



1、新概念英语青少版2B教案详解版Unit16 what ' s your middle name1 : Teaching objectives引导学生学习一般过去时,重点是规则变化动词的过去式,以及规则动词过去式的发音规则。句型:Did he clean his teeth afterbreakfastWhen did she clean her teeth I finished the job last month.Did you finish the job last month2 : Language focus:Middle names, impossible, all the

2、time, unlock, discuss, talk about, plan, everywhere, key-ring, silly, silliness, for example, keep 3 : Teaching procedurePart 1: Greeting:介绍自己, 同时要求学生做自我介绍, 内容包括 Name, (My name isor I am- )Age, (I am y ears old or I am a girl or a boy of - years old)Gender, Hobbies (I like doing)等几个方面。要求 :站到讲台上,把自己

3、的名字写出来,通过中文名字来引出中名概念。问 学生昨天干什么来引出过去式。Warm Up: I see a little bee, sitting on my knee, looking at the see.( 用来学习音标 /i:/) Saying: Hoist sail when the wind is fair.Part 2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题Where wereKaren' s car keys然后学习生词和短语,重点单词:impossible, drive, silliness,最后做详细讲解。语法重点:一般过去时,要求学生理解并记忆动词过 去式。Part3:根据

4、课文问问题,要求学生回答,P5,对话练习,做P9的选择填空。做 P6句型练习,句 型 为一般过去时的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。然后两人 对练对话,最后再做 P8书面练习,按照句型来写 句子。Part4:语音学习,规则动词过去式的发音规则是, 以辅音结尾的一般读 /t/,以浊辅音结尾的一般读 /d/,t 或者d结尾的一般读/id/ 。讲课过程中把语 音学习融入到课堂中去,这部分主要做个总 结。Unit17 A cuckoo in the nest1 : Teaching objectives继续学习规则变化动词的过去式,语音重音以及规则变化的方式副词。句型:They counted the mon

5、ey.Did they count the money late last nightYes, they did. They counted the money quickly.2 : Language focus: Engineer, enthusiastic, enthusiastically, install, webcam, log on, patient, patiently, suddenly, chance, dart,hatch, excited, excitedly,easily, enormous, ina moment, show, be over3 : Teaching

6、 procedurePart 1: Greeting:首先问大家昨天做什么了,来复习十六单元,再以我的名字:燕子(swallow )来引 入 鸟的话题,比如喜鹊( magpie),麻雀(sparrow ) 鹰(eagle ), 问大家08奥运会在哪里举 办的答:NESTWarm Up:chick, chick, chick, I ' m a little chick, sitting on the stick, with my brother Nick. A word per day: You are only young once.Part2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题( Who a

7、re all enthusiastic birdwatchers now ), 然后学习生词和短语,最后做详细讲解。Part3:根据课文问 P13问题,要求学生回答,做 P17选择填空。然后做 P14句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最后再做p16书面练习,按照句型来写句子。Part4:语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去, 以及后面歌谣 As I was going to .Unit18 Read the label!1: : Teaching objectives重点学习不规则动词的过去式,学习爆破音。句型:What did he do yesterdayHe sat in the garde

8、n. He didn ' t go to the cinema.Did you sit in the garden2: Language focus: 生词:anyway, discover, at the same time, one after another, honestly, stuff, chemistry 以及不规 则动词:bought, came, did, drove, ate, felt, flew, went, put, read, rode,saw, sold ,sat3: Teaching procedurePart1: Greeting:拿出一袋脆脆卷零食,

9、学习Crispy Troll的读音,让学生对本课有基本的认识。 Warmup: Ted was having bread, happy in his bed. Mum came and said: no bread in the bed. Saying: Where there is interest, there is memory.Part2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题When didVikki feel really sick然后学习生词和短语,最后做详细讲解。Part3:根据课文P21问问题,要求学生回答,做 p25选择填空。做P22句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最后再做 P44书面练

10、习,按照句型来写句子。Part4:语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去.Unit 19: A problem with squirrels1 : Teaching objectives本章学习并练习更多不规则动词的过去式,学习其他时间/顺序标记语的状语,以及其它一 些指代前面句子的主格/宾格形式。语音学习浊音和元音的长度。句型:What did he do last nightHe went to bed early and slept well.Did you go to bed early last nightWhat did you do last night2: Language f

11、ocus:Squirrel, bird feeder( 复合名词),squirrel-proof, nut, hang, outside, break into, cut down, price. 3: Teaching procedurePart 1: Greeting: Do you have any pets弓 I 出大家对于此话题的讨论,简要说下 Polly 的遭遇,再Do you have the experience of changing the goods you buyWarm up:学习 / / 的发音: - What' s that, Sam -It '

12、s a black bag.-What' s under the bag -Oh,it ' s a fat cat. Saying: A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life.Part 2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题What didPolly take back to the shop后学习生词和短语,并做课文详细讲解。Part3:根据课文P29问题,要求学生回答,做 p33 填空。做P30练习,然后两人对练对话,最后 再做 P32练习,按照句型来写句子。二|Part4:语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去

13、 . 歌曲, There were ten in the bed.Unit20: An ordinary life1: Teaching objectives本单元第一次讲解由will构成的一般将来时,以及与be going to 的区别(前者是表示不太确定的将要发生的事情,即简单的预测,后者是将来时, 用于谈论计划或打算)句型:I'm going to do some shopping tomorrow.You are going to do some shopping, aren ' t you I ' ll see you in town. I promise.2

14、 : Language focus: 生词:fashion shoot, successful, regular, wonderful, unsuccessful3 : Teaching procedurePart1: Greeting: How about your daily-life Imagine if you are a man of mark, what would your life like可以让大家思考一下平凡一天的生活,引入Nina的生活,再设想一下自己将来的打算,引 入将来时的概念。Warm up: 学习 / a :/ - Let' s go to a bar.

15、-The Star Bar - Aha, who' s that man with glasses- He' s aclerk. -He works hard. -And he is smart. Saying: When one door shuts, another opens.Part2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题 Who willNina meet one day再对课文做详细的讲解。Part3:根据课文P37题,要求学生回答,做p41填 空。做P38句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最 后再 做P44书面练习,按照句型来写句子。Part4:语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课

16、堂中 去。.|Unit 21: The Weather forecast1: : Teaching objectives 陈述句(Statements ), 一 般疑问句及简短回答(Simple Questions and Short Reponses),肯定陈述句和否定的反义疑问句(TagQuestions),特殊疑问句(Wh-question )句型: They will /They' ll probably move house in a year' s time No, they won ' t move house yet.When did they move

17、 house last They moved house last a year ago.2: Language focus: 生词: forecast, announcer, go over to, the next few, wind, blow, bring in ,gradually, degree Celsius3: Teaching procedure Part 1: Greeting:What' sthe weather like today 和天气有关的些词:sunny,rainy, cloudy, windy, shower,并让大家认识 east, west, so

18、uth, north. Warmup:学习音标 / Bob tied a knot. It looks like a knot, but it is not a knot. Don' t lose heart, Bob. Try to tie another knot. Saying: Make hay while the sun shines.(太阳出来时候晾晒草。)Part2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题What willthe weather be like next week再对课文做详细的讲解。Part3:根据课文P45题,要求学生回答,做p49填 空。做P46句型练习,然后

19、两人对练对话,最 后再 做P48书面练习,按照句型来写句子。Part4:语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。Unit 22 I always behave myself!1: Teaching objects:继续学习上课主要内容,以及单词重音。句型: Will there be a lecture this eveningYes, there will. /No, there won' t.There will be/There ' ll be a lecture this evening.How long will it last It will last (for)

20、one hour. It' ll last fromfive till/until six.It ' ll start at five o' clock and last (for) an hour.When will the motor show open It ' ll open on the15th and last (for ) two weeks.2 : Language focus: Behave yourself/myself, outsider, sound, reasonable, last, sharp, clear 3: Teaching

21、procedurePart1: Greeting:What kind of activities does your school haveWhat would your school do on Children ' s Day Did you take part in any ballsWarm up: What is the short door, on the first floor for Open it and see what it ' s for. Oh, it ' s for a store! Saying: While there is life,

22、there is hope.(留得青山在不愁没柴烧。活着就有希望)Part2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题Who will takeLucy to the dance再对课文做详细的讲解。Part3:根据课文P53题,要求学生回答,做p57填 空。做P54句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最 后再 做P56书面练习,按照句型来写句子。Part4:语音学习(单词重音及其规则),同时把语音 学习融入到课堂中去。Part5:重复学过的歌谣,并按照课文内容演练小话 剧。Unit23: Quite tall -and quite striking!1: Teaching objects:陈述句,一般疑问句,特殊

23、疑问句,句型:How tall/high/wide/deep/long/heavy is that What' s the height/width/depth/length/weight of that It ' s 320 metres. /It ' s 15metres wide./It ' s 30 metres deep.How far is it from here to the airportIt ' s quite near (quite) a long way.It isn ' t far. /It ' s a long

24、 way. It ' s - miles. 2: Language focus: striking , send, face, face, file, messenger, anyone, height, foot, later, centimeter, How far Have a look3: Teaching procedurePart 1: Greeting: How tall are you Who is your favorite star Whydo you like her(him) Do you know Yao Ming He is my favorite bask

25、etball star. He is two metres twenty-six. Warm up: Look, look, look, there is a hook, from it hangs a book, about a good cook. Saying: Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone.(世上有人与你同乐,无人与你分忧。) Part2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题How tall isSandy再对课文做详细的讲解。Part3:根据课文P61题,要求学生回答,做p65填 空。做P62句型练习,

26、然后两人对练对话,最 后再 做P64书面练习,按照句型来写句子。 Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。Part5:重复学过的歌谣,并按照课文内容演练小话剧。Unit: 24 A quiz1: Teaching objects:陈述句,the one 与theother 的比较Bob is tall, but John is taller than him.否定陈述句+肯定的反义疑问句It isn't obvious, isit No,it isn ' t.句型:Bob is taller than John. Bob is the taller of the

27、is the tallest of the three. Dan' s thetallest boy in our class.2: Language focus: try out, than, continent, population density, trick question, square mile, obviously, answer3: Teaching procedurePart 1: Greeting: A quiz: Which is the longestriver in China(Chang Jiang 6300)黄河(5464) The highest m

28、ountain is Mount Everest. (8844) Warmup: One , two. Weare going to the zoo. There what shall we do See the goose And monkeys too. A.Saying: Time and tide wait for no man.(时间不等人)Part2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题How manypeople are there to the square mile in Australia再对课文做详细的讲解。Part3:根据课文P69题,要求学生回答,做p73填 空。做P70句型

29、练习,然后两人对练对话,最 后再 做P72书面练习,按照句型来写句子。Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。Unit 25Karen saves some money1: Teaching objects: 陈述句: The one on the left is cheaper than the one on the right. Theone onthe right isn ' t as cheaper as the one on the left.一般疑问句 :Is the bicycle on the left the sameas the one on the

30、right It ' s not quite the same.It ' s a littlecheaper. Are they the sameprice- No, they aren ' t the same price. 特殊疑问句:Why does she prefer the microfiber one2: Language focus: Prefer, on the right, on theleft, quality,linen, microfibre,tell thedifference, asas 3: Teaching procedure Part

31、 1:Greeting: There are clothes made by cotton, wool,nylon, dacron(的确良),chiffon (雪纺) ,whichwould you choose Whochoose clothes for you Warmup: Pup is on the cup. The cup falls down.Where; s the Pup Oh! He can ' t get up. Saying:Every tub must stand on its own bottom.(桶要凭底立,人贵自立。)Part2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问

32、题 Which suit does Karen prefer再对课文做详细的讲解。Part3:根据课文P77题,要求学生回答,做 p81填 空。做P78句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最 后再 做P80书面练习,按照句型来写句子。Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。Unit26:School reports1: Teaching objects:陈诉句(Statements ) Tim' s report was rather poor, and Ron' s report was very bad. It was worse than Flora ' s

33、. Ann' s report was very good. She came second in the exams. Her report was better than Bob' s - but it wasn' t as good as Vikki ' s. 问 句 (Simple Questions ) Was Lucy' s report better than Vikki ' s Does Ron always come bottom in the exams 特殊疑问句( Wh-question ): Whatwas her re

34、port like Where did she come in the exams How d id her report compare with Bob ' s 2: Language focus: Report, excellent, geography, everything, come top, come bottom in, enough 3:Teaching procedure Part 1: Greeting:进行简单的测试,引出每次,讨论学校考试。Warmup: A girl wearing a skirt, Suddenly got hurt. Let' s

35、 give her someherbs. Saying: Perseverance is the only road to succeed.(坚持不懈是获得成功的唯一道路。) Part2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问 Who s the best gymnast再对课文做详细的讲解。Part3:根据课文P85题,要求学生回答,做p89填 空。做P86句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最 后再 做P88书面练习,按照句型来写句子。Part4:语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。Unit27: Pocket money1 : Teaching objects:表示数量的疑问句,数量的比较 句型与Z构:I

36、 ' ve got a little money/a few books. I ' ve got more than you/less than you (have). He ' s got the most/the least/the fewest (of all).2 : Language focus: Pocket money, lend, pound, actually, own, beginning, pay back, borrow.3: Teaching procedure Part 1: Greeting: Do you have any pocket

37、money How do you do with if Warm up:A: Welcome to our school! Let me show you around. B: Thank you.A: This is our computer room.B: How many computers are there in your school B: About one hundred.A: What a nice school it is!B: Thank you! Please come again! Saying: Constantdropping wears away a stone

38、.(滴水穿石,只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。)Part2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题When will Lucy pay Robert back再对课文做详细的讲解。Part3:根据课文P93题,要求学生回答,做p97填 空。做P94句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最 后再 做P96书面练习,按照句型来写句子。Part4:语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。Uni28: She doesn ' t even exist!1: Teaching objects:句型与结构词:She' s moreintelligent than Tim. She ' s less hard -

39、working than Tim. She isn ' t as hard -working as Tim. She' s the most intel ligent student in the class. Robert' s book is the least interesting of them all.2: : Language focus: Even, exist, poster, ceiling, singer, favorite, crazy, computer game, care, detective, martial arts master, c

40、hess3: Teaching procedure Part 1: Greeting: Do you have any posters in your bedroom If you choose one' s poster, whose would you choose Warm up: My name is May, I stay near a bay. I ' m playing in the rain, and enjoying the happy day. Saying: If you do not learn to think when you are young,

41、you may never learn.Part2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题ForRobert ,who isthe cleverest, most beautifulgirlin theworld再对课文做详细的讲解。Part3:根据课文P101题,要求学生回答,做 p105 填空。做P102句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最后再做P104书面练习,按照句型来写句子。 Part4:语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。Unit29: No one ' s better than Pau l!1: Teaching objects:句型与结构词:Did Paul andDan run

42、fast the other day Yes, they both ran fast, but Paul ran faster than Dan(did). Dan didn ' t run as fast as Paul did. Did he run faster thanDan-Yes, he did. He definitely ran the fastest. Be 加形容词 Paul is a very fast runner. -He is, isn ' t he动态 动词加状语: Paul ran (much) faster than Dan (did).- H

43、e did, didn ' t he 2: Language focus: rival, long jump, high jump, personal3: Teaching procedure Part 1:Greeting:Do you do any exerciseWhat kind of sports do you likeDo you remember the Olympic games held in Beijinglast yearregularly 3: Teaching procedureWhich sport can you remember帆船 Sailing, 游

44、泳 swimming,花样游泳 Synchronized Swimming,跳水 diving, 水球 water polo, Rhythmic gymnastics( 艺 术 体 操), weightlifting( 举 重),棒球 baseball, archery( 射箭),摔跤Wrestling ,柔道 Judo ,射击 Shooting ,拳击 Boxing ,足球 Football ,篮球 basketball ,乒 乓球 Table tennis , 跆拳道 Taekwondo,马术 Equestrian ,铁人三项 Triathlon ,现代五项 Modern Pentathlon ,击佥U Fencing , 蹦床 Trampoline , NE 球 Volleyball ,沙滩排球 Beach Volleyball ,羽毛 球 Badminton ,垒球 Softball ,自行车 Cycling , 网球Tennis ,手球 Handball ,曲棍球 Hockey ,体 操 Artictic Gymnastics 田径 Athletics ,皮划 艇 激流回旋 Canoe,赛艇RowingWarm up:Look in the boat, It is a go


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