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1、1. Column A gives square roots. Extracting a square root is an operation, which can be handled by slide rule. A栏给出了平方根。求平方根的运算可以用计算尺来进行。2. A material object cannot have a speed greater than the speed of light. 一个物体的速度绝不会超过光速。3. Distillation involves heating the solution until water evaporates, and t

2、hen condensing the vapor. 蒸馏就是要把溶液加热,直到水蒸发,然后再使蒸汽冷凝。4. To return to the main menu at any time, press the MENU button on the remote control.5. If we close our eyes, we cannot see anything because our eyelids prevent the rays from entering our eyes. 6. We shall mention here two temperature scales, nam

3、ely, the Fahrenheit scale and the Centigrade scale. 这里我们将提及两种温标:华氏温标和摄氏温标。7. The power plant is the heart of a ship. 动力装置是船舶的心脏。8. The power unit for driving the machines is a 50-hp induction motor. 驱动这些机器的动力装置是一台50马力的感应电动机。9. Traditionally, rural highway location has been field oriented, but the mo

4、dern method is “office” oriented. 10. A) Electrode potential depends on the concentration of the ions. 电极电位决定于离子浓度。(chemistry)11. B) The determination of trace concentrations of mercury in minerals is described. 文章论述矿物中痕量汞的测定。(measurement in physics )12. C) A concentration process is important now t

5、hat the depletion of high grade ores is possibility. 由于目前高品位的矿石可能用完,富集过程是重要的。(metallurgy)13. Electric power became the servants of man only after the motor was invented. 只是在发动机发明之后,电力才开始造福人类。14. Thus the number of ions builds up very rapidly and a disruptive discharge, or spark, occurs. (使破裂的, 分裂性的)

6、 这样,离子数目迅速增加,发生“击穿放电”,也就是电火花。 15. More than 100 chemical elements are known to man; of these, about 80 are metals. 人类已知的化学元素在100种以上,其中约有80种是金属。4. The square on the longest side of any right-angled triangle is equal to the squares on the other sides added together. 任一直角三角形斜边的平方都等于另两条直角边的平方和。5. Semico

7、nductor devices have no filament or heaters and therefore require no heating power or warm-up time. 半导体器件没有灯丝或加热器件,因此不需要电加热或加热时间。6. Many people would rather have gas to knock them out before they have their teeth out. 许多人在拔牙之前喜欢用气体麻醉剂麻醉。7. It was Newton who proved mathematically that the path of a p

8、lanet must be an ellipse. 正是牛顿用数学方法证明了行星的轨道是椭圆形的。8. Acupuncture is the placing of hair-thin needles into the skins at special points of the body to ease pain and treat ailments. 所谓针灸疗法就是把头发般细的针刺入身体特定部位的皮肤,以达到镇痛和治疗疾病的效果。 9. The global satellite phone service has opened for business, giving people the

9、 power to make and receive call anywhere from Mountain Everest to the Dead Sea. 全球卫星电话业务已开通,从珠穆朗玛峰到死海的任何地方,人们都可以打电话和接电话。 10. Cloning techniques vary from simple plant cuttings to the replication of adult mammals from their genetic material. 从简单的植物插条到用遗传材料复制成年哺乳动物,克隆技术各不相同。 11. You can rectify this f

10、ault if you insert a slash. /Rectification of this fault is achieved by insertion of a wedge. 插入一条斜线便可以纠正此错误。12. We can improve its performance when we use super-heated steam. /An improvement of its performance can be affected by the use of super-heated steam. 可以使用超热蒸气改进其性能。 13. The dependence of th

11、e rate of evaporation of a liquid on temperature is enormous. 液体蒸发速度很大程度上取决于它的温度。 14. The construction of such satellites has now been realized, its realization being supported with all the achievements of modern science. 由于得到现代科学所有成就的支持,现在能制造出这样的卫星。15. A number energy conversion systems are now in

12、transportation 许多能量转换系统现在已用于运输方面。 16. It is doubtful how accurate the results/The accuracy of these results is doubtful. 结果的正确性值得怀疑。17. If we add or remove heat, the state of matter may change./The addition or remove of heat may change the state of matter. 添加或者减少热量可以改变物体的状态。18. Television is the tra

13、nsmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves. 电视是通过电波发送和接收活动物体的图像的装置。19. The flow of electrons is from the negative zinc plate to the positive copper plate. 电子从负的锌板流向正的铜板。 20. Again in the case of all motor vehicles, friction is essential in the operation of the brake. 还有,所有机动车

14、辆的制动器工作时都需要摩擦。 21. They are the employers of managers, as much as they are the employers of workpeople. 他们不仅雇用工人也雇用经理。 22. Television is the transmission and reception of moving objects image by radio waves. 电视通过无线电波发射和接收活动物体的图像的装置。23. Farm tractors are big users of diesel power. 农用拖拉机也大多以柴油机为动力。24.

15、 Before germination, the seed is watered./Before the plant germinates, it is watered. 在发芽前种子浇水。 25. A soluble crystalline solid may be separated from a solution by evaporation. 可溶性晶体可以通过蒸发从溶液中分离出来。 Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. People have applied rockets to exp

16、lore the universe.火箭已经用来探索宇宙。 Curved rails resist the movement of the train.弯曲的钢轨阻碍火车运行。I doubt whether the news is true or not.我怀疑这消息是否确实。Archimedes first discovered the principle of displacement of water by solid bodies.阿基米德最先发现固体排水的原理The rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change fro

17、m day to night.地球绕轴自转,引起昼夜变化Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. 火箭已被用来探索宇宙。The addition of 2 percent sodium carbonate to boiling water increases the bactericide effect.在沸水中加入2%的碳酸钠会增加杀菌效果。The testing of machines by this method entails some loss of power. 用这种方法实验机器会损失一

18、些功率。Failure to fix these symbols in mind keeps students from mastering the mathematical subjects they take up.由于未能记住这些符号,使得许多学生无法掌握他们选修的教学课程。This higher cost is not entirely due to the shape of the part, or the use of a more expensive metal.成本较高不完全是由于部件的形状,也不是由于使用的金属比较昂贵。Despite all the improvements

19、, rubber still has a number of limitations. 尽管改进了很多,但合成橡胶仍有一些缺陷。High precision implies a high degree of exactness but with no implication as to accuracy. 高精度意味着高度的精确度,但并不表明具有准确性。All these factors play a key role in formulation of the model. 在拟定模型时,所有这些因素都将起到关键性的作用。The first step in the solution of a

20、ny dynamical problem is the selection of an appropriate coordinate system. 在解任何一个动力学运算题时要做的第一步就是选择一个合适的坐标。A chicken is a suitable specimen for the study of the general external features of a bird. 鸡是研究禽类外部特征的合适范例。The flow of electrons is from the negative zinc plate to the positive copper plate. 电子从

21、负的锌极流向正的铜极。This law applies to all classes of levers. 这个定律适用于各类杠杆。All bodies have inertia. 所有物体都具有惯性。(laws, rules, conclusions, truth- simple present tense)People discovered electricity a good many years ago. 人们很久以前就发现了电。The ancient people counted with stones. 古代人用石子记数。 (to introduce what was done i

22、n the past such as invention, creation, etc.- simple past tense)As oil is found deep in the ground, its presence cannot be determined by a study of the surface. Consequently, a geological survey of the underground rock structure must be carried out. If it is thought that the rocks in a certain area

23、contain oil, a “drilling rig” is assembled. The most obvious part of a drilling rig is called “a derrick”. It is used to lift sections of pipe, which are lowered into the hole made by the drill. As the hole is being drilled, a steel pipe is pushed down to prevent the sides from falling in. If oil is

24、 struck, a cover is firmly fixed to the top of the pipe and the oil is allowed to escape through a series of values.石油埋藏于地层深处。因此,仅研究地层表面, 无法确定有无石油,必须勘测地下的岩石结构。如果确定了某一区域的岩石蕴藏着石油,就此安装钻机。它的主要部分是机架,用以撑起一节一节的钢管,让其下到井孔。一边钻井,一边下钢管,以防周围土层塌陷。一旦出油,就紧固管盖,让油从各个阀门喷出。今天,电子计算机广泛地运用于解决一些数学问题,这些问题与天气预报和卫星送入轨道有关。 Tod

25、ay the electronic computer is widely used in solving mathematical problems having to do with weather forecasting and putting satellites into orbit.少量或中量地生产产品时,数控机是极为有用的。Numerical control machines are most useful when quantities of products to be produced are low or medium记录生产零件必需资料的磁带可以存放起来,需要时, 还可重

26、新使用或修改。the tape containing the information required to produce the part can be stored, reused or modified when required.如果没有吸引力,电子会以直线方向飞离质子。If there were no attraction, the electron would fly away from the proton in a straight line.如果飞机速度降到一定水平以下,就会突然失去升力。A sudden loss of lift will be experienced i

27、n case the aircraft speed falls below a certain level.假如油泵失灵,运转部件就会过热。In case of an oil-pump failure, the moving parts will become overheated.万一有雾,飞机可以由指挥塔引导降落到跑道上。In the event of fog, aircraft can be guided down to the runway from the control tower.这部发动机可以很高速度运转,条件是能够把震动降低。The engine can be run at

28、very high speeds on condition the vibrations can be damped out.只要火箭燃烧足够的燃料使它产生足够的推力,它就会不断加速。As long as a rocket burns enough fuel to provide sufficient thrust, it will contribute to increase in speed.让水冷却10分钟,然后再测温度。Allow the water to cool for ten minutes and then make the temperature.这些机器应小心轻放。The

29、machines should be handled with great care.表面必须清扫干净。The surface must be cleaned.船装了货吃水更深,其排开的附加水量等于所装货的重量。As a ship is loaded, it sinks deeper into the water, displacing an additional amount of water equal to the weight of the added load.不能行走的机器人能学会做工,并能孜孜不倦地工作,今天在世界各地的工厂里得到了使用。Non-mobile robots, ca

30、pable of learning to perform an industrial task and then of being left to perform it tirelessly, are even now in use in industrial plants all over the world.Metals are widely used in industry.金属广泛地应用在工业上。The speed of the molecules is increased when they are heated.当分子受热时, 其速度就增加。Even when the pressu

31、re stays the same, great changes in air density are caused by changes in temperature.即使压力不变, 气温的变化也能引起空气密度的巨大变化。The result of the invention of the steam engine was that human power was replaced by mechanical power.蒸汽机发明的结果是, 机械力代替了人力。Agricultural technique spreading centers have been set up everywhe

32、re in that province, helping farmers to do their work in a more scientific way.该省已普遍成立了农技推广中心,帮助农民以更加科学的方法种田。Electrons are known to be minute negative charges of electricity.大家知道, 电子是极为微小的负电荷。Rubber is found a good insulating material.人们发现橡胶是一种良好的绝缘材料。When two bodies oscillate at the same frequency,

33、 they are said to be in resonance.当两个物体以相同的频率震动时, 我们说它们处于共振状态。It is asserted that 有人主张It is believed that有人认为It is generally considered that 大家(一般人)认为It is well known that大家知道(众所周知) It will be said that有人会说It was told that有人曾经说It is reported that据报道It is generally recognized that一般认为,普遍认为It has been

34、 calculated that据计算It may be said without fear of exaggeration that 可以毫不夸张地说It must be admitted that必须承认It must be pointed out that必须指出It will be seen from this that由此可见Temperature is changed quickly from room temperature to 125and is held there for at least 15 minutes.使温度很快从室温升到125, 并至少保持15分钟。After

35、 sealing the header is cleaned and then the leads are clipped to the desired length.封焊后把管座清洗干净,然后把引线剪到所需长度。The mechanical energy can be changed back into electrical energy by a generator.利用发电机, 可以将机械能在转变为电能。The converter is tipped on to its side and the charge of molten iron is poured into the top.将

36、转炉向一侧倾转后,从炉顶上把铁水倒入炉中。The pressure to be measured is applied to one side of the diagram and a reference pressure is applied to the other side.把待测压力接到薄膜的一侧, 参考压力接到另一侧。The damage caused by acid rain can be alleviated by adding lime to lakes, rivers and streams and/or their catchments' areas.往湖泊、河流和

37、溪流及(或)它们的集水区中撒石灰,可以减轻酸雨所造成的损害。The plan will be discussed first.此计划将首先加以/得以讨论。科技翻译ppt 整理P136-1801. Only a small part of the suns energy reaching the earth is used by us. 传到地球的太阳能只有一小部分为我们所利用。2. New uses have been found for old metals, and new alloys have been made to satisfy new demands. 老金属有了新用途,新合金

38、被冶炼出来了,以满足新的需要。3. The development of electronic computers has been heralded as the beginning of a second industrial revolution as tremendous in scope as that initiated by the invention of the steam engine. 电子计算机的发展被宣称为另一次工业革命的开端, 其规模同蒸汽机的发明所导致的第一次工业革命一样宏大。4. Many car engines are cooled by water. 许多汽

39、车发动机是用水冷却的。5. The first explosive in the world was made and used in China. 世界上最早的炸药是在中国制造和使用的。6. Produced by electrons are the X-rays, which allow the doctor to look inside a patients body. 电子产生的是X射线, 能让医生透视病人的身体。7. In the event of neutron capture, the mass member of the nucleus will be raised, and

40、it will thus become unstable and radioactive. 如果中子被俘获,原子核的质量数便提高,结果就会变得不稳定而且具有放射性。8. In addition, not all technology is based on science. 另外,并不是所有的技术都是以科学为基础的。9. Electrical energy can be stored in two metal plates separated by an insulating medium. Such a device is called a capacitor, or a condenser

41、, and its ability to store electrical energy is termed capacitance. It is measured in farads. 电能可储存在由一绝缘介质隔开的两块金属极板内。这样的装置称为电容器, 其储存电能的能力称为电容。电容的测量单位为法拉。10. Many man-made substances are replacing certain natural materials because either the quantity of the natural products cannot meet our ever-incre

42、asing requirement, or more often, because the physical properties of the synthetic substances, which is the common name for man-made materials, have been chosen, and even emphasized so that it would be of the greatest use in the field which it is to be applied. 许多人造材料正在取代天然材料,这或者因为天然产品的数量不能满足人类不断增长的

43、需要,或者更多地因为合成物(这是各种人造材料的统名称)的物理性能被选中,甚至受到极大重视,因而使得它会在准备加以采用的领域获得最大量的重视。11. No such limitation is placed on an alternating-current machine; here the only requirement is relative motion, and since a stationary armature and a rotating field system have numerous advantages, this arrangement is standard p

44、ractice for all synchronous machines rated above a few kilovolt-amperes. 交流机不受这种限制,唯一的要求是相对移动,而且由于固定电枢和旋转磁场有很多优点,这种安排是所有容量超过几千伏安的同步机的标准做法。12. Various machine parts can be washed very clean and will be as clean as new ones when they are treated by ultrasonics, no matter how dirty and irregularly shap

45、ed they may be. 各种机器零件无论搞得多么脏,形状弄得多么不规则,一旦用超声波处理后,就可以被洗得干干净净,甚至干净得像新机器零件一样。13. Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century, because nowhere in nature is it found free, owing to its always combined with other elements, most commonly with oxygen, for which it has a strong affinity. 由于铝总是和其他

46、元素- 最常见的是氧(因为铝对氧有很强的亲和力)- 结合在一起,所以在自然界任何地方都找不到处于游离状态的铝, 因而直到19世纪才为人们所知道。14. Odd though it sounds, cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary-particle physics, and many astrophysicists have been convinced for the better part of a decade that it is

47、 true. 宇宙膨胀学说虽然听似奇特,但它是基本粒子物理学中一些公认的理论,在科学上看来是可信的推论。许多天体物理学家十年来一直认为这一论说是正确的。15. The loads a structure is subjected to are divided into dead loads, which include the weights of all the parts of the structure, and live loads, which are due to the weights of people, movable equipment, etc. 一个结构受到的载荷可以分

48、为静载和动载两类。静载包括该结构各部分的重量。动载则是由于人和可移动设备等的重量而引起的载荷。16. With the advent of the space shuttle, it will be possible to put an orbiting solar power plant in stationary orbit 24000 miles from the earth that would collect solar energy almost continuously and convert this energy either directly to electricity

49、via photovoltaic cells or indirectly with flat plate or focused collectors that would boil a carrying medium to produce steam that would drive a turbine that then in turn would generate electricity. 随着航天飞机的出现,有可能把一个沿轨道运行的太阳能发电站送到离地球24000英里的一条定常轨道上去。这个太阳能发电站几乎不间断地采集太阳能。它还能够用光电池将太阳能直接转换成电能,或者用平板集热器或聚焦

50、集热器将太阳能转换成电能,即集热器使热传导体汽化,驱动涡轮机发电。17. The super-cooling effects of the cryogenics which convert liquid helium and other gases into “superfluids” and metals into “superconductors”, making them non-resistant to electricity, could change the world in a number of ways. 低温学的过冷作用将液态氦及某些气体变成 “超流体”,将某些金属变成 “

51、超导体”, 使它们没有电阻,从而可以用许多方法改变世界面貌。18. The electronic notebook will serve as memo files in which the scientist records thoughts for preservation, description of experiments, drafts of reports, calendar and diary information, quotations and other materials extracted from other electronic files, and other

52、types of information that would now be put in paper notebooks and other types of paper files. 电子记录本将可用作带有备忘性质的文件存储器,科学家可在其中记录下要加以保存的意见、实验的描述、报告的摘要、按年月日记载的信息、从别的电子文件存储器中摘取的引文和其他资料,以及现在会记录到纸质记录本或其他形式纸质文件中的任何其他类型信息。19. Typically, when a customer places an order, that order begins a mostly paper-based j

53、ourney from in-basket around the company, often being keyed and rekeyed into different departments computer systems along the way. 一般情况下, 当一位顾客预定了一份定单后,那张定单就会在公司里被传阅,并经常以这种方式被发送和再转发到不同部门的计算机系统中20. If the resistance of the floor could be entirely removed, any horizontal force could start the box movi

54、ng and once started it would continue to move indefinitely unless a force were exerted to stop it. 假如地板的阻力真的能全部去掉的话,那么任何水平方向的水平力都能使箱子运动,而且一旦开始运动,它就无止境地运动下去,除非施加一个力使之停止。21. However, even if prediction becomes possible, people who live in areas where earthquakes are a common occurrence will still have

55、 to do their best to prevent disasters by building structures that are resistant to ground movement and by being personally prepared. 然而,即使可以预测,居住在地震频发区的人们还是应尽力预防灾难,办法是建造能够抗震的房屋,同时做好个人准备。22. It is well known that animals cannot be maintained in good health on diets which will supply the necessary ca

56、lories together with protein, fat and mineral requirements, if certain accessory food factors, the vitamins, are absent from the diet. 动物的食物缺乏维生素这类附加成分时,即使含有蛋白质、脂肪和无机物, 而且能供给必需的热量,也不能保持动物的健康,这是人所熟知的事实。23. Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arisi

57、ng from mass migration movements - themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport. 由于人口的猛增或大量人口的流动(现代交通工具使这种流动相对容易)造成的种种问题也会对社会造成新的压力。24. Instead of paying someone to manually enter reams of data into the computer, you can use a scanner to automatically convert the same information to digital files using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software.你只要在使用扫描仪的过程中借助于光学字符识别软件就可以将信息转换成数字文件的形式,从而代替人们手工将大量数据输入到计算机中去的过程。25. Manufacturing processes may be classified as unit production with small quantities being made and mass production with large numbers of identical p


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