



1、Unit 2 第2课时.单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1I hope I can also_to you something of my pleasure in American literature.AcarryBtransportCfetch Dconvey2The teachers acceptance of their flowers_the children.Adelighted BchargedCaccused Daccustomed3I plan to travel by myself, but worry about the ticket.

2、And tour groups plans are not_, quite boring.Acapable BflexibleCacceptable Davailable4The muddy water of Soochow Creek,_to a golden green, flowed quietly westward.Atranslated BtransformedCtransported Dtransferred5This sentence just doesnt_, no matter how you read it.Amake up Bmake outCmake sense Dma

3、ke it6Owing to still very weak, she can not_late long time.Astay up Btake upCpick up Dmake up7Thats done it. Weve_of petrol. Well never be in time for the train now.Agiven out Brun outCused up Dturned out8He_a story to explain why he was absent.Amade up Bturned upCpicked up Dshowed up9His statement

4、refers to people in general, not to anyone_.Ain brief Bin shortCin particular Din common10The doctor sat with his eyes quietly_on his bright, expressive face.Afixing BfixedCto fix Dfix.课文填空根据对课文的理解,完成下面的短文,每空只填一个单词。People have various reasons to write poetry. Some poems _1_ something, and others try

5、 to _2_ peoples different emotions. Nursery rhymes are a common type of childrens poetry. The language is _3_ but imaginative. They delight small children because they have strong _4_ and a lot of repetition. List poems list things. They have a(n) _5_ line length and repeated phrases which form both

6、 a(n) _6_ and a rhythm to the poem. Cinquain is made up of five lines, conveying a strong picture. A Japanese form of poetry with 17 syllables is haiku. It is _7_ with English writers. It is easy to write and can give a clear picture and _8_ a special feeling with the _9_ of words. Tang poems are en

7、joyed in _10_ by English speakers and many of them have been translated into English.1_2._3._4_5._6._7_8._9._10_.完成句子根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。每空仅限一个单词。1这本书于1938年问世,既出了英文版,也出了中文版。The book was printed in 1938, both_ _and_ _.2她不多讲话,但言之有理。She doesnt talk much, but what she says_ _.3正如今天的孩子玩玩具枪、玩具飞机来模仿大人,中国儿童很快学会了放

8、风筝。_ _todays kids imitate adults by_ _toy guns and toy airplanes, Chinese children quickly began flying kites.4他打破窗子逃跑了。He broke the window and_ _.5我们经过这条路时,看到一所房子失火了。We saw a house_ _when we passed the road.6改日我要和你谈谈,了解一下你心里在想些什么。I must talk to you sometime to see how you are_ _ _.7很多日常生活用品是用塑料制成的。

9、Many items in daily use are_ _plastic.8我的钱每个月都用光,一分钱都没办法存下来。I_ _money every month. I cannot save a single penny.9别着急, 这问题并不严重。_ _ _, its not a serious problem.10他似乎一天一天地成长强壮起来了。_ _ _, he seems to grow a little stronger.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。It was the first time in Cindys

10、 12 years that she had tried to make a cake, but it wasnt exactlly successful. The cake was well lumpy(粗笨的). And it tasted_1_,as if she had run out of sugar. Besides, the_2_was in a mess with all the fixings for cake out of place.But Cindy wasnt thinking about the mess. She was_3_for her parents to

11、return home so she could_4_her gift to them. She turned off the lights and waited_5_in the darkness. When at last she saw the_6_of the car headlights, she_7_herself in the kitchen doorways. When she had heard the key_8_into the front door, she was_9_exploding.Her parents tried to slip in quietly, bu

12、t Cindy would have_10_of that. She turned on the lights dramatically and gestured toward the kitchen table, _11_a slightly offbalance cake awaited their_12_. But her mother saw nothing but the_13_. She shouted,“How many times have I talked to you about cleaning up_14_yourself?”“But Mom, I was only.”

13、“Clean this up immediately!”Unfortunately, Cindys mother isnt the only parent who_15_the occasional inability to see the forest for the trees. Sometimes we allow ourselves to be_16_to issues of longterm significance by the thing that seems_17_nowbut isnt._18_kitchen sanitation(厨房卫生)is important, is

14、it worth the_19_of tender feelings and relationships? As parents there are times when we_20_need to see the mess in the kitchen. And times when we only need to see the cake.文章大意:这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。十二岁的小女孩辛迪虽然把厨房弄得乱七八糟,但她做成了一个蛋糕。她本想这会给父母一个惊喜,没想到却招来母亲的责骂。这个事例说明了一个道理:在现实生活中,我们往往被实际上并不重要的东西所遮蔽,而对那些具有长远意义的事情失去判

15、断力。1A.delicious BsweetCterrible Dbitter2A.kitchen BdiningroomCsittingroom Dtable3A.ready BhappyCanxious Dcrazy4A.provide BpresentCoffer Dsupply5A.patiently BexcitedlyCnervously Dhappily6A.shadow BflameCflash Dbody7A.positioned BhidCadapted Dadjusted8A.putting BknockingCpushing Dsliding9A.more than B

16、close toCrelated to Drather than10A.neither BnothingCnone Dsomething11A.which BwhereCas Dbecause12A.inspection BadmirationCencouragement Dinspiration13A.table BkitchenCcake Dmess14A.by BofCfor Dafter15A.gives away Bsuffers fromCshows off Dtakes in16A.blinded BcaughtCstuck Ddevoted17A.necessary Bimpo

17、rtantCextraordinary Dclean18A.Whenever BIfCWhile DSince19A.price BvalueCreward Dsacrifice20A.actually BonlyCreally DoccasionallyI 1答案:D本题题意:我也希望能把我从美国文学中得到的乐趣与你们共享。convey表示“传达,传递(思想、感情等)”。2答案:A本题题意:孩子们很高兴老师接受了他们送的花。delight表示“使高兴;使愉快;使快乐”。3答案:B本题题意:我打算自助游,但是又担心买不到票。旅游团太死板了,集体活动没意思。flexible表示“灵活的;可变动的

18、”。4答案:B本题题意:苏州河的浊水幻成了金绿色,轻轻地,悄悄地,向西流去。transform表示“使改变形态”。5答案:C本题题意:无论你怎样读这个句子,它还是讲不通。make sense表示“有道理;有意义;讲得通”。6答案:A本题题意:由于还很虚弱,她不能长时间熬夜。stay up表示“深夜不睡;熬夜”。7答案:B本题题意:糟了。我们的汽油用完了。怎么也赶不上火车了。run out of表示“用尽、耗尽”。8答案:A本题题意:他编造了一个故事,为他的缺席辩解。 make up表示“编造故事(或谎言等)”。 9答案:C本题题意:他的发言是泛指一般情况, 不是针对某一个人的。in parti

19、cular表示“专门的;具体的”。10答案:B本题题意:医生两眼一直紧盯着这位客人容光焕发、表情生动的脸。本题考查with的复合结构以及短语fix sth on sb/sth(集中目光、注意力、思想等于)的用法。在本考题中,动作fix与名词eyes之间存在逻辑上的“动宾”关系,采用过去分词形式担任宾语补足语。II答案:1.describe2.convey3.concrete4.rhythm5.flexible6.pattern7.popular8.create9.minimum10.particularIII 答案:1.in Chinese; in English2.makes sense3.

20、Just as; playing with4.ran away5.on fire6.in your mind7.made of8.run out of9.Take it /things easy10.Day by dayIV 1答案:D由连词“And”可知,此处所用的词应用“well lumpy”在语意上保持一致。此外,再从句后“run out of sugar”可以判断出答案选D。2答案:A根据常识可知,做蛋糕应该是在厨房里。此处意为“厨房里一片杂乱,做蛋糕的厨具也被弄得到处都是”。3答案:C由上文“But Cindy wasnt thinking about the mess”以及下文可知

21、,辛迪是盼望父母回家。4答案:Bpresent sth. to sb.意为“把某物呈献给某人”。干扰项是C项,offer意为“(主动地)给予;提供”,用在这里不能表达辛迪的心情。provide与supply意为“提供;供应”,均与句意不符。5答案:B由句意可知,辛迪想给父母一个惊喜,所以应该是在黑暗中“兴奋地”等待。patiently“耐心地”;nervously“紧张地”;happily“高兴地”;均不符合句意。6答案:C从上文“turned off the lights”以及“of the car headlights”可知,辛迪在黑暗中能看到的是车灯的闪(flash)烁。shadow“影子”;flame“火焰”;body“身体”,均与句意不符。7答案:A依据上下文可知,“辛迪找到一个最佳位置给父母献上自己的礼物”。position意为“安装;安置;使处于”。8答案:D分析语境可知,此处应用sliding“滑动;滑行”。其他选项均不符合语境。9答案:Bclose to“几乎;可能”表示辛迪当时兴奋的心情几乎要爆发出来了。more than“多于”;related to“与有关的”;rather than“而不是”,均与句意不符。10答案:Cnone of意为“一点也不”;符合句意。其他选项不符合句意。11答案:Bwhere引导定语从句,且在从句中作状语。12答案:A


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