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1、中国会计硕士网www.MPA听力部分1 加强平时的训练 词汇量、语法、知识面 提高听觉反应的自觉性,对语流中的音、词、句型结构和对话中的期待、推理、判断等形成自动的条件反射,建立直接的外语思维1) 选择适当的听力材料2) 精听和泛听兼顾3) 避免对照文字材料听录音2 对话部分解题思路1) 善于预测问题(1) 根据交际语言的特点预测 比如:判断对话的情景、场合和人物关系(2) 根据书面选择项的语言结构预测eg. A. See the movie before eating. B. Leave for home at once. C. Eat before seeing the movie.D.

2、Start to work right now.Eg. A. Shed better live on campus. B. Shed better get up early. C. Shed better take a bus to school. D. Shed better ride to school. (男方对女方提出了建议)(3) 根据选择项的异同预测(高频词在原文中出现的可能性也比较大)eg. A. He prefers to use the stairs. b. He doesnt know where the elevator is. c. He is in a great h

3、urry. D. He uses elevators all the time. 2). 捕捉主要信息 关键词 open an account, menu 连词、副词和词组 yes, certainly, sureno, sorrybut, yet, however 3). 领会对话的内在含义语调 降调 肯定 升调 怀疑和否定逻辑推理3 短文的解体思路1) 听懂大意注意开场白、利用话语提示理解短文的意义eg. The first thing, one reason why, the most important thing,/ but , however, yet, nevertheless,

4、 on the contrary, instead of/because, as a result, therefore, consequently/then, finally, besides, on the other hand2) 利用书面选择项预测短文的要点3)听记结合场景机场场景:wing , flight first class, economy class, take off, land, go on board, confirm the flight , the baggage claim area. circle , delay, due to, heavy rain, fo

5、g, snow.书店场景: unabridged , order , out of books, edition (版本), shelf, regular-priced(原价), second-hand, used, on sale , out of stock, in stock, paperback , hardback cover.剧院场景: intermission , stage setting , leading part , supporting part , audience, the curtain falls , reserve the seat, book a ticke

6、t , balcony , orchestra section , near the stage, aisle seat , standing ticket , front row,找工作场景: Interview, check the paper, job offer, apply for the part-time job, just fill out the form, bankaccount, cash, check, deposit, exchange rate, foreign currency, interest rate, travelers check, withdrawba

7、rbersbeard, haircut, shampoo, shavehospitalbad cold, dose, fever, the flu, headache, medicine, patient, prescription, sore throat, surgery, temperaturehotela single/double roomcheck in/outreception desk, room service, service counter, suitelibrarydue, latest issue, magazine, overdue, reference book,

8、 renewpost officeairmail, ordinary mail, ordinary telegram. Overweight charge, parcel service counter, postage, registered letter, stamps counter, zip coderailway stationbooking office, conductor, platform, railrestaurantdesert, go Dutch, menu, order, pay a bill, snack, waiter, well-doneschoolcredit

9、 system, diploma, final examination, make-up examination, required course, scholarship, term paper, tuition, optional coursethe Customsdeclare, duty free, go through the customs, luggage, pay duty on数字quarter, decade, anniversary, century, dozen, millennium, score(three scores of years), million, bi

10、llion, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, fivefold否定句No one in the history of this area had ever had such experiences.Nothing interests her more than classic Chinese music.Ill have to let you go in case you fail to provide the right data next time.Hardly had he rushed onto the platform when the departu

11、re bell rang.Little do I deny the fact that I witnessed the incident.He is anything but a scholar.This is too subtle an issue to deal with publicity.It is rarely uncommon to come across an eccentric in Broadway.转折、比较Anyhow they managed to survive the severe winter.We must hurry. Otherwise, they woul

12、d leave without us.Hold on! Or he will release the bomb.The boy is not half as interested in his lessons as in computer games.I think Im 3 pounds lighter than I was this morning.-When shall we hand in the written work you assigned last week?-The sooner the better.I cant agree with you more on this i

13、ssue.In fact her marriage ended, for her husband preferred men to women观点态度Dont you think John and Jim are telling the truth?Would it be better to buy a monthly meal ticket or pay for each meal separately?Generally speaking, it was quite good, but I think the man who played the boss was too dramatic

14、 to be realistic.I more than agreed to what you proposed.I wouldnt if I were in you shoes.行为方式Id love to -, but I am on a diet.Well, I meant to see it, but a friend of mine dropped in.Thank you for your advice. But my bike has got a flat tyre.I d rather take a walk than stay at home alone.That will

15、be a nice way of spending a rainy and cold day .Thats fine with me. Anything I should bring along?Thank you, I prefer doing things on my own.请求建议-Would you mind stopping off at the laundry on the way?- of course not.I wonder if you could spare me a few minutes?Why bother him? Ill show you how easy i

16、t is to work the machine.Would you like me to pick you up on my way?I am afraid you have to revise some parts of it.How about our sharing a flat?原因Now that the doctor is here, you can tell about your illness.She didnt attend the competition due to her injury in the foot.Owing to the help of his frie

17、nds, he was able to get through.I will allow you a make-up test on account of your particular case.结果What he said gave rise to various suspicions.Penicillin came into being as a result of many years of experiment.I was in the bath, with the result that I didnt hear the telephone.His achievements wer

18、e such that he could have lived on them all his life.虚拟Suppose you were in his shoes, what would you do?We must plan for the worst in case things turned against us.As long as we could all stick to the principles, I have no objection to the program.Well go for an outing provided it is fine by the wee

19、kend.The boy might have been run over by the car but for your alarm.If only I had looked up at the moment.How I wish I had been to Disneyland.语法部分考试语法知识体系名词(一)常考的不可数名词:advice, advertising, baggage, clothing, evidence, equipment, food, foliage, fun, furniture, homework, health, information, jewelry,

20、knowledge, luggage, machinery, mail, news, poetry, scenery,weaponry, work (二)常考的不规则复数变化的名词:61单:复:datumdata数据mediummedia媒体bacteriumbacteria细菌auditoriumauditoria礼堂gymnasiumgymnasia体操房criterioncriteria标准phenomenonphenomena现象单:复:crisiscrises危机basisbases基础analysisanalyses分析thesistheses论文emphasisemphases强

21、调indexindices索引appendixappendices附录man/men woman/women tooth/teeth foot/feet goose/geese hypothesis/hypotheses axis/axes alga/algae larva/larvaefungus/fungi stimulus/stimuli medium/media spectrum/spectra mouse/mice child/children (三)单复同形名词:means 手段 suburbs城郊 aircraft 航行器species物种 outskirts郊外 spacecr

22、aft 太空船series系列 crossroads十字路口 sheep 绵羊headquarters总部 deer 鹿 fish salmon, trout, carp, starfish, jellyfish, shellfish, walrus(四)常考的单复数同形意义不同的名词:politics 单:政治学 复:政治观点 economics 单:经济学 复:经济状况statistics 统计学 统计数学 mathematics 数学 数学成绩(五)常考的单复数形式不同意义不同的名词:air 空气 airs风度、架势arm 手臂arms武器brain 大脑brains智力custom 习

23、俗customs海关look 表情looks外表manner 举止manners礼貌minute 分钟minutes会议记录pain 疼痛pains努力、辛苦paper 纸papers文件step 步伐steps步骤time 时间times时代sand 沙子 sands沙滩water 水waters 水域wood 木头woods 树林communication 通讯communications通讯工(六)名词作 定语a clothes shopa cloth shopa goods train a good trainan arms planta customers officersales

24、taxcommunications satelliteplastics industryforeign languages departmentcommodities fairarms expansionaccounts departmentsystems engineeringmaterials sciencecivil rights campaigna sports car/wear/shoes/meeting(七)man, womanwoman policewomen police men servantsgentlemenfarmers形容词1要求形容词作表语的系动词:look, ta

25、ste, sound, smell, feel, remain, keep, stay, rest, maintain, become, get, grow, turn, seem, appear, lie, exist, go, come, stand, run, proveeg. All those left undone may sound great in theory, but even the truest believer has greater difficulty when it comes to specifics.2常考的以-ly结尾的形容词:costly昂贵的deadl

26、y死一般的friendly友好的kindly热心肠的leisurely悠闲的brotherly兄弟般的earthly尘世的lonely孤独的lively活泼的silly傻气的likely可能的ugly长得丑的monthly每月的weekly yearly heavenly orderly disorderly scholarly likely manly kindlylonely3常考的表语形容词afraid害怕的awake醒着的alive活着的asleep睡着的well健康的unable无能的alike相象的alone单独的、唯一的ashamed羞愧的aware意识到的、察觉到的conten

27、t满意的4只作前置定语的形容词:earthen泥土做的、大地的golden金子般的silken丝一般的wooden木制的woolen毛织的little小的daily每日的weekly每周的monthly每月的yearly每年的former前任的live活的5不用比较级和最高级的形容词:1)表示颜色的形容词:white, black2)表示形状的形容词:round, square, oval, circular, triangular, level3)表示性质和特征的形容词:atomic, economic, scientific, sonic, golden, silvery, woolen,

28、 earthen, silent, full, empty, sure, dead, deaf, blind, lame, rainy4)表示状态作表语的有:afraid, asleep, alive, ashamed, alone, aware, alike5)表示时间、空间和方位的形容词:daily, weekly, monthly, annual, present, front, back, forward, backward, east, west, south, north, left, right, final6)表示极限、主次、等级的形容词:maximum, minimum, u

29、tmost, main, major, chief, minor, superior, inferior, senior, junior, super, favorite7)含有绝对概念的形容词:absolute, entire, whole, total, perfect, excellent, thorough, complete, utter, extreme8)含有比较概念的形容词:comparative, relative9)表示独一无二的形容词:only, mere, sole, unique, unrivaled, invincible, matchless6. 应符合原级比较和

30、比较级的结构eg. Do you enjoy listening to records? I find recorders are often _, or better than an actual performance.A. as good asB. as goodC. goodD. good aseg. On the whole, ambitious students are more likely to succeed in their studies than are those with little ambition.7. 同类比较eg. The number of regist

31、ered participants in this years marathon was half _.A. of last yearsB. those of last yearsC. of those of last yearD. that of last years8 比较级的修饰语a little, a lot, the , any, even, far, hardly, lots, much, rather倍数+as as,/more thaneg. Smoking is so harmful to personal health that it kills _ people each

32、 year than automobile accidents.a. seven more timesb. seven times morec. over seven timesd. seven timeseg. Do you regret paying five hundred dollars for the painting? No, I would gladly have paid _a. twice so muchb. twice as muchc. as much twiced. so much twice副词1修饰功能2副词的位置 A短语之中 depend largely on d

33、ifferent fundamentally from stem largely from result partially fromB副+限+形+名 adv. +限定词+n almost all not a woman approximately 272 nearly a hundred roughly 23 boys C并列连词之后 ,从属连词之前 and thus ,and thereby ,and therefore ;and then ,and even, and also; and not ,and yet; or even long before simply because e

34、ver since only if even though3用于修饰比较级 rather much even far vastly fairly slightly considerably a bit a little a little bit a lot 4greatly 只修饰动词及分词much不修饰形容词原形great greater great greatly5副词的最高级可不加定冠词 live longest6so 与such 的用法代词测试重点与所指代的名词在数上一致;与所指代的名词在性上一致;与所指代的名词在格上一致;反身代词 语法规则: 动作的发出者与动作的承受者一致时,则必须

35、用反身代词,不一致则不可用反身代词。e.g. when her violation of school rules forced herself to quit school, she went to Beijing and opened a factory there.。(错误) 反复代词1that指代不可数名词或抽象可数名词单数,经常出现在“that of.”结构中;one指代泛指可数名词单数,即代具体可数名词单数,复数为ones;2 与比较结构一同出现inferior tosuperior tosenior to junior toprior to posterior toprefer

36、tomajor minorpreferablediffer frombe compared within comparison withdifferent from rather than介词1 时间状语2 by/of/to3 动态介词与静态介词4 介词的宾语从句 动词(一)时态、语态1以下几类动词一般不能用于进行时态,也不用于完成进行时态。 1)表示感知的感官动词:hear, feel, notice, recognize, see, taste, smell 2)表示意愿情感的动词:desire, dislike, forgive, hate, like, love, prefer, re

37、fuse, want, wish, fear, love, hate 3)表示思考看法的动词:believe, doubt, expect, forget, hope, feel, mean, know, agree, realize, mind, recall, recollect, remember, trust, suppose 4)表示拥有占有的动词:belong to, owe, own, possess, hold (容纳) 5)其他动词:cost, appear, concern, contain, consist, deserve, matter, seem2不用will/sh

38、all表达将来时的形式:中国会计硕士网www.MPA 1)be going to表示现在的打算和意图; 2)be about to (do); be destined to (do); be fated to (do) 3)be to (do)表示安排、计划、决定、命令或注定要发生的事; 4)arrive, come, drive, go, leave, retire, return, set off, start, take off等移位动词进行时表示按计划肯定要发生的将来动作; 5)be on the point of (doing)表示“马上就要”,一般不与表示将来的时间状语连用; 6)

39、be, begin, come, depart, get off, go, leave, return, start的一般现在时表示按日历或时刻表要发生的将来动作或事件; 7)在时间、条件状语从句中,一般现在时代替将来时; 8)在where/wherever引导的地点从句和whether引导的让步从句中,一般现在时代替将来时;3与完成时态连用的句型和时间状语: 1)by/between/up to/till+过去时间、since, by the time/when+谓语动词是一般过去时的从句,主句用过去完成时; 2)by+将来时间、by the time/when+谓语动词是一般现在时的从句,

40、主句用将来完成时; 3)recentlylatelyby nowso farsince+过去点时间in/during/for the past/last fewthree years/days/months,谓语动词用现在完成时态; 4)在It is the+序数词/形容词最高级+timedayyear+that的定语从句中,谓语动词用现在完成时态; 5)在no soonerthan, hardly/scarcelywhen/before句型中,主句用过去完成时; 6)其它与完成时态连用的时间状语:all this while, all this year, for some time, al

41、ready, before, just, long, yet等。4下列及物(短语)动词不能用于被动语态:contain, cost, enter, fit, have, hold(容纳), lack, last, own, possess, belong to, resemble, suit, wish, agree with, consist of, get to, keep track of, shake hands with, take part in, walk into, arrive at, reach(到达)5接动名词时主动形式表示被动意义的动词:bear, deserve, m

42、erit, need, require, want, require, demand6后接副词时主动形式表示被动意义的动词:wash, open, polish, wear, write, sell, pull, push, lock, clean, cut, peel, spoil, read(二)非谓语动词动名词1 功能:主语、宾语、定语2 与分词区别:定语3 常接动名词作宾语的动词:acknowledge, advocate, anticipate, appreciate, advise, avoid, admit, confess, consider, defend, delay, d

43、eny, dislike, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, favor, finish, forgive, imagine, include, involve, justify, keep mind, miss, mention, pardon, practice, postpone, permit, report, resent, resume, recall recollect risk, resist, suggest, tolerate4. object to, resort to, contribute to, look forward to, be ac

44、customed to, be committed to, be exposed to, be subjected to, be dedicated to, be opposed to, be reconciled to, be contrary to, be used to, come close to, get down to, give oneself up to, preferto, see to, take to, in addition to, with regard to, with a view to, on the way to 1). There was no sign t

45、hat Mr. Jospin, who keeps a firm control on the party despite _ from leadership of it, would intervene personally.a. being resignedb. having resignedc. going to resignd. resigh2). Our modern civilization must not be thought of as _ in a short period of time.a. being created b. having been createdc.

46、to have been createdd. to be created3). Nowhere in nature is aluminum found free, owing to its always _ with other elements, most commonly with oxygen.a. combinedb. having combinedc. combined. being combined6动名词的习惯用法: 句型: be busy/active/worth doing sth. have difficulty/trouble/problem /struggle(in)d

47、oing sth.Its no good/use/ doing sth.have a good/hard/difficult time doing sth. spend/waste time doing sth.There is no point/sense/harm/use/good(in) doing sth. cannot help doing sth. Feel like doing 不定式1 作主语to do sth. 单数谓语2 作定语1. the first(last) + n. + to do 2. v.n. tend to do decide to do tendency t

48、o do decision to doeg. This book is an attempt _ English and recognize how it is used. a. helping you to use b. to help you use c. helping you use d. help you to use 3. adj.n. ambition,ambitious curiosity, curious ability, ableeg. According to Darwin, random changes that enhance a species ability to

49、 survive are naturally selected and passed on to succeeding generation. 4. way, method, reason, time, place, chance, occasion, opportunity, evidence, power, right, movement, effort.Eg. I worked so late in the office last night that I hardly had time _ the last bus.A. to have caughtB. to catchC. catc

50、hing D. having caught5. something, nothing, little, much, a lot eg. Though we have made great progress, there is still much to be improved.3作表语the purpose of is to do(the goal of is to do) aim function4作宾语tend to do sth. (tend strive grow)help like to do sth.like doing sth. (continue) enjoy permit c

51、elebrate doing sth. 5作宾语补足语enable sb. to do sth(causewantallowpermitforce)have sb. do sth. (letmakefeel hear watch see observe)help sb. do sth.advise, allow, ask, beg, cause, command, enable, determine, encourage, expect, feel, find, force, hate, have, hear, help, inform, invite, let, like, make, me

52、an, need, notice, notify, oblige, order, permit, persuade, remind, request, require, see, send, teach, tell, tempt, trouble, urge, want, warn, watch, wish4 作状语 1. To succeed in a scientific research project, _a. one needs to be persistentb. one needs to be a persistent personc. persistence is needed

53、d. persistence is what one needs2. I advise them to withdraw _.a. so as no get not involvedb. so as not to get involvedc. so that not to get involvedd. as not to get involved3. The solution works only for couples who are self-employed, dont have small children and get along _ to spend most of their time together.a. so wellb. too wellc. well as d


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