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1、2015长城钻探英语培训班第一阶段试卷7(总分120分)一 听力部分: 选择对应的汉语翻译(25分) 1A 下周三交论文。B 写一篇关于英美文学的论文。C请在离开前将论文交上。D 我下周三有关论文写作的课程。2A 这是空调。B 这是遥控器。C 这是空气。D 这是长虹牌电视。3. A 罗斯,让我批评一下我的朋友。B罗斯,让我介绍一下我的朋友。C 罗斯,让我夸赞一下我的朋友。D 罗斯,我们一起去音乐会吧。4. A 请核实一下日期。B 请告诉我日期。C 请告诉我年份。D 请告诉我成绩。5A不要冒险,安全第一。B 失败乃成功之母。C 安全第一。D 我们先去听音乐会如何?6 A 这个项目正在进行中。B他

2、们从去年开始一直都在做这个项目。C 请按时完成作业。D 项目延期了。7A 今天下午三点在多功能厅开会。B 会议推迟到明天下午三点了。C 下午三点考试。D我原以为他知道开会时间。8A 从地理位置上说,中国位于北半球。B 从领土面积来说,我国在世界排名第三。C 从气候条件来说,我国属于温带大陆性气候。D 地球可分为南半球和北半球。9A 哪个尺码是对的?B 哪个型号是对的?C 哪个题目是对的?D 明天观察钻头的大小。10A 请给我加些柴油,我要零号轻柴油。B 请给我加些水, 我要农夫山泉。C 我们一起去购物吧。D 请给我加些冰块。11A 这项工作很难实施。B 最简单的事情是做一个输得起的人。C 我很

3、满意。D最难学的一点是做一个输得起的人。12A你看了关于营救人质的文章了吗?B 你看了关于海难的相关报道了吗?C 人质们被解救出来了。D 人质们遭遇了海难。13A 你们没有跟上我的思路。B 你们跟上我讲的了吗?C 请换一个新的管道吧。D 你和他一起去吗?14A 这个灯又闪了,你最好找个维修工来修一下。B在流血呢,你最好找个医生看看这伤口。C 伤口已经痊愈了。D 这个医生看起来很热情。15A 我想要一个新的铁锹。B我的铁锹把断了,请给我一个新的。C 这个铁锹断了。D 我换了一个新的铁锹。16 A 请给我加一百公升汽油,85号车用汽油。B 请给我加二百公升汽油,93号车用汽油。C 请给我加三百公升

4、汽油,50 号车用汽油。D 请给我加五百公升汽油,49号车用汽油。17A 我觉得摇滚音乐会更适合我的胃口。B我觉得古典音乐会比爵士音乐更适合我的胃口。C我觉得古典音乐会比摇滚音乐会更合我胃口。D我觉得摇滚映月会比古典音乐会更适合我的胃口。18A往前走约100米,在你左手边,你不会错过的。B 往前走约300米,你的右手边,你不会错过的。C 往前走约400米,你的前面, 你不会错过的。D 左转,你的右手边100米处,你不会错过的。19A我想约个时间见格林女士。B 我喜欢格林女士。C我想约个时间见苏珊女士。D 格林女士很忙。20A 沿该大陆的南海岸线上有许多的植物。B 沿该大陆的北岸线上有许多的动物

5、。C沿该大陆的南岸线上有许多的峭壁。D该大陆的北海岸线上有许多峭壁。21A国有企业开始走上坡路。B 私营企业开始走下坡路。C 国有企业开始走下坡路。D 国有企业平稳健康的发展。22 A我希望有一份既体面,收入又高的工作。B 我希望有一份收入高的工作。C 我希望有一份体面的工作。D 我希望有一份在户外,收入有高的工作。23A 这是一辆新型卡车。B水罐车误住了。C 我们应该遵守交通规则。D 卡车需要修理。24A 去年冬天我在那家商行实习。B 去年冬天我在那家商行实习。C 今年夏天我在那家工厂实习。D去年夏天我在那家商行实习。25A 这个冰箱需要修理。B请给水箱里加些冷却液。C信号不是很好。D 水箱

6、坏了。听力部分:选择对应的英语翻译26 A Tom has opened his own business while his classmates are still slogging away at school.B Tom has already begun his own business.C Tom has opened his own business while his classmates are still studying computer at school.D Tom is an excellent student.27A He is a manager of a fa

7、mous corporationB He is a staff of a famous corporation.C He has a large majority of employeesD he has a large majority of corporations28A The information industry helps boost the global economy.B The global economy depends on the second industry.C American is the leader of the global economy.D Chin

8、a has play a significant role in the global economy.29A We are sure to defeat them.B We are supposed to defeat them.C We have won the game.D We all enjoy playing game.30A In studying current affairs you might read this article for reference.B He stood forth and made a speech on current affairs.C We

9、have been debating about current affairs.D Newspapers and periodicals keep me updated on current affairs.31A When the computer is stopped in this way, it can only be restarted by the operator.B This month l can only pay you half your salaries.C This portable rig can only drill 15m deep holes.D Today

10、, we'll drill 18 m deep holes.32A Lets move to the next point.B On the next point the all-or-nothing approach fails and Agassi sneaks through the game.C If you move, you act or you begin to do something.D You have to consider what to do next.33A Oh, theres a swivel leakage. Stop drilling, please

11、.B A drill is a tool or machine that you use for making holes.C A leakage of kerosene has polluted water supplies.D I spun around in my swivel chair and chatted with Jim.34A We want to change a new hose.B This is a new hose.C He ducked under the hose and washed his face.D The hose is broken, Lets ch

12、ange it for a new one.35A The hydraulic needs to be repairedB The inner tube is out of order.C This hydraulic switch is out of order.D The hydraulic switch is practical 36A Nice to meet you.B When were you born?C Whats your name?D How often do you go swimming?37A Lets stop here. Get in the car and g

13、o home.B Lets start our project now.C Lets go shopping.D Tom gives us a ride.38A Can I leave my truck here?B Could I buy this truck.C The truck is out of order.D The truck needs to be repaired.39A Our car needs to be washed.B When can I have my car washed?C Where can I have my car washed?D My car ha

14、s been washed.40 A What food are we going to prepare for the picnic today?B They are industrious crews C How much should we pay for the crews this month?D What food are we going to prepare for the crews today?41A Do you have a computer?B Do you have an appointment?C Do you have my pencil?D Are you m

15、arried?42A Would you like something to drink?B Do you know the exact date?C Does the shop open at 9 am on weekdaysD Do you have glue?43A We will not pity nor spare, nor have mercy to the enemy.B What do you do in your spare time?C Im busy now.D Reading engages his spare time.44A Whats the capital of

16、 your country?B My country has an area of 500,000 square kilometers.C The capital of my country is Beijing.D The biggest festival in my country is the Spring Festival. 45A Everyone must receive 4 years of compulsory work.B Every one must receive 9 years of compulsory education.C Not everyone must re

17、ceive 9 years of compulsory education.D Every one must receive 9 years of compulsory education in China.46A In this country, the weather is usually awful.B The land in this region is rather dry and parched. C Do you get much rain in summer?D What kind of climate do you have in this country?47A She m

18、ajored in Computers. B He majored in English.C We majored in Computers. D What is your major?48A Lily is a sophomore now.B As a junior, Peter is writing his thesis. C As a senior, Peter is writing his thesis. D Mr. Green is a member of the faculty.49 A The plans for your career are not clear.B Hes a

19、 very efficient young man though a little proud.C Do you have any plans for your career?D He was appointed president of the committee recently.50 A Pass me a pipe wrench, please.B Pass me a pipe, please.C Clear the screen frequently, dont stop it up.D Pass me a ruler, please.二、写出下列单词的复数(10分)1.  

20、;glass - 2.  book- 3.  housewife- 4.  shelf- 5.  knife - 6.  box- 7.  dish- 8.  bus- 9.  man - 10.  photo - 11. boy- 12. watch - 13. woman - 14. potato -&#

21、160;15. strawberry - 16. Chinese 17. employee - 18. bed - 19. plate - 20. tourist -三、按要求写出下列各词(5分)1.fat_(反义词) 2.short _ (反义词) 3.clean _(反义词) 4.mother_ (对应词)5.cold _(反义词) 6.busy _(反义词) 7.new_(反义词) 8.light _(反义词)9.brother_(对应词) 10.man_(对应词)四选词填空(5分)mat

22、ter sit lovely What upstairs color1. My sister has a _ hat. 2. Its the same _. Its blue, too.3. _ color is your new car 4. Come _ and see my new blouse.5. Whats the _, children 6. Are you tired Please _ down.五、用括号中正确的词填空  (15分)1. Whats her job-Shes a_    

23、(engineer / housewife) .  2. What are their jobs-Theyre _   (policeman / policemen) .3. Whats Michaels job-Hes a _  (sales rep / keyboard operators) .   4. Whats his job-Hes&#

24、160;an _          (customs officer / office assistant) .5. What are Tim and Johns jobs-Theyre _   (milkmen / housewives).6. Look! That girl is swimming _(over , acro

25、ss) the river. 7. Look! That policemans running _(out of , between) the shop. 8. Look! Johns walking _(across , between) two girls. 9. Look! The children are going _( off ,

26、60;into) the park. 10. Look! Marys running _( beside , along) the wall. 11. Look! Marks sitting _(beside , between) his grandmother. 12. Look! That aeroplane is flying _(under , in)

27、0;the bridge! 13. Look! Those people are waiting _ ( into , for) a bus.14. Look! That dogs running _(out of ,  after) our cat! 15. Look! That sales rep is going _(ac

28、ross , into) the shop. 六、用some和any填空 (5分)1. I have _good friends in my class. 2. Is there _water in the bottle ? 3. Do you have _money ?4. They dont have _time&

29、#160;to go there. 5. There are _cakes on the table.七、为下列疑问句选择正确答语:(10分)  (   ) 1. Whose shirt is this?  (   ) 2. Come and see my new bedroom. 

30、60;  (   ) 3. Who is this young man?    (   ) 4. Whats the matter, children?    (   ) 5. Where are my magazines?  &

31、#160; (   ) 6. What are the children doing?    (   ) 7. Who are you going to see?  (   ) 8. What are you going to do

32、0;with those flowers?    (   ) 9. Can you make the tea, Sam?    (   ) 10.Wheres Pamela?  (   ) 11 Do you want beef or

33、60;lamb?    (   ) 12 Is this your handbag, Alice?    (   ) 13 How are you today?    (   ) 14 Whats your job?  

34、(   ) 15 What color are your new shoes?    (   ) 16 What are their jobs?    (   ) 17 How do you do?  (   

35、) 18 Wheres the teapot? I cant see it.  (   ) 19 Whats the weather like here in winter(   ) 20 What nationality are you  a. Its over

36、60;there - behind the kettle.       b. Were Chinese.    c. No, my bag is blue.                  d.&#

37、160;Yes, of course I can.    e. Thank you, sir.                     f. Perhaps it is Tims.   g. Its&

38、#160;cold and it rains a lot.              h. Theyre red.  i. Neither, Mr. Smith.               

39、0;    j. Im going to see Dan.    k. Im very well, thank you.              l. How do you do?    m.

40、60;Shes next door.                    n. Theyre policemen.  o. Im a nurse.             

41、60;           p. Theyre playing in the garden.    q. Theyre on the shelf.                  

42、;r. He is our office assistant.  s. Were tired and thirsty, Mum.          t. Im going to put them in that vase. . 八、改错:(5分)1.She name&#

43、160;is Lily.                           2.Thanks you very much.              

44、;        3.Alice is a new students.                         4.Whose shirt are that?   

45、;                        5.Is this you newspaper?九、改写句子 (20分)1. I am a student. (变成一般疑问句)_ 2. This cup is Sandys(就划线部分提问)_ 3. My hat is 

46、;green. (就划线部分提问)_ 4. They are keyboard operators.(就划线部分提问) _ 5. This is a nice child .(用复数改写)_ 6. Tim 正望着一架飞机。 (汉译英:现在进行时)_ 7 .电视上放着几本杂志。 (汉译英:there be 句型)_ 8. 教室里面一共有多少学生呢(汉译英:How many句型)_ 9. 我必须要做作业。(汉译英:情态动词 must)_ 10. Lets go.(改成否定句)_

47、十.完形填空: (10分)I'm a lion. My name is Linlin. I have a big  head  and a big     1    . I have two little ears and    2  

48、60; tall legs. I live in the zoo now.    3    I don't like it. My favourite    4    is green. I like green5    

49、and green grass. I want to live in the forest(森林). My favorite food    6    meat. I like to    7    small animals(动物). I don't 

50、;like the meat in the zoo. It's not    8    .I want to go  9    . I feel lonely (孤独的). I want to go back to my  

51、0; 10    in the forest.  1. A. shoulder  B. hair  C. arm  D. mouth 2. A. one  B. two  C. four  D. five 3. A. But  B. And  C. Or  D

52、. Too 4. A. food  B. drink  C. color  D. clothes 5. A. trees  B. roses  C. strawberries  D. apples 6. A. am  B. is  C. are  D. has 7. A. cut  B. draw  C. sing  D. eat 8. A. delicious  B. purple  C. long  D. youn


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