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1、月考考试初中一年级英语科试卷听力部分(20分)I听对话,根据所听内容选择正确的答语。读一遍。(5分)1. A He likes sports.B He is looking at a map.'like to.C He is tall and has curly hair.2. A I ' m sorrB . Yes, IC. That ' s right.3. A. The yellow one. B. Size L. C. A cheap T-shirt.4. A It was fun.B. I went to the beach.C. It isn 't

2、difficult.5. A Yes, I do.B. I don ' t know English.C. Good idea.II听对话,根据所听内容选择对应的图片。读一遍。(5分)6 . What does the man ' s mother look like ?7 .What animal did the moman lose ?8 .What sport did the woman play yesterday ?9 .What does the man want to drink ?10.Whats the woman ' s favorite foodI

3、II听对话,根据所听内容填单词补全对话。(5分)M: Hello, Dana. You look very _11 today.W: Thank you,Alex. I didn ' tisyesterday. Where did you go ?M: I just studied for the12 test at home. By the way, you are in a new school ,right ?W: Yes. I went there last _13M: So you have a new deskmate ?W: Yes. Her name is Molly.

4、M: It ' s a good name. What doeseslook like ?W: Well, she ' s _14 and wears glasses.M: Do you like her?W: No. She never enjoys a _15. It' s hard to talk with her.IV听短文,根据所听内容选择正确答案。读两遍。(5分)16. What color is Andrew ' s hair?A. Brown B. Black C. Blonde17. What does Andrew like?A. Writi

5、ng English songs and playing basketball.B. Singing and writing English songs.C. Reading book and dancing.18. Why is Tom tall and healthy ?A. Because his father is tall and healthy.B. Because his mother opens a restaurant.C. Because he eats healthy food every day.19. What kind of restaurant does Ann

6、have ?A. A noodle restaurantB. A dumpling restaurantC. A fish restaurant20. When did the writer go to Ann' s house?A. Today. B. Yesterday C. Last weekend二笔试部分(100分)I .根据句意和首字母完成句子(10分)1. It ' s rin spring, and it ' s humid too.2. How wthe weather yesterday?3. Do you need a pen pal to p E

7、nglish with ?4. I studied for a m test just now.5. It is cool today, we d to play tennis.6. The store is c on Sundays. Many people go shopping there.7. I like Chinese food because it tastes d.8. The s is for moms. It ' s awful if you wear it.9. Do you know the a to this question ?1.1 I enjoy w T

8、V on Saturday evenings.II .用所给单词的适当形式填空(10分)1. I'd like(eat) some chicken.2. My father(drink) green tea every day.3. Let me(tell ) you what our new teacher is like.4. They(go) to the movies last weekend.5. My parents (not work) yesterday.6. Is the bus trip(relax) ?7. How were the(beach) in Austr

9、alia ?8. Look! Some boys are(swim) in the sea.9. They(have) a big breakfast yesterday morning.III .单项选择(20分)1. What of noodles would you like ?A. kind B. kinds C. is kind D. to be kind2. I want to eat some.A. milk B . juice C. tea D. hot dogs3. - Would you like a small hamburger?.A. No, I would like

10、.B. No, I would not .C.No, thanks.D. No, I don ' t .4. I do not like hamburgers, hot dogs pizza.A. and B. with C. or D. from5. -are the tomatoes ?-They are $ 7.5.A. What B. How heavy C. How much D. How many6. Mum, I am still hungry, I' d like some moreA. fishs B. fishes C. fish D. fishing7.

11、Last week, seven kids a movie.A. saw B. watch C. looked D. see8. I English yesterday evening.A. study B. studied C. studied D. learn9.Sunday morning, I played volleyball on my computer.A. In B. At10. It ' s 6 pm. ItA. time aboutC. times toC. On D. Unders dinner.B. time forD. times on11. Amy any

12、homework last night.A. doesn ' t B. didn ' t C. didn ' t do D. does 12. My aunt dinner in the kitchen right now.A. cook B. cooks C. is cooking D. cooked 13. - did she go to the mountains ?- Last month. A. When B. Where C. What D. How14. Where did they go vacation ?A. with B. on C. ofD. t

13、o15. Did you have fun music ?A. listen B. listening C. listen to D . listening to16. The story made him.A. feel exciting B. to feel excitingC. feel excited D. to feel excited17. What do you think the talk show ?A. on B. for C. at D. of18. Do you agree him ?A. invite B. inviting C. to invite D. invit

14、es19. Would you mind the window ?A. opening B. open C. to open D. opens20 . I an hour at the station for the train.A. spend, waiting B. spent , waitC. spend, to wait D. spent, waitingIV .改写句子(10分)1. She wants to do nothing.(同义句改写)She to do.2. It ' s 6 pm now. We should go hom 句改写)It is time. ?3.

15、 I want a large bowl of noodles. It has tomatoes and eggs in it.(同义句改写) I like a large bowl of and noodles .4. I visited the doctor last Monday.(画线部分提问)did you the doctor?V .看听学课文填空(10分)1. Monday mornings are usually.2. We ' re going to the day the seaside.3. We can go to the cinema.4. That cloc

16、k doesn ' t. What are you going to do it ,Betty ?5. The holidays are.you go to school .6. Look at this photograph of Sandy at the seaside.7. Do you like them ? Yes, dear. They you very well.VI交际运用,将选项填入括号内(5分)。A Where did you go ?B.It rained a lot.C.No,I didn ' t .D.How was the weather?E.How

17、 was your vacation? Hi, Linda. I didn t see you last week.Oh, yes, I went out on holiday.-Really?1 I went to Thailand.- -That' s a good place.2.- -It was wonderful.The scenery(风景)was beautiful,the food was delicious and the people were friendly.-3- -Oh, I really dislike it. It was hot and humid.

18、4 So we had to stay inthe hotel.- -Didn ' t you go there alone?- -5 I went there with my son.VII.完形填空(10分)In the USA, children start school when they are five years old. In some states they must _1_ in school till(直至U )they sixteen. But most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they

19、 _2_ high schools. There are twoo kind of schools in the USA: public schools and private schools. _3 children go to public schools . Their parents _4 have to pay fortheir education because the schools _5 money from the government(政府).If a child goes to a private school ,his parents have to get enoug

20、h money for his schooling. Some parents still _6 private schools though(尽管)they are much more expensive.Today about half of the high school students _7_ in unversities after they finish thehigh schools . A student at a state unvisity(州立大学)does not have to pay very much if his parents _8_ in that sta

21、te.Many students9_ while they are studying at universities. In this way, they get intobetter working habits(习惯)and live by own hands.1. A.go B. come C. stay D. keep2. A.leave B. come C. study D. pass 3. A. Several B. Most C. A few D. Few4. A. don ' tB. doesn ' C. didn ' D. done5. A. lend

22、 B. spend C. get D. cost6. A. goB. hateC. like D. mind7. A. palyB. missC.change D. study8. A. was born B. travel C. visit D. live9. A. work B. study hard C. do sports D. read books 10. A. they B. them C. this D. theirVIII.阅读理解(15分)AA university professor(教授)recently (最近) made several tests with diff

23、erent animals to find out which was cleverer than the others.In one test the professor put a monkey in a room. There were several small boxes in it. Some small boxes were inside big ones and a small box had some food in it. The professor would watch the monkey. He wanted to find out how long it woul

24、d take the monkey to find the food. The professor left the room, closed the door and waited a few minutes outside. Then he got down on his knees and looked throught the keyhole(钥匙孔).To his surprise, he found himself seeing the eye of the monkey. The monkey also looked outside through the keyholeon t

25、he other side of the door.1. The professor wanted to knowA. if the monkey came into the box.B. if the monkey would look for the food.C. if the monkey was cleverer than other animals.D. if some boxes were inside other boxes.2. In one of test the professor put a monkeyA. into a small box B. into a big

26、 boxC. into a room with some boxes D. in an empty room3. After the professor left the room, the monkey.A. began to eat food B. began to look for foodC. tried to look outside D. began to play with itself4. The professor.A. got down on his knees and waited outside the door.B. got down on his knees and

27、 look through the keyhole.C. left the room for a long time.D. looked at the monkey through the window.5. The professor was surprised because.A. the monkey got down on its kneesB. the monkey came out of the roomC. the monkey found the foodD. the monkey did the same thing as he didBBooks on how to do

28、things are very popular in America today. There are about four orfive thousand kinds of books with the title(标题)"How to ”.One book may tell you how tomake more money. Another may tell you how to save or spend it, or explain ( 说明)how to give your money away.Some “ How to " books tell yoowht

29、o choose选择)a way of making a living and how tosucceed 娥功)in it. But, if you fail( 失败),you can buy a book called “ How to Run Failure into Success ” . If you would like to become very rich, you can buy the book“ How to Make aMillion ” . If you never make any money at all, you may need a book called“

30、How to Live onNothing ” . If you are unhappy with your life, you can read“ How to Love Every Minute ofYour Life ” . There is even a book called" Horweto Kill .YHow to Make a Million根据短文内容, 判断正(T)误(F )1. If you are sad, you can buy the book2. There are more than six thousand kinds of books with

31、the title“ How to3. Maybe "How to "books are helpful to people.4. If you fail, you can read the book“ How to Run Failure Into Success ”5. The best title for this article(文章)is " How to " books.C从A-E中为这篇短文的各段选出主题句,并将其标号填入题前括号内A The place of production (产地)of the kiwi fruit.B.The k

32、iwi fruit has much nutrition(营养).C.Tips(提示)on the kiwi fruit.D. What the kiwi fruit is .E. Other uses of the kiwi fruit.( )1. The kiwi fruit is a kind of berry of the vine( 蔓生植物浆果).The kiwi fruit is oval, about the size of a large egg. It has a brown green skin and green flesh with little black seed

33、s.( )2. The kiwi fruit has much vitamin C in it, so doctors say the kiwi fruit is the best food to make your face beautiful .Eating kiwi fruit can also make you happy and relaxed. Many people call it the“ the king of the fruit( )3. People first find the kiwi fruit in the south of China, but now there are many other countries planting this delicious fruit , such as Italy and New Zealand.( )4. Now, the kiwi fruit is not just a kind of fruit. People also use it to make different kinds of drinks and medici


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