已阅读5页,还剩10页未读 继续免费阅读




1、202 Useful Sentences ofBusiness Writing商业信函常用语202句Enquiries询价1. We are interested in your products. Please send us your brochure and complete price list.我方对贵公司产品很感兴趣。请寄产品小册子及完整价格表。2. We understand that you are manufacturers of and should like to know whether you can supply我方了解到贵方是发面的制造商,很想知晓贵方能否提供3.

2、 Please send us your most favorable offer.请报你方最优惠价。4. When quoting a price take into consideration a minimum quantity of 报价时请考虑最小数量。5. As it is our intention to import production lines for the manufacture of , we are interested in contacting a number of prominent manufacturers in your country with a

3、 view to choosing lines suitable for our market.由于我方意欲进口制造的生产线,并着眼于挑选适合我国市场的产品,我方很有兴趣接洽数家贵国的著名生产商。6. We suggest that you calculate your prices CIF and make certain your prices are the lowest possible.我们建议您按CIF计价,并确保贵方价格为最低价。7. We generally order only after having seen samples, please send us a few s

4、amples of your products.我们一般要在察看样品后方可订货,请寄贵方几件产品样品。8. Can you make us any special offers for the purpose of introducing your product to our market?为向我国市场引进贵方产品,可否报特价?9. If you can supply goods of the type and quality required, please make us a firm offer and quote your lowest prices.如果贵方能够提供所要求种类和品质

5、之货物,请报实盘和最低价。10. You must take into consideration when quoting a price that we may place regular orders for large quantities.贵方报价时务必将我方有可能定期地大批量购货的情况考虑进去。Replies to Enquiries and Offers答复询价和报价1. We are pleased to learn from your letter of that you are interested in our 从贵方xx日信中得知贵方对我方产品有兴趣。2. We hav

6、e pleasure in enclosing a copy of our latest catalogue asked for in your letter of 我方很高兴地寄上贵方信中所要的最新产品目录一本。3. We have the items in stock and can deliver as soon as we receive your order.本产品我方有存货,一旦收到贵方订单可立即发货。4. We have received your inquiry of and wish to make the following offer.我方收到贵方日询价,兹报盘如下。5.

7、 The item you requested is presently sold out. Therefore, we can not send you an offer.贵方所要货品目前已售馨。因此,我方暂不能报盘。6. We will come back to your inquiry as soon as we can make you an attractive offer.一等我方可报具吸引力的价格便可回复贵方询价。7. This is the best offer we can send you.此为我方可报的最佳价。8. For this lot we can quote a

8、highly reduced price.根据此一数量,我方可大幅减价报价。9. In spite of rising production costs, our prices have remained stable.尽管生产成本日升,我方价格仍保持稳定。10. Our prices are binding until 我方报价有效期至11. We assure you that we will do our best to satisfy you regarding quality.有关品质事宜,我方保证尽力使贵方满意。12. We accept orders only for quant

9、ities of and up.我方只接受以上数量的订货。13. We are able to execute your order immediately.我方可以立即开工完成贵方订货。14. Packing charges are included in the price, and we can make delivery whenever you wish.报价已包含包装费用,我方可随时交货。15. We trust you will find our quotation satisfactory and look forward to receiving your order.我方相

10、信贵方会对我方报价满意,并等待贵方订货。16. As prices are steadily rising (As our stocks of these goods are limited) we would advise you to place your order without delay.由于价格稳步上升(我方存货有限),我们建议贵方立即订货,切勿延误。17. The samples which are enclosed with this letter will give you an idea of the excellent quality of our products.随

11、信附上样品,以使贵方对我方产品的优异品质有一个直观。18. We would like to inform you that you will be invoiced for all the samples if they are not returned to us within days.兹通知贵方,如果全部样品未能于天内寄还,我方将如数计费。19. We regret to inform you that we do not have in stock the goods in the desired quality.我方遗憾地通知贵方,所要品质的物品我方没有存货。20. We have

12、 a large quantity of on stock. On orders of more than we grant a discount of %. Please let us know immediately if you can make use of this offer.xx产品我方备有大批存货。对于xx数量以上的订货我方给予%的折扣。请即告我方贵方是否会接受报盘。Replies to Offers回复报价1. We are pleased to find your offer of fits well into our sales program, and enclose

13、our official order for the following; 我方很高兴的发现贵方报盘符合我方的销售计划,兹附上我方正式订单如下。2. We regret having received your offer too late. We have already covered our needs elsewhere.很遗憾,我方收到贵方报盘太迟,已经从别处订货(满足自己所需)。3. Because your prices are higher than those of our previous suppliers, we cannot make use of your offe

14、r dated 由于贵方价格高于我方以前的供货商,因此我方无法接受你方日的报盘。4. Your minimum order quantities are above our present requirements. Therefore, we cannot accept your offer.贵方最小起订量达不到我方目前要求,故而我方无法接受贵方报价(above此处作“达不到”解释,而并非“高于”,切勿望文生义)。5. The quality of the goods offered in your letter of is not satisfactory. We would like t

15、o know if you could supply items of a better quality.贵方xx日信所报货物的品质不能令人满意。我方向了解你方可否提供更好的品质。6. If you could reduce the prices for your offer of by 2%, we would be willing to accept your offer.如果你方可以将报盘减价2%,我们便愿意接受报价。7. We regularly require large quantities of the item you offered. Please let us know y

16、our prices for large orders.我们定期大批量需要你方所报货品。请通知我方大批订货的价格。8. We would accept your offer of if packing charges are included.如果报价包括包装费,我们便接受你方报盘。9. Your offer suits us. However, we must insist on delivery before end of November.你方报价对我方较适合。但我方坚持11月底前交货。10. Your payment conditions are not acceptable. We

17、have to insist on payment by L/C.你方所列付款条件无法接受。我方不得不坚持信用证付款。11. We have to point out that the listed payment terms do not correspond to customary business practice.我方不得不指出,所列付款条件不符合贸易惯例。12. The shipping arrangements in your offer are not acceptable. We can accept your offer only if you adhere to our

18、wishes regarding shipping.你方报价所列装船安排无法接受。只有你方按照我方的意愿安排装运才能接受你方报价。13. Due to the present price level, we are unable to change the price of our offer.鉴于当前的价格水平,我方无法改变报价。14. We are sorry not to adjust our offer according to your request.很抱歉我方未能按照贵方要求调整报价。15. We are sorry not to be able to comply with y

19、our request for a lower price, but we are in a position to send you a special offer.很抱歉我方无法按照你方要求降价,但我方可以向你方报特价。16. The goods should also be insured against breakage at your cost.货物亦应由贵方保破损险Orders and their fulfillment订货及履约1. The above order is based on your price list which we consider as binding.我

20、方认为上述订单乃根据贵方价格表做出,应具法律效力。2. In order to cut down handling and shipping expenses as much as possible, we suggest that you ship the above large order in containers.为尽最大可能削减操作和运输费用,我方建议贵方使用集装箱装运上述大批量订货。3. The above order is urgently needed. We, therefore, request you to forward it by airfreight.急需上述订货。

21、因此我方要求贵方空运。4. Please ship Item 2 of the above order immediately. Regarding the remaining items, we can allow three months for delivery.请立即装运上述订单第二项货品。关于其余货品,我方允许三个月内交完。5. We hope delivery will be made according to schedule.我方希望按照原定日期交货。6. If the quality of your products prove to be satisfactory, we

22、will be prepared to negotiate a long-term contract.如果证明贵方产品令人满意,我们将准备就长期合同举行谈判。7. Please confirm the above order stating exact date of delivery.请确认上述订货列明交货的准确日期8. Your order has been completed, and we await your instructions as to delivery.贵方订单已完成,我方正待贵方指示交货。9. We are pleased to inform you that as p

23、er your instructions the forwarding agent has picked up your shipment today.很高兴通知贵方,货运代理已按贵方指示于今日提货。10. Enclosed please find one set of the shipping documents for the goods delivered on 随附xx日交货的全套提单。11. The amount due exceeds the amount in your letter of credit. 应付金额超过贵方信用证的金额。12. Our order has been

24、 received on schedule and without any obvious damage.我方订货已如期收到,表面未见明显破损。13. We confirm receipt of your remittance of covering 我方确认收到xx合约项下汇款。14. The delivery deadline on our order has been exceeded by days. We are allowing you a final deadline of days.我方订单交货最终期限业已超过xx天。我们再给与你方最后xx天期限。15. If you do n

25、ot deliver as promised by we will have to cancel our order.如果你方未于xx日交货,我方将不得不撤销订单。16. Due to your delay in delivery, we are no longer in a position to accept your goods. We hereby cancel our order.由于你方交货延迟,我方不再可能接受你方货物,因此撤销我方订单。17. We feel sure you will find our goods satisfactory in every way and p

26、erfectly suited to your needs.我方认为,贵方会觉得我方货物在每方面都令人满意,完全适合贵方需要。18. We hope the goods will reach you in good time and look forward to receiving your further orders.我方希望货物按时到达,并期待你方更多的订货。19. Your delay in delivery has forced us to obtain the goods elsewhere. We are returning your shipment at your expe

27、nse.你方延迟交货,迫使我方不得不从别处购货。20. Your inefficient handling of our order forces us to cancel same.你方无法胜任处理我方订货,迫使我方取消上述订单。Complaints and Adjustments申诉和处理1. We are sorry to inform you that three of the cases of your consignment were badly damaged when delivered.我们遗憾的通知你方,运到的货物中有三箱严重损坏。2. On re-inspection,

28、we found that the quality of the goods did not meet the contract standards.经过复查,我方发现品质根本与合同不符。3. Your delivery does not correspond with your offer. We refuse to accept goods of such poor quality.你方所交货与报价不相符,我方拒绝接收质量如此低劣的货品。4. We regret to find that your delivery of our contract No. was considerably

29、short. Please send us immediately the missing lot.我方很遗憾地发现,你方交来的我方xx号合同项下货物短装相当严重。请立即发运短少的部分。5. cartons of your item No. were invoiced but not included in the delivery. Please clarify this.你方第xx号货品共xx箱虽开出发票,但交货时并未包括在内。请作说明。6. A portion of the goods arrived damaged. We have to put in a claim for the

30、damage.货物抵达时部分受损。我方不得不提出申诉。7. We have to insist on an additional shipment to replace three cases of item No. as they arrived damaged because of poor packing.第xx号货品运到时有三箱损坏,我方不得不坚持另发一批换货。8. The delay in delivery was caused by We assure you that in the future your order will receive preferred attentio

31、n.交货延误由引起。我方保证贵方今后的订单会得到优先照顾。9. Because of the overburden of our commitments, we are unable to ship your order within the agreed period.由于我方订货负担过重,无法在协议期限内交货。10. Your order has to be specially made up. For this reason, we ask you to understand a delay in delivery.贵方订货需特别加工,因此,我方请求贵方对交货延误予以谅解。11. We

32、offer our apologies for the delay in delivery. Production problems made it impossible to ship your order earlier.我方对交货延误深表歉意。生产问题致使我方无法更早交运贵方订货。12. We have to point out that your complaint about inferior quality is unfounded.我们不得不指出你方投诉质量低劣是毫无根据的。13. According to our records, your complaint about in

33、complete delivery is not in order.根据我方记录,你方申诉交货短少不甚妥当。14. The quality of the goods sent to you correspond precisely to that of the samples.发给贵方的货物品质跟样品完全一致。15. Due to the fact that you urged quick delivery, we were not able to use the special packing. We, therefore, cannot accept your claim for dama

34、ge.由于你方催促迅速交货,我们未及使用特殊包装。因此我方无法接受你方索赔的申诉。16. We acknowledge your claim for compensation for the low quality item and ask you to excuse this error. We are prepared to allow you a % discount for the low quality items.我方知悉贵方对该批低品质货物的索赔,并请求贵方原谅失误。我方准备为这批品质低下的货品让利xx%。17. We are afraid that an error was m

35、ade in execution of your order No. Please send us back the rejected items. 我方担心在完成贵方订货时出现差错,请将退货发还给我方。18. We accept your justified complaint for improper packing and agree to replace the damaged pieces.我方接受贵方有关包装不良的索赔处理,同意替换损坏的件数。19. We regret to have sent you the wrong merchandise by mistake. Shoul

36、d you be able to use it, we would be willing to allow you a reduction of price of 很遗憾,我方由于过失发错货给贵方。倘若贵方尚可一用,我方愿意减价若干20. We are sorry that our order led to misunderstandings and thus caused delay in delivery. In the future we will fill out the order form more legibly.很遗憾,我方订单引起误会,导致交货延误。今后我方在下订单时会填写清

37、楚。Packing包装1. The packaging of the article features novel design and diversified styles.本品包装体现了设计新颖和风格多样的特色。2. The new packaging of the porcelain is in Chinese national style and suitable for display in supermarkets.瓷器的新包装采用中国的民族风格,较适合在超级市场摆放。3. Please take necessary precautions that the packing can

38、 protect the goods from dampness or rain since these shirts are liable to be spoiled by damp or water in transit.因为这批衬衫在运输途中易受湿气或雨水的损坏,请采取必要措施以保证外包装可保护货物免遭潮气和雨水侵袭。4. In compliance with your request, the bags will be printed on one side in one color as per your design.为遵从贵方要求,袋子一面将根据你方图样使用一种颜色印刷。5. T

39、he eggs are packed in cartons lined with shockproof corrugated paperboard.鸡蛋将使用防震的瓦楞纸排列于纸箱内包装。6. The price has been calculated in such a way that we cant provide special packing free of charge.如此的的计价方法致使我方难以提供免费包装。7. In order to avoid damage in transit, we suggest packing in wooden cases instead of

40、wicker baskets.为了避免运输途中的损坏,我方建议勿使用柳条筐,而要使用木制箱。8. Our end-users pointed out that the packing should be in line with their market preferences.我方最终用户指出包装需同市场偏好一致。9. The goods should be carefully packed in reinforced cartons and delivered within 30 days from the date of order.货物货物应使用加固纸箱小心包装,并于订货之日起30天内

41、交货。10. Well sign the contract on condition that the packing instructions of the users are observed.我方签约的条件是用户的包装指示得到遵守。Marking唛头1. Correct and distinct marking on the outside containers is absolutely necessary.容器外部正确显著的唛头绝对需要。2. The batch number should be marked clearly on every container.每个容器上的批号须清

42、楚标明。3. Each package should have the marking “fragile”.每包上须标明“易碎品”。4. We are awaiting your instructions regarding labeling to each package for shipment on board m.v. Red Star.我方正详待贵方有关装“红星”号船外包装标签的指示。5. Dont forget to specify the marking in the waybill.切勿忘记提单上注明唛头。6. Please see to it that no name of

43、country or trademark is to appear on the outside containers.请注意容器外万勿出现国名和商标。7. Its not necessary to indicate the name and address of the consignee on each package, as shipping marks comprise the initials of the buyers name.由于运输买又由卖方的名称词首字母组成,每包外无需表明收货人的姓名和地址。8. The cases are to be marked with our in

44、itials in a diamond as usual.装箱时唛头如常,为菱形图案中我方词首字母,9. The markings are so blurred that it is difficult to identify the cases on arrival.唛头模糊不清,箱子运到时难以辨认。10. All boxes are marked as usual, but please number them consecutively from No.11.所有箱子唛头照常,但请从第11箱起连续编号。Delivery交货1 We are reluctant to say that th

45、is delay is threatening the loss of our best customer.我方虽不情愿但不得不说,延误会威胁到失去我方最好的客户。2 Considering shipment of Order AD-5, the users insist that the first 5-ton lot is shipped by the end of May, or they will claim for compensation.考虑到AD-5订单的交货问题,用户坚持首批5吨货5月底装船,否则他们将提出索赔。3 We have to inform you that the

46、 goods ordered by us on September 4, has not arrived yet, nor have we heard anything from your firm about that. 我方不得不通知你方,9月4日所定货物至今未到,亦未听你公司提起。4 Your failure to deliver the goods within the stipulated time has greatly inconvenienced us as the season is almost over.你方未能在规定期内交货已经给我方带来很大麻烦,因为季节几乎已过。5

47、For sometime past we have been urging you for a punctual delivery. Unless this order is already on the way, it will arrive too late for the best season.曾几何时,我方一直催问你方准时交货。除非该批订货已在途中,否则到货已嫌太迟而错过最佳季节。6 The manufacturer has informed us that owing to an unexpected rise in demand, they have not been able

48、to cope with orders and are behindhand with some deliveries.制造商通知我方,由于需求意外上涨,他们一直无法应付积压的订货,并已延误不少交期。7 The delay was caused by the belated arrival of the raw material.延误是因为原料姗姗来迟造成的。8 We have tried our best to find container space for the art goods but have failed to do so. Please give us instruction

49、s if airfreight is possible.我方已尽全力为该批工艺品寻找舱位,却无功而返。可否空运,请给予指示。9 Owing to an unexpected production problem on the part of our manufacturer, we are unable to make delivery of the goods on schedule.由于出现制造商一方的意外生产问题,我方无法如期交货。10 The strike in our factory held up the production for 24 hours. Therefore, th

50、ere is likely, to be some delay in delivery of order, for which we apologize.本工厂罢工导致生产停顿24小时,所以订货交期略有延误,我方为此表示歉意。11 The delivery month we prefer for this order is October. We hope you will have no difficulty in complying with our desire.此订单的交货期我方首选10月份。我方希望贵方能毫无困难地满足我方意愿。The term of delivery month w

51、ill run from the date of your confirming our order. 交货条款自你方确认我方订单之日起开始施行。12 Order TR-8 can be supplied for immediate delivery, while Order TR-9 are only available for delivery in 6 months from the date of order.TR-8订单可立即交货,而TR-9订单从订货之日起则需要6个月方始有货。13 The delivery time given in our fax of yesterday is

52、 only an estimated one and subject to our final confirmation.昨日我方传真所给的交货期仅是预估,应以我方最后确认为准。Shipment装运1. We wish to reiterate that the goods should be shipped in two equal lots as per contract stipulations.我方希望重申,货物应依照合约规定按相同数量分两批装运。2. Well try our best to persuade our clients to accept transshipment a

53、nd partial shipment.我方会尽力劝说客户接受转船和分批装运。3. The goods will be shipped in three shipments of 1,000 tons each during September, November and December.货物将分三批,每批1,000吨,于9月、11月和12月付运。4. We may accept shipment of this order in four monthly installments of 250 sets each, commencing in June.我方或可接受自6月起,分4个月内每批

54、250台装运。5. The first lot will be delivered by June/July. You will receive the remainder by the end of the year.首批6-7月交货,余货年底前收到。6. We would stress that shipment must be made within the prescribed limit, as a further extension will not be considered.我方要强调的是,必须在规定期限内交货,无法考虑进一步的延期。7. We must insist on i

55、mmediate delivery, otherwise we shall be compelled to cancel the order in accordance with the contract stipulations.我方必须坚持立即交货,否则将不得不按照和约规定撤销订单。8. We wish to point out that if you are unable to effect shipment within the time specified, we shall not have enough time to fulfil our contract with our e

56、nd-users.我方希望指出的是,如果你方无法在规定时间内装运,我方将得不到足够时间以完成同最终用户签订的合约。9. We would ask you to try your utmost to effect shipment as per the original schedule.我方要求你方竭尽全力按原定日期交货。10. We hope that the goods would arrive in time for the New Year rush.我方希望货物能及时到达以赶上新年的高峰期。11. I wonder if you could advance the shipment

57、by one month as we need it badly.由于我方求货心切,我想知道贵方可否提前一个月交货。12. Could you possibly make your delivery date not later than June?可否把你方交期定为不迟于6月份?13. Please ship the goods from Liverpool on s.s. Tornado designated by us, scheduled to arrive at the port on May 2.我方所指定“狂风号”轮定于5月2日抵港,请从利物浦港装运。14. As soon as shipping space is booked, we shall advise you of the name.一等我放顶到舱位便会通知你方船名。15. We are pleased to tell you that we have shipped today by m.v. “Red Ring” 100 sets of sewing machines. We trust that the goods will reach


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