1、目录英语概况2招聘英语. 5阅读理解5完形填空17语法单选22专题一动词的时态与语态22专题二主谓一致29专题三非谓语动词34专题四虚拟语气38专题五名词性从句44专题六状语从句49专题七定语从句54专题八英汉互译58专题九专业词汇63 第 1 页英语概况招聘英语考情介绍建设3 篇阅读理解,15 道 15 分工商(60 分钟)100 道题目,题型分为 3 部分:1.单选,40 道题目。2.完型填空,3 篇小文章,12 道题,每个小文章只有 10 个句子左右。3.阅读理解,十几篇小文章,48 道题,每篇文章 3 到 4 个小题。农业阅读理解,4 篇阅读理解,20 道 20 分钟中国100 道题目
2、 60 分钟,题型分为 3 部分:1.单选,40 道题目。2.完型填空,3 篇小文章,12 道题,每个小文章只有 10 个句子左右。3.阅读理解,十几篇小文章,48 道题,每篇文章 3 到 4 个小题。 第 2 页题型两种类型1.托业英语类型各大基本都采用托业英语考题,题型包括单项选择,完形填空和阅读理解2.大六级同等难度阅读题型一些以此为考题,以阅读理解的形式出题,一般是 34 篇文章,每篇 5 个小题。考情介绍-托业英语TOEIC(Test of English for International Communication)国际交流英语世界上顶级的职业英语能力测评题型:、阅读、口语、写作
3、 第 3 页交通、综合知识、英语、性格测试分专业(分七大类,金融、会计、法律、计算机、统计、管理、英语)邮政储蓄、综合知识、英语、性格测试(总行题量难度大于分行)民生、综合知识、英语、写作中信、综合知识、英语、性格测试广发、综合知识、英语、性格测试平安、综合知识华夏、综合知识、英语、性格测试考情介绍考生经验题量大,时间紧TOEIC 的阅读很的,很好找的谁能做完谁就能过难度介于四六级之间考查熟练程度, 最好对着电脑练研读商业期刊、报纸 第 4 页招聘英语阅读理解一、什么叫阅读理解?阅:详读、略读详读:重要的信息点。略读:一些除了信息点的内容,可以一带而过,无需停顿。读:阅读积累有一定量的阅读积累
4、。主要是课下的任务。第一:要大声朗读,熟读唐诗三百首,作诗也会吟。第二:除外,要加强广泛阅读量理:弄懂作者的写作意图和字里行间的观点情感表达。解:我们运用解题技巧进行解题的过程。二、阅读理解的五大题型?主旨题词汇题推断题细节题态度题阅读理解题型辨别n主旨题常见提问方式Whats the main idea of this passage?Thepassage mainly concerns Thepassage is meant to Theauthors main purpose in writing thepassageisto Thebest title for the passage
5、might be n词汇题常见提问方式 第 5 页The underlined word “ ”in the passage means .What does “”in the third paragraph stand for?Theword/phrase“” most nearly means.Theword/phrase“ ” could best be replaced by .Theword/phrase“ ” in Line, Para refers to n推断题题干常见infer, suggest(s), imply, indicate, conclude,be likely
6、to, probably, intend.It can be inferred from the text that.The writer suggests that.We can infer from the text that.n细节题常见提问方式:Which of thefollowing is not mentioned?Which of thefollowing is NOT true of Americancollegestudents?Why did Johnrun downstairs first?Who discovered the secret?What did Jim d
7、o to protect himself?n态度题常见提问方式:Whats the authors attitude toward .?积极:positive, optimistic, favorable,approval, supportive, insistent,appreciative, satisfactory,消极:negative, pessimistic, critical,disapproval, suspicion, opposition,objection, biased中立:neutral, impartial, indifference, objective 第 6
8、页三、解题步骤1.读主题句2.看题记题干3.回原文找到解题区间4.比较选项定HSK 对外汉语阅读理解“叔叔,我,我能坐吗?”一个可爱的小男孩站在椅子边上说。“这是公园的椅子,又不是我家的,谁坐都行,你怎么不能坐呢?”我笑着对他说。“那那你不是在在吧?”?五六岁的孩子怎么会说出这样的话?我把书放在椅子上,凑近他,“你懂得什么叫?”“就是就是,等等一个阿姨。”我哈哈大笑,他说对了。我是为了等女朋友,专找了假山背后这个地方。一个小孩子怎么会知道?也难怪,、电视里这种事儿多了,熏也把孩子熏得早熟了(先看选项)126、这件事最可能发生在:A、春天B、夏天C、秋天D、冬天127、孩子来公园是为了:A、玩B
9、C、看D、打128、“我”来公园的目的是:A、看书B、C、谈恋爱D、找儿子129、“我”和孩子过去:A、不认识B、常见面C、是好友D、是父子130、读了这段文字,感到作者的心情是:A、沉重的B、气愤的C、兴奋的D、舒畅的 第 7 页“叔叔,我,我能坐吗?”一个可爱的小男孩站在椅子边上说。“这是公园的椅子,又不是我家的,谁坐都行,你怎么不能坐呢?”我笑着对他说。“那那你不是在在吧?”?五六岁的孩子怎么会说出这样的话?我把书放在椅子上,凑近他,“你懂得什么叫?”“就是就是,等等一个阿姨。”我哈哈大笑,他说对了。我是为了等女朋友,专找了假山背后这个地方。一个小孩子怎么会知道?也难怪,、电视里这种事儿
11、。”他眼里流出了两滴泪。这泪滴到我抱着他的手上,凉凉的,湿湿的。我把他搂得更紧,用体温暖着这孩子。 第 8 页一阵凉风,飘落一片片树叶。126、这件事最可能发生在:A、春天B、夏天C、秋天D、冬天127、孩子来公园是为了:A、玩BC、看D、打128、“我”来公园的目的是:A、看书B、C、谈恋爱D、找儿子129、“我”和孩子过去:A、不认识B、常见面C、是好友D、是父子130、读了这段文字,感到作者的心情是:A、沉重的B、气愤的C、兴奋的D、舒畅的四、深度常考点1. 段落首末句(1)文章首段首末句往往出主旨大意题,开门见山有时候首段末句会出现转折词,but, however, yet转折后的内容
12、就是文章的中心思想,也是出题点。(2)末段首末句,会对全文进行总结,也会成为考点,注意总结的词,all in all, inshort, to conclude, in consequence, in summary, in a word, as aresult,therefore, accordingly, thus考题重现Ex1:Passage 1Managers and office busybodies might be keen on a clean desk - but itseems that in terms of productivity, they could have i
13、t all wrong. A messydesk can actually lead people towards clearer thinking, said researchers fromGermany 第 9 页What is the main idea for this passage?A. Messy desks in the office can have a positive effect on employees.B. Clean desks can boost the employees productivity and creativity.考题重现Ex2:Passage
14、 1Educating girls quite possibly yields a higher rate of return than anyother investment available in the developing world. Womens education maybe unusual territory for economists, but enhancing womens contribution todevelopment is actually as much an economic as a social issue .Education women also
15、 has a significant impact on health practices, includingfamily planning.Thepassage mainly discusses ( )A.unequal treatment of boys and girlsin developing countriesB.thepotential earning power of welleducated womenC.themajor contributions of educatedwomen to societyD.theeconomic and social benefits o
16、feducating women2. 转折一些明显的转折词包括 but, however, yet(位于句首), though, on thecontrary, although/while/in spite of/ despite转折词前后的意思相反,作者偏重于转折处后面的内容,也是出题点看到转折词, 标注,方便查找考题重现Yet many older women earn poor pay and face a future of poverty in theirretirement years. When “sexism meets ageism, poverty is no longe
17、r on the 第 10 页doorstep - it movesin,” according to Tish Sommers.Tish Sommers arguesthat.A.older women findit hard to escape povertyB.older wosually perform better in their jobsC.the major cause of the poverty of older women is sexismD.more people havecome to believe in sexism and3. 对比作者常把两个事物,进行对比,
18、以论证观点的正确性。in contrast,in comparison, compared with4. 举例处(1)举例子句子是为了支持论证作者的观点,例子也与作者的观点有很大关联线索明显,注意标志性词汇。for example, for instance, take. as an example, as,such as,.作用:证明论点,论点在前引出话题或得出结论,话题和结论在后考题重现Ex.1:The American idea of the national good has neverbeen based onnational cooperation but rather on th
19、e freedom of the individual, maintainingthose conditions that provide the greatest freedom and prosperity for theindividual. It is far more difficult for Americans to accept shared sacrifice 第 11 页for the common good and well being of the entire country. For example, althoughthe majority of American
20、s believe that it is extremely important to balancethe national budget and reduce the deficit, they do not want to see cuts ingovernment programs that benefit themally.The author gave an example in the third paragraph in order to ( ).A. emphasize the need to place a stronger value on national cooper
21、ationB. explain why the American idea has been based on individual freedomC. illustrate the fact that the Americans will not sacrifice theiralinterest for the good of the entire countryD. support the idea that Americans need the spirit of national cooperationto achieve important national objectives
22、in the 21st century考题重现Ex:The researchers found in a series of linked studies - using a messydesk and a messy shop front - that people actually thought more clearly whenall around was chaos, as they sought to simplify the tasks at hand. Visualand mental clutter forces human beings to focus and think
23、 more clearly. Famousthinkers and writers such as Albert Einstein and Ronald Dahl have beennotorious for their untidy desks.Why did the author take Albert Einstein and Ronald Dahl for example? ( )A.Totell readers untidy desks can make you as famous as celebrities.B.Toconvince readers that untidiness
24、 is not allthat bad.C.Toinform readers of one way to success-untidydesks.D.Toattract readers and show the authors widerange of knowledge.(2)列举 第 12 页即通过表示顺承关系的词语逐项列出事实或观点,标志性词汇有:First, Second,Third.,Firstly, Secondly,Thirdly,.Finally.First of all, Then, In addition, Furthermore,Besides, Moreover此处常考
25、文章细节,出题形式多为“是非题”5. 因果关系处前因后果或前果后因,一定要弄清楚谁导致谁出题人为考查逻辑分析能力,常把因果颠倒“因变成了果,果变成了因”,注意辨别因果关系,防止表示因果的词语( 1 )because, because of,so, for, since,as, result from,reason,derivefrom, originate from.(2)结果thus, therefore, consequently, in consequence, as a result,leadto, attributeto,result in,6. 类比比喻处一是明喻:A 像B 一样二
26、是暗喻:说 A 是 B暗喻更加隐蔽,出题人更倾向于在暗喻内容上出题。考题重现Ex:Passage 1Franz Kafka wrote that a book must be the ax for the frozen sea insideus.” I once shared this sentence with a class of seventh graders.Wed just finished John Steinbecks novel Of Mice and Men. When weread the end together out loud in class, my toughes
27、t boy, wept a little, andso did I. Are you crying? one girl asked, as she got out of her chair totake a closer look. I am, I told her, and the funny thing is Ive read it 第 13 页many times.”The underlined words in Paragraph 1 probably mean that a book helpsto.A.realize our dreamsB.give support to our
28、life C.smooth away difficultiesD.awake our emotions7. 长难句又长又难的句子,从句套从句的复杂结构,包含同位语,语,定语,不定式,分词,各种从句,句子长达好几行。也是出题点,考查指代关系和句子层次的理解。加强对长难句的分解能力,理解指代关系和句子层次。8. 词汇、词组读懂词汇所在位置的前后句及上下文,推断意思,或者也可根据搭配排除选项。考题重现Ex1: Individuals with substantial excess mortgage debt therefore have a strongincentive to stop payin
29、g; they can often stay in their homes for a year ormore before the property is foreclosed and theyare forced to move.The word “incentive” in paragraph 3 isclosest in meaning to ( )A. tendencyB. reasonC. attitudeD. voice考题重现Ex2:. Experts say that city has something in common with Los Angeles:smog. Th
30、is gray haze is hanging in the air, making things hard to see. 第 14 页Yesterday,the numbers indicatinog levels were off the charts. Authoritieswarn people there to stay inside.What does the underlinedphrase“off the charts” probably mean?A.Record high.B. Entertaining.C.Confusing.D. Invisible.9.处议经常别人的
31、观点来支持论证的观点。引文可以正面支持,也可以通过驳斥从而论证的观点。引文间接表达了的观点,带有隐蔽性和迷惑性,也是出题热点。考题重现Ex:Our youth-oriented, throw-away culture sees little value in older people.In writer Lilian Hellmans words, they have the wisdom that comes with agethat we cant make use of.From Hellmans remark, we can see that.A. full use has been
32、made of the wisdom of older peopleB. the wisdom of older people is not valued by American society考题重现Ex:Yet many older women earn poor pay and face a future of poverty in theirretirement years. When “sexism meets ageism, poverty is no longer on thedoorstep - it movesin,” according to Tish Sommers.Ti
33、sh Sommers arguesthat.A. older women findit hard to escape povertyB. older wosually perform better in their jobs 第 15 页C. the major cause of the poverty of older women is sexismD. more people have come to believe in sexism.10. 特殊标点符号逗号,冒号,括号,破折号,引号.(1)逗号(2)冒号:解释说明,或高度概括(3)括号:解释说明作用(4)破折号:两个破折号之间的内容充
34、当语,用来解释说明;一个破折号后面的内容,用来解释说明或高度概括,作用类似于冒号(5)引号:表示他人的观点,或突出强调,或者反语(6)问号考题重现N news-Jan. l6, 2013.Next up, we are heading to the capital of China. Experts saythat city has something in common with Los Ange1es:smog.According to the news report,what doeshavein common withLos Angeles?A.Delayed flights.B. A
35、ngry people.C.SmogD. Hosting Olympics.四、深度必杀技!1.选项相似(反)原则2.选项覆盖原则3.相邻选项不重复原则 第 16 页4.太绝对选项谨慎选原则五、复习策略n阅读理解复误区:1.只要上课认真听,课后不用太浪费时间练习;2.的方法基本上用不上,还是按照习惯;3.“勤能补拙”,多做题一定就可以拿高分;4.阅读跟单词量有关系,我单词量不行白搭;n阅读理解的“二三四五”1.二点:提高词汇量,长难句;2.速读三法:扩大视幅,学会略读,改掉习惯;3.四大题型:主旨题、推断题、细节题、词汇题;4.复习五步:做、查漏洞、扣疑点、反复读、记单词完形填空一、完形填空考
36、情分析 第 17 页二、完形填空题型分析1. 完形填空的心理学依据完形程序(cloze procedure)W. L. Taylor 格式塔心理学“复现结构”, 只研究空格本身对于解题毫无意义,关键是看清楚整体,在整体中寻找空格的提示线索。 第 18 页 卡夫卡在的前一年,和他最后的住在维也纳。有一天他在路上散步,看到一位小丢了,正哭得伤心。卡夫卡安慰小,说玩偶并不是丢了,而是厌倦了一成不变的生活,出去旅行了。选项:A. 玩具 B. 狗狗 C. 宝贝 D. 玩偶三、完形填空解题思路四步法原则:第一步:跳读。中心句,文章大意,解决容易题;第二步:选答。标记选项,先易后难;第三步:推敲。语境,逻辑
37、,技巧;第四步:复查。检查,绝招。四、完形填空解题技巧一:语境信息解题法?Putting feelingsintowordsmakessadnessandangerlessintenseU.S. brain researchers said on Wednesday, in a findingthat explains better.why 1to a therapist often makes people feelA.talkingB. resortingC.goingD. complaining?“Women may do more of this 15,but when men are
38、 instructed to,they maygetmorebenefitfrom it.” he said.A.spontaneouslyB. reluctantlyC.unconsciouslyD. willingly二:语法结构法?When it was my computer5:00pm, I wasready to go home. I was about to turn off 49 I received anfrom Garth, my Director.A.whileB. whenC. whereD. after?“I have been a soloist for over
39、ten years. 53the doctor thoughtI was totally deaf, it didnt realized. 54that my passion couldnt be53. A. HoweverB.AlthoughC. WhenD. Since54. A. meanB. seemC. concludeD. say 第 19 页 “This is the only region of the entire brain that is more active when you choose an emotional word for the picture 11whe
40、n you choosea namefor the picture.” he said.A. asB. toC. thanD. comparing三:复现解题法 In particular, there was (and perhaps still is) a belief in fairies. Not all of these 21 are the friendly, people-loving characters that appear in Disney films, and in some folk-tales they are 22 and cause much human su
41、ffering.21. A. babiesB.believesC. fairiesD. supermen22. A. powerfulB.cruelC. frightenedD.extraordinary He said the same region of the brain has been found in 12studies to play a role in motor controlLieberman said prior studies andA. earlyB. originalC. priorD. senior四:固定搭配解题法?Telling him that he no
42、longer needed to enjoy them but I still neededto write them,A. held upI 28 untilthe day he graduated.B. gave upC. followedD. continued?They said talking about negative feelings activates a part of the brain2 for impulsecontrol.A.suitableB. responsibleC.responsiveD. applicable五:逻辑语气解题法?He had spent t
43、hose years well, graduating from college, completing twointernships in Washington, assistant in Sacramento.A. hopefullyD.C, and 31 ,ing a technicalB. finallyC. particularlyD. certainly六:利用背景和生活常识解题法 第 20 页 Yesterday the sales office rang us with excitement to say the car was 23 .A. rightB. readyC.fi
44、xedD.sold五、完形填空复习策略 六则一策一绝招: 六则:1.完形填空要最后做原则;2.词语语义强于语法原则;3.吃透中心句原则;4.一句两空完整做原则;5.符号系统原则;6.连词、反义词原则; 一策:复习策略:复习常用短语,固定搭配,四六级?一绝招: 第 21 页语法单选一、考点概述专题一 动词的时态与语态动词动词的时态1、考查的八种时态是:一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,现在进行时,过去进行时,现在完成时,过去完成时,过去将来时。2、容易的三组动词时态是:?一般现在时和现在完成时;?一般过去时和过去完成时;?过去完成时与现在完成时。3、各种时态及含情态动词的形式的应用方法1、不可
45、脱离语境学习时态和语态;2、建立时态的时、态概念3、解决时态和语态问题,要遵循如下解题思路:1)这件事情说的是什么时候的事情或情况?(定“时”)2)动作处于什么状态,是完成,还是未完成?(定“体”) 第 22 页3)动词与主语的关系,是主动还是?(定“语态”) 第 23 页常用时态搭配的时间副词一般现在时often, sometimes, always, every现在进行时now, always, continually, constantly现在完成时so far, recently, twice, for, since一般过去时last / a few days ago, in 1998
46、过去进行时过去某个时间、when 引导的过去的时间状语过去完成时hardly/barely.when; no sooner than.一般将来时tomorrow,next week, in 2018现在过去将来过去将来一般一般现在一般过去一般将来一般过去将来进行现在进行过去进行将来进行过去将来进行完成现在完成过去完成将来完成过去将来完成完成进行现在完成进行过去完成进行将来完成进行过去将来完成进行1.一般现在时规则 1:表示客观事实或普遍真理(不受时态限制);规则 2:表示经常或习惯性的动作时,多用动作动词,且常与表频率的时间状语连用规则 3:表示知觉、态度、感情、某种抽象的关系或概念的词:se
47、e, hear, smell, taste, feel, notice, agree, believe, like, hate, want, think, belong to, seem 等常用一般现在时;规则4:少数用于表示起止动作的瞬间动词,如:come, go, leave, arrive, fly, return, start, begin, open, close, end, stop 用一般现在时,表示一个按规定、计划或安排要发生的动作;规则 5:在the morethe more 句型中,前者通常用一般现在替一般将来时;规则 6:主将从现。动词动词的语态1. Planning s
48、o far aheadno senseso many things will have changedbynext year.AmadeBis makingCmakesDhas made2.I am about tovisitmygrandfathertomorrow if Imy tasks today.A finishB will finishC finishsD finishing2.一般过去时规则 1:一般过去时,表示过去的事情、动作或状态,常与表示过去具体的时间状语连用(或有上下文语境暗示);用于表达过去的习惯,表示说话人原来没有料到、想到或希望的事;规则 2:used to / w
49、ould oftenused to “过去常常”,后跟动词,:didnt use to;be used to “习惯于”,后跟动名词,:be not used to3. 一般将来时规则 1:表示未来的动作或状态,常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如 tomorrow,next week 等; 第 24 页将来进行时将来的某个具体时间将来完成时by 短语,when, before 时间状语规则 2:表示趋向行为的动词,如:come,go,start,begin,leave 等,常用进行时的形式表示将来时;规则 3:will/shall 与 be going to 的区别规则 4:be about to
50、 和 be to 4. 现在进行时规则 1:表示说话时正在发生着的一个动作;规则 2:与 always, often 等频度副词连用,表经常反复的行动或某种感彩;【注意】一般情况下,下面 4 类动词不宜用现在进行时:(1)表示心理状态、情感的动作:like, love, hate, care, remember, believe, want, mind, wish(2)on表存在的状态的动词:appear, exist, lie, remain, seem, belong to, depend(3)表示瞬时性动作的动词:allow, accept, permit, promise, admit, complete(4)表示“感官”的动词:see, hear, notice, feel, smell, sound, taste, look5.过去进行时规则 1:过去某一时刻正在进行的动作或某一阶段内发生或频繁发生;规则 2:某一动作发生时另一动作正在发生,常用于由 while 引导的时间状语从句中;规则 3:过去进行时可以表示委婉语气。6. 将来进行时规则 1:表示将来某个时刻将会在进行或者已经计划好的动作;规则 2:will/will be doingwill be doing 更强调计划性,will 强调可能性。基本概念
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