or less religious standard of honesty and sincerity. This might be clearer in the interpretation of Dao. In Chinese, I think either道 (way) or 德 (virtue) means "to walk your talk" original
41、ly, because both走 and 彳are symbols of walking carefully with small steps. In this case, "way" is formed in the walking and in virtue of moral practice "virtue" appears. Just as David Tracy noticed, the famous saying of Socrates "The unexamined life is not worth living"
42、is in sharp contrast with a saying in a Buddhist scripture, "The un-lived life is not worth examining."3. So Dao is not only metaphysical but also physical; "honesty-sincerity" is above us and what we could do is nothing but learning to be honest and sincere; Dao could be justifi
43、ed in faith, as well as in behavior. I am not sure if it is "religion", but it is of course something like "Acts of Religion" (in terms of Derrida) or "Acts of Faith" (in terms of Rodney Stark). You may know that the sacred "Word" or "Wisdom" in the
44、Gospel of John and other biblical scriptures is translated into "Dao" in this sense。4. For the same reason, traditional Chinese ethics ask for our "Consideration for others" (恕) and a spirit of tolerance: "great virtues have a huge capacity to contain things" (厚德载物), an
45、d "to tolerate is a sign of greatness" (有容乃大)。5. And probably related to the consideration for others, traditional Chinese ethics place a great emphasis on family, viewing family as the foundation of society. Among the "five cardinal relationships" (emperor and his officials, fat
46、hers and kids, husbands and their wives, brothers and sisters, and friends), three of them are concerned with family relationship. It is even believed that "The relation between the officials and the emperor may find origin or archetype in the relation between husbands and wives, which even ext
47、ends to the relation of heaven and the earth." (君子之道,造端乎夫妇。及其至也,察乎天地)。6. And so, in Chinese traditional philosophy, "humanity is Benevolence" (博爱之谓仁), "filial piety" is the origin of human morality and sentiment (立爱自亲始). And, it is encouraged that "love your family so a
48、s to love others and all creatures" (亲亲而仁民,仁民而爱物), "cultivate moral character, and then you could cultivate your family, administrate the country, and bring peace all over the world" (修身、齐家、治国、平天下). When it is promoted to the realm that "honor the aged of other people as we honor
49、 our own, take care of the young of other people as we take care of our own" (老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼), we may naturally relate the traditional Chinese teachings with the famous prayer by St. Francis in the Medieval Europe: to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love; it is in giving th
50、at we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, it is in dying that we are born to eternal life。Give your comments/Give your point of view(完全背诵):We must first understand the nature of the problem./in my view/in my opinion, On the one hand, It is true that many of China's current/present/
51、existent/contemporary problems are the inevitable side effects of rapid economic development, which, of necessity, had to occur in an unbalanced way. On the other hand, without the economic development in/about the great number of developing countries or third world countries, like china, there will
52、 be no real development, prosperity andStability for the whole country. Notwithstanding/nonetheless/nevertheless/however/after all, in the long run, Economic development had to come first, but now a more complex agenda of social and political requirements must be integrated and optimized with pure e
53、conomic growth. So we must promote the coordinated development of material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization to build China into a socialist country that is prosperous, powerful, democratic and culturally advanced. (Comments评论)中文:我们必须先要理解这个问题的本质。以我来看,一方面,目前中国存在的许多问题 都是由
54、于别无选择的不平衡的经济快速发展造成的避免不了的负面影响。另一方面,对于大多数像中国这样的发展中国家或第三世界国家来讲,没有了经济的发展,将不存在整个国家的真正的发展、繁荣和稳定。不过,从长远来看,尽管,我们不得不先发展经济,但是如今过多的社会和政治需要必须同纯粹的经济增长结合起来使其最优化。因此,我们必须推动物质文明、政治文明和精神文明协调发展,把我国建设成为富强、民主、文明的社会主义国家。I have some/several suggestions about this problem. First and foremost/firstly/primarily/mainly/largel
55、y /mostly, China should learn from many developed countries/some western countries to dispose of/deal with/handle/solve/settle/iron out this social problem, including other social problems moral and non-moral, by means of/by/ state legislation, social policy and other relative regulations, especiall
56、y/particularly because/since China has joined/become a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001 and taken place/held the 29th Olympic Games in 2008 as well as. Secondly, our government should clearly/definitely stipulate/establish the responsibilities and obligations of the relative/spec
57、ific departments for the fulfillment/performance/implementation/execution. Thirdly, in the long run/from a long-term point of view, we should set up/found/constitute/institute a special education system/organization to promote and strengthen/encourage citizens' awareness of environmental protect
58、ion, and hence improve their values/ideas/notions of consumption and morality. In addition, I recommend that children should start some education of Chinese traditional virtue as early as possible, such as thrift, honesty, affection, filial piety, courtesy, loyalty, humaneness and so on. (Suggestion
59、/建议)中文:关于这个问题,我有一些建议。首要地,中国应该向众多发达国家学习,通过国家立法、社会政策和其他相关的规章制度来解决这个社会问题,也包括其他的道德的和非道德的社会问题,特别是因为中国已经在2001年加入了WTO,并且中国将在2008年举办第29界奥运会。其次,更重要的是我们的政府应该清晰地规定相关部门应履行的责任和义务。第三,从长远来看,我们应该设立一个专门的机构去宣传和加强公民对环境保护的意识,从而改变他们的观念。另外,我建议应该尽早地开始对孩子们进行中国传统美德的教育,诸如节俭、诚实、亲情、孝顺、谦恭有礼、忠诚、仁爱等等。In summary, to maintain a sustained, healthy, rapid and coordinated economic development, achieve socialist modernization and a society where man and nature live as friends, and build a harmonious and dynamic society with democracy, rul
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