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1、2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程1Unit 1 Electronic Devices Lesson 2 Memory Devices电子信息工程专业英语教程任治刚 主编电子工业出版社电子工业出版社 2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程2Lesson 2 Memory Devices Backgrounds Text tour Language in use Vocabulary Structure Reading/writing techniques2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程3 Terminology MOS, PMOS, NMOS, CMOS Flip-flo

2、p, Register SRAM, DRAM, ROM, EEPROM CAM Cache Ferroelectric Backgrounds2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程4Terminology 2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程5 MOS: Metal-oxide semiconductor 金属氧化物半导体 PMOS: p-type Metal-oxide semiconductor p型金属氧化物半导体 NMOS: n-type Metal-oxide semiconductor n型金属氧化物半导体 CMOS: Complementary Metal-Oxide-

3、Semiconductor 互补金属氧化物半导体MOS, PMOS, NMOS, CMOS 2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程6CMOS 是一类集成电路的总称。这种集成电路的输出结构由一个n型MOSFEF(金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管)和一个P型MOSFET串联而成。因为n型和p型MOSFET是相互补偿的,所以也常常使用“互补”一词来说明这种集成电路。MOS, PMOS, NMOS, CMOS 2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程7 A flip-flop is basically a bi-state circuit in which either a 0 or 1 state

4、 can resides. Because of its simplicity, the flip-flop is extremely fast. As a basic element, the flip-flop is used in digital circuits and ICs. A flip-flop will lose its state when the supply voltage is removed. Therefore, it is volatile. 触发器是一种存储“0”或“1”的双态电路。由于触发器结构简单,所以其速度极快。触发器是数字电路和集成电路中的基本部件。由

5、于电源电压去掉后,触发器原有的状态就失去了,因此它是“易失的”。 Flip-flop, Register2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程8 A register is a set of flip-flops in parallel. Typically a register is 8,16,32 or 64 bits wide. Often a register is used to hold data, address pointers, etc. A register is volatile and very fast just like the flip-flop. 寄存器是一

6、组并行触发器。寄存器的典型数据宽度为8位、16位、32位或者64位。寄存器常用于保存数据、地址指针等。和触发器一样,寄存器也是“易失”的,而且速度很快。Flip-flop, Register2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程9SRAM: Static Random Access MemoryAn SRAM is an array of addressable flip-flops. The array can be configured as such that the data comes out in single bit, 4-bit, 8bit, and etc. format

7、. SRAM is simple, fast and volatile just like the flip-flop, its basic memory cell.静态随机存取存储器( SRAM)是一种可寻址的触发器阵列。该阵列可配置成1位、4位、8位等数据格式。它和它的基本存储单元触发器一样:结构简单、存取速度快、具有易失的特点。 SRAM, DRAM, ROM, EEPROM2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程10DRAM:Dynamic Random Access MemoryThe word dynamic indicates that the data is not held

8、 in a flip-flop but rather in a storage cell. The data in a storage cell must be refreshed (read out and re-written) regularly because of leakage. 动态随机存取存储器 :“动态”这个词意味着数据不是保存在触发器当中,而是保存在一个存储单元中。由于存在泄漏,所以保存在存储单元中的数据必须定期更新(读出并重新写入)。SRAM, DRAM, ROM, EEPROM2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程11ROM: Read Only MemoryROM

9、s are also called mask-ROMs or mask programmed ROMs. This is because a ROM needs to be programmed by setting its cells to either 0 or 1 at the time of manufacture. 只读存储器:也叫做掩模ROM或者掩模编程ROM。这是因为在制造时就需要通过将存储单元置0或置1对其进行编程。 SRAM, DRAM, ROM, EEPROM2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程12EEPROM:Electrically Erasable Progra

10、mmable ROMThis means that the chip can be programmed like an EPROM, but can be erased electrically. As a result, no UV source is required. EEPROM是指该类芯片可以像EPROM一样可编程,但使用的是电擦除的方法。这样,就不需要紫外线信号源了。 SRAM, DRAM, ROM, EEPROM2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程13CAM is also known as associative storage. It is a memory chip

11、 in which each bit position can be compared. In regular DRAM and SRAM chips, the contents are addressed by bit location and then transferred to the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) in the CPU for comparison. In CAM chips, the content is compared in each bit cell, allowing for very fast table lookups. Sin

12、ce the entire chip is compared, the data content can often be randomly stored without regard to an addressing scheme which would otherwise be required. However, CAM chips are considerably smaller in storage capacity than regular memory chips.CAM: Content Addressable Memory 2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程14The

13、 cache is a temporary storage area for frequently-accessed or recently-accessed data. Having certain data stored in a cache speeds up the operation of the computer. There are two kinds of cache: internal (or memory cache) and external (or disk cache). Internal cache is built into the processor, and

14、external cache is on the motherboard. When an item is called for, the computer first checks the internal cache, then the external cache, and finally the slower main storage. Cache2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程15Ferroelectric is pertaining to a phenomenon exhibited by certain materials in which the material i

15、s polarized in one direction or the other, or reversed in direction by the application of a positive or negative electric field of magnitude greater than a certain amount. The material retains the electric polarization unless it is disturbed.某些材料表现出的一种现象。当在这种材料上施加超过特定强度的电场时,该材料就在一个方向上极化或改变原极化的方向。只要不

16、受干扰, 这种材料就一直保持其极化状态。Ferroelectric 2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程16Text tour Outline Overview (para.1, 2) Flip-flop (para.3) Register (para.4) SRAM (para.5,6,7) DRAM (para.8,9) ROM (para.10,11) EEPROM (para.12)2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程17Text tourTypePropertiesR/wNon-volatileSpeedCost/bitFlip-flopOne-bit register.

17、 Usually used as a basic building block in digital circuits.YesNoUltra fastVery highRegisterSet of flip-flops holding a byte,word or long word. Used in complex chips such as CPUs.YesNoUltra fastVery high2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程18Text tourTypePropertiesR/wNon-volatileSpeedCost/bitSRAM Array of flip-flop

18、s that is addressable. Used for temporary storage of data or cache.YesNo Very fasthighDRAM Array of storage cells which is addressable. Used for main computing data storage. YesNo fastModerate 2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程19Text tourTypePropertiesR/wNon-volatileSpeedCost/bitROMArray of hard-wired cellsthat

19、is addressable.Programming done at time of chip manufacture.NoYesVeryfastlowE2PROM Electrically erasableprogrammable ROM.Number of writecycles is limited. YesYeslowhigh2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程20 Vocabulary static,dynamic, approach,offset, pattern, hybrid , indicate Structure Reading/writing techniquesL

20、anguage in use2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程21Vocabulary2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程22Having no motion; being at rest; quiescent.静止的;静态的Fixed; stationary.固定的;不动的Of, relating to, or producing stationary charges; electrostatic.静电的Of, relating to, or produced by random radio noise.随机无线电噪声的Random noise, such as crackli

21、ng in a receiver or specks on a television screen, produced by atmospheric disturbance of the signal.随机噪声Static, dynamic in dictionary 2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程23Of or relating to energy or to objects in motion. 动态的Of or relating to the study of dynamics.动力学的Characterized by continuous change, activity,

22、 or progress:不断变化的Marked by intensity and vigor; forceful.生气勃勃的; 有力的Of or relating to variation of intensity, as in musical sound.强度变化的A force, especially political, social, or psychological:动力Static, dynamic in dictionary 2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程24 SRAM (Static Random Access Memory)静态随机存取存储器 DRAM (Dyn

23、amic Random Access Memory)动态随机存取存储器 Static, dynamic in text 2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程25 static electricity 静电 static induction 静电感应 static control circuit 静态控制电路 static amplifier 静态放大器 dynamic circuit 动态电路 dynamic capacity 动态电容Static, dynamic in use2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程26To come near or nearer, as in sp

24、ace or time:接近To come or go near or nearer to:接近,靠近To come close to, as in appearance, quality, or condition; approximate:近乎, 接近 The performance approaches perfection. To make a proposal or overtures to with a specific end in view: 提议:To begin to deal with or work on: 着手, 开始处理 approached the task wi

25、th dread. Approach in dictionary 2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程27The act of approaching:接近 the approach of night. 夜幕降临A fairly close resemblance; an approximation.近似;接近A way or means of reaching something; an access:途径, 方法, 通路 an approach to the bridge. 通向桥的路The method used in dealing with or accomplishing:步

26、骤, 方法: a logical approach to the problem. 对问题的逻辑解决步骤An advance or overture made by one person to another.提议,建议Approach in dictionary 2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程28 With DRAM technology,this simple approach is impossible since addressing a row of data without rewriting it will destruct all data in the row b

27、ecause of the dynamic nature. 对于DRAM存储器,这种简单的存取方法式是不可行的;由于动态的特点,读出一行数据而不再次将其写入会破坏该行内所有的数据。Approach in text 2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程29at the approach of 在.快到的时候be approaching (to) 与.差不多, 大致相等be difficult of approach 难到达的; 难于接近的be easy of approach 容易到达的; 容易接近的make an approach to 对.进行探讨make approaches to

28、sb. 设法接近某人approach sb. on sth. 向某人接洽approach sb. about sth. 向某人接洽approach to 接近, 近似, 约等于; 做事的方法Approach in use2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程30 Approach to sth./ doing sth. Way to do sth./of doing sth. Method for doing sth.Approach in use2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程31An agent, an element, or a thing that balances, c

29、ounteracts, or compensates for something else.补偿物、抵消物、中和物The number of measuring units from an arbitrary starting point in a record, area, or control block, to some other point.偏移量To counterbalance, counteract, or compensate for:平衡、中和或补偿: fringe benefits designed to offset low salaries. 用以补偿低工资的额外福利

30、Offset in dictionary 2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程32 The disadvantage of the extra circuitry required for refreshing is easily offset by the lower price per bit when using large memory sizes. 当所需存储量很大时,数据更新需要额外电路这个缺点很容易就被较低的位价格弥补了。 Offset in text 2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程33 zero offset 零(点)偏移 line offset 行偏移 Of

31、fset binary code 偏移二进制编码Offset in use2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程34A model or an original used as an archetype. 原型A person or thing considered worthy of imitation. 模范,榜样A plan, diagram, or model to be followed in making things:图案,模型、图纸或图形: a dress pattern. 服装式样A representative sample; a specimen.样品,标本An ar

32、tistic or decorative design:(艺术或装饰的)图案式样:Pattern in dictionary 2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程35 A consistent, characteristic form, style, or method, as: ones pattern of behavior. 一个人的行为特点 A test pattern. 考试模式 a flight pattern. 飞行着陆道Pattern in dictionary 2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程36 This aluminum pattern is define

33、d by a lithographic mask used in one of the last steps of manufacture. Therefore these devices are often called mask-ROMs. 铝层图案是在芯片制造的最后一道工序中由一块掩模平板决定的。所以,该类器件常被称作掩模ROM。 Pattern in text 2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程37模式 A physical arrangement of elements a bit pattern 二进制位模式 a dot-matrix pattern 点矩阵模式 a sto

34、rage pattern 存储模式 Repeating with some degree of correspondence in successive trials or observations a pattern of message traffic 报文流量模式 a pattern of hardware failures 硬件故障模式Pattern in use2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程38 bit pattern 位组合格式 beat pattern 拍频波形图 charge pattern 电荷分布图 circuit pattern (印刷电路)电路图案Patte

35、rn in use2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程39 A term sometimes applied to a “composite” device; to a device incorporating multiple elements of different type.用来说明一种“复合型”器件;或修饰由多个不同类型的元件组成共同工作的器件。 A common short form used for “hybrid circuit” and “hybrid network” mainly in the plural.“混合电路”和“混合网络”的缩写。Hybrid in di

36、ctionary 2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程40 Fast cache memory can be constructed in BiCMOS technology, a hybrid technology that uses bipolar transistors for extra drive. 高速缓存可以使用BiCMOS技术构建;BiCMOS是一种混合技术,它使用双极性晶体管作为附加的驱动。 Hybrid in text 2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程41 Combined adj.组合的, 结合的 combined circuit 组合电路 combined color image 组合彩色图象 Composite adj.合成的, 复合的 composite modulation 复合调制 composite coding 合成编码Hybrid in use2022-4-25电子信息工程专业英语教程42To sh


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