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1、一、英语阅读理解训练1 .阅读理解阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Miss Su is our teacher. She likes to tell us about her weekends. She usually gets up early on Saturdays. She does exercise in the garden for about half an hour. Then she has her breakfast. She doesnt do housework in the morning. She often plays with her dog for about tw

2、o hours in the park. The dog runs and jumps happily. She has lunch in a restaurant near her home. She enjoys walking down the street and saying hello to her neighbours. In the afternoon, she cleans her house. She often cooks dinner for herself. Then she watches TV. She enjoys her weekends very much.

3、(1) She doesnt in the morning.A. get upB. have breakfastC. do housework(2) Miss Su early and in the garden on Saturdays.C. gets up; do exerciseA. get up; do exercise B. gets up; does exercise (3) She often plays with her in the park.A. neighboursB. dog(4) She has in a restaurant.A. breakfastB. lunch

4、 She on Saturday afternoons.A. exercisesB. cleans her house【答案】(1) CC. teacherC. dinnerii C. singsB(3) B(4) BB【解析】【分析】大意:短文讲述了苏老师周末的日常生活。(1)根据She doesnt do housework in the morning.可知她早上不做家务。故答案为C.(2) 根据 She usually gets up early on Saturdays. She does exercise in the garden for about half an hour.可

5、知她星期六通常起得很早,在花园里锻炼。故答案为B.(3)根据 She often plays with her dog for about two hours in the park.可知她经常在公园里和她的狗玩。故答案为B.(4)根据 She has lunch in a restaurant near her home.可知她在一家餐馆吃午饭。故答案为 B.(5)根据In the afternoon, she cleans her house.可知她星期六下午打扫房子。故答案为B.【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,首先通读短文,理解大意;其次阅读题干,根据题干信息 找出相关句进行选择。2 .阅读

6、理解读短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是否一致Chairman Mao was a very famous and important person in Chinese history. He gave Chinese people new life. We can live in China better and better. He was a kind man and he cared about every one of Chinese people and their lives. Chinese people were very poor and hungry in old Chin

7、a before 1949. Chairman Mao led Chinese people to found( 建立 ) new China. Finally, all of the Chinese people work for a better life together. We love Chairman Mao. Chairman Mao is the father of new China.( 1 ) Chairman Mao was a great man in Chinese history.( 2 ) Chinese people were very poor in old

8、China after1949.( 3) Chairman Mao cared about every one of Chinese people.( 4 ) Chairman Mao led Chinese people to found new China.( 5 ) Chairman Mao is the father of new China.【答案】 ( 1 ) 1(2) 0(3) 1(4) 1(5) 1【考点】阅读理解【解析】【分析】大意:短文讲述了中国历史上一位非常著名和重要的人物毛主席。( 1)句意:毛主席是中国历史上的伟人。根据Chairman Mao was a very

9、famous andimportant person in Chinese history. 可知毛主席是中国历史上的伟人,故答案为正确。( 2)句意:1949 年以后,中国人在旧中国很穷。根据Chinese people were very poor andhungry in old China before 1949. 可知 1949 年以前,中国人在旧中国非常贫穷和饥饿,故答案为错误。( 3)句意:毛主席关心每一个中国人。根据He was a kind man and he cared about everyone of Chinese people and their lives. 可

10、知毛主席关心每一个中国人,故答案为正确。( 4)句意:毛主席带领中国人民建立了新中国。根据Chairman Mao led Chinese people tofound new China. 可知毛主席带领中国人民建立了新中国,故答案为正确。( 5)句意:毛主席是新中国之父。根据Chairman Mao is the father of new China. 可知毛主席是新中国之父,故答案为正确。【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,判断句子正确或错误。3 阅读理解阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。One day, the famous American scientist Al

11、bert Einstein came across an old friend in the street in New York. Mr. Einstein, said the friend. it seems that you need a new overcoat. This one is worn out! It doesnt matter, answered Einstein. Nobody knows me here in New York. Seven years passed, and they met in New York again. Einstein had becom

12、e a world famous physicist by then, but he still wore the same old overcoat. Once more his friend tried to persuade him into getting a new one. There is no need now. said Einstein. Everyone here knows me.( 1 ) Albert Einstein was a famous American scientist.( 2 ) Einsteins overcoat looked very old.(

13、 3 ) Einstein still wore the same old overcoat when he became world famous.( 4 ) His friend thought Einstein didnt need a new overcoat.( 5 ) This story tells us that Einstein did not pay attention to the superficial ( 丧面的 ) things.【答案】 ( 1 ) 1(2) 1(3) 1(4) 0(5) 1【考点】阅读理解【解析】 【分析】这是讲述爱因斯坦的生活轶事。( 1)句意

14、:爱因斯坦是一位伟大的科学家。根据短文叙述Einstein had become a worldfamous physicist by then . (到那时爱因斯坦成为了世界著名的物理学家。)可知题目叙述正 确。故答案为:正确。( 2)句意:爱因斯坦的外套看起来很旧。根据短文叙述it seems that you need a newovercoat. This one is worn out! (看起来你需要一件新外套。你的这件太旧了。)可知题目叙 述正确。故答案为:正确。( 3 )句意:爱因斯坦仍然穿着同一件旧外套,当他世界著名时。根据短文叙述 Einstein had become a

15、 world famous physicist by then, but he still wore the same old overcoat. (到那时 爱因斯坦成为了世界著名的物理学家,但是他仍然穿着那件旧外套。)可知题目叙述正 确。故答案为:正确。( 4)句意:他的朋友认为爱因斯坦不需要一件新外套。根据短文叙述it seems that youneed a new overcoat. This one is worn out! (看起来你需要一件新外套。你的这件太旧了。) 可知题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。( 5 )句意:这个故事告诉我们爱因斯坦不注重表面的东西。根据整篇短文,可知爱因

16、斯坦不注重外套的新旧,他不注重外在的东西。题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。【点评】这是考查情景交际的题目。仔细阅读短文,根据短文的细节叙述来判断正误。4 阅读理解阅读理解Some animals collect their winter food in the autumn. In the winter, they just stay at home and eat the food they collect in the autumn. For example, squirrels collect seeds and nuts, and beavers collect sticks.Many

17、birds cannot find food in the winter, so they fly from the north to the south in the autumn. They fly back the next spring. For example, swans and wild geese fly away in the autumn, because they can find food in the warm south.Some animals sleep for a long time in the winter. They eat a lot of food

18、in the autumn. In the winter, they do not eat anything. They are hungry when they wake up in the spring. They usually look for food in March or April. Bears, snakes and frogs are such animals.Winter is cold in many countries, but these smart animals can spend it safely.Questions:( 1 ) What do squirr

19、els collect for winter in autumn?(2) Why swans and wild geese fly away in the autumn?(3) When does the snake look for food when they wake up ?(4) Which animal collect their winter food in the autumn?【答案】11) Squirrels collect seeds and nuts.(5) Because they can find food in the warm south.(6) In Marc

20、h or April.(7) The squirrels and beavers【考点】阅读理解【解析】【分析】大意:短文讲述了有些动物在秋天采集冬季食物,准备过冬,许多鸟在 秋天从北方飞到南方找到食物,有些短文冬眠。(1) 句意:松鼠在秋天冬天收集什么? 根据 For example, squirrels collect seeds and nuts, and beavers collect sticks.可知松鼠收集种子和坚果,故答案为Squirrels collect seeds andnuts.(2)句意:为什么天鹅和大雁会在秋天飞走?根据 Many birds cannot find

21、 food in the winter, so they fly from the north to the south in the autumn.可知因为他们能在温暖的南方找到食物, 故答案为 Because they can find food in the warm south.(3)句意:当蛇醒来时,它们什么时候寻找食物?根据 They usually look for food in March or April. Bears, snakes and frogs are such animals.可知三月或四月,故答案为In March or April.(4)句意:哪种动物在秋天

22、采集冬季食物?根据 In the winter, they just stay at home and eat the food they collect in the autumn. For example, squirrels collect seeds and nuts, and beavers collect sticks.,可知松鼠和海狸,故答案为 The squirrels and beavers【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,首先通读短文,理解大意;其次阅读题干,根据题干信息 找出相关句进行回答。5 .阅读理解阅读理解,按要求做答。Everybody has a home. Anim

23、als also have their homes. People live in many different kinds of houses. Animals have different kinds of houses, too. Some animals live in holes under the ground. Woodchuck lives under the ground. Its home has two doors. If any enemy comes in through one door. The woodchuck will go out through the

24、other one. Some animals live in holes or in trees. Squirrels build their nests high in the trees. Birds also live in holes or in trees. And most of them live in their nests. Only hawks build their nests high in the mountains.(1) Which animal lives in holes under the ground?A. birdB. fishC. woodchuck

25、(2) How many doors does a woodchucks home have ?A. Two doors.B. One door.C. Three doors.(3) Squirrels live in trees.A. lowB. highC. different(4) Most of the birds live in their nests.哪一幅图可以表示画线单词的意思?(5)根据文中画线的句子,可以知道build的意思是 .A.大楼B.建造“C.居住【答案】(1) CA(3) B(4) AB【考点】阅读理解【解析】【分析】这是介绍动物巢穴的短文。(1)根据短文叙述 W

26、oodchuck lives under the ground.(土巴鼠住在地下。)可知 C选项正确。故答案为:Co(2)根据短文叙述 Its home has two doors.(它的巢穴有2个门。)可知 A选项正确。故答案为:Ao(3)根据短文叙述 Squirrels build their nests high in the trees (松鼠将巢高高的建在树 上。)可知B选项正确。故答案为:B。(4)根据短文上下文叙述可知nest和home意思相同,是 家”的意思,对于鸟来说是巢”。A选项正确。故答案为:Ao(5)根据上下文意思提示,build在这里是建造的意思,B选项正确。故答案为

27、:B。【点评】这是考查阅读理解的题目。仔细阅读短文,然后根据短文的细节叙述来回答问 题。6 .阅读理解阅读理解。根据短文内容判断下列句子正误。Im Peter. Im from the UK. I have a brother. His name is Jim. He is taller than me, but I am older than him. We are helpful. We often clean the room and wash the clothes on the weekend. He likes playing computer games. I like play

28、ing computer games, too. But he plays better than me. He also likes reading. He often goes the bookstore and the library. After dinner, we usually read books. Sometimes we go for a walk. We always have a good time together. Do you have a brother or sister? Can you tell me about him/her?(1) Peter is

29、from the UK.(2) Jim is taller than Peter, but Peter is older than Jim.(3) They often clean the room and wash the clothes on the weekend.(4) Jim doesnt like reading.(5) Peter and Jim usually read books after dinner.【答案】(1)11(3) 1(4) 0(5) 1【考点】阅读理解【解析】 【分析】大意:短文讲述了彼得和他的兄弟吉姆的日常生活。(1)句意:彼得来自英国。根据Im Pete

30、r. Im from the UK. 可知彼得来自英国,故答案为正确。(2)句意:吉姆比彼得高,但彼得比吉姆大。根据He is taller than me, but I am older thanhim. 可知吉姆比彼得高,但彼得比吉姆大,故答案为正确。( 3)句意:周末他们经常打扫房间,洗衣服。根据We often clean the room and wash theclothes on the weekend. 可知周末他们经常打扫房间,洗衣服,故答案为正确。( 4)句意:吉姆不喜欢读书。根据He also likes reading. 可知吉姆喜欢读书,故答案为错误。(5)句意:彼得

31、和吉姆通常晚饭后看书。根据After dinner, we usually read books. 可知彼得和吉姆通常晚饭后看书,故答案为正确。【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,判断句子正确或错误。7 阅读理解 阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符Mr. Ones and Mr. Brown worked in the same office.One day Mr. Jones said to Mr. Brown, are going to have a small party at ourhouse next Wednesday evening. Would yo

32、u and your wife like to join us? ”Mr. Brown said, “ Thank you very much. We arefree that evening, I think. But I will telephonemy wife and ask her. Maybe shewill go somewhere else that evening.” So Mr. Brown went to theother room and telephoned.When he came back, he looked very sorry. “ Whatis the m

33、atter? ” Asked Mr. Jones. “ Did you speak to your wife? ”“ No, ” Answered Mr. Brown, “ She wasnt there.My little son answered the telephone. I said to him “ Is your mother there, David?And he an”swered,“ No, shes not in the house.h”“eWhere is sthen? ” I asked. “ Sheis somewhere outside. ”“ What is s

34、he doing? ”“ She is looking for me.( 1 ) A small party will be held( 举行 ) at Mr. Browns house.( 2 ) Mr. Jones asked Mr. and Mrs. Brown to the party.( 3 ) The telephone was in the same office.( 4 ) Mr. Brown spoke to Mrs. Brown on the phone.(5) Why(为什么)was Mrs. Brownlooking for David?Because she thou

35、ght(想)David was playing somewhere outside.【答案】 ( 1 ) 0(2) 1(3) 0(4) 0(5) 1【解析】 【分析】文章大意:本文主要讲述布朗先生受到邀请,给妻子打电话征求意见的情景。( 1 )根据 One day Mr. Jones said to Mr. Brown, “weare going to have a small party at our house next Wednesday evening.知,在约翰先生家里句型聚会,故答案为错误。( 2 )根据 Would you and your wife like to join u

36、s? 知约翰先生邀请布朗夫妇参加聚会,故答 ” 案为正确。( 3 )根据So Mr. Brown went to the other room and telephoned. 知电话在另一个房间,故答案为错误。(4)根据My little son answered the telephone. 知,是布朗先生的儿子接电话,不是布朗夫人,故答案为错误。( 5 )根据根据文章大意知,布朗夫人认为儿子在外面玩,所以去寻找,故答案为正确。【点评】考查阅读理解,浏览文章大意,理解问题意思,根据问题在原文寻找原句,选择答案。8 阅读理解 阅读理解,判断对错Mrs. Blacks mother was il

37、l in bed three days ago . So she had to go and look after her .Before she left , she said to her husband ,“ I must tell you where everything is , or you dontknow what to do , but my train is leaving in half an hours time and I must go now .“ Dont worry ,”Mr Black said ,“ I can look .af” terImn yfasc

38、etlf, hecouldnot doanythingwithout his wife . But when his wife came back the next day , she did not haveto washanyplatesbecause he had his metals in restaurants .( 1 ) Mrs. Blacks mother was ill in bed three days ago .( 2 ) She had to go and look after her father .( 3 ) Before she left , Mrs . Blac

39、k dindnt tell her husband where everything was .( 4 ) Mr . Black had his meals in restautants .( 5 ) Mrs . Brown didnt have to wash any plates because there were no plates to wash .【答案】 ( 1 ) 1(2) 0(3) 0(4) 1(5) 1【解析】 【分析】大意:讲述布莱克先生在妻子回家看望生病母亲期间为了不洗餐具而在饭店吃饭的事情。(6) 1 )根据Mrs. Blacks mother was ill in

40、bed three days ago可知布莱克女士确实是在三天前生病了,符合题干信息。故选正确。(7) 2 )根据Mrs. Blacks mother was ill in bed three days ago可知布莱克女士的母亲生病了。与题干信息 her father 她的爸爸不符。故选错误。(8) 3 )根据Before she left , she said to her husband ,“ I must tell you where everything is , or you dont know what to do , but my train is leaving in hal

41、f an hours time and I must go now . 可知布莱克女士嘱咐布莱克先生一切东西在哪里。与题干信息误。didnt tell 没告诉不符合。故选错(9) 4 )根据But when his wife came back the next day , she did not have to wash any platesbecause he had his metals in restaurants 可知布拉克先生确实在餐馆吃饭。与题干信息符 合。故选正确。(10) 5 )根据But when his wife came back the next day , she

42、did not have to wash any platesbecause he had his metals in restaurants 可知布莱克女士不用洗盘子因为布莱克先生没在家里吃饭。与题干信息符合。故选正确。【点评】考查阅读理解。首先通读全文,理解大意。其次阅读题干信息,根据题干信息找出相关句进行判断。9 阅读理解 阅读理解并判断。The traffic lights are the same in every country. There are always three lights: red, yellow and green. Red means stop Yellow

43、means Wait, and green means Go. In most parts of China, drivers drive on the right side of the road. In the US, drivers drive on the right side too. In England and Australia, however, drivers drive on the left side of the road. If you go by car, by bike or on foot, you must know the traffic rules.(1

44、) 1 ) The traffic lights are different in every country.(2) 2 ) Red means Stop. Yellow means Wait, and green means Go.(3) In most part of China, drivers drive on the left side of the road.(4) In England and Australia, drivers drive on the right side of the road.(5) 5 ) People must know the traffic r

45、ules.【答案】 ( 1 ) 0(6) 1(7) 0(8) 0(9) 1【解析】 【分析】 根据所给的短文, The traffic lights are the same in every country. 每个 国家的交通灯都是一样的 .故答案为错误 . 根据所给的短文, Red means stop Yellow means Wait, and green means Go. 红色表示“停止 ”黄色表示 “等待 ”,绿色表示 “走”. 故答案为正确 . 根据所给的短文, In most parts of China, drivers drive on the right side of

46、 the road. 在中国 的大部分地区,司机开车行驶在马路的右侧.故答案为错误. 根据所给的短文, In England and Australia, however, drivers drive on the left side of the road. 然而,在英国和澳大利亚,司机靠左行驶.故答案为错误. 根据所给的短文, If you go by car, by bike or on foot, you must know the traffic rules. 如果你 开车去,骑自行车或步行,你必须了解交通规则 .故答案为正确 .【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,首先理解短文意思,然后根据

47、所给的句子判断句子是否正 确.10 阅读理解 根据短文内容判断正误。Do you want to be healthy and thin? All of us will say: of course! But how to be healthy and thin? If you want to lose weight and keep healthy, the first way is to be on a diet. Eating too much is bad for your health and you will easily turn fat! The best way is to

48、eat a little sugar, but more vegetables! The other way is to do more exercise! Sport is good for your health. You should keep running or walking for about twenty minutes every day. This is the most straightforward method. If you keep doing this for a long time, you will be more healthy.(词汇提示:1) lose

49、 weight 减肥2) be on a diet 按规定进食;节食3) a little 少量的4 ) method 方法5) the most straightforward method 最直接的方法)( 1 ) There are three methods to be healthy and thin in the text.(2) If you want to lose weight, you should eat much sugar.( 3 ) Eating too much food is bad for your health.( 4 ) Eating vegetables

50、 is good for our health.( 5 ) The most straightforward method to keep healthy is to keep running or walking for about two hours every day.【答案】 ( 1 ) 0(3) 0(4) 1(5) 1(6) 0【解析】 【分析】大意:介绍两种简单健康的减肥方法。( 1 )根据 the first way is. 和 The other way is. 可知共有两种方法来减肥。与题干信息threemethods 三种方法不符。故选错误。(2)根据 If you wan

51、t to lose weight and keep healthy, the first way is to be on a diet. 可知如果 想要减肥,第一步就是要节食。与题干信息多吃糖too much sugar 不符。故选错误。( 3 )根据 Eating too much is bad for your health 可知吃太多对健康有害。与题干信息符合。 故选正确。( 4 )根据The best way is to eat a little sugar, but more vegetables! 可知吃蔬菜是更加健康的。与题干信息符合。故选正确。( 5 )根据 You shoul

52、d keep running or walking for about twenty minutes every day. This is the most straightforward method. 最简单直接的方法是每天坚持跑步或者步行二十分钟。与题干 信息 two hours 两个小时不符。故选错误。【点评】考查阅读理解。首先通读全文,理解大意。其次阅读问题,根据题干信息找出相 关句进行判断。11 阅读理解 阅读理解 BKate is an English girl. She lives in a tall building in the city of London. There

53、are sixteen floors in the building, and she lives on the tenth floor. She uses a lift( 电梯 ) to go up and down.Kate studies in a middle school near her house and she works hard. She goes to school early.Every day she leaves her home at half past six. She walks to the lift, and it takes her down to th

54、e first floor.There is a bus stop near the building. Usually she takes the No. 7 bus to her school. Classes begin at eight. She goes to play games at three forty. She gets home at a quarter past five. She begins to do her homework at eight and finishes it at half past nine.(1) Kate lives in a tall b

55、uilding London.A. nearB. in(2) She goes up and down the building.A. on footB. by lift(3) She leaves at six thirty.A. her homeB. the building(4) 4) She goes to school.A. by busB. by bike It takes her to do her homework.A. about an hour B. about one hour and a quarter 【答案】(1) BC. far fromC. by busC. t

56、he liftC. on footC. one hour and a halfB(3) A(4) AC【解析】【分析】该短文主要介绍 Kate居住、学习及生活的一些事情。(1)细节阅读,根据She lives in a tall building in the city of London.得知她住在伦敦,故选Bo(2)细节阅读,根据She uses a lift(电梯)to go up and down.得知她坐电梯上下楼。故选Bo(3)选Ao细节阅读,根据Every day she leaves her home at half past six.彳导知她六点半离开家,故(4)细节阅读,

57、故选Ao(5)细节阅读, 得知她做作业需根据根据Usually she takes the No. 7 bus to her school.得知她坐公交车去上学,She begins to do her homework at eight and finishes it at half past nine.要一个半小时的时间,故选Co【点评】考查对篇章的把握和细节的辨别能力。答题时,紧扣文章中的关键词,做出正确 选择。12 .阅读理解 阅读理解Lucy lives in the Xinyi Community. Yesterday she met Sara. She lives in thiscommunity, too. She moved to this com


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